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ELBOX Computer

ELBOX: Sound & TV in Mediator PCI
ELBOX Computer hat Sound- und TV-Karten-Treiber für das Mediator PCI-Board auf einer CD namens 'Mediator Multimedia CD' herausgebracht.

Hier ein paar Einzelheiten:

This CD has been prepared to provide you with the selection of drivers for PCI sound cards, TV tuner cards and graphic cards for Mediator PCI busboards for Amiga 4000, Amiga 3000 and Amiga 1200 computers.

The basic features of the Sound, TV & Graphic drivers:
  • The AHI-standard drivers for music cards to provide support for Sound Blaster PCI128 cards based on ES1371, ES1373, CT5880 and EV1938 chipsets.
  • The Sound Blaster PCI128 card makes use of the PCI bus in the Mediator busboard as the busmaster performing DMA operations to/from the external memory.
  • With 8- and 16-bit mono and stereo playback and 16-bit stereo recording plus user-selectable sampling rates from 5kHz to 48kHz, the Sound Blaster PCI128 produces precise audio fidelity.
  • Possible connection of 2 or 4 (optional) speakers for an engulfing 3D-surround sound experience.
  • Two independent stereo DACs for simultaneous playbacking of two stereo PCM channels.
  • Mixer: All inputs can be mixed together. Simultaneous recording from all the inputs is possible. The volume and balance can be changed independently for each input and output.
TV tuner drivers:
  • Drivers for TV tuner cards provide support for tuner cards based on the Bt878 Video Decoder.
  • The TV screen is rendered in the graphic card screen in a user-scalable window (PIP).
  • The TV tuner cards make use of the PCI bus in the Mediator busboard as a busmaster performing DMA operations to the graphic card memory.
  • TV tuner card running in the Mediator PCI busboard does not enforce any extra load on the Amiga's processor at all.
  • When full-screen TV image is generated, data transfer over the PCI bus between the TV tuner card and the graphic card is executed at 44MB/s.
Graphic drivers:
  • Enhanced drivers for the Voodoo graphic card family.
  • In the case of Mediator PCI 1200, the package allows using the memory window jumper set to 8MB independently of the Mediator PCI 1200 busboard series.

[Meldung: 16. Aug. 2001, 13:38] [Kommentare: 142 - 18. Aug. 2001, 13:04]
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