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Ray McCarthy im ANF

Kickstart Amiga Show Update
Am 27. Mai wird die K3, die dritte Kickstart Amiga Show in Ottershaw, Surrey stattfinden. Die Show wird von der Kickstart Amiga User Group ausgerichtet. Lesen Sie hier die Neuigkeiten zur Show:

ray mccarthy        3. Mai 2000

kickstart show update

There are just a few short weeks to go until K3, the third Kickstart Amiga
Show takes place. The show is being held by The Kickstart Amiga User Group
(, based in Ottershaw, Surrey.

The Date: Saturday May 27th 2000
The Time: 12-5pm
The Place: Brook Hall, Brox Road, Ottershaw, Surrey
Admission: £1 per person

The third Kickstart Show is nearing and already we have a
fantastic line-up  of activities and stands for you.

In addition to the two Amiga A1200 Magic Packs from Amiga Inc (one to bwe
given away in a prize draw for all show goers, the other exclusively for
Kickstart members), a host of hardware from Analogic and Epic and software
from Forematt to give away, we have over 25 stands selling new and second
user Amiga software and hardware, and demonstrating Amiga applications.

In our Games Arena, we have multiplayer Quake and Multiplayer Super
Skidmarks contests running (see our web site for the advance
sign-up form).
You can win a host of prizes from joysticks to hard drives.

You also have the chance to buy the fully registered version of
the incredibly popular and equally impressive Moovid video player
software. Registering software with overseas authors is often
difficult and time-consuming - at the Kickstart Amiga Show you
can do it in £ Stirling and immediately.

All this and more is already confirmed, with more to be added in
the coming weeks.

For more information, please look at the Kickstart Web Site

For show enquiries and stand bookings please contact Ray McCarthy (Show
Promoter) at or call (01737) 215432.
For all other enquiries, please contact Chris Green (PR Co-ordinator) at or call (07971) 273850.

[Meldung: 03. Mai. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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