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Directory Opus 4 Support Pages

DirOpus 4.14i (Beta) veröffentlicht
Jacek Rzeuski hat DirOpus 4.14i (Beta) veröffentlicht. Hier ein Auszug aus der englischen History:
  • removed lots (all?) pre-OS3.0 conditional code
  • removed PowerPacker support completely (replaced by XFDMaster support)
  • XFDMaster.library is opened only when needed and if it has already been opened by another program. This prevents loading all decrunchers from libs:xfd/ directory. That feature can be overriden by setting FORCEOPENXFD tooltype in program's icon or -x (case important!) argument if started from CLI.
  • fixed canceling "DOpus already running" requester. Now it uses ARexx and requires RexxMaster running to work. "Bring to front" option added.
  • ConfigOpus: removed bug in command list (the list was too long)
  • DOpus_Icon: fixed OS3.5 icon support. NewIcons still do not work :(

Download: DOpus414JRbin.lha - 334 KB (ps)

[Meldung: 24. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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