Klaus Burkert verstorben
Klaus Burkert, bekannt für hervorragende Amiga
Hard- und Softwareentwicklung ist vorgestern an einem
Herzinfarkt gestorben.
Unser aufrichtiges Beileid gilt der Familie und den Freunden.
Mögen sie die Kraft aufbringen, diesen unersetzlichen Verlust zu
Posted on the offical P96 Mailinglist: "Silence,
I just want to inform you guys out there that yesterday, after a major
heart attack on monday, one of the greatest developers of Amiga hard-
and software who was my best friend and mentor Klaus Burkert has died.
It was a really big shock for me and so it will be for others.
I don't know what else to say, there are not really words to fit the
situation... Bye Klaus, cu on the other side" - Tobias Seiler (ps)
[Meldung: 06. Apr. 2001, 02:14] [Kommentare: 29 - 20. Sep. 2001, 23:43]
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