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Neue Aminet Uploads
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FLeagues_BB2.lha     biz/dbase  127K+Football Database For 50 Leagues (v1.2b)
MUIbase-1.4.lha      biz/dbase  1.8M+Powerful programmable relational databas
PQL.lha              biz/dbase  154K+The "plain query language" is a kind of 
StarBase_CLI.lha     biz/dbase  122K+Star Trek Episodes Database (v3.3)
StarBase_SCR.lha     biz/dbase  125K+Star Trek Database (v1.7) CVPPC/64 FIX
OpusGIbar.lha        biz/dopus  265K++380 "GlowIcons" for your DOpus Toolbar/
Heretic2_D1.lha      biz/titan   10M+Heretic2 playable Demo Part 1of4
Heretic2_D3.lha      biz/titan   12M+Heretic2 playable Demo Part 3of4
Heretic2_D4.lha      biz/titan  5.4M+Heretic2 playable Demo Part 4of4
madlertc.lha         comm/bbs   560K+Management software for BBS/RTC
UnrealIRCd-bin.lha   comm/irc   376K+Advanced IRC Daemon Based On Elite-IRCd
superstats.lha       comm/maxs   15K+Stats door for maxs bbs 0.2b
MLocator.lha         comm/misc   30K+HAM grid locator <-> lati/long (v1.1)
TATty.lha            comm/misc   97K+Internet Dial Cost By Mak41 V1.30 Italia
Twiny.lha            comm/misc   24K+Control your Amiga from your PC (w/ src)
AmyGate.lha          comm/net   102K+THE Aminet download manager
Charon.lha           comm/net   151K+Download manager
MiamiDxWebCP.lha     comm/net   104K+MiamiDxWebCP 1.1 - a Web Control Panel f
par071b.lha          comm/net    50K+Amiga-Pc files/disks transfer via parall
nc_update.lha        comm/news  155K+Newsreader Version 1.29 (MUI)
newscoaster.lha      comm/news  319K+Newsreader Version 1.29 (MUI)
Amster.lha           comm/tcp   294K+Napster client for Amiga with nice GUI
facts.lha            comm/tcp    66K+V3.3 NTP clock synchroniser AutoDST/GUI
Miami32b-000.lha     comm/tcp   208K+Internet TCP/IP stack (68000/010 archive
Miami32b-020.lha     comm/tcp   207K+Internet TCP/IP stack (68020+ archive)
Miami32b-CA.lha      comm/tcp    53K+Internet TCP/IP stack (ClassAct archive)
Miami32b-cze.lha     comm/tcp   103K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Czech locale)
Miami32b-deu.lha     comm/tcp   103K+Internet TCP/IP stack (German locale)
Miami32b-GTL.lha     comm/tcp   105K+Internet TCP/IP stack (GTLayout archive)
Miami32b-hrv.lha     comm/tcp    92K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Croatian locale)
Miami32b-ita.lha     comm/tcp   102K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Italian locale)
Miami32b-MUI.lha     comm/tcp    82K+Internet TCP/IP stack (MUI archive)
Miami32b-ned.lha     comm/tcp   102K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Dutch locale)
Miami32b-por.lha     comm/tcp   105K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Portuguese locale
Miami32b-slo.lha     comm/tcp    98K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Slovenian locale)
Miami32b-srp.lha     comm/tcp    99K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Serbian locale)
Miami32b-suo.lha     comm/tcp    98K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Finnish locale)
Miami32b-sve.lha     comm/tcp    96K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Swedish locale)
Miami32b2-main.lha   comm/tcp   518K+Internet TCP/IP stack (main archive)
MiamiDx10c-MUI.lha   comm/tcp    90K+TCP/IP router stack (MUI archive)
MiamiDx10cmain.lha   comm/tcp   1.2M+TCP/IP router stack (main archive)
MiamiSSL221.lha      comm/tcp   1.0M+SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for Miami
SimpleFTP.lha        comm/tcp   128K+SimpleFTP v2.22 - Easy to use FTP client
Tango.lha            comm/tcp   122K+Samba/smb-handler gui. beta.
IBrowseSP.lha        comm/www    16K+IBrowse 2.x spanish catalogs v1.52
MetalWEB401.lha      comm/www   963K+V4.0 Visual Html Editor!
continum.lha         demo/aga   726K+Presented at Ukonx party 2000
DKG-MyHouse.lha      demo/aga    59K+9th place at MekkaSymposium 2k (64kb int
DKG-Neo2.lha         demo/aga   1.0M+4th place at Mekka/Symposium 2k (demo co
rno-urea.lha         demo/aga   1.6M+"Urea" - a demo by RNO from MS2000
wpz-frozen28.lha     demo/aga   937K+Frozen#28 - Mekka&Symposium Party Editio
wpz-frozen29.lha     demo/aga   288K+Frozen#29 - Mekka&Symposium Party Editio
wpz-frozen30.lha     demo/aga   955K+Frozen#3o - The Gathering Party Edition
CdBS-Enclume.lha     demo/euro  2.3M+PPC/Warp3D Demo by CdBS Software (2nd at
TSI-BoolShit.lha     demo/intro   6K+"Bool shit" 4k intro by Taski at M/S`2k
EuroChart40a.lha     demo/mag   858K+The Official Eurochart #40 by DEPTH & IR
EuroChart40b.lha     demo/mag   855K+The Official Eurochart #40 by DEPTH & IR
EuroChart40c.lha     demo/mag   854K+The Official Eurochart #40 by DEPTH & IR
MWI-SDV25.lha        demo/mag   3.3M+SAVE DA VINYL #25 a&b - packmag by Madwi
nah-speed51.lha      demo/mag   1.2M+Speed #51 by Nah-Kolor (Symposium2K)
Gds-Divine.lha       demo/slide 710K+A slideshow by Typhoon/Gods
blitzgtfix.lha       dev/basic   13K+Blitz2 fix for many Gadtools problems
Transparent.lha      dev/basic    2K+Invisible Window demo code    
CLib37x.lha          dev/c       36K+Example.library in 100% C (SAS/Storm/Max
devpic.lha           dev/cross   88K+PIC16 development package
IO_Torture.lha       dev/debug    3K+Checks for improper use of I/O requests
MCesrc.lha           dev/e        8K+FULL E source code to Maxs BBS door, Mag
powerd.lha           dev/e      361K+New powerful programming language v0.14
ScalosDev.lha        dev/misc    58K+Scalos Development 
MadMatrixsrc.lha     dev/mui      9K+C sources of MadMatrix, a MUI game.
MCC_SpeedBar.lha     dev/mui     61K+Highly configurable toolbar class
fda-upd.lha          disk/cache  39K+Uses whole free memory to speedup 1.8-2.
fda.lha              disk/cache 326K+Faster than PFS also installed V2.4
fda_DviPS.lha        disk/cache 407K+English documentation in DVI, PS & texin
fda_d_DviPS.lha      disk/cache 444K+German documentation in DVI, PS & texinf
fda_d_GuidHTML.lha   disk/cache 102K+German documentation in Guide & HTML
cdlib.lha            disk/cdrom  11K+Read the AsimCDFS CDDA library, v1.1
PFS3ud.lha           disk/misc  123K+PFS3 undelete 
VF2000.lha           disk/misc   51K+32 Device update for HFmounter
3pfts.txt            docs/anno    1K+Third Planet From The Sun web site opens
ALynx_revival.lha    docs/anno    1K+ALynx 1.31 Hopeful Revival Info
AmigaPoWeR.lha       docs/hyper  69K+AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine
IM_2000.lha          docs/hyper  29K+Iron Maiden 2000 guide V1.1
AaktInt0300.lha      docs/mags  278K+International infotainment magazine
AaktInt0300GFX.lha   docs/mags  353K+International infotainment magazine (gra
AaktInt0400.lha      docs/mags  300K+International infotainment magazine
AaktInt0400GFX.lha   docs/mags  523K+International infotainment magazine (gra
AIOV35.lha           docs/mags  632K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 35 (Apri
gadget44.lha         docs/mags  379K+German Freeware Magazine
AFD-Files1-16.lha    docs/misc  145K+Standard Copyright Note in 16 languages
jamar00.lha          docs/misc   72K+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
PipeOnSymmek.lha     docs/misc    7K+Partyreport from Mekka&Symposium 2000 by
alem_0012.lha        docs/rview   8K+ALEM's AlfaColor HandyScanner Doc (FR)
MarcDrive.lha        game/actio 922K+Roll with a ball through 3D tracks (unfi
F1GP_2000.lha        game/data    9K+2000 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (23 Apri
WBPScenes.lha        game/data   67K+WBPerplexity puzzle scenes set #1
Worms_Levels.lha     game/data   87K+Nifty, swanky worms levels (no shitty on
silencer.lha         game/demo  698K+First beta demo of forthcoming isometric
SnapshotF1GP.lha     game/misc   19K+Record action from F1GP as IFF images V1
WormWars.lha         game/misc  687K+WormWars 5.61: Advanced snake game
jst.lha              game/patch 174K+JOTD Startup for HD Installs & Degrader 
jst_dev.lha          game/patch 645K+JOTD Startup for HD Installs & Degrader 
WHDHPokerPro.lha     game/patch  23K+HD Installer for Hollywood Poker P. V1.1
angband.lha          game/role  695K+Angband 2.9.0 - Roguelike solo RPG
cthangband.lha       game/role  891K+Cthangband 4.0.0 - Roguelike solo RPG
Lost_Prince.lha      game/role  1.0M+Fantasy graphic adventure
oangband.lha         game/role  845K+Oangband 0.4.1 - Roguelike solo RPG
StarWarsADV.lha      game/role  373K+Star Wars - Textadventure (german)
zangband.lha         game/role  1.1M+Zangband 2.2.8 - Roguelike solo RPG
DBIB.lha             game/shoot 1.8M+Create DOOM-style games
HitPuzzleReg.lha     game/think 216K+HIT PUZZLE "REGISTERED"- A puzzle game b
HitTiles2SEreg.lha   game/think 422K+HIT TILES 2 SPECIAL EDITION "REGISTERED"
LostIslands.lha      game/think 1.1M+A very strange psychedelic game
Phalanax.lha         game/think 495K+Phalanax-XVIII Chess program
Shuffle2.lha         game/think 7.0M+Great new logical game (MYST theme)
HBMonopoly.lha       game/wb    635K+V2.4 of the networking Monopoly game
bench_ppc.lha        gfx/3d     233K+OpenGL benchmark (uses StormMesa, 68k&PP
comp_ppc.lha         gfx/3d     300K+Lightwave style scene layouter (uses Sto
v3ded_ppc.lha        gfx/3d     269K+V3D-Interface Editor (uses StormMesa, 68
v3d_basic.lha        gfx/3d     482K+V3D Main archive, required (uses StormMe
AmiCAD_2.05.lha      gfx/edit   324K+Schematics vectorial electronics program
PfPaint_info.lha     gfx/edit     0K+PerfectPaint info
akMPEG4.lha          gfx/show   171K+MPEG player (CGfx/P96/AGA) V4.43 (68k/PP
Frogger.lha          gfx/show   826K+Ultimate MPEG video player (PUP & WOS & 
TestGear1.lha        hard/hack  325K+Simple test equipment projects, Disk 1.
execute64.lha        misc/emu   104K+V1.20 Amiga->C64 Transfer and Execute.
Mac_Troub4_PDF.lha   misc/emu   2.1M+Macintosh Troubleshooter v4.0 PDF
imdbDiff000414.lha   misc/imdb  2.0M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
SpaTra06.lha         misc/misc   92K+Spanish Translations Pack 06 v0.50
DAlmanac_Exe.lha     misc/sci   1.4M+Next Generation Planetarium (1.8.14)
twig_cant.lha        mods/med   182K+Can'tStopTheBeat, a tune by DJTwiglet
IndygoSAT99-01.mpg   mods/mpg    10M+1/14 Indygo "liveact at Satellite'99"
IndygoSAT99-02.mpg   mods/mpg   8.0M+2/14 Indygo "liveact at Satellite'99"
IndygoSAT99-03.mpg   mods/mpg    10M+3/14 Indygo "liveact at Satellite'99"
IndygoSAT99-07.mpg   mods/mpg   3.3M+7/14 Indygo "liveact at Satellite'99"
ninja.mpg            mods/mpg   808K+Techno
nd-frogs.lha         mods/neuro 130K+OSS 10ch. funny Acid Stomper
bO-012.lha           mods/techn 830K+#012 bOhema release by xball+spektra
bO-013.lha           mods/techn 779K+#013 bOhema release by effron
bO-014.lha           mods/techn 398K+#014 bOhema release by tzx
bO-015.lha           mods/techn 421K+#015 bOhema release by spektra
bO-016.lha           mods/techn 324K+#016 bOhema release by xball+protas
SampleE.lha          mus/edit   285K+16Bit Stereo HD-Edit Sample Editor AHI-s
SampleZ.lha          mus/edit   117K+16Bit HD-Edit SampleEditor successor of 
Aamp2HtmlConve.lha   mus/misc     8K+Converts AmigaAMP playlists to HTML
ds_sonic.lha         mus/misc   266K+Small suite of fx and synthesis programs
SpCLI.lha            mus/misc    23K+Control SongPlayer from the CLI (v1.52)
alem_0010.lha        mus/play    53K+ALEM's Skin 'Workbench' for AmigaAMP
EP_DynamicSynt.lha   mus/play     4K+EaglePlayer "Dynamic Synthesizer" extern
EP_MarkCooksey.lha   mus/play     5K+EaglePlayer "Mark Cooksey" external repl
ModulPlayer433.lha   mus/play   160K+Modul-Player V4.33
PlayGUI.lha          mus/play   650K+Modplayer with Skins! V.2.8!!!
destiny_.mpg         pix/3dani  124K+MPEG done with Tornado3D V2.1b and Utrac
TIM_0022.lha         pix/anim   109K+TIM's DeluxePaint Animations
our-edge.jpg         pix/art     13K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
TIM_0012.lha         pix/art    913K+TIM's HandDrawnImages(Heads&Caricatures)
TIM_0021.lha         pix/art    356K+TIM's HandDrawnImages
Eclair.lha           pix/boot   307K+Eclair bootup for Rainboot2
LoonyBPs-01.lha      pix/boot   583K+Four Bootpics for CyberGraphX - More to 
jcIcons.lha          pix/icon   104K+Os3.5 Icon package
PasisGI-03.lha       pix/icon   238K+A Small high quality GlowIcons collectio
Borgs.jpg            pix/mark   613K+5 Borgs in a Borg cube
alem_0007.lha        pix/misc   2.9M+ALEM's digitized images (machines)
ALEM_0008a.lha       pix/misc   2.9M+ALEM's DigitizedImages(mushrooms) 1/2
ALEM_0008b.lha       pix/misc   3.2M+ALEM's DigitizedImages(mushrooms) 2/2
alem_0009.lha        pix/misc   2.5M+ALEM's digitized images (cereals)
AP9Recto.jpg         pix/misc   445K+AMiGa=PoWeR N 9 Cover Recto
TIM_0008b.lha        pix/misc   121K+TIM's Workbench animations (WbLogo)
TIM_0023.lha         pix/misc    24K+TIM's Anaglyphe (relief3D picture)
AKIconz4_WiP.lha     pix/mwb     93K+A MWB *GAMES* Icon Collection (Vol. 4) -
neerv_mwb.lha        pix/mwb    156K+Neervoort s MWB Game - Icons !!!
9thHennepin.jpg      pix/trace   28K+Raytraced with POV-Ray
destiny.jpg          pix/trace  238K+JPEG done with Tornado3D V2.1b
RainCat.jpg          pix/trace   51K+Raytraced with POV-Ray
Singapore.jpg        pix/trace   56K+Raytraced with POV-Ray
EarthDay2K.lha       pix/views  1.1M+My Tribute to Earth Day 2000
TIM_0025.lha         pix/views  994K+TIM's SceneryAnimator Animations
TIM_0026.lha         pix/views  792K+TIM's SceneryAnimator Animation
TIM_0027.lha         pix/views  1.2M+TIM's SceneryAnimator Animation
alem_0013.lha        pix/wb     112K+ALEM's Workbench 8 colors & MagicCopper
NewWEBFontSet.lha    text/bfont  29K+Prop. & fixed fontset for Web-Browser
CharMap.lha          text/font   63K+Display the whole charset of a given fon
wvware0.543.lha      text/misc  915K+Converts MSWord 9, 8, 7, 6 documents to 
Epson_400.lha        text/print  15K+Epson Stylus 400/440/460 Driver for WB V
Epson_600.lha        text/print  16K+Epson Stylus 600/700 Driver for WB V40.1
MungMem.lha          util/boot    2K+Patch correcting procedures (de)allocati
RA_USCleaner.lha     util/boot    8K+Toggle, removes BEGIN/END instructions
RemAPollo.lha        util/boot   46K+A1200 040\060 MMU Apollo Turboboard Rema
AKCC.lha             util/cli   152K+Advanced CLI-Commands for KS V33-40 (22.
picsize.lha          util/dtype  15K+Shows picture dimensions using datatypes
WarpPNGdt.lha        util/dtype  48K+PNG image datatype (WarpOS/PPC) V44.4
DateLib.lha          util/libs  245K+Library to help you calculate dates
eNote.lha            util/misc  123K+Electronical notebook
HitUtility.lha       util/misc  118K+HIT UTILITIES - Small WB utilities
WHDInfo110.lha       util/misc   11K+WHDLoad slave examiner for HD games V1.1
FreeWheel.lha        util/mouse  63K+Tool for WheelMice + trackballs/3-button
xpkBZP2.lha          util/pack   26K+Bzip2 xpk compression library (WarpOS/PP
Aminet.awnp.lha      util/rexx   62K+AWNPipe Arexx gui. Searches and Download
joystick.txt         util/rexx    2K+Read the joystick buttons in ARexx
info.lha             util/sys    27K+AmigaDOS info command replacement (39.18
CreateOutline.lha    util/wb      4K+No more OutlineFont-like patches (1.2)
DefIcons44.lha       util/wb     37K+DefIcons clone for os3.5 (44.5b)
Explorer.lha         util/wb    825K+Displays File_ID`s.Converts Archives.Cre
HitMenu.lha          util/wb     27K+HITMENU - Small "software manager"
IconHandler.lha      util/wb     26K+V1.13 Drop file on AppIcon to change ico
mandt_v39.4.lha      util/wb     20K+Unix manual page datatype v39.4
rndwbpix.lha         util/wb     10K+Random wbpattern picture selector (39.5)
Scalos.lha           util/wb    432K+Satanic Dreams' workbench replacement
StopMenu.lha         util/wb    200K+Very nice startbar with many options
StopMenuUpd.lha      util/wb     35K+Updates v0.94+ to v1.00
TextloaderNG.lha     util/wb    463K+TextConverter V2.12 - Word,WPerfect,HTML

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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