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Aaron Digulla per eMail

Wichtige Umfrage bzgl. der Zukunft von AROS
Aaron Digulla macht diese Umfrage, um besser einschätzen zu können, was die User über denken und damit eine Entscheidungshilfe zu haben, wie und ob es mit dem AROS-Projekt weitergehen wird. In sener Mail finden Sie die Fragen und weitere Einzelheiten.

Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 11:14:29 +0100
Subject: [AROS-Announce] IMPORTANT Vote: The Future of AROS

Please note that the results of this vote will decide on the future of
AROS. If some points are unclear then I might post followup votes to
allow people to change their mind. Also please note that votes from
developers will have more "weight" than votes from users but
nonetheless, every input will be considered.

For people not subscribed to the AROS lists: Please reply to

Do not send me lengthy comments or obvious things. I will probably not
have the time to read lots of comments. Also note that you must have
replied until Friday, 24th of March.

PLEASE NOTE: I'm doing this to get a better feeling of what people
think about AROS and about possible future options of it. I have NOT

been threatened by Amiga, H&P or whoever that our project will be
killed or anything (quite the contrary). I just must know what my
limits are when I have to make decisions about the future or AROS.

Anwers can be:

0 - Does not apply, makes no sense
1 - Not at all
2 - I don't like it much
3 - Maybe
4 - I can live with that
5 - I like this.

Finally, here are the votes:

* Should we stop our work if continuing meant to ruin Amiga Inc ?

* Should we stop our work if continuing meant to ruin H&P ?

* Should we stop our work if continuing meant to ruin the Classic
Amiga market ?

* Should AROS work more closely with Amiga Inc ?

* Should AROS work more closely with H&P ?

* Should AROS form a company of their own ?

* Should AROS stay independend from all companies ?

* Should AROS stay independend from Amiga Inc ?

* Would you accept AROS to become closed source ?

* Would you accept AROS to become closed source if this would
be the only way to get commercial/legal support, for example
from H&P ?

* Would you accept that AROS will work only on specific hardware/software
(for example, based on WarpUp or Amie) if that was the only
way to get support from Amiga Inc. ?

* Would you accept AROS to become closed source and working
only on specific hardware/software ?

* Would you accept that somebody from Amiga Inc. leading this
project ?

* Should AROS stay independend from any company
if Amiga Inc says so ? (for example not accepting any
support from them, not talking to them).

* If AROS would become a business on its own, would you
accept the source to become closed ?

* If AROS would become a business on its own, would you
accept that it runs only on certain hardware ?

* If AROS would become a business on its own, would you
accept that it runs only on certain hardware and be closed
source ?

* Would you join a development team which is working full
time on AROS and being payed for your work ?

* Would you relocate to Switzerland for this ?

* Would you want to stay independend and just being payed
by the hour ?

* Would you want to stay independend and just work on a
per feature basis (that is, the AROS "company" would
say "We need feature XXX and offer $$$ for it." and you
could apply for that single job).

Dipl. Inf. (FH) Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla
"(to) optimize: Make a program faster by
improving the algorithms rather than by
buying a faster machine."

AROS-Announce mailing list

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