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Jan Andersen per eMail

VirusHelp Denmark: Update der xvs.library
Gestern wurde ein Update der xvs.library veröffentlicht, welches die Trojaner "4k-Intro trojan" und "dkg-blum trojan" erkennen kann. Wenn Sie VirusChecker, VirusExecutor oder VirzusZ nutzen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Library updaten.
Hier einige Informationen zu dieser Veröffentlichung:

Name...: xvs.library v33.24
Archivname: xvslibrary.lha
Archivgröße: 52.734 Bytes
Datum: 4. Januar 2001
Programmierer: Alex van Niel

News for 33.24:
- 4kIntro Trojan hinzgefügt
Dank an Ryben Kozlak und Jan Andersen
- Dkg-Blum Trojan hinzugefügt
Dank an Peter Gordon, Urban Müller und Jan Andersen

This trojan also replaces/deletes or adds a file called asi.library XVS will not (yet) be able to detect this file because as far as I could analyze it, it looked like a normal VideoTracker file. If XVS would have to see this as a virus, more VideoTracker files will be fake detected. If you have problems or want this added anyway let me know.

STILL TO DO: - Add Neurotic Death 2 and Neurotic Death 4. These two linkviruses are polymorphic, but crash on my system if I try to infect some test files. It seems that they haven't been spread to the public, I received them anonymously from the author. So it's not that BIG danger at the moment. - Try to get and add GlobVec linkvirus. The only one who has it is Heiner Schneegold (author of VT-Schutz) and VTC Hamburg, but Heiner doesn't give his permission to the VTC to send me the virus :( (ps)

[Meldung: 05. Jan. 2001, 06:45] [Kommentare: 0]
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