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David Connolly per eMail

CS&E: Biggest Free Amiga games magazine
CS&E kündigt ebenfalls ein großes neues und sogar kostenloses Amiga Spiele-Magazin namens A1200! an:

From:    "CS&E"
Subject: Biggest Free Amiga games magazine
Date:    Tue, 2 May 2000 15:05:19 +0100

Following on from CS&E's successful takeover of Amiga Survivor magazine, I
am pleased to announce that A1200! magazine has not disappeared completely!
Obviously people who have paid good money for our new magazine will now get
Amiga Survivor, but every month CS&E will, in addition, produce A1200!
magazine which will be sent out free to anyone that requests it (you can
e-mail Without an audited figure some companies
may feel they can get away with the equivalent of me saying we print 500,000
copies so whilst in fact the actual print figure will be around the 15,000
mark I will invest in an audited free circulation figure so legitimate
companies can advertise with a legitimate audience. A1200! magazine is
already confirmed as the biggest selling Amiga magazine in the UK due to our
mailing list. Don't go with a poor imitation :)

Kind Regards,

David Connolly
Managing Director

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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