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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
Alfred Sturm

Neue Aminet Uploads
DataM_II.lha         biz/dbase  980K+Spreadsheet using MUI (German docs only!
STEP_Txt.lha         biz/dbase  253K+Star Trek StarBase-Text (625a)
YAMcitations.lha     comm/mail    6K+Citations (taglines) pour (for) YAM (in 
LCR-I.lha            comm/misc  110K+LeastCostRouter for german Internet Prov
LCR-P.lha            comm/misc   65K+LeastCostRouter Print-Tool
LCR.lha              comm/misc  111K+LeastCostRouter for german Telephone Pro
rxsocket.lha         comm/tcp   138K+Rxsocket.library - TCP/IP ARexx library
SMSEngineerMUI.lha   comm/tcp   250K+SMS via Amiga - International V1.0.8
weboffice.lha        comm/www    27K+Website Creation Tool
FMS-JT.lha           demo/aga   285K+John Thaw by The Fearmoths  
LNS-ATM.lha          demo/aga   644K+At The Movies by Loonies - TRSAC00.5 win
TRN-Trinity.lha      demo/aga   376K+The first demo by Trinity! (3rd at TRSAC
hLA-AP14.lha         demo/mag   2.2M+Amiga Positive no.14, diskmagazine mostl
sofa.lha             dev/lang   4.5M+Eiffel compiler and additional libraries
FreeCivExpand.lha    game/data  219K+GFX Expansion for FreeCiv NativAmiga Por
Shisen.lha           game/think 5.8M+Chinese mindgame
Flashmandel.lha      gfx/fract  2.7M+The best fractal rendering program for A
TestCard.lha         hard/hack  169K+Testcard generator for PAL/NTSC systems.
TestGear-Notes.lha   hard/hack    4K+Test equipment projects, general notes.
rno-r051.lha         mods/misc  933K+Rno-records release no.51 by Xhaust (Bre
HeisseSteine.mpg     mods/mpg   277K+A different kind of electronical music
bblox10.lha          mus/edit    43K+Beatblox 1.0, graphical drum machine pro
EP_DWhittaker.lha    mus/play     7K+EaglePlayer "David Whittaker" external r
HHH-CD01_1.jpg       pix/misc    61K+Cover of Amiga produced CD by "Borschtsc
HHH-CD01_2.jpg       pix/misc    86K+Cover of Amiga produced CD by "Borschtsc
Atmos1.lha           pix/trace  115K+Get atmospheric with POV Ray
Screenshot.jpg       pix/wb     427K+Funky OS3.1 with MagellanII screenshot!
EasyConvert.lha      util/conv   22K+Easy Convert - converts miles - km, etc.
ABinaryDT.lha        util/dtype  27K+AROS Binary DataType
HSMathLibs_040.lha   util/libs  164K+Very fast replacement for all math libra
HSMathLibs_060.lha   util/libs  165K+Very fast replacement for all math libra
HSMathLibs_881.lha   util/libs  137K+Very fast replacement for all math libra
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc   80K+Report+ 4.1: 10-function utility
ReqAttackUpd.lha     util/misc  210K+Rel7: ReqAttack1.4, RAPrefsMUI 1.65, Req
DRemind_HU.lha       util/time    9K+Hungarian catalogs for DRemind 1.56
VEPatchBrain.lha     util/virus  19K+PatchBrain v1.21 for VirusExecutor v2.xx
Dynamite.lha         util/wb     46K+Start button and explorer in one. Fast.
SRAP.lha             util/wb    134K+Viewer for ReqAttack images

[Meldung: 20. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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