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Aminet Recent

Neue Aminet Uploads, Teil 2
Achterbahn.lha       pix/anim   2.5M+Animation made with Cinema 4D by MadMan/
CatEyes.jpg          pix/art    149K+"CatEyes" created by Dr.Ferkel
RudisCartoon01.lha   pix/art    697K+Hand drawn Pictures with Faber Color Pen
RudisCartoon02.lha   pix/art    603K+More Hand drawn Pictures with Color Penc
amyback.jpg          pix/back   105K+A new background for your new OS 3.5!
EZFlyerDisk.lha      pix/icon     2K+A SyQuest EZFlyer cartridge icon for OS 
smg-icons.lha        pix/icon   109K+Sarah Michelle Gellar Icons
AFLE.jpg             pix/misc    13K+AFLE Logo. First French Association [mor
APowerBoom.jpg       pix/misc    35K+Another aMiGa=PoWeR Logo
Bap3Pic2.lha         pix/misc   2.2M+Pictures From BAP3 Party in SPAIN 2/3
Bap3Pic3.lha         pix/misc   2.0M+Pictures From BAP3 Party in SPAIN 3/3
eg45.jpg             pix/misc   113K+Photo from Egypt
eljot_art.lha        pix/misc   132K+Jpeg pictures done on an A1200
ExoMontage-L.jpg     pix/misc    11M+Montage of ~900 Amiga Game Boxes (Large)
ExoMontage-S.jpg     pix/misc   3.4M+Montage of ~900 Amiga Game Boxes (Small)
Ferr01.jpg           pix/misc    43K+Painting of a Ferrari-flag
fomb501.jpg          pix/misc   136K+Attacking Starfury (Babylon5)
fomsw01.jpg          pix/misc    87K+Attacking TIE-Interceptor (Star Wars)
fomsw02.jpg          pix/misc    57K+Vader against Skywalker
Therapie.jpg         pix/misc   108K+AMiGa TH RaPy. Keep the faith.
1_ExplBalP1.mpg      pix/mpg    121K+Paticle simulation with c4d 1/10
1_ExplBalP2.mpg      pix/mpg    188K+Paticle simulation with c4d 2/10
1_ExplBalP3.mpg      pix/mpg    331K+Paticle simulation with c4d 3/10
1_ExplBalP4.mpg      pix/mpg    316K+Paticle simulation with c4d 4/10
1_ExplBalP5.mpg      pix/mpg    228K+Paticle simulation with c4d 5/10
2_BallP1.mpg         pix/mpg     96K+Paticle symulation with c4d 6/10
2_BallP2.mpg         pix/mpg     98K+Paticle simulation with c4d 7/10
3_LightP1.mpg        pix/mpg     79K+Paticle simulation with c4d 8/10
3_LightP2.mpg        pix/mpg    108K+Paticle simulation with c4d 9/10
4_Particle.mpg       pix/mpg    741K+Paticle simulation withc4d 10/10
ReallyIcons.lha      pix/nicon  132K+Glowicon Images based on real world
3p-n2.jpg            pix/trace   11K+Sun going down over 3Pyramids
3p-n3.jpg            pix/trace    9K+Sun going down over 3Pyramids
3p21.jpg             pix/trace  237K+3Pyramids, the station on Mars
amitute.jpg          pix/trace   75K+Amitute! Need I say more? No!
granade.lha          pix/trace   48K+Rendered picture   
Odfjell.jpg          pix/vehic  163K+Chemical Tanker
ChamanWB.jpg         pix/wb     203K+Snapshot von Chaman`s WB
ChamanWB2.jpg        pix/wb     195K+Another Snapshot of Chaman`s WB
PetterssonsWB.jpg    pix/wb     151K+Pettersson's CGX workbench in 800x600
Skriptmanagr20.lha   text/edit  267K+For Dos & Arexx Build AmigaGuide & HTML
A1-EuroFont.lha      text/font    7K+A workbench-font with the "Euro-sign"( )
MegaFontPO.lha       text/font   34K+Printout files for MegaFonts
ixGuide-SetBo2.lha   text/hyper 335K+A SET Box Nr.2 for ixGuide. (saff-anim,b
Alt2Koi8.lha         text/misc   19K+Convert russian ALT > KOI8 (68k/PPc/Wos)
B2G.lha              text/misc   47K+Converts Big5 <-> GuoBiao (68k/PPC/Wos)
Big5-CNS.lha         text/misc   41K+Converts Big5-CNS (chinese) 68k/Ppc/Wos
Cyrillic2Latin.lha   text/misc   16K+Cyrillic to latin filter (68k/Ppc/Wos)
DictSqueeze.lha      text/misc   27K+Squeeze/UnSqueeze wordlist (68k/Ppc/Wos)
Esplit.lha           text/misc   21K+Splits EDICT's PN & normal (68k/Ppc/Wos)
EsplitX.lha          text/misc   21K+Splits EDICT's rude bits (68k/Ppc/Wos)
ExpandDict.lha       text/misc   66K+Espands a shrunken wordlist(68k/PPC/Wos)
GB-Folding.lha       text/misc   28K+Change "return" in GuoBiao (68k/Ppc/Wos)
GB2PinYin.lha        text/misc   43K+Converts Big5/GB to PinYin (68k/Ppc/Wos)
GBDetect.lha         text/misc   29K+Fix corrupted GuoBiao text (68k/Ppc/Wos)
HanZiPlus.lha        text/misc   86K+HanZiPLUS utilities (68k/PPc/Wos)
HZ-Utils.lha         text/misc  110K+Chinese conversion utils (68k/PPC/Wos)
JChar.lha            text/misc   58K+Generates japanese charsets 68k/Ppc/Wos
JGrep.lha            text/misc   25K+Japanese GREP on Amy (68k/Ppc/Wos)
KDFilt.lha           text/misc   20K+Filter for KanjiDic (68k/Ppc/Wos)
Koi2Alt.lha          text/misc   19K+Convert KOI8 to ALT (68k/Ppc/Wos)
Latin2Cyrillic.lha   text/misc   15K+Latin to cyrillic filter (68k/PPc/Wos)
Map-GuoBiao.lha      text/misc   36K+Ascii -> GuoBiao texts (68k/Ppc/Wos)
MCread.lha           text/misc   52K+MacWrite/TeachText to ASCII(68k/Ppc/Wos)
MWRescue.lha         text/misc   12K+Rescues damaged MacWrite (68k/Ppc/Wos)
nroff.lha            text/misc  112K+An nroff formatter for the Amiga, y2k fi
R2Tex.lha            text/misc   20K+Converts ROI8 to AMS TEX (68k/Ppc/Wos)
RecoverJis.lha       text/misc  112K+Recover broken JIS files (68k/Ppc/Wos)
RM4mat.lha           text/misc   26K+Remove GuoBiao format (68k/Ppc/Wos)
Text2PS.lha          text/misc   27K+Converts plain ASCII to PostScript
HP_Deskjet400C.lha   text/print  15K+Deskjet 400C/L Driver for WB 40.9
HP_Deskjet600C.lha   text/print  16K+Deskjet 600C Driver for WB V40.11
HP_Deskjet870C.lha   text/print  16K+Deskjet 870C/890C/970C Driver for WB V40
EvenMore.lha         text/show  259K+V0.55 - A lovely textviewer (WWW change 
MiniMen.lha          util/batch  80K+A GUI menu program with many application
TimeOut.lha          util/blank  45K+Small screen blanker.
Rainboot2_8.lha      util/boot  927K+The Ultimate Multimedia Boot v2.80
ShowAmiga96.lha      util/boot  500K+Picasso96 bootpic viewer v2.3b
ShowAmiga96_Up.lha   util/boot  338K+Picasso96 bootpic viewer update 2.3b
TurboVal.lha         util/boot    8K+TurboVal v1.2 the best such tool for Amy
WBStartup+.lha       util/boot  252K+WBStartup enhancer
Boo-Utils.lha        util/cli    30K+MakeBoo & DeBoo on Amy (68k/Ppc/Wos)
Ev.lha               util/cli    27K+Replacement for Eval - v1.2 prerelease
Jumpgate.lha         util/cli     8K+V3.0 - Patch programs for speed - Olly
ksc_scrsh.lha        util/cli     3K+Open public screen with shell
VersCheckV2.lha      util/cli   848K+Check your libs,MUI,devs,dtypes,classes,
feeder.lha           util/conv   10K+End-of-line to LF ASCII text converter
PalmDocGC.lha        util/conv    5K+Gui4Cli interface to Makedoc
akFix4476.lha        util/dtype   0K+Fix akDTs 44.76 (680x0)
RGFX-DT35.lha        util/dtype  47K+Datatype for IFF-RGFX-Format (44.1b)
WarpJPEGdt.lha       util/dtype  39K+JFIF-JPEG datatype (WarpOS/PPC) V44.9
pmuser.lha           util/libs   46K+PopupMenu.library V9.00
Buttz_13.lha         util/misc  117K+Application launcher. Define 20 buttons!
nodelete.lha         util/misc   34K+Saves *ALL* deleted files, not only from
PerNoGen.lha         util/misc  159K+Generates Personal Numbers
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc   34K+Runs Amiga qualifications tests, etc.
SIATP.lha            util/moni  168K+System Information And Test Program (SIA
ScreenShell.lha      util/shell   5K+Opens shell on a new public screen
ShellScr.lha         util/shell 132K+Devote a whole screen to your shell
InstallerNG.lha      util/sys   407K+C= Installer 100% compatible replacement
WBCtrl.lha           util/sys     3K+Controls undocumentated wb3.5 features (
CyberClock_ces.lha   util/time    5K+Czech translation for CyberClock
Safe.lha             util/virus  24K+Safe v12.8 - virus dicovering system
TestFilev1.lha       util/virus   4K+TestFile v1 an almost empty executable f
TUP1_6.lha           util/virus  70K+The Ultimate Protector 2k v1.6
VirusExecutor.lha    util/virus 141K+VirusExecutor v2.00
vsII.lha             util/virus  26K+VirusSlayerII beta by Martin Zemblowski
clipper.lha          util/wb     61K+Handy Listview tool to set the Clipboard
ClockCal.lha         util/wb     52K+WB Calender/World Clock with 4 clock fac
CreateOutline.lha    util/wb      4K+No more OutlineFont-like patches (1.1)
DirScanner.lha       util/wb     31K+Small and nice filefinder. V1.21
Dynamite.lha         util/wb     47K+Start button and explorer in one. Fast.
IconHandler.lha      util/wb     25K+V1.12 Drop file on AppIcon to change ico
TweakWB16.lha        util/wb    111K+Great WB 3.5 commodity, icon converter, 
VP-AQUA.lha          util/wb     10K+AQUA WB-MacOS X for VisualPrefs

[Meldung: 14. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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