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. Forum > Amiga, AmigaOS 4 > Neue GoldED-Version [ - Suche - Neue Beiträge - Registrieren - Login - ]

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17.12.2002, 06:33 Uhr

Posts: 166
GoldED Editor Updated

GoldED Service Pack 6
New versions of GoldED Studio AIX and GoldED Barebones (service pack 6) can be downloaded on the GoldED web site. Enjoy.
Download Service Pack 6
Download free version

PGP5.0i add-on
The new PGP add-on integrates the GoldED editor with Phil Zimmermann's Pretty Good Privacy encryption software.
Download PGP for GoldED

Other updates: new version of face/on (themes installer for GoldED) and a new version of afc.library (GoldED user interface). These files can be found on the service pack page and installation is recommened only if you also install service pack 6.

[ Dieser Beitrag wurde von Dietmar am 17.12.2002 editiert. ]

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