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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

Cloanto (ANF)

Amiga Forever and MaxUAE on Mac OS X
New step-by-step configuration instructions for using Amiga Forever (CD-ROM and cross-platform Online Edition) with MaxUAE on Mac OS X have been posted in the FAQ section at (ps)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2003, 20:14] [Comments: 0]
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AmithlonTV (Website)

TV-board driver: AmithlonTV Beta-Version 342
Guido Mersmann released beta version 332 of his AmithlonTV today.

Download: AmithlonTVBeta.lha

  • FIXED: Seems last archive had some corrupted data content from disk transfer. Please download this new one to be sure that all needed stuff is included.
(ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2003, 12:07] [Comments: 0]
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New Aminet uploads as per 13th April 2003
These are the Aminet uploads that have been added since our last update:
AB2MLMae-Mai02.lha   biz/cloan   52K+ABlitzML archiv only in german
cddbfreedb.lha       comm/tcp     6K+Cddb.library dropin replacement using fr
ChestnutHill.lha     docs/misc  110K+The Chestnut Hill Caper, by John Barnard
MaritimeAdv.lha      docs/misc  109K+Maritime Adventure, by John Barnard
bouldercaves.lha     game/jump  472K+V5.12, BoulderDaesh RTX Caves Archive
boulderdaesh.lha     game/jump  856K+V5.12, BoulderDaesh RTX Main Archive
boulderfull.lha      game/jump  4.5M+V5.12, BoulderDaesh RTX Full Archive
bouldergames.lha     game/jump  2.9M+V5.12, BoulderDaesh RTX Games Archive
imdbDiff030404.lha   misc/imdb  3.5M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
EDG-NapalmiRMX.mpg   mods/mpg   4.6M+Remixed EDG-Napalmi Kuolema
viruscommands.lha    mus/midi   108K+Access Virus commands for tracks&fields 
XG_EditIMG.lha       mus/midi    24K+New Images for mus/midi/XG_Edit 
Artworks030218.lha   pix/wfm     14M+Artworks Issue from February 18, 2003
(ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2003, 12:27] [Comments: 0]
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Guido Mersmann (ANF)

AmigaOS-Game: BoulderDäsh RTX V5.12 - Rockford is back!
BoulderDäsh is an Amiga conversion of the good old BoulderDash on the C64. With now more than 10000 (ten thousand) levels in more than 400 game files should BoulderDäsh offer a long term gaming fun. If this is not enough for people they can create own levels and games with the level editor.

Compared to the version v5.11 supports v5.12 now also both C64 #?.GAM formats. Next to some small improvements contains this version approximately 5000 additional levels. The new version of BoulderDäsh RTX has already been uploaded and should appear on Aminet in the next days.

Here once again the updated feature list:

BoulderDäsh V5.12
  • 1:1 BoulderDäsh clone
  • Full speed under MC68000 Amigas with AGA, ECS or OCS
  • Full graphic board support! Up to 256 Colors (depends on graphic set)
  • Full sound card support (AHI)!
  • System friendly! Can be paused and resumed at any time.
  • requires OS 2.04 or higher
  • Commodore styleguide conform
  • Locale
  • Great GUI
  • Online Help
  • many preferences windows
  • Up to six players
  • New game elements
  • Unique record and play feature to show others how you solved the caves.
  • Internal music player with playlist
  • Optional full screen mode when running in RTG mode.
  • >10000 Levels
  • 35 graphic sets
  • 6 character sets
  • 5 sample sets
  • Several hiscorelists for each game (game, level and level time records)
  • Level and game editor
  • Supports C64 and Atari Construction Kit Level and game files.
  • Levels up to 100 * 100 blocks
  • Special gravitation modes
  • Create your personal game graphics
  • Create your personal sample sets
  • Create your personal game music
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Apr. 2003, 19:26] [Comments: 0]
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