17. Nov. 2024: MorphOS-Storage-Uploads bis 16.11.2024

Die folgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 16.11.2024 dem MorphOS-Storage hinzugefügt:

WebRadio_3.1.lha          Ambient/Screenbar         A sbar plugin to listen...
SDL_2.30.9_Libraries.lha  Dependencies/Library/SDL  All Libraries SDL : SDL...
getopt-long.lha           Development/C             getopt-long.lha
less-668.lha              Development/GeekGadgets   A paginator similar to ...
sz81_2.1.7.lha            Emulation                 a ZX81 and ZX80 emulato...
OpenFodder_1.9.2.lha      Games/Action              Open Fodder: An open so...
PANG_1.0.lha              Games/Action              Port of PANG
PipeWalker_1.1.lha        Games/Think               Port of PipeWalker by P...
BoulderDash_1.1.lha       Games/Think               Port of a BoulderDash c...
SilkRAW_3.0.lha           Graphics/Misc             GUI for Dave Coffin's p...
ReportPlus_8.61.lha       Misc                      A Multipurpose utility ...
Iris_1.40.lha             MorphOS-update            Iris, the MorphOS email...