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Aminet [New Uploads]

Aminet Uploads vom 10.05.1999
Football.lha         biz/dbase  182K+*NEW* Version 2.3 - Control your own lea
HomeCINEMA.lha       biz/dbase  100K+V1.31 - THE German Video Database
MUIbase-1.1.lha      biz/dbase  985K+Powerful programmable relational databas
VowaData.lha         biz/dbase   98K+Datafile Update for VorwahlenGui
GolemBetaDemo.lha    biz/demo   190K+0.78 - Business soft for firms (PL only)
TCPhoneBill.lha      biz/misc    10K+Tables For German Phone Bill! (V1.2a)
fwml9904.lha         biz/swood   25K+Messages about FW during April 1999
fg-axn7.lha          comm/amiex 161K+AX-News (XIM Door)  Read/Write on USENET
GS_Hint.lha          comm/irc     5K+Multiplayer hint/scramble game (v1.1) fo
amigancp.lha         comm/misc  274K+Link Amiga to Psion S3/S5 palmtops
dc210wizard12.lha    comm/misc  129K+Tool for Kodak DC210 digital camera
DragonDaemon.lha     comm/misc  215K+Dialer and more for "Speed Dragon"
Homebank_SK.lha      comm/misc  354K+Homebanking (only german Sparkasse!)
RS_C_+Miami.lha      comm/misc   11K+Config-files for "RecentScript+Miami"
TTimeDeluxe.lha      comm/misc  555K+Displays Phonecosts online (Germany only
AmiComSysMUI.lha     comm/net   295K+V1.25a Personal Communicator like ICQ (M
AmiVNC.lha           comm/tcp    65K+Experimental VNC server for Amiga w/C so
facts.lha            comm/tcp    48K+V2.6 GUI/CLI based NTP clock syncroniser
AIPW.lha             comm/www    17K+V2.0 MUI IP Watcher. Shows your IP+HostN
HTTPResume_Cze.lha   comm/www     3K+Czech localization for HTTPResume v1.6
HTTPResume_Slo.lha   comm/www     2K+Slovenian localization for HTTPResume v1
icr.lha              comm/www    45K+Restores IBrowse cached WWW pages for lo
Lynx282dev26.lha     comm/www   878K+Cool WEB Browser(HTTP,FTP,NEWS...) 020+
blurremix.lha        demo/aga   912K+Blur Remix - Mankind - 2nd place at Ukon
hjb-mnem.lha         demo/aga   3.4M+Haujobb : "Mnemonics" -  demo
shn-bad.lha          demo/aga   958K+An AGA demo by the Danish demogroup S he
shn-dklokal.lha      demo/aga   1.0M+An AGA demo by the Danish demogroup S he
univers.lha          demo/aga   650K+Universe -  - 3rd place at Ukonx 99
AMCAFExt140InD.lha   dev/amos   507K+GERMAN demovers of the AMCAF-Ext *REUL*
AMCAFUpd140Exa.lha   dev/amos   366K+Examples UPDATE for AMCAF *REUPLOAD*
djmix.lha            dev/amos    89K+DJMIX - simulates a phono-player
funkyzator.lha       dev/amos    13K+NEW! makes your text look fUnKy!
Mazer.lha            dev/amos   135K+Generate mazes for fun and profit (?)
mousing.lha          dev/amos     1K+Let s your Amiga Sing with the Mouse
blitzfix.lha         dev/basic   11K+[Blitz2] Fix for the 3rd parameter bug
BitMap24.lha         dev/c       47K+A simple 24 bit bitmap C++ class
wosdb.lha            dev/debug   33K+A simple WarpOS/PowerOpen debugger
ADV133.lha           dev/misc    49K+A really neat autodoc viewer v1.33 (OS3.
FusionV1_0.lha       dev/misc   111K+AGA Palette manipulation for programmers
fbackng.lha          disk/bakup  26K+Utility to make daily backup of changed 
fda.lha              disk/cache 348K+Now write-able!!! V1.4
fda_d_DviPS.lha      disk/cache 224K+German documentation in DVI, PS & texinf
ANews.lha            docs/anno    7K+ANews french magazine announce
AMIyNET40.lha        docs/hyper 1.5M+Spanish Amiga Internet users list.(HTML)
Equally.lha          docs/hyper   9K+Catatonia Lyrics in guide form
ClassesGuide.lha     docs/lists  78K+A Guide of Amiga custom BOOPSI classes. 
ARock5.lha           docs/mags  604K+Italian Music Magazine (in italiano!)
ascene0E.lha         docs/mags  1.4M+First Austrian Online Amigazine, Apr.99
EuroChamp.lha        docs/misc   23K+Statistics of soccer Euro Champs '60-'96
fc_apr99.txt         docs/misc    2K+FreeCell ML messages - Apr 1999
WorldCup.lha         docs/misc  110K+Statistics of soccer World Cups '30-'98
bug.lha              game/2play  22K+V1.80 (30-4-99) Guide for Bug Bomber
XFire2PV.lha         game/actio 797K+68k/WOS AGA/RTG 1-4pl HighEnd shoot'em u
amicheats.lha        game/hint  3.0M+03-May-1999 HTML mirror of Ami Cheats we
OSS_Cauldron.lha     game/hint    2K+The Black Cauldron Solve (German)
OSS_China.lha        game/hint    4K+Heart of China Solve (German)
OSS_GRush.lha        game/hint   25K+Gold Rush Solve (German)
OSS_HQ1.lha          game/hint   36K+Hero`s Quest 1 Solve (German)
OSS_HQ2.lha          game/hint   31K+Hero`s Quest 2 Solve (German)
OSS_Iceman.lha       game/hint    5K+Codename Iceman Solve (German)
OSS_Indy3.lha        game/hint    9K+Indiana Jones 3 Solve (German)
OSS_Indy4.lha        game/hint   45K+Indiana Jones 4 Solve (German)
OSS_KQ1.lha          game/hint    7K+King`s Quest 1 Solve (German)
OSS_KQ4.lha          game/hint    5K+King`s Quest 4 Solve (German)
OSS_Larry1.lha       game/hint    5K+Larry 1 Solve (German)
OSS_Larry2.lha       game/hint    8K+Larry 2 Solve (German)
OSS_Larry3.lha       game/hint   33K+Larry 3 Solve (German)
OSS_Larry5.lha       game/hint    7K+Larry 5 Solve (German)
OSS_Loom.lha         game/hint    5K+Loom Solve (German)
OSS_Mansion.lha      game/hint    3K+Maniac Mansion Solve (German)
OSS_MI1.lha          game/hint    9K+Monkey Island 1 Solve (German)
OSS_MI2.lha          game/hint   13K+Monkey Island 2 Solve (German)
OSS_PQ1.lha          game/hint   27K+Police Quest 1 Solve (German)
OSS_PQ2.lha          game/hint    6K+Police Quest 2 Solve (German)
OSS_PQ3.lha          game/hint    7K+Police Quest 3 Solve (German)
OSS_SQ1.lha          game/hint    3K+Space Quest 1 Solve (German)
OSS_SQ2.lha          game/hint   13K+Space Quest 2 Solve (German)
OSS_SQ3.lha          game/hint   15K+Space Quest 3 Solve (German)
OSS_SQ4.lha          game/hint    7K+Space Quest 4 Solve (German)
OSS_Willy.lha        game/hint    4K+Willy Beamish Solve (German)
OSS_Zak.lha          game/hint   10K+Zak McKracken Solve (German)
rfmpro10.lha         game/misc  672K+Most playable soccer manager ever(German
WHDF29.lha           game/patch  25K+HD Installer for F-29 Retaliator
Scott.lha            game/role   71K+Adventure interpreter for Scott Adams cl
DropZone.lha         game/shoot 342K+Based on Archer Maclean's classic
Zodesdemo.lha        game/shoot  10M+Jump & Run Game
inform621.lha        game/text  137K+68000 Compiler for ZMachine/Infocom game
inform621_030.lha    game/text  136K+68030 Compiler for ZMachine/Infocom game
inform_lib69.lha     game/text   84K+Libraries for Inform - V6/9.
MUIMineSrc.lha       game/think 102K+C Source code for MUIMine V1.2
R4_DSN.lha           gfx/3dobj  1.7M+Deep Space Nine for monzoom/REFLECTIONS
G-DEC.lha            gfx/conv   285K+Simple AnimGif Decompiler
DIYrekoEnh.lha       gfx/ifx    181K+Create REKO and Soliton cardsets
GreyToColor.lha      gfx/ifx      1K+AutoFX script for ImageFX
Mavica_411.lha       gfx/ifx      5K+Mavica .411 loader for ImageFX
Safety.lha           gfx/ifx      1K+Generates Title Safety and Action Safety
SaveBufferILBM.lha   gfx/ifx      1K+AutoFX script for ImageFX
SaveBufferJPEG.lha   gfx/ifx      1K+AutoFX script for ImageFX
SaveBufferTIFF.lha   gfx/ifx      2K+AutoFX script for ImageFX
Scale_Absolute.lha   gfx/ifx      2K+AutoFX script for ImageFX
VisibleHuman.lha     gfx/ifx      7K+Visible Human Project loaders for ImageF
photoalbum63a.lha    gfx/misc   227K+Picture management (incl.PCD) for AGA&Cy
Mnu3.lha             gfx/show   265K+Fabulous Realtime Animation Synthesizer.
sjfif.lha            gfx/show    20K+JFIF viewer for AGA AmigOS
Spitfire.lha         hard/drivr 273K+A Palm Desktop for the Amiga!
A1k2-KEYB.lha        hard/hack  136K+Pinout of A1200Rev.2B keyboard connector
ICSProfiles.lha      hard/misc  145K+Scanner Profiles for ICS V1.0x
AmigaVGBPPC.lha      misc/emu   176K+Rev7: FASTEST Gameboy-emulator for PPC+C
imdbDiff990430.lha   misc/imdb  2.9M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
melody.lha           mods/med    82K+Tuneful OctaMED Soundstudio mod
sta-id42.lha         mods/med   183K+Static Presentz Independance v2 Exe
dream.mpg            mods/mpg   2.8M+Dream of penguins. Hard/Classictrance (M
taste.lha            mods/ooze  482K+"a taste of love" (xm) by tribal
TrumPetSpeakin.lha   mods/pop   420K+Funny tune by Antonio
Booze.lha            mods/pro   287K+Booze or Grooves - By Nemesis/Zenon^Dyna
FunkJam.lha          mods/techn 188K+"Funky Jam" By Sniper, awesome dance tun
MuscleBass.lha       mods/techn 284K+"MuscleBass" Dance tune.
M_O_N.lha            mods/techn 301K+"Middle of Nowhere" Dance tune.
SniperF.lha          mods/techn 212K+"Track 01" Dance/Techno tune.
SniperJ.lha          mods/tranc 189K+"Track 02" Dance/Trance tune! Excellent.
MelodyRecGUI.lha     mus/edit    70K+GUI for MelodyRecord
symEDIT.lha          mus/edit    78K+Symphonie 3.2
EP_RobHubbard.lha    mus/play     4K+EaglePlayer Rob Hubbard external replaye
LETOFishyKitty.lha   pix/anim   171K+Anim with Sounds - by Leto Kauler
WF7_MVS-4Wat.mpg     pix/anim   504K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - 4xWater Anim 
WF7_MVS-Merg1.mpg    pix/anim   506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Merge 1 Anim 
WF7_MVS-Merg2.mpg    pix/anim   506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Merge 2 Anim 
WF7_MVS-Wat1.mpg     pix/anim   505K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Water 1 Anim 
WF7_MVS-Wat2.mpg     pix/anim   506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Water 2 Anim 
ACallToArms.jpg      pix/mark   347K+Cardassian and Dominion forces at DS9
ALF.jpg              pix/misc   318K+Amiga Life Form by Chipset :)
Cow2.jpg             pix/misc   101K+What really happened to the mutilated co
MascotOurs.jpg       pix/misc    31K+L'Ours au Boing - The New Amiga Award
GGWB_by_Bubel.jpg    pix/wb     219K+Screenshot of my BVision WB
slishbench.jpg       pix/wb      89K+Grab of a very stylish 800x600x16 WB B)
GuidEd.lha           text/hyper 128K+Amigaguide editor 
Epson_400.lha        text/print  14K+Epson Stylus 400/440 Driver for WB V1.9
prtman39.lha         text/print 146K+Printmanager for AmigaOS3 (39.23)
Fvc.lha              text/show   18K+*NEW UPDATE* A useful companion to your 
LZXRepacker172.lha   util/arc     7K+Repack LHA/ARJ/ZIP/RAR/HA/TAR/TGZ to LZX
BK_RemPPCLib.lha     util/boot    1K+BlizKick-Module: Disables ppc.library
Scegli.lha           util/boot   50K+Very configurable localized bootmenu w/ 
SRename.lha          util/cli    51K+Advanced rename/renumber CLI program.
HTML-Creator.lha     util/misc  100K+Create HTML pages for CD-ROMs (German) (
FWCalendar.lha       util/rexx   59K+THE calendar creator for FW & Pagestream
rxasl.lha            util/rexx   16K+Rxasl.library 4.1 asl functions for ARex
AddBuffe.lha         util/sys     2K+Replaces original AddBuffers command (38
AmiInternetTim.lha   util/time   15K+Swatch internet time for Amiga!
ProcessIcon.lha      util/wb     12K+V1.10 CLI tool to manipulate icon data

[Meldung: 10. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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