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AudioLabs: Update pack for ALPS realtime plugins
Für ProstationAudio gibt es neue Plugins. Lesen Sie im Anschluss die Original-Meldung:

Apparently some graphic board models don't handle masked images correctly. A update pack for ALPS plugins is now available to fix display problems with images placed on plugins' front panels. It uses a different masking method, now working with any model. Updating is as simple as decompressing the archive to the plugins drawer and rebooting.

ALPS is the name of a well-known european chain of mountains, situated not far from here. ALPS is also the acronym for AudioLabs Plugin System, a data exchange protocol for software DSP modules designed to let ProStationAudio users expand their systems without limits.

Download: ALPSPatches120.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 06. Sep. 2001, 20:08] [Kommentare: 1 - 06. Sep. 2001, 20:42]
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