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Aminet Recent

Neue Aminet Uploads, Teil 1
pio_icon.lha         biz/cloan   24K+Use PPaint as Icon-Editor with OS3.5 Sup
Football.lha         biz/dbase  472K+*NEW* Version 2.5.2 - Setup your own lea
FootballUpdate.lha   biz/dbase  241K+*NEW* Update Version 2.5.1 to 2.5.2 - Se
gkartei6.1.3.lha     biz/dbase  231K+Powerful and easy database.
HomeCINEMA.lha       biz/dbase  134K+The coolest German Video Database
QuoteMan.lha         biz/dbase   28K+V1.0 Quote and Invoice manager. MUIREXX 
GolemBetaDemo.lha    biz/demo   534K+0.89 - Business soft for firms (PL only)
TCom2DEMO.lha        biz/demo    66K+V2.2.0 Amiga order program,(COMMESSE ITA
TFat2DEMO.lha        biz/demo   134K+V2.10.0 Amiga Invoice program,(FATTURE I
Dkg-Prices.lha       biz/dkg      1K+Pricelist for Amiga products at Darkage 
CutnPaste3_3fr.lha   biz/dopus    6K+French Catalog for Cut'N'Paste 3.2 - 3.3
dopus412-gpl.lha     biz/dopus  657K+Directory Opus 4 source code
SVConvert15.lha      biz/dopus   64K+Convert pictures using SViewIV and Dopus
ultraaccGER.lha      biz/misc    42K+German translation for Ultraaccounts5.0
sillytext.lha        comm/irc     1K+Amirc script to make silly text
REN_Statz.lha        comm/maxs   46K+`Hall Of Fame' Door for MaxBBS
AmiAIMv11.lha        comm/misc   48K+AmiAIM / Amiga AOL Instant Messenger
cim_v3.lha           comm/misc  1.1M+CIM - Caller Id Manager V3 r36 incl HTML
tc_ger_city.lha      comm/misc    1K+German Telekom rates for TimeConnect
AmiComSys.lha        comm/net   317K+V1.31 Personal Communicator like ICQ (MU
GetAllHTML.lha       comm/tcp    15K+Auto download or link-check entire Web s
netbus.lha           comm/tcp    21K+Netbus client for your AMIGA!
NetLink.lha          comm/tcp    17K+Miami Control
nntpsend.lha         comm/tcp     5K+Sends E-Mails to given newsserver, made 
tcpscanner.lha       comm/tcp    14K+TCP-PortScanner with nmap servicetable
CompressHTML.lha     comm/www   135K+HTML (De)Compressor/Preprozessor (German
Tidy.lha             comm/www   114K+Tidy your HTML - fixes common HTML error
crs-dtc.lha          demo/aga   441K+DepthCharge by CoRRoSioN
crs-foam.lha         demo/aga   526K+'foam' demo by CoRRoSioN
ia-cadmium.lha       demo/aga   291K+InterACTIVE present CADMIUM
crs-al.lha           demo/intro 130K+AnotherLife boardtro by CoRRoSioN
crs-borg.lha         demo/intro  65K+Borg 64k by CoRRoSioN
crs-burst.lha        demo/intro  54K+BURST dentro by CoRRoSioN
crs-ss3.lha          demo/intro 138K+Ss3 invitation intro by CoRRoSioN
crs-tracer.lha       demo/intro  61K+'tracer' intro by CoRRoSioN
SP10.lha             demo/mag   916K+Seenpoint #10 by Scoopex [Jan/Feb-2000]
clockita.lha         dev/basic   25K+Italian digital clock + source code
PureBasic.lha        dev/basic  585K+V1.30 - Brand new powerful programming l
SimpleCalc.lha       dev/c       54K+A Simple Calculator
stormamiga_lib.lha   dev/c      223K+Small and fast linker lib for StormC (de
chunky41_E.lha       dev/e        1K+E modules for using chunky.library 4.1
chunky_E.lha         dev/e        1K+E modules for using chunky.library 3.21
guigfxlib.lha        dev/misc   145K+Application layer for pixel graphics
SortCopy.lha         disk/bakup  28K+Tiny directory/link/backup/copy program
amiuserlist.lha      docs/lists  50K+AmigaUserList V8.87 of Germany, Switzerl
AmigaDeck.lha        game/data  285K+A Soliton cardgame carddeck V1.10
AmiUHS_11.lha        game/hint   16K+V1.1, Universal Hint System (UHS) Reader
CD32-Tips.lha        game/hint   28K+German CD32-Cheats-Guide v20
wiz2.lha             game/jump  202K+Platform game, now with Editor
AmigaPmars08.lha     game/misc  117K+Core Wars ICWS'94 draft compliant enviro
WormWars.lha         game/misc  643K+WormWars 5.21: Advanced snake game
WHDDarkman.lha       game/patch  26K+HD Installer for Darkman
WHDStratego.lha      game/patch  27K+HD Installer for Stratego
awinquake.lha        game/shoot 980K+68k and PPC ports of winquake, v0.5
awinquake_src.lha    game/shoot 1.7M+Source code of awinquake 0.5, a68k/ppc
AnimConv1_1fr.lha    gfx/conv     7K+French Catalog for AnimConverter 1.1
VE-VCard.lha         gfx/edit     3K+Visual Eng. - Visual Card v1.97
VE-VGradient.lha     gfx/edit     3K+Visual Eng. - Visual Gradient v1.35
VE-VTexture2.lha     gfx/edit    16K+Visual Eng. - Visual Texture 2 v1.03
akMPEG4.lha          gfx/show   142K+MPEG player for CyberGfx/AGA V4.20 (68k/
ShineR.lha           hard/hack    7K+PSX card reader hardware/software
TestCard.lha         hard/hack  169K+Testcard generator for PAL/NTSC systems.
vokabeltr2.3b.lha    misc/edu    67K+Powerful and easy word trainer. Freeware
Alcuin_1.1fr.lha     misc/emu     6K+French Catalog for Alcuin 1.1
AmiGenerator.lha     misc/emu   271K+Sega Genesis/MegaDrive emulator for Warp
Mac_TroubleIV.lha    misc/emu   2.3M+Macintosh Troubleshooter AmigaGuide v4.0
Nostalgia.lha        misc/emu   175K+THE Multi-Emulation system, support for 
imdbDiff000121.lha   misc/imdb  2.3M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
mm-reader0.9a.lha    misc/misc  156K+Recipe data base management
ay-colly10.lha       mods/chip   84K+Collection of the best AY musics for DT.
pie_alife.lha        mods/hardc 665K+Hardcore by Dj Pie / Lunatic 2k
twig_toa.lha         mods/med   277K+Toaster, a tune by DJTwiglet
divert12.lha         mods/midi   37K+Divertimento12, GM song by Stefano Regat
rNO-L023.lha         mods/misc  164K+Rno-label release no.23 by tang (funkyho
rNO-L024.lha         mods/misc  181K+Rno-label release no.24 by roz (house)
ravegirl.mpg         mods/mpg   2.3M+Happy rave girls. Hard/ClassicTrance (MP
strange.mpg          mods/mpg   3.4M+Strange Feelings. Hardtrance (MP3) tune 
HumanLives.lha       mods/pro   326K+Human Lives module by Estrayk / PaRaDoX
sexyu.lha            mods/roz   407K+Some Real Proggressive Funk! by Roz/fit^
solsis.lha           mods/roz   367K+Solitary Sister by Roz/rno^fit^vdo
AssamplerDKExm.lha   mods/smpl  245K+Some example alorithms made with Assampl
lnj-djnick.lha       mods/techn 177K+Old LastNinja rmx by D.J.Nick/D-Tronic
PH-DECO.lha          mods/techn 163K+Dark industrial sound by the Faces of Ma
AmigaSquares.lha     mus/misc    53K+AmigaSquares Skin for AmigaAMP
MP3TEDv28.lha        mus/misc   162K+MP3-TagEditor v2.8 - Update!
radiat-rAmp.lha      mus/misc    28K+Radiation Skin for AmigaAMP
TechAmp.lha          mus/misc    71K+Electronics Skin for AmigaAMP
24NGWM.lha           pix/misc   441K+Photos from 24th NGWM in Trondheim, Norw
lioness_duo.lha      pix/misc   451K+[ancor]a pic with Sandra and a Lioness
3P18.jpg             pix/trace  204K+Orion-Shuttle starting from 3Pyramids
3P19.jpg             pix/trace  114K+Zeppelin over 3Pyramids
DeepSpace.jpg        pix/trace   58K+Deep Space
dracula3.jpg         pix/trace  484K+Dracula s castle
Hexagen.jpg          pix/trace  190K+"Hexagen" trace 3D and 2D composition pi
Planets.jpg          pix/trace   40K+Planets
StarBaseOne.jpg      pix/trace  157K+StarBase One
Fiji.jpg             pix/views  502K+Tropical island in 800x600
aqua.jpg             pix/wb     353K+AQUA WB-MacOS X like:-) 800x600x15bit re
CharMap.lha          text/font   74K+Display the whole charset of a given fon
Printout.lha         text/print  59K+Print Zweckform Disk & CD Labels
fkey2mcp_mui.lha     util/cdity  17K+Converts FKey's config to A New MCP.conf
MRQ113u.lha          util/cdity  13K+MRQ update to V1.13, binary only
move37.lha           util/cli     4K+A fast move command (37.8)
aul-guide2html.lha   util/conv   57K+AmigaUserListe Guide2HTML converter (onl
deftool.lzh          util/dir     2K+Change icon defaulttool
icontype.lzh         util/dir     2K+Change icon type
WBStartup+.lha       util/libs  232K+WBStartup enhancer
ButtonBar2_0.lha     util/misc  106K+Button launching interface V2.0a
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc   35K+2.0: Now runs Amiga qualifications tests
SelectOS.lha         util/misc   10K+Select AmigaOS or Linux APUS on startup
snoopdos31.lha       util/moni  129K+System monitor, small update (3.1)
snoopdos31_src.lha   util/moni  229K+Source code for the SnoopDos 3.1 update
addrexx10.lha        util/rexx    3K+Small & fast addressbook (And envvar ed)
RexxJump.lha         util/rexx    9K+Handy Text editor tool, Jump to Labels v
CyberClock.lha       util/time   27K+Digital clock w/ changeable digits
CyberClock_cze.lha   util/time    5K+Czech translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_deu.lha   util/time   14K+German translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_fra.lha   util/time    5K+French translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_pol.lha   util/time   14K+Polish translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_por.lha   util/time   14K+Portugal translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_rus.lha   util/time   13K+Russian translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_slo.lha   util/time   13K+Slovenian translation for CyberClock
CyberClock_srp.lha   util/time    5K+Serbian translation for CyberClock
NTFTimer.lha         util/time   29K+NTFTimer 1.0, calcs. the transfer time.
VirusExecutor.lha    util/virus 114K+VirusExecutor v1.84
3.5_Addons.lha       util/wb      7K+V1.0 Addon for OS3.5
ActiveWB.lha         util/wb      2K+ActiveWB is a small utility activating W
clipper.lha          util/wb     57K+Handy Listview tool to set the Clipboard
CondenseIcon.lha     util/wb      3K+Os3.5 tool to make .info files smaller
DefIcons44.lha       util/wb     32K+DefIcons clone for os3.5 (44.3b)
Dynamite.lha         util/wb     47K+Start button and explorer in one. Fast.
lupe.lha             util/wb     69K+The magnifying glass program
MatrixBL.lha         util/wb     26K+Matrix Screen Blanker
outlinefont13.lha    util/wb      4K+Draws outline/shadow on WB 3.5 icon text
rndwbpix.lha         util/wb      8K+Random wbpattern picture selector (39.3)
sgrab.lha            util/wb     47K+Screen grabber with GUI (1.13a)
VisualPrefs.lha      util/wb    441K+Configure the look of the Amiga GUI!
mb_rrAutoDocs.lha    biz/dbase    7K+Generates AutoDocs with MUIbase
StarBase_SCR.lha     biz/dbase  124K+Star Trek Episodes Database (v1.5a)
golembetademo.lha    biz/demo   532K+0.88 - Business soft for firms (PL only)
TBolDEMO.lha         biz/demo    65K+V1.1.0 Material receipt program,(BOLLE M
TCom2Demo.lha        biz/demo    65K+V2.1.0 Amiga order program,(COMMESSE ITA
2b_diskarc.lha       biz/dopus    5K+A small disk unarchiving utility for DOp
GDTrash.lha          biz/dopus  135K+Win95 recycle bin for Dopus5 MagII V1.1 
SVConvert15.lha      biz/dopus   64K+Convert pictures using SViewIV and Dopus
MaxonCPPfix.lha      biz/patch    2K+Bugfixes for Maxon C++ 3.1
ansiartpack1up.lha   comm/bbs   180K+Ansiart Pack I
ansiartpack2up.lha   comm/bbs   566K+Ansiart Pack II
finfo.lha            comm/mail    2K+Write YAM Folderinfo to a file
REN_Vertz.lha        comm/maxs   45K+ANSI/Text Advert Door for MaxBBS
Dial_V3.lha          comm/misc  139K+Phonebook with modem/DTMF dialling (MUI)
dring.lha            comm/misc   89K+Distinctive ring for TrapDoor
TPSATCPrefs.lha      comm/misc    0K+TimeConnect Prefs for Telekomunikacja Po
nc_update.lha        comm/news  111K+Newsreader Version 1.25 (MUI)
newscoaster.lha      comm/news  308K+Newsreader Version 1.25 (MUI)
slrn.lha             comm/news  1.6M+Slrn (slang 1.4.0) - Amiga Rel 
Amster.lha           comm/tcp    81K+Napster client for Amiga with nice GUI
AWEBGetIP.lha        comm/tcp     8K+Plugin to show your dynamic IP+Hostname
nntpsend.lha         comm/tcp     4K+Sends E-Mails to given newsserver, made 
rxGetIP.lha          comm/tcp     7K+Scripts to show your dynamic IP+Hostname
SimpleFTP.lha        comm/tcp   147K+SimpleFTP v1.93 - Easy to use FTP client
GMSuite.lha          comm/thor   27K+Some really usefull scripts for Thor, v5
js_umsrfc.lha        comm/ums    53K+Umsrfc update (1.4)

[Meldung: 02. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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