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John Haubrich per eMail

TreeList Sourcecode freigegeben
Auch John Haubrich hat die Sourcecodes fast aller seiner Programme freigegeben. Download:

Er schreibt:
Nearly all of my Amiga source code has been released on my web page including source for the lovely TreeList MUI custom class.
If you are planning to update TreeList, I have a few suggestions:
  1. Implement a getter that returns the order of the tree.
  2. Use this value to dynamically allocate stack space for the iterator methods instead of requiring the class user to allocate the buffer manually. (What do you think of THAT, Allan?? Trust me -- he likes it!)
  3. Send a unique code into the iterators so that multiple iterators may still be used. ** The only problem is: who frees the stack buffers? I guess you'll need a FinishUsingIterator method.

Finally, I'm selling my A4000T on EBay (soon) which has all the source and more...
P.S. If 100 people will send me $100,000 each, I'll continue developing for Amiga. ;-) (ps)

[Meldung: 14. Dez. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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