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Neues PlugIn für ProStation Audio: Tube Pre Amp
Für ProStationAudio, die Audio-Software von AudioLabs, ist ein neues PlugIn namens 'Tube Pre Amp' erschienen, welches mit allen Versionen von ProStation Audio funktioniert.

Download: TubePre.lha - 10,5 KB

Hier noch der Originaltext:
Tube Pre Amp, a new tube-based realtime plugin for ProStationAudio/ AmigaOS is now available.
The legendary warmth of tube-based devices (as opposed to solid state devices) is well know. The basic cause of the difference in tube and solid state sound is the weighting of harmoninc distortion components. When saturating, tubes gently compress the signal, producing an harmonic series that falls off quickly in amplitude at higher frequencies.
Another positive effect of tubes is that, due to asymmetrical saturation (the positive half of a waveform saturates differently than the negative half), the harmonic series generated by soft clipping contains only musically healthy even harmonics (octaves and well-intoned intervals), as opposed to dissonant odd harmonics.
TubePreAmp implements both of the above features. The pluging is is available for free downloading from the AudioLabs web site. (ps)

[Meldung: 04. Jan. 2001, 21:33] [Kommentare: 0]
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