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Bob Scharp per eMail

Bill McEwen - "Live Interactive Video Conference" on March 1
Der Gateway Amiga Club organisiert am Mittwoch, den 1. März eine Videokonferenz mit Bill McEwen. Lesen Sie die Einzelheiten in der offiziellen Pressemitteilung:

Press Rlease
Amigan-St. Louis
Bill McEwen - "Live Interactive Video Conference" on March 1

February 4, 2000

Fellow Amigans,

We are happy to assist the Gateway Amiga Club, Inc. in bringing
you Mr. Bill McEwen in...

        "Live" from the Gateway Amgia Club"

GAC's meeting will be Wednesday March 1, at the Ladue Horton Watkins
High School Videio Lab. It is located at 1201 South Warson Rd, in
Ladue, MO. The meeting starts at 7:30 PM, with the conference
starting at 8 PM CST.

Mr McEwen will discuss the "OS for the 21st Century" and
demonstrate some "new stuff". This is a meeting you won't want
to miss.

The interactive nature of this conference, will allow the speaker to
view his audience as they view him. Viewers can even ask questions
when their site is selected for viewing.

Amiga Clubs interested in viewing this live interactive video
conference" should go to GAC's web page at:

and click on the "Amiga News" link. There you will find the
details of how to apply for the conferences link.

We suggest that clubs attempt to find video conferencing
equipment at their local high schools, colleges, or businesses
to keep their costs down. It is possible to rent Kinko equipment,
but costs can be higher than most clubs can afford.

Due to the video sites needing possible on-site approval, we will
need to have your request no later than February 14. Please
remember to fill out the form on the GAC website.

See you on the Big Screen,

Bob Scharp

Bob Scharp,                   ____
Amigan-St. Louis           /\         |___|   || //
P.O. Box 672              //\\           ||   ||//
Bridgeton, MO 63044      //__\\          ||   | /
U.S.A.                  /_____ \        //    ||\\
                       //      \\      //     || \\
                      //        \\    //__    ||  \\
                     //          \\  |____|   ||   \\

WOW! Amiga 2K is going to be HUGE!

[Meldung: 06. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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