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Aminet [New Uploads]

Aminet Uploads vom 30.06.1999
xtm-bluecoral.lha    biz/dkg     87K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-cirrus.lha       biz/dkg     38K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-clouds.lha       biz/dkg     59K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-firering.lha     biz/dkg     46K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-flagstone.lha    biz/dkg     70K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-gratings.lha     biz/dkg     57K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-GrayWater.lha    biz/dkg     30K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-pinkmarble.lha   biz/dkg     52K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-pool.lha         biz/dkg     64K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-PSquares.lha     biz/dkg     22K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-RGLeaves.lha     biz/dkg     86K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-satin.lha        biz/dkg     86K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-sea.lha          biz/dkg     62K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-Steel.lha        biz/dkg     55K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-symbols.lha      biz/dkg     46K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-whitemrbl.lha    biz/dkg     45K+Additional texture for Extreme
xtm-wood35.lha       biz/dkg    106K+Additional texture for Extreme
darkness.lha         biz/dopus   56K+Another theme for magellanII from Amiman
MMail204.lha         comm/amiex  52K+Email Door for /X *UPDATE*
ZeusDoors.lha        comm/bbs   157K+8 doors for Zeus BBS, includes source.
1oo-ug10.lha         comm/cnet    4K+Easier uploading for CNet/4
ProfiPacket.lha      comm/misc  411K+Packet Radio terminal program
ProfiPacketSrc.lha   comm/misc  1.0M+Packet Radio terminal program - source c
TimeLord.lha         comm/net   164K+OS timeclock resync tool (version 2.20)
perch.lha            comm/tcp     9K+Permissions/CHMOD extension for FTPMount
dir2html.lha         comm/www     1K+Scans directory of files to create HTML 
Ho-GITS.lha          demo/aga   2.8M+Ghost In The Shell
irs-join.lha         demo/intro 314K+An oldsk00l intro from IRIS
PPC680x0Fix.lha      dev/asm     38K+New PPC680x0 Promo 1.5: first Promo 1.5 
FloppyFlux.lha       disk/bakup  99K+V1.2, Keep your old floppy disks on HD.
CAFe99inv.lha        docs/anno   16K+CAFe'99 official invitation files
XeniuM.txt           docs/anno   20K+XeniuM '99 Computer Party Invitation (Po
Chocolate-FAQ.lha    docs/hyper  14K+Rec.Foods.Chocolate- FAQ
CulHerbs-FAQ.lha     docs/hyper 131K+Culinary Herbs - FAQ
HowTowriteFAQs.lha   docs/hyper  19K+How to write FAQs
KoolAid-FAQ.lha      docs/hyper  42K+KoolAid FAQ
Lego-FAQ.lha         docs/hyper  23K+A FAQ about LEGO  
MontyPythonFAQ.lha   docs/hyper  20K+Monthy Python- FAQ
PEZCandy-FAQ.lha     docs/hyper  32K+A FAQ about PEZ Candy 
AIOV25.lha           docs/mags  375K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 25 (June
hp24html.lzh         docs/mags Magazine #24 (Apr/May) HTM
MaP_bat.lha          game/data  559K+Cardset for MarryAmPic (NTSC fixed)
MaP_bat2.lha         game/data  533K+Cardset for MarryAmPic (NTSC fixed)
RealmOfChaos.lha     game/data  1.6M+32 levels for Doom2 -- Full game replace
Qboost4.lha          game/patch 336K+Qboost v4 (Quake speedup)
ADescentPPC.lha      game/shoot 479K+Amiga Descent Version 0.8 (PPC,WarpUp)
ADescentPPCW3D.lha   game/shoot 495K+Amiga Descent Version 0.8 (PPC,Warp3D)
chaos.lzh            game/think 1.5M+World's best strategy game. 0-8 players.
Apdf020.lha          gfx/show   205K+PDF doc. viewer, 020/030+fpu
Apdf040.lha          gfx/show   204K+PDF doc. viewer, 040+fpu
Apdf060.lha          gfx/show   203K+PDF doc. viewer, 060+fpu
Apdfppc.lha          gfx/show   275K+PDF doc. viewer, PPC (PowerUp)
Apdfsrc.lha          gfx/show   527K+PDF document viewer, source code
Apdf_nofpu.lha       gfx/show   211K+PDF doc. viewer, 020+, no fpu
ImagePool.lha        gfx/show    69K+Shared library to cache images
Show040.lha          gfx/show   425K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (040) V2.6
ShowPPC.lha          gfx/show   403K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (PPC) V2.6
MCControl.lha        hard/hack  154K+V1.16 PSX MemoryCard Reader
DTU.lha              misc/emu     9K+Disk Transfer Utility (C64<>Amiga)
Electrostatic.lha    misc/emu    93K+Translates Atari 2600 games to Amiga. V1
Mac_TroubleIII.lha   misc/emu   1.6M+Macintosh Troubleshooter AmigaGuide v3.0
SpaTra05.lha         misc/misc  132K+Spanish Translations Pack 05 v0.55
DAlmanac_Ast.lha     misc/sci   1.5M+Asteroids for Digital Almanac II
DAlmanac_Exe.lha     misc/sci   705K+Next Generation Planetarium (1.4)
DAlmanac_NList.lha   misc/sci   322K+NList executable of DA II (1.4)
Riot.mpg             mods/elbie 3.6M+Riot [hard Indusrtial] by ElbiE^t13n!
Varg_gat.mpg         mods/elbie 3.7M+Varg_ ga [Crying Violas] by ElbiE^t13n!
Xprezzo.mpg          mods/elbie 1.6M+Xprezzo a Synth song by ElbiE t13n!
escape.lha           mods/med   102K+A MED module (mmd2) by Riley
night.lha            mods/med    87K+A MED module (mmd2) by Riley
DriftAway.lha        mods/misc  1.0M+16bit highqualty XM mod by FantaProd
FarAway.lha          mods/misc  1.3M+16bit highqualty XM mod by FantaProd
DeliSid4Amiga.lha    mus/play    13K+DeliTracker interface for Sid4Amiga
NcodeR_skin.lha      mus/play    15K+AmigaAMP-like skin for NcodeR
Sid4Amiga.lha        mus/play   306K+Plays C64 Sid Music Files - PPC/68K/GUI
Ilticon-games1.lha   pix/nicon  465K+256 Color NewIcons for Games     
RMPreview.jpg        pix/wb     109K+Screenshot demoing my various graphic se
GuideCheck.lha       text/edit   38K+V1.18 AmigaGuide syntax checker (and mor
GetHelp.lha          text/hyper 286K+Browse+search compressed HTML docs
UnDos.lha            text/misc   11K+Converts text between Unix,CPM, Mac,PC
WordStar2Ascii.lha   text/misc    9K+Converts WordStar files to plain ascii
WStar-Reform.lha     text/misc    6K+Wordstar reformatting filter
selectserial.lha     util/cli    16K+Select a Serial in your own Program
EncryptBGP2.lha      util/crypt  37K+High security file encrypter Any 68k CPU
ThorPGP50.lha        util/crypt   6K+ARexx scripts for use with PGP50 and THO
BMPdt.lha            util/dtype  36K+BMP picture datatype 40.12 for >= OS 3.0
PBMdt44.lha          util/dtype  28K+PBM picture datatype 44.2 for >= OS 3.0
threadlib20.lha      util/libs    2K+Thread shared library for Amiga. v2.0
RHelfer.lha          util/misc  177K+Helps to solve german crosswords. V2.12
Xoper28.lha          util/moni  102K+A powerful system monitor
IconTool.lha         util/wb     30K+Manipulat icons from the CLI

[Meldung: 30. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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