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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
Stefan Blixth (E-Mail)

OnyxSoft: Cathedral V1.1 und Updates
New Program : Cathedral (Version 1.1)

Information : - This is a program made to create
                really *phat* reverb effects on
                audio samples.

              - Included engines :
                * 68020 (w/o FPU)
                * 68040 (FPU)
                * PPC-WarpOS
                * PPC-PowerUP

                Use your PPC to create "phat" 
                echo-effects very quikcly :-)

---- New version : DECH (Version 1.4) Information : - It can now be used for other compilers than AmigaE! - It's possible to save 5 different pre-defined command-lines for your five favourite compilers. - Plus other useful changes. --- New version : TheMPegEncGUI (Version 2.08) Information : - Added a settable delay between the encoding of files in the list to let the filesystem save it's directory structure to prevent eventual loss of finished mp3's in case of a crash. - Added some modes for Lame. ---- And if you have some minutes over, please fill out our little survey at:

[Meldung: 29. Sep. 2001, 13:17] [Kommentare: 0]
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