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Software-News until 25.08.2009

SabreMSN 0.58

James 'jahc' Carroll has published another beta version of his MUI-based MSN-Messenger SabreMSN for AmigaOS 3/4 and AROS. The changes in SabreMSN 0.58 are listed in the Changelog.

CPUGauge 1.2

CPUGauge is a "Screenbar-Plugin" which is integrated in the title line of the Ambient screen and which shows the current usage of memory. CPUGauge requires at least MorphOS 2.0. Changes in version 1.2:
  • Left and right spacing can be changed now (Daff)
  • Background wasn't properly refreshed with extreme spacing dimensions. Fixed
  • The label is now always horizontally centered to the screen title and will ignore top and bottom spacing entirely
  • Byte separator can be selected from a list of alternatives now including none at all (Daff)
  • It's possible now to use the screenbar default font colour

AmigaOS 4: BoxWorld 1.12

Ventzislav Tzvetkov has finished version 1.12 of BoxWorld which is Sokoban clone. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Aug. 2009, 14:50] [Comments: 0]
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Software-News until 24.08.2009

MUI-Klasse: MCC_TextEditor 15.29 - now for AROS as well

The MUI-class MCC_TextEditor is now available in version 15.29. There is also an AROS-port. The changes:
  • Text can be colored (limited syntax highlighting)
  • WYSIWYG for bold, italic and underline soft styles
  • Multi-level undo & redo
  • Lines with different alignments (left, right, centered)
  • Ability to insert thick or thin separators with an optional title
  • Easy marking either using the mouse or keyboard
  • Full clipboard support, offering very fast cut & paste routines
  • Light text highlighting for e-mail based on an opening ">" character
  • Support for external spellcheckers, including type'n'spell and word guessing
  • Configurable keys, colors, cursor types, blink speed, and much more
  • Ability to have a bitmap as a background
  • Support for proportional fonts with floating word wrap, as well as antialiased fonts
  • Pixel smooth scrolling
  • AREXX interface for scripted programming

MorphOS: MemoryGauge 1.2

MemoryGauge is a "Screenbar-Plugin" which is integrated in the title line of the Ambient screen and which shows the current usage of memory. MemoryGauge requires at least MorphOS 2.0. Changes in version 1.2:
  • Left and right spacing can be changed now (Daff)
  • Background wasn't properly refreshed with extreme spacing dimensions - Fixed
  • The label is now always horizontally centered to the screen title and will ignore top and bottom spacing entirely
  • Byte separator can be selected from a list of alternatives now including none at all (Daff)
  • It's possible now to use the screenbar default font colour

MorphOS: Drawerball 0.8j

Tom 'Amigaharry' Duin has published Drawerball 0.8j which is an early version of a simple file manager.

PNG-Icons: Amiga's Magic Factory - PinUp Icons

Amiga's Magic Factory is called a package including different PNG-iconsets and screensavers created with Hollywood which was published by members of Morguesoft. Now a pictogram set called "Pinup Icons" was added. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2009, 15:26] [Comments: 0]
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Development environment: MurksIDE for AmigaOS 3, help wanted
Murks! is an open-source, integrated development environment. The project files are compatible with AmiDevCpp. Heinz-Raphael "Kaesebroetchen" Reinke has ported the program for AmigaOS 3.

The author is looking for some other developers who will help fixing some bugs included in the first port. Developers who want to port the development environment to AmigaOS 4 or MorphOS are very welcome. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2009, 00:29] [Comments: 0]
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1 543 1080 ... <- 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 -> ... 1100 1456 1817

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