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Ron van Herk per eMail

Audio Evolution wird jetzt kommerziell von Computer City vertrieben
Audio Evolution (besser bekannt unter PlayHD) gibt es jetzt auch PPC-Version. Den kommerziellen Vertrieb hat die Firma Computer City in Rotterdam übernommen. Einzelheiten zum Programm und zum Vertrieb in der offiziellen Pressemitteilung:

To: Magazines
From: Boing!
Subject: Audio Evolution Commercial Release
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 15:14:01 PDT
Reply-To: Boing!

Audio Evolution

Rotterdam, august 23rd 1999 - Benelux Amiga distributor Computer City and Audio Evolution programmer Davy Wentzler have signed a distribution deal which allows Computer City to publish the full version of Audio Evolution on a worldwide basis.

Sales will go through dealers around the world as well as directly from Computer City ( Audio Evolution is released on the Sultan Systems & Software label, also known from the EuroCD shareware CD-series.

The commerical release of Audio Evolution is also the first release to include PowerPC plug-ins for even higher performance.

The recommended retail price is HFL 189,00 (appr. USD 91,00) For more information:



Ron van Herk
Computer City
Zebrastraat 7-9
3064 LR Rotterdam
The Netherlands
phone: +31-10-4517722
fax: +31-10-4517748

Davy Wentzler Raadhuisplein 13 c
3901 GA Veenendaal

Feature list Audio Evolution (03-Aug-1999)
  • Max. 30 stereo channels. (*)
  • Full duplex recording.
  • Mixing desk with volume, panning, mute, solo, PPM level meters, 3 realtime effects and 4 subgroups per channel.
  • Full mixer automation with event editing on the timeline or with timecode.
  • 4 Subgroups and subgroup automation
  • Realtime effects with runtime (near real-time) parameter change and on/off state selection. Includes CPU-overload detection for preventing lock-ups during playback.
  • Timeline display with a graphical overview of all samples and ability to move samples along the timeline.
  • Pre Computed Graphics for fast graphical display of samples and realtime zooming.
  • Marker mechanism to place locators, time marker and punch in/out markers easily on top of the timeline for quick access.
  • Sample editing (cut, copy, paste, erase). Direct to disk, not limited by memory.
  • Disk-based effects like Delay, Noise Gate, Chorus, Limiter, Amplifier, Ring Modultion, Lowpass filter, Highpass filter, Parametric EQ and FIR filter.
  • MIDI start synchronisation with external equipment, Bars&Pipes and CAMD.
  • Record level indication before and while recording for optimal dynamic range settings and peak indicators for prevention of digital distortion.
  • Mastering to stereo AIFF file via the AHI Hifi modes.
  • Online help and documentation

(*) Actual number of channels depends on the hardware configuration (ps)

[Meldung: 23. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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