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Jochen Abitz per eMail

Tornado-News aus der Mailingliste
Auszug aus der Mail, die Massimiliano Marras (Eyelight founder and sole owner) in der Tornado-Mailingliste schrieb:
Just to clarify: there are no plans to drop Amiga development. Tornado3D is an Amiga product and will stay Amiga and Three-Oh will be released and I hope it will please (most) everybody. And there will for sure a 4.0 version next year. Those are official statements. Rest assured that present and future loyal T3D users will NOT be left out in the cold.
(Tornado3D wird weiterentwickelt und nächstes Jahr wird auch Tornado Version 4.0 erscheinen.) (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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