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Soren Ladegaard (ANF)

de Volkskrant: "Tulip" reviving the Commodore brand?
Wie die Zeitung 'de Volkskrant' berichtet, will Tulip den Markennamen 'Commodore' reanimieren.

It's been reported in a Dutch national newspaper that computer company Tulip intend to bring the Commodore brand back to life in some capacity. Tulip spokesman J. van den Berg claims the company is simply responding to customer calls for Commodore. Whether this means some real Commodore hardware is on its way or all it is is simply a line of PCs with the Commodore logo slapped on the outside is still unclear, but Dutch readers will no doubt find this article very interesting...! (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Jun. 2001, 00:01] [Kommentare: 32 - 23. Jun. 2001, 20:03]
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