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Bob Scharp per eMail

Amiga 2K Press Release
Am Samstag beginnt die große Amiga 2K Show in St. Louis. Unter finden Sie eine Aufstellung der einzelnen Events und Veranstaltungen der Show. Die komplette Pressemitteilung:

From:            Bob Scharp
Subject:         Amiga 2K Press Release - Events page now up on website

Amiga 2K
Press Release

April 25, 20000

The "Events and Schedule" page is now up. You can find out
all the exciting things planned for the Amiga 2K show in
St. Louis, MO. USA by visiting our web site at:

Then click on the link to the "Events" page.

Lots of classes and seminars are listed for Saturday April 1
and Sunday April 2. Plus other items of interest for
developers and exhibitors on listed for Friday March 31st.
More will be added soon.

If you're a Developer for Amiga software or hardware, you
should consider attending the Developer Conference being
held on Friday. Check out the page and click on the "DevCon"
button to get to the Developer Form.

If you are an Amiga user, and haven't decided to attend yet,
now's the time to do so. Check the classes and seminars. I
know you will find items that will interest you. Check the
list of exhibitors. More will be added Sunday too. There
are more exhibitors than last year. Lots of door prizes too!

See you at the show. The largest Amiga show in the Americas.

Bob Scharp

Bob Scharp,                   ____
Amigan-St. Louis           /\         |___|   || //
P.O. Box 672              //\\           ||   ||//
Bridgeton, MO 63044      //__\\          ||   | /
U.S.A.                  /_____ \        //    ||\\
                       //      \\      //     || \\
                      //        \\    //__    ||  \\
                     //          \\  |____|   ||   \\

WOW! Amiga 2K is going to be HUGE!

[Meldung: 27. Mär. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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