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Amiga, Inc.

Neues Executive Update
Deutsche Übersetzung von Martina Jacobs

Unter anderem geht Bill McEwen in diesen Executive Update auf das Gerücht ein, das deutsche Büro würde geschlossen, wenn der A1200 ausverkauft ist. Er sagt: "Wir haben keine Pläne Deutschland zu schließen. Im Gegenteil, wir sind dabei zu prüfen, wie wir die Präsenz in Europa, Asien, Süd- und auch Nordamerika vergrößern können. Es liegen verschiedene Ideen auf dem Tisch und einige Leute wurden zu diesen Ideen kontaktiert. Wenn die Pläne fertig sind, werden wir mehr Informationen darüber bekannt geben. Wir werden diesen Markt nicht unterschätzen.Wir sind eine wachsende Firma, die eine blendende Zukunft hat."

Weiter geht McEwen auf das sich ebenfalls hartnäckig haltende Gerücht ein, dass neue A4000 produziert werden. McEwen: "Wer verbreitet sowas? Es gibt keine derartige Produktion, einzig die neuen Desktops, Notebooks und Handhelds sind in Arbeit. Bitte hören Sie auf, diese Gerüchte zu verbreiten, fragen Sie lieber das Amiga Team direkt, und wir werden Ihnen antworten."

Das englische Original:

August 8, 2000 - Greetings to the Global Amiga Family

It has been a hectic several weeks, and we are moving even faster this week.

There will be some new announcements in the next few days that should be of interest to everyone as we work hard to expand the members of the Amiga family.

I would like to say a big "Thank You" to everyone who attended the show in Sacramento California, and another special thank you to John and Jan Zacharius and the rest of the SACC team. They did a great job.

I am writing this letter as a quick answer to some questions that I have received in the last 48 hours.

As mentioned before, if you hear something that you need to confirm, ask. Every member of the Amiga team is more than willing to answer questions. It gets somewhat tiresome to constantly get rumors sent to us after they have been out there for several days or even weeks.

Here are answers to two rumors that need to be addressed immediately:
  1. Once you sell the remaining A1200's you are pulling out of Germany.

    Answer: No. We have no plans of pulling out of Germany. In fact we are looking at ways to increase our presence in all of Europe, Asia, South America, and even here in North America. There are several ideas on the table, and even some names have been attached to the ideas. There will more information available when we are ready to share the plans.

    We are certainly not going to disregard the business in these markets. We are a growing company and very excited about the future.
  2. You are going to begin selling new A4000's and there are already 1,000 of these new A4000's being built.

    Answer: Who came up with this one? There is no manufacturing of any Amiga except the new desktop, notebook, and handheld in the works.

I have asked before, and now I will ask again, please stop these rumors. If you hear one, contact any member of the Amiga Team directly, and we will answer you.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kindest regards,
Bill McEwen, and the rest of the Amiga Team

[Meldung: 09. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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