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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >

Aminet-Uploads bis 02.02.2001
TBol2DEMO.lha        biz/demo    94K+V2.3.0 Material receipt program,(BOLLE M
YahooGpScan1_1.lha   comm/mail    5K+Strips YahooGroup adverts.         V1.1
nc_update_beta.lha   comm/news  182K+NewsCoaster FULL VERSION, but beta (v1.3
WOC.lha              demo/file  413K+World of Commodore (preview)
MWI-Overview04.lha   demo/slide 2.5M+OVERVIEW #04 - party slideshow by Madwiz
MWI-Overview05.lha   demo/slide 2.9M+OVERVIEW #05 - party slideshow by Madwiz
up-ep005.lha         demo/sound 909K+UP ROUGH "Lowtech EP" feat. Qwan
up-ep006.lha         demo/sound 1.2M+UP ROUGH "Technical Knockout EP" feat. E
AmiReadMeGen.lha     dev/misc   281K+A GUI for Generating Aminet ReadMe files
RoboDocBuilder.lha   dev/misc   213K+A GUI for the robodoc program.
HowToReAction.lha    dev/src     15K+ReAction GUI with ReActor 
TimedSerial.lha      dev/src     14K+Serial I/O functions that time-out. Sour
NotizieAmiga.lha     docs/hyper 646K+ITALIAN ONLY comunicati NotizieAmiga 01/
cd32outside3.lha     docs/mags  679K+CD32 Outside No.3 - German CD32 magazine
mc0301.lha           docs/mags  251K+German Metal Mag in HTML - March 2001 Is
up-herth.lha         docs/misc  240K+Up Rough "The Hermano Theory" ascii by S
JP_Spider_1.2.lha    game/board 173K+Solitaire Card Game, V1.20
A_Sweeper_NI4D.lha   game/think  13K+Graphic set for A_Sweeper V1.05+ (NI4)
FlashMandelPPC.lha   gfx/fract   50K+The best fractal rendering program for A
GVPIOPrefsFix.lha    hard/drivr  11K+Fixes GVPSerial prefs for higher screen 
SSOpticalPatch.lha   misc/emu     3K+ShapeShifter patch for optical drives
SpaTra04.lha         misc/misc  116K+Spanish Translations Pack 04 v0.7
up-crstl.lha         mods/chip    3K+UP ROUGH "THX.crystal_cracktro" by Skope
np_chemg.lha         mods/misc  919K+Noyz Phaktah '002 - Chemical Graveyard b
rno-r055.lha         mods/misc  204K+Rno-records release no.55 by Lcr/Reason 
andimeanit.mpg       mods/mpg   9.0M+Minimal/exp/ambient composition for elec
wormhole.lha         mods/techn 237K+Acid-Techno (OMSS) by Mippydi
id3taglibgui.lha     mus/edit    49K+MPEG Audio ID3Tag (V1.x and V2.x) Editor
Base64.lha           mus/misc    43K+Hot!! AmigaAmp 64Colored Original Base S
Base64Skin.lha       mus/misc    43K+Hot!! AmigaAmp 64Colored Original Base S
Normalize.lha        mus/misc   325K+Adjust volume of WAV files, v0.4
Skin64.lha           mus/misc    43K+Hot!! AmigaAmp 64Colored Original Base S
bluerobe.lha         mus/play    65K+Blue Robe for Prayer 2.x (fixed version)
sg-strip_4.lha       pix/misc    47K+[ancor] strip 4 of StarGround
sg-strip_5.lha       pix/misc    42K+[ancor] strip 5 of StarGround
stipe.mpg            pix/mpg     16K+Mpeg anima               250x100x60
WtchngSnsets.lha     pix/wfm    169K+Watching Sunsets; Artwork&Literature
unpacker.lha         util/arc    21K+GUI for CLI based unpackers (LHA...)
BlazeWCP.lha         util/boot   31K+ULTRA FAST 32bit C2P patch for OS chunky
ToolsDaemon22.lha    util/boot    5K+Patches for ToolsDaemon to work with OS 
MMULib.lha           util/libs  579K+Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs
MuMin.lha            util/libs   53K+Minimal MuLib archive for redistribution
zlib-library.lha     util/libs   83K+Shared library for zlib-(de)compression 
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  299K+Report+ 4.23: Multipurpose utility
SuperToto_New.lha    util/misc  298K+Program TotoGol & TotoCalcio (only italy
68040Lib.lha         util/sys   290K+A MuLib aware 68040.library, 68030.libra
Safe.lha             util/virus  20K+Safe v14.8 - virus dicovering system
lastguru.lha         util/wb     39K+Show requester with last logged guru mes
VisualPrefs_DE.lha   util/wb     59K+German catalog and guide forVisualPrefs

[Meldung: 02. Feb. 2001, 20:56] [Kommentare: 0]
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