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QuickFile_3.25.lha   biz/dbase  288K+Powerful, fast and easy database.
AmServ.lha           comm/irc    30K+V1.33 IRC Fileserver / FServe for AmIRC
SimpleFTP.lha        comm/tcp   392K+SimpleFTP v2.70 - Powerful and easy to u
IBSearch.lha         comm/www     7K+V1.03 Search IBrowse cache hotlist GHist
ahidefs.lha          dev/m2       6K+Modula-2 definitions of AHI for M2Amiga 
MCC_NListtree.lha    dev/mui    156K+NListtree.mcc V1.1 (18.2) MUI list tree 
SortCopy.lha         disk/bakup  28K+Copy or backup files,directories includi
Annuaire-Amiga.txt   docs/anno    3K+Annuaire Amiga Francophone (french only)
AmigaPoWeR.lha       docs/hyper  69K+AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine
cd32outside1.lha     docs/mags  1.5M+CD32 Outside No.1 - German CD32 magazine
ToTDemo.lha          game/demo   11M+Tales of Tamar Demo V0.29
go64.lha             game/gag     2K+V1.00 Amiga version of the C128 command 
ChaosCastle.lha      game/shoot 301K+Destroy minerals, vegetals and animals. 
siege_data.lha       game/shoot  12M+Converted Data Files for The Siege
akMPEG2.lha          gfx/show   125K+MPEG player for CyberGfx/AGA V3.10 (68k/
akMPEG4.lha          gfx/show   190K+MPEG player (CGfx/P96/AGA) V4.46 (68k/PP
BetaScanHp.lha       hard/drivr  14K+Driver for HP ScanJet scanners
BetaScanMustek.lha   hard/drivr  66K+Mustek/Trust Scanner Driver For BetaScan
ctb11.lha            hard/misc   19K+Ver1.1 CTB
Munkki.lha           mods/chip    8K+4-channel PT MOD by Tripper 
Preacher.lha         mods/house 180K+Nice DBM Trance/House tune by Tripper 
Wayout.lha           mods/house  30K+DBM hardhouse MOD by Tripper 
ShortDrum.lha        mods/jungl 309K+DBM hard D'n'B MOD by Tripper 
Tikka.lha            mods/jungl 467K+DBM Drum'n'Bass tune by Tripper 
el-golea.lha         mods/pro   110K+"el-golea" by Jedi in 1994
bO-026.lha           mods/techn 330K+#026 bOhema release - XBALL.
AP10Recto.jpg        pix/misc   165K+AMiGa=PoWeR N 9 Cover Recto
AP10Verso.jpg        pix/misc   173K+AMiGa=PoWeR N 10 Cover Verso
jedi035.jpg          pix/misc   106K+A photo of my cool Amiga  :-)
Neuss2000.lha        pix/misc   3.6M+34 photos World of Alternatives in Neuss
Scotscenes.lha       pix/views  428K+Panoramic views of Scottish countryside
CharMap.lha          text/font   72K+Display the whole charset of a given fon
DSLT01.lha           text/print 143K+DrawStudio's Templates for labels 01 v1.
SetPatch_43.6b.lha   util/boot   13K+SetPatch for OS2.x and 3.x
cli2win.lha          util/cli     1K+V1.0 open a WB drawer from CLI  (OS 3.5)
SRename.lha          util/cli   108K+Advanced rename/renumber CLI program.
akPNG-PPC.lha        util/dtype  79K+AkPNG-dt PPC plugin V44.80
ReqAttackUpd.lha     util/misc  132K+Rel5: RAPrefsMUI 1.64, ReqOFF 1.2, ReqAt
ZXLifeShield20.lha   util/misc   84K+ZX Life Shield V2.0
Dev-Handler.lha      util/sys    20K+Un*x like raw device access handler plus
LSClock12.lha        util/time   28K+SHAREWARE clock utility v1.2
WB2000_13.lha        util/wb    335K+Win98 Menu & Task bar (MUI)

[Meldung: 26. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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