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. Forum > Kleinanzeigen (keine Auktionen!) > V: CD32 with lot of games [ - Search - New posts - Register - Login - ]

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2009-09-01, 19:03 h

Posts: 15
For sale CD32 complete wit controller and power unit with a lot of original Games.

- Wild Cup Soccer ( without inlay )
- Dangerous Streets & Wing Commander
- Akira ( without inlay )
- Amiga Workbench Cd32 3.0
- Heimdall 2
- Mean Arenas
- Frontier Elite II
- Exile ( without inlay )
- Manchester United ( without inlay )
- Fields of Glory ( without inlay )
- Rise of the Robots
- Sensible Soccer European Champions
- Lamborghini American Challenge
- Dangerous Streets
- Banshee
- Simon the Sorcerer
- The Chaos Engine
- Premiere
- Guardian
- Deep Core

Price ¤ 125,00
Shipping cost from the Netherlands to Germany ¤ 25,00

[ Dieser Beitrag wurde von Junior am 01.09.2009 um 19:05 Uhr geändert. ]

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