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Aminet Uploads vom 20.10.1999, Teil 1
Da das Aminet in Paderborn lange down war, ist diese erste Liste immerhin 116 Kb groß. Für die Uploadlisten haben wir eine neue Rubrik eingerichtet, in welcher Sie ab heute alle Uploadlisten finden können.

Nachtrag (01.08.2011, cg)
Beim Datenbank-Import den (jetzt obsoleten) Link zu den Upload-Listen wieder entfernt, Meldung aus technischen Gründen in zwei Teile gesplittet.

Fiasco_deu_doc.lha   biz/dbase  334K+2.22 - Multifunctional database program
Fiasco_eng_doc.lha   biz/dbase  295K+2.22 - Multifunctional database program
Fiasco_main.lha      biz/dbase  536K+2.22 - Multifunctional database program
HomeCINEMA.lha       biz/dbase  132K+The coolest German Video Database
QuickFile_3.22.lha   biz/dbase  306K+Powerful, fast and easy database.
StarBase_xxx.lha     biz/dbase  170K+Star Trek Episodes Database 3.1a/1.3a
Trekkie.lha          biz/dbase  900K+Star Trek Database, V2.17final Data V2.1
golded6.lha          biz/demo   3.0M+GoldED Studio 6 Demo
Dkg-Prices.lha       biz/dkg      1K+Pricelist for Amiga products at DarkAge 
xtm-beige.lha        biz/dkg    106K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-blue5.lha        biz/dkg    105K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-calcare15.lha    biz/dkg    126K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-oakbark.lha      biz/dkg    123K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-orange6.lha      biz/dkg    118K+Additional texture for Extreme
DOpus58_SP.lha       biz/dopus   27K+DOpus v5.8 spanish catalogs. Update
fwml9909.lha         biz/swood   13K+Messages about FW during September 1999
G5_Aux.lha           comm/bbs    94K+Gateway-5-BBS (AUX-Handler)
G5_Batch.lha         comm/bbs    38K+Gateway-5-BBS (batches)
april-src.lha        comm/fido  384K+April V1.08 SAS source code release
amirc.lha            comm/irc   763K+Fully featured GUI IRC Client (v3.2)
amirc_68000.lha      comm/irc   203K+68000/OS2.x version of AmIRC (v3.2)
MyMatch.lha          comm/irc    16K+Display Countries of Users in an IRC Cha
UnrealIRCd-bin.lha   comm/irc   393K+Advanced Elite-based IRCd. v2.1.6-tCx3
PSMail.lha           comm/mail   24K+Prints YAM mails using GhostScript.
StarGate2_2.lha      comm/mail  1.4M+StarGate v2.2 MUI internet mailer/news r
YAM20_HU.lha         comm/mail   23K+Unofficial hungarian locale for YAM v2.0
yam2_pl.lha          comm/mail   21K+Official fixed polish catalog for YAM 2.
AmigaTNCdevel.lha    comm/misc  177K+DEVELOPER ONLY : Packet radio modem driv
CManager.lha         comm/misc  565K+Contact Manager, a centralised system-wi
Connect.lha          comm/misc  107K+GUI that starts internet software and co
DragonDaemon.lha     comm/misc  342K+Dialer and more for SpeedDragon and Powe
dvbcontrol.lha       comm/misc  239K+V1.23 D-Box/Mediamaster Settings Editor
Scatti.lha           comm/misc   21K+Internet Phone Cost V 2.7 By 41 (Italian
selUser.lha          comm/misc   15K+Start tools 'multiUser' likely (yam,ibro
SMSSuite.lha         comm/misc  105K+Sends SMS messages from AmigaShell
SnoopTAT.lha         comm/misc   22K+Internet Phone Cost V 1.0 By 41 (Italian
uprc.lha             comm/misc   81K+Generates Aminet upload readme files
FTransAPIv1.2.lha    comm/net   125K+Internet's Translator Client API v1.2
GoFetchFTP.lha       comm/net   201K+V0.9b FTP Client designed to download a 
nc_update.lha        comm/news  110K+Offline Newsreader Version 1.17 (MUI)
newscoaster.lha      comm/news  256K+Offline Newsreader Version 1.17 (MUI)
GetAllHTML.lha       comm/tcp    15K+Auto download or link-check entire Web s
KgServer.lha         comm/tcp   656K+Knowledge Server: Allow worldwide access
samba_2.0.5a.lha     comm/tcp   2.7M+Native port of the free SMB client and s
SimpleFTP.lha        comm/tcp    85K+SimpleFTP v1.6- Easy to use FTP client!
WebVision22a.lha     comm/tcp   140K+The ultimate webcam viewer (MUI)
GMAutoWrite.lha      comm/thor    7K+Automatically post messages with Thor, v
apache_1.3.6.lha     comm/www   1.4M+Apache 1.3.6 webserver for Amiga
AWebResume.lha       comm/www    62K+Integrate FTP and HTTP resume support in
gng_upd101.lha       comm/www    56K+GiambyNetGrabber update from V1.0 to V1.
OpenURL30.lha        comm/www    88K+Library for easily sending URL->Browser
i2k-dgt2.lha         demo/aga   959K+1st place 
mkd_pgs.lha          demo/aga   499K+PRO_GEAR_SPEC WarpOS PPC demo by mankind
RNO-GoesAars.lha     demo/aga   1.1M+RNO: Goes Aars - TP8 partyslideshowrepor
SPO2-InvIntro.lha    demo/aga   380K+Invitation intro for SPo2! (Amiga-only d
wpz-frozen20.lha     demo/aga   666K+Frozen#2o - Special September Edition
wpz-frozen21.lha     demo/aga   709K+Frozen#21 - Distance Party Edition
SCX.EclipsE.lha      demo/ecs   286K+ECLIPSE/SCOOPEX - LTP'99 -
CdBS_DSoaB.lha       demo/euro  4.0M+V1.0 Demo PPC/Warp3D by CdBSSoftware.
present.lha          demo/euro  1.7M+PRESENT by LAMERS
sayko.lha            demo/euro   14M+SAYKO by LAMERS
tokyo.lha            demo/euro   22M+TOKYO by LAMERS - FIRST PLACE on ASTROSY
imi-okmp.lha         demo/intro  56K+1st place at Terminal Frost
imi-qrac.lha         demo/intro  48K+Da,Qrac by iNDUS3+mindnever+iq2000
obligement17.lha     demo/mag   674K+Obligement #17 - Famous FRENCH fanzine !
BlitzBoopsi.lha      dev/basic  119K+Boopsi examples for blitz
freegads.lha         dev/basic    1K+[Blitz2] Fix for Free GTList when using 
SocketFuncs.lha      dev/basic   12K+Fix Blitz problems with bsdsocket.librar
ADOSLib.lha          dev/c       16K+Additional DOS Lib for vbcc
amiga-c-sep99.lha    dev/c       41K+Postings to Amiga-C mailing list in Sept
MEMLib.lha           dev/c      102K+Port of MEM.Lib for vbcc
MMULib.lha           dev/c       35K+Vbcc stubs linklib for mmu.library
REQUESTLib.lha       dev/c      155K+Requester Lib for vbcc
STRINGLib.lha        dev/c       83K+Many stringfunctions (linklib for vbcc)
SUPRALib.lha         dev/c      106K+Port of SUPRA linklib for vbcc
vbccwosnative.lha    dev/c      397K+Vbcc executables compiled for PPC/WarpOS
TRSaferPtch.lha      dev/debug   20K+Safer Setfunctions Debug Tools
Wipeout.lha          dev/debug   63K+Traces and munges memory and detects mem
2b_CreativE.lha      dev/e       70K+New AmigaE compiler
powerd.lha           dev/e      194K+New programming language based on E
sofa.lha             dev/lang   3.5M+Eiffel compiler and additional libraries
guigfxlib.lha        dev/misc   238K+Application layer for pixel graphics
Istar.lha            dev/misc   656K+Knowledge Based System Inference Net Bui
simplecat.lha        dev/misc    50K+SimpleCat V1.3 - programmers catalog cre
HunkFunc.lha         dev/moni    14K+V1.7 display executable file structure
MCC_SpeedBar.lha     dev/mui     59K+Highly configurable toolbar class
MCC_TransferAn.lha   dev/mui    106K+MUI Custom Class for displaying transfer
rablepaint.lha       dev/src     57K+Paintprogram with full source code
GetCDDB.lha          disk/cdrom  74K+Easy download of CD disc id files
MCDP_MWBPanel.lha    disk/cdrom  12K+8 col. MWB style panel for MCDPlayer 2
MCDP_XENPanel.lha    disk/cdrom  11K+8 col. XEN style panel for MCDPlayer 2
rumeoandjoliet.lha   disk/cdrom 122K+Copy a Joliet/Win9x CD with full names
SCSIQuery.lha        disk/misc   19K+Prints internal infos of SCSI devices
SFSconfig.lha        disk/misc    9K+Sets parameters for SFS partitions (1.2)
SFSobject.lha        disk/misc    8K+Sets SFS object attributes with source (
SmartInfo.lha        disk/misc   16K+SFSQuery and SFSdefragmentGUI replacemen
ZJTools12_Por.lha    disk/misc    3K+Portuguese catalogs for ZJTools v1.2
PFSDefragTry.lha     disk/optim  15K+Tries to defrag PFS partitions (1.5), wi
cc99invi.lha         docs/anno    4K+Cologne Conference 99 Invitation
SPO2-Invitat.lha     docs/anno    8K+Invitation for SPo2! (TEXT VERSION)
Ainu.lha             docs/etext   5K+Situation of Ainu in Japan
Amiga_MO_FAQ.lha     docs/help  302K+V1.5, Amiga Magneto-Optical Drive FAQ
dvbcontrdocpdf.lha   docs/help  982K+DVBControl V1.12 german documentation in
Ibrowse2Print.txt    docs/help    2K+Describes how to get Ibrowse2's PostScri
AmigaInfo.lha        docs/hyper 360K+ITALIAN ONLY Amiga Mags Settembre 1999
AMIyNET42.lha        docs/hyper 1.4M+Spanish Amiga Internet users list. V4.2
MusicBase_2.00.lha   docs/hyper 239K+Music texts database v.2.00
Aminet-CD-33.lha     docs/lists  36K+Aminet CD 33 index and description
amiuserlist.lha      docs/lists  36K+AmigaUserList V5.59 of Germany, Switzerl
Aakt1099GFX.lha      docs/mags  345K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt1099GUIDE.lha    docs/mags  115K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt1099HTML.lha     docs/mags  276K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
AaktInt0999.lha      docs/mags  266K+International infotainment magazine
AaktInt0999GFX.lha   docs/mags  229K+International infotainment magazine (gra
ACNews_14.lha        docs/mags   80K+E-zine focused on Amiga News: #14-Septem
agsaku30.lha         docs/mags  1.5M+AmigaGuide-Saku #30. Finnish diskmag.
agsaku30k.lha        docs/mags  172K+AmigaGuide-Saku #30. Finnish diskmag. Fi
AIOV28.lha           docs/mags  427K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 28 (Sept
AO_0104.lha          docs/mags   13K+AO newsletter - volume 1, issue 4 - 15 O
F0NT07.lha           docs/mags  507K+Hungarian all-about mag issue #07
gadget42.lha         docs/mags  394K+German Freeware Magazine
htsaku30.lha         docs/mags  1.5M+HTML-Saku #30. Finnish diskmag.
Nintendo01_10.lha    docs/mags  252K+German NINTENDO Magazin  01.10.1999
NoCover67.lha        docs/mags  2.4M+Great german diskmagazine
NoCover68.lha        docs/mags  1.7M+Great german diskmagazine
saku30d1.lha         docs/mags  495K+Saku #30 (4/99). Finnish diskmag. 1/3
saku30d2.lha         docs/mags  393K+Saku #30 (4/99). Finnish diskmag. 2/3
saku30d3.lha         docs/mags  432K+Saku #30 (4/99). Finnish diskmag. 3/3
StarMag20.lha        docs/mags  303K+Ultimate German Diskmag, DECRUNCH IT!
woa5.lha             docs/mags  299K+World Of Amiga Issue 5 (Oct 99)
3DWorldArc0999.lha   docs/misc  107K+Archive of the 3D World ML for 09/99
3DWorldFAQ.lha       docs/misc   10K+FAQ for the 3D World Mailing List
BCPLMagic.lha        docs/misc    8K+Doc about BCPL handler startup magic
fc_jul99.txt         docs/misc   15K+FreeCell ML messages - July 1999
fc_jun99.txt         docs/misc    5K+FreeCell ML messages - June 1999
jasep99.lha          docs/misc  179K+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
sharks.lha           game/actio 212K+Great Action-diving V1.2 !
FreeCell1.8.lha      game/board  97K+Logical patience-type card game
DaliDeck.jpg         game/data  3.1M+Soliton card set
F1GP_1999.lha        game/data   10K+1999 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (17 Octo
vgp_sd99.lha         game/data    2K+Virtual GP - Season Data 1999
ExodusTLW_Demo.lha   game/demo  5.9M+Demo new RTS game from Poland. COOL !!!
FoundCard.lha        game/hint  179K+Foundation Card-Hints Miss01-28.
TrainerMaker.lha     game/hint   27K+Get unlimited lives etc. Full version!
WaxworksSol.lha      game/hint   11K+Waxworks (Elvira 3) Walkthrough and tips
CrazySue.lha         game/jump  304K+Classic PD platform game
sg2ishi.lha          game/misc   11K+Converts Smart Go to Ishi Go matches
LLamatronHD.lha      game/patch   7K+HD-Installer for Llamatron V1.1
malicemod.lha        game/patch 246K+Malice (Quake TC) bot-mod & fpsbooster  
RevengeHD.lha        game/patch   6K+HD-Installer for Revenge of the Mutant C
WHDFatmanTCC.lha     game/patch  29K+HD Installer for Fatman TCC
Z2Install.lha        game/patch  38K+HD Installer for Zeewolf 2: Wild Justice
ZInstall.lha         game/patch  38K+HD Installer for Zeewolf
KC0.6.lha            game/role   83K+Create your hero for RPG Krysztaly Czasu
Marryampic.lha       game/think 103K+A CardSet game to find sound-pairs
tinytainer.lha       game/think  93K+Mines & Master Mind
r4_Lara_Croft.lha    gfx/3dobj  587K+Lara-Croft-like girl for monzoom 3d pro
JpegTool.lha         gfx/conv    17K+Datatypes <-> jpeg converter (1.9)
AmiCAD_2.03.lha      gfx/edit   636K+Schematics vectorial electronics program
IE-openpicture.lha   gfx/edit     1K+Image Eng. - Open Picture v1.00
ImEngV3.41p1.lha     gfx/edit   617K+Image Engineer v3.41 (Wision r2) - 1/2
ImEngV3.41p2.lha     gfx/edit   434K+Image Engineer v3.41 (Wision r2) - 2/2
VE-batchpro.lha      gfx/edit     6K+Visual Eng. - Batch process v1.01
VE-Examples.lha      gfx/edit   520K+Visual Eng. - Examples
VE-Examples2.lha     gfx/edit   423K+Visual Eng. - Examples 2
VE-gausedge.lha      gfx/edit     5K+Visual Eng. - Gaussian edge v1.56
VE-gausfeather.lha   gfx/edit     5K+Visual Eng. - Gaussian feather v1.21
VE-logotexture.lha   gfx/edit     5K+Visual Eng. - Logo texture v1.15
VE-Masks.lha         gfx/edit   188K+Visual Eng. - Masks
VE-runhook.lha       gfx/edit     5K+Visual Eng. - Run Hook v0.01
VE-shadow.lha        gfx/edit     9K+Visual Eng. - Shadow v3.34
VE-signature.lha     gfx/edit     6K+Visual Eng. - Signature v1.03
VE-Tutorial1.lha     gfx/edit   142K+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 1
VE-Tutorial2.lha     gfx/edit   111K+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 2
VE-Tutorial3.lha     gfx/edit    68K+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 3
VE-Tutorial4.lha     gfx/edit    37K+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 4
VE-Tutorial5.lha     gfx/edit    83K+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 5
VE-Tutorial6.lha     gfx/edit    50K+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 6
VE-Tutorial7.lha     gfx/edit   110K+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 7
VE-Tutorial8.lha     gfx/edit   102K+Visual Eng. - Tutorial 8
VE-unkregion.lha     gfx/edit     5K+Visual Eng. - Unknown Region v1.02
VE-VAnim.lha         gfx/edit     9K+Visual Eng. - Visual Anim v2.35
VE-VBorderD.lha      gfx/edit   153K+Visual Eng. - Visual Border Demo v1.20
VE-VCard.lha         gfx/edit     7K+Visual Eng. - Visual Card v1.81
VE-VGradient.lha     gfx/edit     6K+Visual Eng. - Visual Gradient v1.29
VE-VLogoD.lha        gfx/edit   150K+Visual Eng. - Visual Logo Demo v1.20
VE-VPuzzleP.lha      gfx/edit   154K+Visual Eng. - Visual Puzzle Preview
VE-VSurface.lha      gfx/edit     7K+Visual Eng. - Visual Surface v1.28
VE-VTexture2.lha     gfx/edit    19K+Visual Eng. - Visual Texture 2 v1.00
SvIV-1.lha           gfx/misc   310K+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 1/8
SvIV-2.lha           gfx/misc   213K+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 2/8
SvIV-3a.lha          gfx/misc   136K+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 3a/8
SvIV-3b.lha          gfx/misc   219K+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 3b/8
SvIV-4.lha           gfx/misc    41K+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 4/8
SvIV-5.lha           gfx/misc    60K+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 5/8
SvIV-6.lha           gfx/misc    62K+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 6/8 (opt
SvIV-7.lha           gfx/misc   116K+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 7/8 (opt
SvIV-8.lha           gfx/misc   217K+SViewIV V9.00 (15.10.99) - Part 8/8 (opt
SvIV-PPC.lha         gfx/misc   943K+Update for SViewIV/PPC V24.1 (PPC)
AMP.lha              gfx/show   255K+MPEG1/2, FLI/FLC, AVI, QT player for War
Frogger.lha          gfx/show   117K+Ultimate PPC MPEG video player (v1.3.5)
PhotoFolio1_2.lha    gfx/show   325K+V1.2 View/Store/Catalog images
sJFIF163.lha         gfx/show    12K+JFIF viewer for AGA AmigOS
SoftCinema.lha       gfx/show   230K+Ultimate Movie Player (PPC) V0.6
ViewILBM.lha         gfx/show   159K+Displays IFF-ILBM pictures; supports col
Spitfire.lha         hard/drivr 390K+A Palm Desktop for the Amiga!
mccontrol.lha        hard/hack  200K+V1.29 PSX MemoryCard Reader
TPPtools.lha         hard/hack    5K+TriplePlayTools for Bars&Pipes & TripleP
TriplePlay2.lha      hard/hack  474K+TriplePlay 2 MIDI-Interface for Bars&Pip
ICS.lha              hard/misc  1.6M+V1.07 ICS - professional color correctio
NewMouse12.lha       hard/misc   14K+Serial mouse driver w/ wheel and D'n'D s

[Meldung: 20. Okt. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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