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12.Jan.2001 Stéphane Campan per eMail |
Scalos 1.2d Beta erschienen Für Scalos, den umfangreichen Workbenchersatz, ist eine neue Betaversion erschienen, die Website wurde noch nicht aktualisiert. Bitte vor Installation unbedingt die Readme's lesen! Download: Scalos-V1.2d.lha Scalos-IconSystem.lha Hier noch die Original-Nachricht: All OS3.4+ owners will be pleased to know that a new Scalos exe has been released! The fixes are a combined effort with the original source from Jurgen and the dedicated effort of Dave for sloggin' it out through late nights! Until the website is updated later today you can grab the new executable only archive from: http://scalos.striatum.org/products/scalos/main/Scalos-V1.2d.lha To install, simply copy the executable in the archive to SCALOS: path. Please continue to read this email before installing anything new! You will also need the latest (release 3) of the seperate icon system archive http://scalos.striatum.org/products/scalos/main/Scalos-IconSystem.lha PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THESE FILES ARE STILL CONSIDERED BETA STATUS UNTIL IT *APPEARS* EVERYBODY IS HAVING NO PROBLEMS. We appreciate error reports to the mailing list, share your problems regarding OS3.5+ icon images with us so we can ensure all problems are fixed. NOTE: We are aware that the logo in the about requester does not remap to the correct colours currently, this is a side effect of the new 'C' ported code for portions of Scalos. This will not affect use and we hope to have that fixed before the next release. Which should hopefully feature some decent bug fixes. Ensure you backup your OLD 'Scalos' executable file before replacing it with this new one, just incase. Once everything is finalised all beta files will become release versions and appear in the main Scalos distribution archive. Hey, we might even upload it to Aminet too :-) Have fun, and lets hope all is well. (ps) [Meldung: 12. Jan. 2001, 18:09] [Kommentare: 0] [Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version] | ||
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