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Aminet Recent

Neue Aminet Uploads
FLeagues_BB2.lha     biz/dbase  127K+Football Database For 50 Leagues (v1.2a)
StarBase_CLI.lha     biz/dbase  122K+Star Trek Episodes Database (v3.2b)
StarBase_SCR.lha     biz/dbase  127K+Star Trek Episodes Database (v1.6b)
VowaData.lha         biz/dbase  100K+Datafile 1.46 for VorwahlenGUI
TAdesivi.lha         biz/demo    40K+V1.0.2 Ticket editor for TurboGest (ITAL
TFat2DEMO.lha        biz/demo    86K+V2.13.0 Amiga Invoice program,(FATTURE I
TMagDEMO.lha         biz/demo    96K+V0.9.0b Amiga storage program,(MAGAZZINO
TProspEd.lha         biz/demo    56K+V1.0.4 Form Editor For TurboFat (ITALIAN
dalfa.lha            biz/dopus   11K+Arexx scripts for filename conversion.
DOpus58_SP.lha       biz/dopus   27K+DOpus v5.8x spanish catalogs. Update 2 r
SRMag2Theme.lha      biz/dopus  414K+Theme for MagellanII
Cit_Docs_AD08.lha    comm/bbs   571K+Citadel 68K Documenation
Cit_exec_AD08.lha    comm/bbs   249K+Citadel 68K BBS Program
cit_src_AD08.lha     comm/bbs   544K+Citadel 68K BBS Program Source
Cit_Util_AD08.lha    comm/bbs   486K+Citadel 68K BBS Program Utilities
UnrealIRCd-bin.lha   comm/irc   358K+Advanced IRC Daemon Based On Elite-IRCd
Amster.lha           comm/tcp   294K+Napster client for Amiga with nice GUI
facts.lha            comm/tcp    75K+V3.2/GUI - NTP clock synchroniser/AutoDS
StofaLogger.lha      comm/tcp    10K+StofaNet login/logout utility with GUI
IBSearch.lha         comm/www     5K+AWNPipe. Search IBrowse cache hotlist GH
MWI-Excess06.lha     demo/mag   2.0M+"Excess #06" by Madwizards
MWI-SDV24.lha        demo/mag   1.2M+SAVE DA VINYL #24 - packmag by Madwizard
MWI-Overview01.lha   demo/slide 2.1M+"Overview #01" party slideshow by Madwiz
AmigaGS-Dev.lha      dev/asm    295K+Amiga Game Studio BETA0.1
fastsincos.lha       dev/asm      8K+Very fast trigonom. funcs for 040/060.
sofa.lha             dev/lang   4.0M+Eiffel compiler and additional libraries
AmIDE.lha            dev/misc   228K+AmIDE v0.2  - Integrated Development Env
AmiPalmDev.lha       dev/misc     8K+Files to help compile PalmDev enviroment
BitSetter.lha        dev/misc     7K+Bit values <-> decimal numbers converter
gdbm.lha             dev/misc   198K+GNU's set of database routines
TCS.lha              dev/misc   627K+Fast 8-bit Chunky TrueColor on AGA
CDCat-Aminet36.lha   disk/cdrom 1.9M+CDCat Index Of AmiNet 01-35
cdlib.lha            disk/cdrom  11K+Read the AsimCDFS CDDA library, v1.1
ALynx_revival.lha    docs/anno    1K+ALynx 1.31 Hopeful Revival Info
DM2_news.txt         docs/anno    0K+DiskMaster II newsflash
technodatabase.lha   docs/anno    1K+TECHNODATABASE00, french techno related 
Aminet-CD-36.lha     docs/lists  33K+Aminet CD 36 index and description
gadget44.lha         docs/mags  379K+German Freeware Magazine
htsaku32.lha         docs/mags  1.5M+HTML-Saku #32 (2/2000). Finnish diskmag.
saku32d1.lha         docs/mags  406K+Saku #32 (2/2000). Finnish diskmag. 1/2
saku32d2.lha         docs/mags  498K+Saku #32 (2/2000). Finnish diskmag. 2/2
3DWorldArc0300.lha   docs/misc   52K+Archive of the 3D World ML for 03/00
MarcDriveSrc.lha     game/actio 1.3M+Roll with a ball through 3D tracks - sou
IMP225.lha           game/board 150K+The best Risk Game.
ClassicRacer.lha     game/misc  521K+Completely different racing game
jst.lha              game/patch 174K+JOTD Startup for HD Installs & Degrader 
jst32b_dev.lha       game/patch 644K+JOTD Startup for HD Installs & Degrader 
jst_dev.lha          game/patch 645K+JOTD Startup for HD Installs & Degrader 
Reboot-Start.lha     game/patch  58K+Degrader & run any game from Workbench
angband.lha          game/role  695K+Angband 2.9.0 - Roguelike solo RPG
cthangband.lha       game/role  891K+Cthangband 4.0.0 - Roguelike solo RPG
Epsilon_9.lha        game/role  825K+Futuristic graphic adventure
GRAC2.lha            game/role  590K+Graphic adventure creator, version 2
Lethal_Formula.lha   game/role  408K+Futuristic graphic adventure
oangband.lha         game/role  845K+Oangband 0.4.1 - Roguelike solo RPG
Starbase_13.lha      game/role  1.1M+Futuristic graphic adventure
TheLostPrince.lha    game/role  1.0M+Fantasy graphic adventure
zangband.lha         game/role  1.1M+Zangband 2.2.8 - Roguelike solo RPG
2CyberBlast.lha      game/shoot 1.0M+Game similar to Hired Guns & Dungeon Mas
DBIB.lha             game/shoot 1.9M+Create DOOM-style games
HT2SEExtraTile.lha   game/think  58K+Some tiles for HIT TILES 2 SE
LostIslands.lha      game/think 1.1M+A very strange psychedelic game
SameGame.lha         game/think  14K+Addictive puzzle game with coloured ball
HBMonopoly.lha       game/wb    635K+V2.4 of the networking Monopoly game
cybershow94a.lha     gfx/board  138K+SlideShow&Viewer(incl.PCD)for CybGfx&AGA
CreateIndex.lha      gfx/conv   105K+Make HTML picture index with ImageStudio
AmiCAD_2.05.lha      gfx/edit   324K+Schematics vectorial electronics program
CMNDR-ImageFX.lha    gfx/ifx     66K+Customizable GUI for ImageFX
imaged.lha           gfx/misc    47K+Add Your own description to images ! *CL
photoalbum65a.lha    gfx/misc   229K+Picture management (incl.PCD) for AGA&Cy
RiVA.lha             gfx/show    28K+Very Fast MPEG Player for AGA/P96/CGFX
execute64.lha        misc/emu   104K+V1.20 Amiga->C64 Transfer and Execute.
Mac_Troub4_PDF.lha   misc/emu   2.1M+Macintosh Troubleshooter v4.0 PDF
imdbDiff000407.lha   misc/imdb  1.6M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
twig_cant.lha        mods/med   182K+Can'tStopTheBeat, a tune by DJTwiglet
rNO-L033.lha         mods/misc  482K+Rno-label release no.33 by tang & roz (h
ninja.mpg            mods/mpg   808K+Techno
sd-berlin.mpg        mods/mpg   8.2M+Remix of "berlin" by troken
stepic01.lha         mods/sets  642K+A collection of music modules by Stamen
stepic02.lha         mods/sets  617K+A collection of music modules by Stamen
stepic03.lha         mods/sets  606K+A collection of music modules by Stamen
eve.lha              mods/stame 224K+"Eve", module by Stamen 2000
gyration.lha         mods/stame 233K+"Gyration", module by Stamen 2000
thankyou.lha         mods/stame 227K+"Thank You", module by Stamen 2000
bO-009.lha           mods/techn 555K+#009 bOhema release by xball
bO-010.lha           mods/techn 185K+#010 bOhema release by noisy abdul+tzx
bO-011.lha           mods/techn 523K+#011 bOhema release by spektra
mmp.lha              mus/misc    20K+TPP/QP driver for CAMD (with source)
SpCLI.lha            mus/misc    23K+Control SongPlayer from the CLI (v1.52)
EP_AMComposer.lha    mus/play     6K+EaglePlayer "A.M.Composer v1.2" external
EP_MarkCooksey.lha   mus/play     5K+EaglePlayer "Mark Cooksey" external repl
EP_RobHubbard.lha    mus/play     7K+EaglePlayer "Rob Hubbard" external repla
EP_Soundcontr.lha    mus/play    13K+EaglePlayer "Soundcontrol" external repl
HITMANskins.lha      mus/play   194K+HITMAN skins for PlayGUI
PasisGI-03.lha       pix/icon   238K+A Small high quality GlowIcons collectio
emam.lha             pix/misc   245K+Iranian Spiritual Leader Emam Khomeini (
neerv_mwb.lha        pix/mwb     87K+Neervoort s MWB Game - Icons !!!
hcinema.lha          pix/wb      63K+Grab of the coolest Video Database
wvware0.543.lha      text/misc  915K+Converts MSWord 9, 8, 7, 6 documents to 
WBStartup+.lha       util/boot  258K+WBStartup Enhancer
SetDTool.lha         util/cli    11K+CLI-Program to change DefaultTool_Entrys
DreamCDGuide.lha     util/misc   44K+DreamCDGuide MUI: FrontEnd for Aminet&Lo
DreamCD_Src.lha      util/misc   38K+Sources of DreamCDGuide MUI (written in 
Report.lha           util/misc   48K+Multi-function developers' utility
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc   48K+Multi-function developers' utility
XPKatana.lha         util/pack  104K+XPK interface w/ GUI, ARexx port & more
xpkBZP2.lha          util/pack   26K+Bzip2 xpk compression library (WarpOS/PP
Aminet.awnp.lha      util/rexx   57K+AWNPipe Arexx gui. Searches and Download
joystick.txt         util/rexx    2K+Read the joystick buttons in ARexx
DirScanner.lha       util/wb     70K+V2.7: Small but powerful filefinder. (MU

[Meldung: 18. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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