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MeterNet SimpleBox & TAO Press Release
Firma MeterNet gibt in einer Pressemitteilung bekannt, bei der Entwicklung ihrer SimpleBox mit Amiga, Inc. zusammenzuarbeiten. Bei der SimpleBox handelt es sich um eine neue sogenannte Settop-Box, die das Internet über Breitbandkabel (also Ihren Fernseher) erreicht. Die dafür eingesetzte Softwaretechnologie inklusive Java® und Media Streaming Support wird von Amiga Inc. geliefert.

New, Easy-to-Use, Solid State Internet Device Products Powered By Next Generation Amiga Technologies include Java® and Media Streaming Support.
Snoqualmie, WA - Reno, NV-September 20, 2000 - Business Wire - Targeting the millions of computerless and offline consumers worldwide who will soon be broadband enabled, Amiga and MeterNet have teamed to develop and deliver a series of broadband SimpleBox Internet Devices powered by the next generation Amiga.

Tao Group: intentTM Official Support Centre to open in Japan

Tao Group gibt in einer Pressemitteilung bekannt, zusammen mit Fujitsu Aichi Engineering Limited (Fujitsu AEL) in Japan ein technisches Support Center für Taos Intent aufzubauen.

September 19, 2000 - Berkshire-based Tao Group Limited and Fujitsu Aichi Engineering Limited (Fujitsu AEL) have agreed to open an intent Official Support Centre in Japan, to provide technical support services for Japanese corporate users of Tao's intent, an extremely high performance multimedia JavaTM execution environment.

The JavaTM language is becoming increasingly popular in the Japanese consumer market, particularly in PDAs, set-top boxes and mobile Internet devices, and Tao's intent is making inroads due to its minimal memory footprint. intent is also proving successful because of its system-level binary portability across software and hardware platforms - a fundamental factor in the embedded market where there are so many different CPUs and operating systems. (ps)

[Meldung: 21. Sep. 2000, 08:54] [Kommentare: 0]
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