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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
Hakan Parting per eMail

Neue Version von VersionWB 2.10
Download: VersionWB2_10.lha
  • NEW: Removes non-printables from the misc-field.
  • NEW: New-button added to the requester. Press it to do a new version search.
  • BUGFIX: It didn't recognized packed files that cannot be loaded with LoadSeg(). Now it shall recognize all crunch algorithms that xfdmaster.library can handle, including XPK.
  • BUGFIX: There was a space too much between the version number and the date.
  • BUGFIX: Only the name and the version number without any letters shall be printed if LIKECVER is set. Should be compatible with standard C:version now.
  • BUGFIX: If FULL was set together with LIKECVER the output was not fully compatible with original C:version.
  • BUGFIX: If LIKECVER was set in the VERSIONWB_PARAM but the argument TEXT was given then only one line was printed.

[Meldung: 31. Okt. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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