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10.09.2002, 07:47 Uhr

Posts: 1459
Greetings to the members of the first Amiga Club:

This is a simple introduction of what is going on with the club and what you can look forward to as a member.

First and foremost is that you will learn what is happening before the rest of the world, with our special club newsletter designed for you.

You will shortly receive the coupon and the T-Shirt showing that you are a member of a very special group of people.

Next, I wanted to let you know that the name ?Team Amiga? was initially the winner of the club name contest. Unfortunately, as I learned just today, the existing Team Amiga community group has voted against our use of their name for the club and I fully and sincerely respect their decision. I would like to know if the members here would go with the name ?Amiga Team? instead. You would then be a member of the Amiga Team, as opposed to being a member of Team Amiga. I will also ask the winning logo artist his opinion on the name change. With this turn of events, we are going to re-open the name contest with the alternate name ?Amiga Team? in place of the Team Amiga name. Be sure to make your opinion known by voting here:

At the end of the month I will be notifying you of the latest and greatest in new deals and details, along with some special promotional programs that we will start announcing.

One of the new features this month is the drawing for a new Amiga enabled cell phone. A member of the Amiga Team will receive a new Amiga Enabled Cell Phone when they begin shipping.

This is an exciting time for us at Amiga, and while there are many out there who say negative things about us, I can tell you that there is so much business activity surrounding what we are doing that it is amazing, and hard to keep up.

As an example of this, Amiga content will be pre-loaded on a new PDA from Royal electronics (a division of Olivetti). This is not just another PDA, but a product that Amiga has been working with Royal on, and it will change the way people use PDA?s in the future. It is really a fun device, and we are pleased to be a part.

Another area of excitement surrounds OS4.0. This is the first real Amiga operating system in a long time and, while it has taken us longer than we planned, it is going to offer more in what you are looking for with regards to a solid future. We are all very excited about this product and know that you will be pleased with the results.

In closing I would just like to remind you to tell your friends about the club, and lets see if we can grow this beyond where we are today, it really does show the world that we are real and ready to take it to the next level.

Sincerely yours,

Bill McEwen

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10.09.2002, 16:25 Uhr

Posts: 2793
warum setzt du das ganze nicht in die News?

MfG TriMa
Der Kanal der es nicht so eng sieht, chatten zum Spaß: Server: Kanal: #sarkasmus-pur
Look there ->

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10.09.2002, 16:59 Uhr

Posts: 1121
@ TriMa

Weil das vielleicht interne Clubinfos sind?
:diam: Ciao, Petra

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10.09.2002, 17:27 Uhr

Posts: 1459

Ich habe das nur hier rein kopiert das es ja Leute gibt die (obwohl sie bezahlt haben) keine Mails von AmigaInc. bekommen.

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10.09.2002, 18:39 Uhr

Posts: 2793
Und warumm werden interne Club Infos öffentlich zum lesen bereitgestellt?

Intern heisst soviel wie nicht extern, war ich immer der Meinung ;)

Vielleicht sollten die die keine Mails bekommen sich mal an Amiga Inc. wenden und sagen das sie keine bekommen und auf welchen Wege Sie das Bestellt haben, bzw die Leute könnten ja mal bei denen anrufen über die Sie das Bestellt haben.

Dann braucht man interne Sachen nicht Extern veröffentlichen.

MfG TriMa
Der Kanal der es nicht so eng sieht, chatten zum Spaß: Server: Kanal: #sarkasmus-pur
Look there ->

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10.09.2002, 20:11 Uhr

Posts: 1121
@ TriMa

siehe Antwort von Murmel. Im Forum ist so eine Message schon ok.
Sie ist ja schließlich nicht vertraulich, andererseits aber auch
nicht für die News geeignet. Ist so ähnlich wie Meldungen von

Apropos: Versuche mal, dir nicht immer meinen Kopf zu machen ;-).
:diam: Ciao, Petra

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