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Richard H. Poser II (E-Mail)

Messenger: AmigAIM BETA Version 0.9428
Richard H. Poser hat Betaversion 0.9428 des AIM-Messengers AmigAIM veröffentlicht. AmigAIM ist ein Client zur Verbindung mit dem America Online Instant-Messenger (AIM-Dienst). Hier ein Auszug aus der History, aus welcher Sie die gemachten Änderungen entnehmen können:

  • Modified handling of Context Menus in Buddy List Area
  • Online list - Selecting with Right Button...
    • Online Buddy Name: Will automatically select that name and then open the Online contextmenu
    • Offline Buddy Name: Does the same as above, but opens the Offline contextmenu
    • Anywhere Else: Contextmenu will reflect the already selected Buddy Name, if one is selected.
  • Setup list - Selecting with Right Button...
    • On Label or Buddy Name: Will automatically select that label/name and then open the contextmenu
    • Anywhere Else: Contextmenu will reflect the already selected Label/Buddy name
  • Modified Away, Online and Idle Time displays
  • Now displays time in Days, Hours and Minutes (If you actually get someone that idles for that long - I know someone that has idled for 2 days straight)
  • Found that warning display wasn't being handled correctly, as AIM sends out the value as a multiple of 10, such that 855 would equal 85.5. The display now calculates the corrct value and rounds as necessary (Up, or down).
Download: AmigAIM_BETA.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 26. Jul. 2001, 11:55] [Kommentare: 0]
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