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Fun Time World

SViewIV als ImageFX-Loader
Alle BesitzerInnen eines Keyfiles für SViewIV können nun, dank des SuperView-IFX-Loader-Moduls, SViewIV als Loader-Modul für ImageFX V2.6 und neueren Versionen nutzen. Durch die Benutzung der optional erhältlichen PPC-Module, der SuperView-Library, kann die Ladezeit von Grafiken deutlich herabgesetzt werden.

SViewIV unterstützt mehr als 30 Grafikformate. Zusätzliche Informationen sind über den Titellink zugänglich.

Anyone who owns a valid keyfile for SViewIV now also can utilize the
new "SUPERVIEW" IFX loader module with ImageFX 2.6 and above - it's
distributed as part of the main program, but add-on wise.

Additional ultra-speed can be achieved through SuperView-Library's
optional PPC modules - which are working completely transparently.

Additional information on SViewIV/PPC can be found under - including download links to
Aminet and to the RegNet creditcard-based online registration site.

If you can't wait, here's some more information.
SViewIV comes with the following SVObject loaders for images:

- IFF-ACBM         - Windows,OS/2 BMP   - PNM (PBM,PGM,PPM)
- IFF-ILBM         - JPEG (JFIF v6)     - IMG (GEM Graphics)
- IFF-DEEP         - PhotoCD            - WPG (WP Bitmaps)
- IFF-FAXX         - TIFF               - MacPaint MAC
- IFF-PBM          - PCX                - EPS (Header/PS)
- IFF-RGB8         - Atari Degas        - C64 (Koala, Doodle)
- IFF-RGBN         - Spectrum ZX        - TIM
- IFF-RGFX         - XWD                - FBM
- IFF-YUVN         - Windows Icon       - CDR-Previews
- QRT/POV Raytrace - Mac PICT-2         - SGI
- SPP              - SVG                - Targa
- Pictor/PCPaint   - SunRaster          - UtahRLE
- PNG              - CVP (passphoto)    - Icons (WB/Magic/New)

as well as all OS3-Datatypes
and 24 Bit DataTypes (picture.datatype V43).

Many formats with 24 Bit-Support.
Reads XPK- and PP20-packed data via Unpack.svobject.

Writes C-Sourcecode in chunky/RGB notation.

Together with external third party programs also the
following file formats seamlessly can be embedded:

File Format        needs program   also needs support for
- AMF                MetaView        (ILBM)
- CLP                MetaView        (ILBM)
- DXF/AutoCAD (tm)   MetaView        (ILBM)
- FIG                AmiFIG          (Postscript)
or:   MetaView        (ILBM)
- CGM                GPlot           (Postscript)
or:   MetaView        (ILBM)
- IFF-DR2D           MetaView        (ILBM)
- IFF-DRSD           MetaView        (ILBM)
- Limbo              Limbo 4.0       (PNM)
- Postscript (TM)    Ghostscript     -
- WPG-Vector         MetaView        (ILBM)
- WMF                MetaView        (ILBM)

(*) attached you find a preview copy of the IFX loader for

(**) in the current version, all images are imported
as 24 bit for quality. If there's demand for colormaps
or a SAVER module, this would be an option for
future releases.

[Meldung: 13. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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