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Highligt ist sicherlich, dass PPaint Version 7.1b zum kostenlosen Download bereit steht:

ColorType.lha        biz/cloan  581K+Cloanto ColorType 3.1 Software
PFM.lha              biz/cloan  910K+Cloanto PFM and PDM Software
PPaint.lha           biz/cloan  3.0M+Cloanto Personal Paint 7.1b Software
catalog.lha          biz/dbase  146K+Create a database of your disks or CDs (
FLeagues_BB2.lha     biz/dbase  129K+Football Database For 50 Leagues (v1.2)
StarBase_CLI.lha     biz/dbase  123K+Star Trek Episodes Database (v3.2a)
StarBase_SCR.lha     biz/dbase  127K+Star Trek Episodes Database (v1.6a)
STEP_Txt.lha         biz/dbase  248K+Star Trek Episode Text / StarBase (607)
TFat2DEMO.lha        biz/demo    86K+V2.12.1 Amiga Invoice program,(FATTURE I
DOpus414JRbin.lha    biz/dopus  326K+Great filemanager from GP Software
DOpus414JRsrc.lha    biz/dopus  609K+Great filemanager from GP Software
GDTrash.lha          biz/dopus  126K+Win95 recycle bin for Dopus5 MagII V1.2
amirsay.lha          comm/irc    35K+Uses 'Say' to speak on AmIRC (extra sett
notifyplus.lha       comm/irc    23K+Enhances AmIRC's notify function [...]
AEMail230.lha        comm/mail  901K+AEMail 2.30 E-Mail GUI w MIME/UUENCODE
cim_v3.lha           comm/misc  1.1M+CIM - Caller Id Manager V3 r38 incl HTML
dvbcontrol.lha       comm/misc  308K+V1.30 D-Box/Mediamaster Settings Editor
AMarquee50.lha       comm/net   261K+V50.11a TCP Data Broadcast System (libra
Charon.lha           comm/net   147K+Download manager
Yam2NN_0.87.lha      comm/news  194K+Usenet access for YAM 2.0+
adt_ixemul.lha       comm/tcp    55K+Aminet Download Tool 2.5, AmigaOS/ixemul
SimpleFTP.lha        comm/tcp   160K+SimpleFTP v2.14 - Easy to use FTP client
IBrowseSP.lha        comm/www    16K+IBrowse 2.x spanish catalogs v1.51
WebYAM.lha           comm/www     9K+Web interface for YAM 2.0+
WorldMap.lha         comm/www    15K+ARexxport,AmIrc/IBrowse-scripts included
CNCD_Killer.lha      demo/aga   2.9M+CNCD presents: Killer - demo from TP7
DKG-Myhouse.lha      demo/aga    59K+My House demo from Darkage in 1999!
rno-pakarat.lha      demo/aga    65K+"Pakarat" - a 64k into by RNO from TRSAC
SCX-Alien2.lha       demo/aga   6.5M+Alien2 Demo from Haujobb & Scoopex - won
TBL-Senseless.lha    demo/aga   2.1M+Senseless demo by TBL - from TRSAC party
Efreet_DeepPan.lha   demo/intro  40K+Efreet presents: Deep Pan the finest Sli
IRS-AVT8.lha         demo/mag   587K+Avatar #8, released at TRSAC in Denmark.
Obligement10.lha     demo/mag   797K+Obligement #10 - Ze famous FRENCH fanzin
Obligement7.lha      demo/mag   416K+Obligement #7 - Ze famous FRENCH fanzine
Obligement9.lha      demo/mag   786K+Obligement #9 - Ze famous FRENCH fanzine
AND-Wild.lha         demo/slide 3.1M+Anadune presents: Wild Slideshow with pi
ATW-Efrafa.lha       demo/slide 1.1M+Efrafa Slideshow by Artwork (with pics b
GDS-AFG.lha          demo/slide 837K+A few good men slideshow by Gods with pi
Tandem2.68.lha       dev/asm    721K+Revolutionary Editor/Assembler/Debugger
clockita.lha         dev/basic   58K+Italian clock with alarm + source code
PureBasic.lha        dev/basic  710K+V1.40 - Brand new powerful programming l
Amiga-C-Mar00.lha    dev/c      202K+Postings to Amiga-C mailing list in Marc
devpic.lha           dev/cross   86K+PIC16 development package
wla_020_4.1.lha      dev/cross   51K+WLA - Game Boy Macro Assembler v4.1 (020
MuForce.lha          dev/debug  231K+The V40 Enforcer, detects illegal RAM ac
MuGuardianAnge.lha   dev/debug  280K+MungWall superset, detect accesses to no
camde.lha            dev/e       15K+CAMD developer kit for E
ECTv101.lha          dev/e       19K+Now Free - The First(?) E Case Tool !!!
AWNP_2-39.lha        dev/misc   197K+Very Usefull Mutli Function pipe
FD2Pragma.lha        dev/misc   123K+V2.104 creates pragma, inline, ... files
MuLink.lha           dev/misc   110K+Memory protect selected hunks of binarie
MuScan.lha           dev/misc   107K+Print the MMU tree layout.
numconv.lha          dev/misc     8K+Simple DEC/HEX/BIN/ASC/FLT/OCT converter
MCC-Install.lha      dev/mui    106K+Universal MUI custom class installer scr
MCC_Popph.lha        dev/mui     84K+V15.5 - Popup placeholder class (MUI)
MCC_Popph_Src.lha    dev/mui     34K+V15.5 - Popup placeholder class (MUI)
agpg.lha             docs/hyper 235K+Amiga Games Patches Guide
agpg_txt.lha         docs/hyper 633K+Amiga Games Patches Guide -AddOn Textes
AmigaInfo.lha        docs/hyper 253K+ITALIAN ONLY Amiga Mags Aprile 2000
FSCP_Gde.lha         docs/hyper  31K+Farscape Episode AGuide (25)
IM_2000.lha          docs/hyper  12K+Iron Maiden 2000 guide V1.0
STEP_Gde.lha         docs/hyper 260K+Star Trek Episode AGuide (607)
Aakt0400GFX.lha      docs/mags  523K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0400GUIDE.lha    docs/mags  112K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0400HTML.lha     docs/mags  297K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
ACNews_20.lha        docs/mags   61K+E-zine focused on Amiga News: #20-April 
MuManual.lha         docs/misc  465K+RKRM style tutorial & docs for the mmu.l
WarpUp-Mar00.lha     docs/misc  149K+Postings to the WarpUp mailing list in M
D1.lha               game/actio 568K+Great jump'n'run arcade game!Giftware.
sharksmulti.lha      game/actio 293K+Great Action-diving OCS/AGA ! V1.5
Ambassador192B.lha   game/board 186K+Client for IGS, Internet Go Server, V1.9
sol_dt.lha           game/board  63K+*Inofficial* German exe for Solitaire v1
F1GP_2000.lha        game/data    9K+2000 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (9 April
FoundPolish.lha      game/data    4K+Foundation Polish (Catalog)
vgp_sd2000.lha       game/data    2K+Virtual GP - Season Data 2000
WBPGarfield.lha      game/data  157K+Garfield puzzle set for WBPerplexity
WBPGoo.lha           game/data  174K+Funny animated puzzle set for WBPerplexi
boulderdaesh.lha     game/jump  721K+V4.29, BoulderDaesh Main Archive
JamesPond3Fr.lha     game/patch  14K+French translation for James Pond 3 CD32
WHDF16Combat.lha     game/patch  21K+HD Installer for F-16 Combat Pilot V1.4
WHDFears.lha         game/patch  28K+HD Installer for Fears V3.1
JT_TTT.lha           game/think  13K+Tic Tac Toe in AmigaBASIC
TaskForce.lha        game/think 344K+Tactical combat game & editor (V0.39)
WBPerplexity15.lha   game/wb    472K+Version 1.5b update of WBPerplexity
PfPaint_ENG.lha      gfx/edit    28K+English documentation for PerfectPaint V
PfPaint_FRA.lha      gfx/edit    31K+French documentation for PerfectPaint V1
PfPaint_V13.lha      gfx/edit   1.1M+Paint,Anim from 1 to 24bits
CMNDR-ImageFX.lha    gfx/ifx     66K+Customizable GUI for ImageFX
Epicycles.lha        gfx/misc    64K+Makes fascinating screen displays
akMPEG4.lha          gfx/show   170K+MPEG player for CyberGfx/AGA V4.41 (68k/
Apdf_68030fpu.lha    gfx/show   237K+PDF doc. viewer, 68030 with fpu
Apdf_68040fpu.lha    gfx/show   238K+PDF doc. viewer, 68040 with fpu
Apdf_68060fpu.lha    gfx/show   237K+PDF doc. viewer, 68060 with fpu
Apdf_common.lha      gfx/show   244K+PDF doc. viewer, main archive
Apdf_fonts.lha       gfx/show   470K+Base fonts for Apdf
Apdf_ppc.lha         gfx/show   330K+PDF doc. viewer, PPC (PowerUp or emulati
Apdf_src.lha         gfx/show   1.1M+Source code of Apdf
mccontrol.lha        hard/hack  339K+V1.42 PSX MemoryCard Reader
ICS.lha              hard/misc  1.6M+V1.09 ICS - professional color correctio
ICSmanlj.lha         hard/misc  1.5M+V1.09 ICS manual as 300dpi Laserjet file
ICSmanps.lha         hard/misc  515K+V1.09 ICS manual as PostScript file
ASpEmu.lha           misc/emu    60K+V0.74 128K ZXSpectrum emulator.
ASpEmu_NOROM.lha     misc/emu    35K+V0.74 128K ZXSpectrum emulator.
imdbDiff000324.lha   misc/imdb  2.1M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff000331.lha   misc/imdb  1.8M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
lotolib.lha          misc/misc   22K+Lotolib for LOTO v2.3+ (1976 au 05-avril
DAlmanac_Exe.lha     misc/sci   1.4M+Next Generation Planetarium (1.8.13)
twig_stra.lha        mods/med   179K+StrangeLand, a tune by DJTwiglet
rNO-L028.lha         mods/misc  1.4M+Rno-label release no.28 by zubspace&zany
rNO-L029.lha         mods/misc  230K+Rno-label release no.29 by roz (detroit)
rNO-L031.lha         mods/misc  104K+Rno-label release no.31 by tang (detroit
rNO-L032.lha         mods/misc  251K+Rno-label release no.32 by kure (tekno)
rno-l030.mpg         mods/mpg   4.2M+Rno-label release no.30 by Farfar/lns (e
nd-still.lha         mods/neuro 341K+OSS 12 ch. athmos slo-mo chill trance
cha_bsr.lha          mus/midi    36K+BassStation Rack patch editor
MUImp3.lha           mus/misc    52K+OS 3.5,MUI Encode mp3 from cd or file
DelfMPEG.lha         mus/play   144K+MPEG audio player for Delfina DSP
projectomega.lha     mus/play   527K+A camd based extensible midi file player
morph.lha            pix/anim    99K+Structured morphing animations
astronaut.jpg        pix/art     15K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
Gateway-show.jpg     pix/art     10K+Jpg colage with fxPaint
4DPlusIcon.lha       pix/icon     3K+Glowicon for 4D+ Inetmouse
optic-ilusion.lha    pix/misc    20K+Cool optic ilusion 
NI_b_s10.lha         pix/nicon  214K+AlotOfNewIcons for BUBBLE & SQUEAK +Glow
NI_g-i10.lha         pix/nicon  429K+AlotOfNewIcons for ISLONA&GUILDHALL GAME
NI_pow10.lha         pix/nicon  586K+AlotOfNewIcons for POWERMONGER +MagicWB
NI_pss10.lha         pix/nicon  304K+AlotOfNewIcons for Parasol Star +MagicWB
NI_pww11.lha         pix/nicon  680K+AlotOfNewIcons for POWERMONGER WW1 +Mwb
NI_rdl10.lha         pix/nicon  552K+AlotOfNewIcons for RODLAND +MagicWB
BoingTheMetal.jpg    pix/wb     183K+A bit more energetic screen grab
SIL51_WBGrab2.jpg    pix/wb     204K+Workbench Screen grab 2 on my PicassoIV.
StanWB.lha           pix/wb     463K+New pics from my WB
StuBench2000.jpg     pix/wb      20K+16bit BVision StuBench
WBPerplexity01.jpg   pix/wb      85K+Workbench snapshot of WBPerplexity runni
bah.lha              text/edit   82K+Adds configurable toolbars to BED. V3.7.
JumpED.lha           text/edit   17K+Handy Text editor tool, Jump to Labels v
KonwersjaLib20.lha   text/misc   35K+A library for converting Polish texts
prtman39.lha         text/print 180K+Printmanager for AmigaOS3 (39.31)
AppReplaceIcon.lha   util/app    83K+Replacing icons with a new one
CheckX.lha           util/arc    29K+V1.74 Check for Archives/Packers/Viruses
DMS2HD1_6.lha        util/arc    51K+Unpacks DMS archives to HD v1.6
xadmaster.lha        util/arc   339K+V6.0 Powerful unarchiving system
MuFastChip.lha       util/boot  105K+Chip memory cache mode fine tuning tool
MuFastRom.lha        util/boot  106K+MuLib conformal ROM to RAM remapper
MuFastZero.lha       util/boot  122K+MuLib Zero Page remapper, FastExec/Prepa
MuLockLib.lha        util/boot  100K+Lock the mmu.library in memory on startu
MuOmniSCSIPatc.lha   util/boot  104K+Make the omniscsi.device MMULib aware
MuSetCacheMode.lha   util/boot  109K+MMU tree adjustment tool for experts
ReqPatch.lha         util/boot   15K+A small requester patch [preview]
fkey2mcp_mui.lha     util/cdity  18K+Converts FKey's config to A New MCP.conf
r.lha                util/cli    48K+V1.53 Just in time GUIs for every DOS co
SetDTool.lha         util/cli     7K+CLI_Command to change DefaultTool_Entrys
sploinerwos.lha      util/cli    97K+Split,Join&Recover WarpOS/68k/Win PC
easyconvert.lha      util/conv   14K+Easy Convert - converts miles - km, etc.
IcoDT.lha            util/dtype   4K+Dt for .ICO files (43.2)
DisLib.lha           util/libs   17K+A library based MC68K disassembler
MMULib.lha           util/libs  1.1M+Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs
MuMin.lha            util/libs   55K+Minimal MuLib archive for redistribution
Aminet.awnp.lha      util/misc   43K+AWNPipe Arexx gui. Searches and Download
amirsay.lha          util/misc   37K+Uses 'Say' to speak on AmIRC (extra sett
EnalTrisDemo.lha     util/misc  381K+Program for SuperEnalotto (italian)
StripHunks.lha       util/misc    9K+V1.9 CLI tool to strip useless hunks
xfdmaster.lha        util/pack  224K+Rel1.31 Decrunch packed files (exe/data)
Aminet.awnp.lha      util/rexx   48K+AWNPipe Arexx gui. Searches and Download
68040lib.lha         util/sys   226K+A MuLib aware 68040.library, 68030.libra
availcpu.lha         util/sys    16K+V2.00 Uses the PowerLED to show processo
Convert35Icon.lha    util/sys    30K+Convert35Icon: Convert OS35 icons into N
FastIEEE.lha         util/sys    98K+Speed up your mathieee libraries!
info.lha             util/sys    25K+AmigaDOS info command replacement (39.18
RAWBInfo.lha         util/sys    55K+ReAction based icon information (1.12)
VersionWB.lha        util/sys    39K+V2.14 AmigaDos Version replacement.
CyberClock.lha       util/time   30K+Digital clock w/ changeable digits
CyberClock_cze.lha   util/time    5K+Czech translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_deu.lha   util/time   15K+German translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_fra.lha   util/time    5K+French translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_ita.lha   util/time   15K+Italian translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_pol.lha   util/time   15K+Polish translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_por.lha   util/time   15K+Portuguese translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_rus.lha   util/time   16K+Russian translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_slo.lha   util/time   15K+Slovenian translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_srp.lha   util/time    5K+Serbian translation for CyberClock
trackdisplaycl.lha   util/time   37K+V1.10 Use hardware track display as cloc
vht-vg30.lha         util/virus  82K+VirusWarning.Guide v3.0 (VHT-DK)
VirusExecutor.lha    util/virus 211K+VirusExecutor v2.03
clipper.lha          util/wb     50K+VERY Handy Listview tool to set the Clip
Clipper_AWNP.lha     util/wb     62K+Handy Listview tool to set the Clipboard
CmdRun104.lha        util/wb     41K+Global help for all programs
DirScanner.lha       util/wb     75K+V2.5: Small but powerful filefinder. (MU
GlobalHelp10.lha     util/wb     15K+Global help for all programs
Ico2Info.lha         util/wb      3K+Converts .ICO to .info (44.2)
MakeAlias13.lha      util/wb     16K+Create alias files from WB-executables
Super72NEW.lha       util/wb     25K+800x600 to 1940/1942 & SVGA monitors.
THE.lha              util/wb    120K+Prefseditor for Tools-Menu and Hotkeys

[Meldung: 10. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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