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Aaron Digulla in AROS-ML

Forming a professional/commercial development team to work on AROS
(Erste Ergebnisse der AROS-Umfrage)

AROS hat die einmalige Chance bekommen, zu einem Fulltime-Projekt zu werden, wenn sich genug Programmierer finden, die gegen Entgelt hauptberuflich an dem Projekt in der Schweiz arbeiten. Aarons Chef Herr Yourievski von der Sowatec AG ist bereit, das Projekt zu finanzieren, wenn er die Möglichkeit sieht, dass mit AROS Geld zu verdienen ist.

Aaron schreibt:
My boss, Mr. Yourievski from the Sowatec AG has offered us a once-in-a-lifetime chance: If enough people apply for working full time (incl. getting payed real money :-) on AROS here in Switzerland, he will have a really good look at this business opportunity. If he can see a way to make money with it, he will handle everything necessary to get us going at full steam :-)

So if you think you're worthy ;-) and you can move (or already life) in Switzerland, send your resumee to:

Sowatec AG
Witzbergstrasse 7
8330 Pfäffikon

or by EMail to

If you cannot move to Switzerland, then send your resmuee, anyway. Just note that we need at least 5 developers here; when we reach that, then the rest can probably live anywhere :-)

Also note that this would greatly enhance our relationship with Amiga Inc (because then, they would have a professional partner instead of a bunch of hobby developers working on their spare time).

Please bother him only if you're interested in working full time on AROS. All other inquiries should go to me directly.

Dipl. Inf. (FH) Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla (ps)

[Meldung: 22. Mär. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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