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Foundation Support

Foundation Update 1.24b
Download: FoundtionUpd24b.lha

Nachtrag: Den Download dieses Updates können Sie sich sparen, es ist ein dicker Bug drin (die gelben, blauen und brauen Punkte, die anzeigen, wo man was bauen kann, sind nicht mehr da). So wie ich Paul kenne, wird aber in Kürze ein neues Update zur Verfügung stehen.

Nachtrag 2: Paul Burkey, der Autor hat mir soeben per eMail mitgeteilt, daß in ein paar Tagen ein neues Update kommt. Lesen Sie hier seine Antwort, die wie immer superschnell kam (Danke daf&uum;r :-):

Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 14:28:59 +0100
From: Paul Burkey <>
To: Petra Struck <>
Subject: Re: Bug in 1.24b

Petra Struck wrote:
> there is a hard bug in 1.24b. I can't see anymore
> the yellow, blue and brown points, so it isn't
> possible to know where I can costruite the various
> houses.

okay. I plan to release a new update in only a few days time so
this will be fixed.

> P.S.: Then there are less goods, less soldiers,
> less people as before.

I don`t think I've changed any of the goods/soldiers figures but
there was a bug in that bit of the game which caused an enforcer
hit and probably increaced the values. So, what you see now
is the real figures which were used in previous updates. I think
the higher figures were introduced in V1.23 but these are the
real figures. If you start off with many more people/goods you
will be able to build a big army and make quick attacks at the
start of the game. That was something that was never meant to

> It isn't possible to attack e.g. a mine with 7 soldiers. They
> become urgently "ill". To hard :(.

Okay well I'll see if there's any bugs that could cause this. There
will be a new version out soon anyway. I'm working on a lot of small
changes to the game so frequent updates will appear.



< Paul Burkey >

[Meldung: 19. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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