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amiga-news.de Forum > Amiga, AmigaOS 4 > WipeOut und OS4pre3 | [ - Suche - Neue Beiträge - Registrieren - Login - ] |
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01.07.2005, 12:08 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
Hi! Ich hab mir das 3. Update zu OS4 installiert. Damit gibts ja nu WarpUP und Warp3D unterstützung. Hab auch schon gelesen, daß WipeOut damit funktionieren soll. Das gibt bei mir aber immer einen Grimp. Egal ob eigener Screen oder Window. Hab auch alles ausser AHI abgeschaltet. Nichts funktioniert. Bei der Ausgabe übers Fenster sehe ich die ersten beiden Intro Bilder und dann gibts nen Grimp, weil das Spiel versucht auf Adresse 0 zuzugreifen (also ein Guru 80000003). Hat jemand ne Idee wie man das hinkriegen kann? Andere WarpUP progs laufen übrigends (z.B. die von der WarpUP-CD)... BTW: Ich hab 512MB Ram und ne Radeon 7500 mit 64MB in meinem Rechner... -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
01.07.2005, 18:28 Uhr AmigaPapst Posts: 980 Nutzer |
@Micha1701: Welche Auflösung benutzt du? Probier mal kleinere Auflösungen, wie 800x600 oder 640x480. Bei einem Freund lief es in höheren Auflösungen (1024 und höher) nicht. [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
02.07.2005, 08:35 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
Hab nochmal rumprobiert. Alle Auflösungen außer 1024x768 schmieren nach dem öffnen des Screens sofort ab. Bei 1024x768 (double oder triple buffer) sehe ich das erste Logo - ab da bleibt er dann ohne Grimp hängen. Auf der WB ruckelt dann sogar die Maus wie Sau... Wenn ich auf Fenster ausgabe schalte, sehe ich die ersten beiden Logos und dann gibts wieder nen Grimp... Noch ne Idee? -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
02.07.2005, 09:49 Uhr Blackbird Posts: 634 Nutzer |
@Micha1701: Da du den Thread auf AW auch verfolgst, hast du die dortigen Tips auch wirklich alle probiert ? - funktionieren die anderen WarpOS-Sachen ? - Hast du diese Libs alle in SYS:/Libs ? - powerpc.library - Warp3d.library - warp3dppc.library - asyncio.library (die neueste Version aus dem os4depot) - die lowlevel.library sollte die V50.3 sein -und in warp3d dir in libs: - GFXdrivers/W3d_Picasso96.library - HWdrivers/W3d_radeon.library ansonsten sollten folgende Einstellungen in der GUI helfen - Mipmapping - OFF - Graphics mode - DOUBLE BUFFERED SCREEN - ModeID - Radeon:1024x768 16bit - Speed Limit - 60 - Texture Memory - 3328 - Half Volume - OFF - Swap Audio Channels - OFF - Audio AHI - ON - CD Audio - OFF - Play Intro - OFF -- regards Blackbird [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
02.07.2005, 12:25 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
Hmm, die neueste async lib hab ich noch nicht. Werd die nachher sofort installieren. Wußte gar nicht, daß die dafür benötigt wird... -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
02.07.2005, 15:10 Uhr Blackbird Posts: 634 Nutzer |
Zitat: sag bescheid wenn es geklappt hat -- regards Blackbird [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
02.07.2005, 19:11 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
Hi! Hab soeben die neueste asyncio.library installiert. Ergebnis: Keine Verbesserung... Lag also nicht daran... CrossfireII-PPC läuft übrigends auch nicht... Noch ne andere Idee? -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
02.07.2005, 21:11 Uhr Blackbird Posts: 634 Nutzer |
@Micha1701: hmmm, was sagt den SnoopDos wenn du WipeOut startest ? Poste doch mal den Output hier rein oder deine Reaperausgabe, den ich habe gesehen das du verschiedene librarys noch nicht upgedatet hast. Beispiel Nlistview in MUI hat bei dir die Version V19.63 sollte aber nativ sein (nicht lagacy) V19.70 und Nlisttree 18.15 sollte V18.22 sein, Nlist V20.111 sollte V20.115 oder die xkpmaster sollte 5.2 anstatt 5.0 sein usw. Anscheinend ist da was beim Update schief gelaufen ? (Mal von den Nlist-sachen abgesehen) -- regards Blackbird [ Dieser Beitrag wurde von Blackbird am 02.07.2005 um 21:43 Uhr editiert. ] [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
03.07.2005, 13:42 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
Zitat: Also ich hab diese MUI sachen mal überprüft. Im Paket von Pre3 sind erstmal überhaupt nicht alle libs drin, die Du hier nennst. Und wenn, dann genau in der Version, wie ich sie auf dem Rechner hab. Mal abgesehen davon, hat MUI doch gar nichts mit dem eigentlichen Spiel WipeOut zu tun. Sondern wenn, dann nur die GUI für die Einstellungen, oder? Hier also SnoopDOS beim ersten Startversuch: code:Count Process Name Action Target Name Options Res. ----- ------------ ------ ----------- ------- ---- 1 WBL ChangeDir Games:WipeOut2097 2 WBL Open c:IconX Read OK 3 WBL ChangeDir Workbench: 4 WBL ChangeDir Workbench:C 5 WBL Open c:IconX.info Read 6 c:IconX ChangeDir Games:WipeOut2097 7 c:IconX Open Wipeout2097.info Read OK 8 c:IconX ToolType WINDOW Fail 9 c:IconX ToolType STACK Fail 10 c:IconX ToolType USERSHELL Fail 11 c:IconX ToolType WAIT Fail 12 c:IconX ToolType DELAY Fail 13 c:IconX Open CON:0/50//80/IconX/AUTO Read OK 14 ramlib Open LIBS:powerpc.library Read OK 15 ramlib Open NIL: Read OK 16 ramlib Open NIL: Write OK 17 ramlib Open LIBS:Warp3DPPC.library Read OK 18 ramlib Open NIL: Read OK 19 ramlib Open NIL: Write OK 20 RAMLIB: opening Warp3DPPC.library Open LIBS:Warp3D.library Read OK 21 RAMLIB: opening Warp3DPPC.library Open NIL: Read OK 22 RAMLIB: opening Warp3DPPC.library Open NIL: Write OK 23 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 24 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/ForceVersion Read Fail 25 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 26 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 27 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/CPUDriver Read Fail 28 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 29 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 30 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/QueueSize Read Fail 31 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 32 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench:Libs 33 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 34 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench:Libs 35 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 36 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench:Libs/Warp3D 37 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 38 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench:Libs/Warp3D 39 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 40 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open LIBS:Warp3D/GFXdrivers/W3D_Picasso96.library Read OK 41 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open NIL: Read OK 42 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open NIL: Write OK 43 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench:Libs 44 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 45 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench:Libs 46 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 47 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench:Libs/Warp3D 48 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 49 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench:Libs/Warp3D 50 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 51 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open LIBS:Warp3D/HWdrivers/W3D_Radeon.library Read OK 52 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open NIL: Read OK 53 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open NIL: Write OK 54 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 55 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/HWDriver Read Fail 56 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 57 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 58 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Radeon/Dither Read Fail 59 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 60 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 61 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Radeon/Antialias Read Fail 62 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 63 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 64 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Radeon/PixelCenter Read Fail 65 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 66 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 67 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Radeon/RoundMode Read Fail 68 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 69 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 70 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Radeon/RoundPrecision Read Fail 71 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 72 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 73 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Radeon/Rounding Read Fail 74 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 75 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 76 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Radeon/Anisotropic Read Fail 77 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 78 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 79 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Radeon/MaxAnisotropic Read Fail 80 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 81 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open LIBS:Warp3D/HWdrivers/W3D_Napalm.library Read OK 82 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open NIL: Read OK 83 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open NIL: Write OK 84 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 85 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/HWDriver Read Fail 86 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 87 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 88 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Napalm/Dither Read Fail 89 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 90 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 91 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Napalm/DitherAlgo Read Fail 92 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 93 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 94 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Napalm/AnitAlias Read Fail 95 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 96 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open LIBS:Warp3D/HWdrivers/W3D_Avenger.library Read OK 97 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open NIL: Read OK 98 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open NIL: Write OK 99 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 100 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/HWDriver Read Fail 101 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 102 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 103 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Avenger/Dither Read Fail 104 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 105 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 106 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Avenger/DitherAlgo Read Fail 107 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 108 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Env: 109 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library Open Warp3D/Avenger/AnitAlias Read Fail 110 RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library ChangeDir Workbench: 111 ramlib Open LIBS:lowlevel.library Read OK 112 ramlib Open NIL: Read OK 113 ramlib Open NIL: Write OK 114 ramlib Open LIBS:AmigaInput.library Read OK 115 ramlib Open NIL: Read OK 116 ramlib Open NIL: Write OK 117 ENV Open ENVARC:AmigaInput/AmigaInput.prefs Read OK 118 ramlib Open LIBS:AI_Generic_Mouse.library Read Fail 119 ramlib Open LIBS:AI_Generic_Mouse.library Read Fail 120 ramlib Open CLASSES:AI_Generic_Mouse.library Read Fail 121 ramlib Open CLASSES:AI_Generic_Mouse.library Read Fail 122 ramlib Open AI_Generic_Mouse.library Read OK 123 ramlib Open NIL: Read OK 124 ramlib Open NIL: Write OK 125 ramlib Open LIBS:AI_Generic_Keyboard.library Read Fail 126 ramlib Open LIBS:AI_Generic_Keyboard.library Read Fail 127 ramlib Open CLASSES:AI_Generic_Keyboard.library Read Fail 128 ramlib Open CLASSES:AI_Generic_Keyboard.library Read Fail 129 ramlib Open AI_Generic_Keyboard.library Read OK 130 ramlib Open NIL: Read OK 131 ramlib Open NIL: Write OK 132 ENV Open ENVARC:AmigaInput/LowLevel.prefs Read OK 133 reaper.task ChangeDir Env: 134 reaper.task Open REAPER.NoLookupSymbols Read Fail 135 reaper.task ChangeDir Workbench: 136 reaper.task ChangeDir Env: 137 reaper.task Open REAPER.DissLines Read Fail 138 reaper.task ChangeDir Workbench: 139 reaper.task Open Workbench:Libs/powerpc.library Read OK 140 reaper.task ChangeDir Env: 141 reaper.task Open REAPER.68kStackTrace Read Fail 142 reaper.task ChangeDir Workbench: 143 reaper.task Open NIL: Read OK 144 ramlib Open LIBS:newlib.library Read OK 145 ramlib Open NIL: Read OK 146 ramlib Open NIL: Write OK 147 ramlib Open DEVS:clipboard.device Read OK 148 ramlib Open NIL: Read OK 149 ramlib Open NIL: Write OK Und der GrimpOutput: code:Crash log for task "Wipeout" Generated by GrimReaper 51.10 Crash occured in module Wipeout at address 0x1078B454 Type of crash: DSI exception Register dump: GPR: 0: 1078B44C 020FF0D0 70004820 0210FB3C 020FEF60 00000000 00000000 00000000 8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 0206CB80 00000000 020C83C9 3AA00000 10F0B8B0 16: 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 24: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 FPR: 0: NaN 0 0 0 4: 0 0 0 0 8: 0 0 0 0 12: 1.55556 68.4444 0 0 16: 0 0 0 0 20: 0 0 0 0 24: 0 0 0 0 28: 0 0 0 0 SPRs: Machine State (msr) : 0x0000F030 Condition (cr) : 0x48042022 Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x1078B454 Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x20000000 Count (ctr) : 0x00000000 Link (lr) : 0x1078B44C DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x40000000 Data Address (dar) : 0x3A9FFFCC 680x0: DATA: 00000001 FFFFFFFF 00000001 FFD30001 FFD40001 FFD50001 FFD60001 FFD70001 ADDR: 020FF3D4 020C83C8 020C83C8 104FF8C4 FFA40001 020FF468 02118F38 020FF3B4 FPU0: 0 0 0 0 FPU4: 0 0 0 0 Symbol info: Instruction pointer 0x1078B454 belongs to module "Wipeout" (HUNK) Stack trace: module Wipeout at 0x1078B454 (section 1 @ 0x8B44C) module Wipeout at 0x1078B44C (section 1 @ 0x8B444) native kernel module kernel+0x26834 native kernel module kernel+0x269f0 module LIBS:powerpc.library at 0x705E31C4 (section 3 @ 0x31BC) native kernel module kernel+0x50db8 native kernel module kernel+0x462bb6 System information: CPU Model: Motorola MPC 7441/7451 Vger V2.1 CPU speed: 800 MHz FSB speed: 133 MHz Extensions: performancemonitor altivec Machine Machine name: AmigaOne Memory: 524288 KB Extensions: bus.pci bus.agp Expansion buses PCI/AGP 00:00.0 Vendor 0x10CC Device 0x0660 Range 0: 00000000 - 00400000 (PREF.MEM) 00:01.0 Vendor 0x10CC Device 0x0661 00:06.0 Vendor 0x10B7 Device 0x9200 Range 0: 00802000 - 00802080 (IO) Range 1: 88100000 - 88100080 (MEM) 00:07.0 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x0686 00:07.1 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x0571 Range 4: 0000CC00 - 0000CC10 (IO) 00:07.2 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3038 Range 4: 00802080 - 008020A0 (IO) 00:07.3 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3038 Range 4: 008020A0 - 008020C0 (IO) 00:07.4 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3057 00:07.5 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3058 Range 0: 00802100 - 00802200 (IO) Range 1: 00802200 - 00802208 (IO) Range 2: 00802200 - 00802208 (IO) 00:07.6 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3068 Range 0: 00802300 - 00802400 (IO) 00:08.0 Vendor 0x1095 Device 0x0680 Range 0: 00802400 - 00802408 (IO) Range 1: 00802408 - 00802410 (IO) Range 2: 00802410 - 00802418 (IO) Range 3: 00802418 - 00802420 (IO) Range 4: 00802420 - 00802430 (IO) 00:0A.0 Vendor 0x1274 Device 0x5880 Range 0: 00802440 - 00802480 (IO) 01:00.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x5157 Range 0: 80000000 - 88000000 (PREF.MEM) Range 1: 00002000 - 00002100 (IO) Range 2: 88000000 - 88010000 (MEM) Libraries 0x01cea0b8: ISO-8859-15.charset V51.3 0x01ce9928: german_ISO-8859-15.language V51.3 0x01862bb6: exec.library V51.28 0x018d0584: vilintuisup.library V0.9 0x018d0370: cgxvideo.library V42.1 0x018ce0e8: cybergraphics.library V42.7 0x0210d248: newlib.library V3.10 0x02108ba8: AI_Generic_Keyboard.library V50.0 0x02108130: AI_Generic_Mouse.library V50.0 0x02102998: AmigaInput.library V50.0 0x0210fb3c: lowlevel.library V50.3 0x0210d4c0: Warp3DPPC.library V4.2 0x02110028: Warp3D.library V51.4 0x02118658: W3D_Avenger.library V51.5 0x02113f50: W3D_Napalm.library V51.5 0x02113fe0: W3D_Radeon.library V51.1 0x02114050: W3D_Picasso96.library V51.3 0x02118f38: powerpc.library V16.25 0x01e81660: bitmap.image V51.1 0x01cd9cf0: slider.gadget V51.2 0x01cd8cc8: getfont.gadget V50.9 0x01cd8450: getfile.gadget V51.1 0x01cd6c70: space.gadget V50.7 0x01cd6f30: popupmenu.library V50.12 0x01cd5ac0: popupmenu.class V50.3 0x01cd5210: listbrowser.gadget V51.5 0x01c87c90: string.gadget V51.3 0x01c70848: integer.gadget V50.39 0x01c6f980: label.image V51.4 0x01c6fe08: clicktab.gadget V51.3 0x0206c1e8: scroller.gadget V50.56 0x0206c368: penmap.image V51.1 0x0206a6c8: window.class V51.6 0x0206a938: chooser.gadget V51.2 0x02065df0: layout.gadget V51.7 0x02064fb0: bevel.image V51.3 0x02063488: checkbox.gadget V51.22 0x020636c8: drawlist.image V50.3 0x02060966: mathieeedoubtrans.library V45.5 (Legacy) 0x0205e440: application.library V50.20 0x0205edc8: glyph.image V50.25 0x0205e728: sb128.audio V5.21 0x0205bb28: mathieeesingbas.library V50.1 (Legacy) 0x0205bc2c: asl.library V51.15 0x02064a38: button.gadget V51.1 0x02063cdc: commodities.library V50.3 0x01e4baa0: requester.class V51.12 0x0199f308: mathffp.library V50.1 (Legacy) 0x018ccb98: jpeg.datatype V51.4 0x01da32d8: mathieeedoubbas.library V45.3 (Legacy) 0x01e3a700: ilbm.datatype V50.2 0x01e36e04: emulation.library V41.427 0x01e40c84: picture.datatype V51.3 0x01e4c068: png.datatype V51.1 0x01cee674: ft2.library V7.26 0x01cf5210: Picasso96API.library V2.337 0x01ced614: workbench.library V51.11 0x01cf45c8: gadtools.library V51.1 0x01ceccb8: datatypes.library V51.2 0x01db5394: usergroup.library V4.27 0x01d44148: bsdsocket.library V4.263 0x01c75112: textclip.library V50.3 (Legacy) 0x01c753b8: icon.library V51.7 0x01c73158: iffparse.library V50.4 0x01c70068: locale.library V51.11 0x01c72c90: diskfont.library V51.9 0x01c6cb08: version.library V51.1 0x01962b68: dos.library V51.57 0x01917884: elf.library V51.8 0x018cda60: rtg.library V41.4264 0x018d86f8: ATIRadeon.chip V51.12 0x018d0734: PCIGraphics.card V51.9 0x018b95f8: intuition.library V51.27 0x018b8c18: keymap.library V51.4 0x018b3488: layers.library V51.2 0x018b17d0: graphics.library V51.22 0x018b1114: nonvolatile.library V51.3 0x018ac814: utility.library V51.3 0x018a1da8: expansion.library V51.7 0x01da362e: rexxsyslib.library V45.3 (Legacy) Devices 0x020588e4: spool.device V40.5 0x0206e6a4: ahi.device V5.50 0x01e87564: printer.device V39.7 (Legacy) 0x01cf719c: eth3com.device V51.12 0x01917a2c: sii0680ide.device V51.43 0x018d85ec: a1ide.device V51.43 0x018d7100: console.device V50.1 (Legacy) 0x018b8f10: ramdrive.device V50.7 0x018b3c94: input.device V50.19 0x018b39fc: keyboard.device V50.11 0x018b36cc: gameport.device V50.8 0x018b31a0: timer.device V51.16 Tasks ClickToFront (Waiting) Stack: 0x01f28ab0 - 0x01f349ac, pointer @ 0x01f34900 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc000d000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) DepthToFront (Waiting) Stack: 0x01f10c80 - 0x01f1cb7c, pointer @ 0x01f1cad0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc000d000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) input.device (Waiting) Stack: 0x018b40a0 - 0x018b80a0, pointer @ 0x018b8010 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) eth3com.device (Waiting) Stack: 0x01ed1030 - 0x01ee1030, pointer @ 0x01ee0f80 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0009000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) a1ide.device (Waiting) Stack: 0x0190e238 - 0x01916238, pointer @ 0x01916160 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) sii0680ide.device (Waiting) Stack: 0x01958c38 - 0x01960c38, pointer @ 0x01960b60 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) CD0 (Waiting) Stack: 0x01a23298 - 0x01a2f194, pointer @ 0x01a2f0e0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) RAM (Waiting) Stack: 0x01c0da78 - 0x01c19974, pointer @ 0x01c19640 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) DH1 (Waiting) Stack: 0x01a3be40 - 0x01a47d3c, pointer @ 0x01a47c70 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xa8000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) DH2 (Waiting) Stack: 0x01a9ff38 - 0x01aabe34, pointer @ 0x01aabd70 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xa8000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) DH4 (Waiting) Stack: 0x01b68110 - 0x01b7400c, pointer @ 0x01b73f40 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xa8000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) DH0 (Waiting) Stack: 0x019bead0 - 0x019ca9cc, pointer @ 0x019ca900 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xa8000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) DH3 (Waiting) Stack: 0x01b04030 - 0x01b0ff2c, pointer @ 0x01b0fe60 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xa8000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) dos_nbmd_process (Waiting) Stack: 0x0197d1e0 - 0x019890dc, pointer @ 0x01989060 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) dos_flc_handler (Waiting) Stack: 0x01989118 - 0x01995014, pointer @ 0x01994f60 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) RAW (Waiting) Stack: 0x01bd8388 - 0x01be4284, pointer @ 0x01be40b0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x01bf2f00 - 0x01bfedfc, pointer @ 0x01bfec20 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) console.device (Waiting) Stack: 0x018db0f8 - 0x018dd0f8, pointer @ 0x018dd0a0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xf0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x01f58700 - 0x01f645fc, pointer @ 0x01f64420 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x01fa5620 - 0x01fb151c, pointer @ 0x01fb1340 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x01feb388 - 0x01ff7284, pointer @ 0x01ff70b0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x020a4668 - 0x020b0564, pointer @ 0x020b0390 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x020d7948 - 0x020e3844, pointer @ 0x020e3670 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) ENV (Waiting) Stack: 0x01c95f38 - 0x01ca1e34, pointer @ 0x01ca1c60 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) RexxMaster [] (Waiting) Stack: 0x01ead2f4 - 0x01eb91ec, pointer @ 0x01eb9150 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) TEXTCLIP (Waiting) Stack: 0x01cae264 - 0x01cba15c, pointer @ 0x01cba0c0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) Workbench Clipboard Server (Waiting) Stack: 0x01c4db20 - 0x01c59a1c, pointer @ 0x01c59980 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) string.gadget server (Waiting) Stack: 0x01cc8148 - 0x01cd4044, pointer @ 0x01cd3e80 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x40000000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) Workbench [Workbench] (Waiting) Stack: 0x01eb9208 - 0x01ec5104, pointer @ 0x01ec5030 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) TCP/IP Log (Waiting) Stack: 0x01d445f8 - 0x01d504f4, pointer @ 0x01d50460 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80003000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) Picasso96 (Waiting) Stack: 0x01d1f808 - 0x01d2b704, pointer @ 0x01d2b5f0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xfffe0000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) datatypes.library (Waiting) Stack: 0x01e23618 - 0x01e2f514, pointer @ 0x01e2f470 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) ConClip (Waiting) Stack: 0x01e954c8 - 0x01ea13c4, pointer @ 0x01ea12c0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) ASYNCWB (Waiting) Stack: 0x020158f8 - 0x020217f4, pointer @ 0x020216a0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) RAWBInfo (Waiting) Stack: 0x01f759d0 - 0x01f818cc, pointer @ 0x01f817f0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000110 State: Process (Waiting) DefIcons (Waiting) Stack: 0x01f8d7f8 - 0x01f996f4, pointer @ 0x01f99510 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80009000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) spool.device (Waiting) Stack: 0x0207c920 - 0x0208881c, pointer @ 0x02088730 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x0000e000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) PrintManager.os4 (Waiting) Stack: 0x0203e0c8 - 0x02049fc4, pointer @ 0x02049ed0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xf000d000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) application.library messageserver (Waiting) Stack: 0x02061430 - 0x020623d0, pointer @ 0x02062330 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) Background CLI [Turboprint:turbo/tp8] (Waiting) Stack: 0x02049fe4 - 0x02055edc, pointer @ 0x02055e50 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) « IPrefs » (Waiting) Stack: 0x01deaf30 - 0x01df6e2c, pointer @ 0x01df6910 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x0000f000, SigWait 0xc0000100 State: Process (Waiting) TCP/IP Configuration (Waiting) Stack: 0x01d5c420 - 0x01d6831c, pointer @ 0x01d681a0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xf8003000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) Mixer (Waiting) Stack: 0x01f408d8 - 0x01f4c7d4, pointer @ 0x01f4c530 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x60001000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) AmiDock (Waiting) Stack: 0x01fd3560 - 0x01fdf45c, pointer @ 0x01fdef00 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x7e00d000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) AExplorer (Waiting) Stack: 0x01ee10bc - 0x01eecefc, pointer @ 0x01eeca90 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x40001080, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) c:IconX [] (Waiting) Stack: 0x0208c840 - 0x0209873c, pointer @ 0x02098270 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) TCP/IP Superserver [TCP/IP Superserver] (Waiting) Stack: 0x01d74248 - 0x01d80144, pointer @ 0x01d7f9b0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xd0000080, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) AmigaInput Dispatcher (Waiting) Stack: 0x02102d78 - 0x02106d78, pointer @ 0x02106cd0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) reaper.task (Waiting) Stack: 0x01c35098 - 0x01c40f94, pointer @ 0x01c40d60 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00003000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) ramlib (Waiting) Stack: 0x01c410e0 - 0x01c4cfdc, pointer @ 0x01c4cf40 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) TCP/IP Control (Waiting) Stack: 0x01d8c070 - 0x01d97f6c, pointer @ 0x01d97dc0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xf8009080, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) Background CLI [Wipeout] (Crashed) Stack: 0x020e6ddc - 0x020ff474, pointer @ 0x020ff0d0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Crashed) idle.task (Ready) Stack: 0x018af0b0 - 0x018b00b0, pointer @ 0x018b0080 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Ready) Hier SnoopDos beim zweiten Versuch zu starten (da komm ich in das Menu und sehe dann auch die ersten beiden Logos, bevor es abstürzt): code:Count Process Name Action Target Name Options Res. ----- ------------ ------ ----------- ------- ---- 1 WBL ChangeDir Games:WipeOut2097 2 WBL Open c:IconX Read OK 3 WBL ChangeDir Workbench: 4 WBL ChangeDir Workbench:C 5 WBL Open c:IconX.info Read Fail 6 WBL ChangeDir Workbench: 7 c:IconX ChangeDir Games:WipeOut2097 8 c:IconX Open Wipeout2097.info Read OK 9 c:IconX ToolType WINDOW Fail 10 c:IconX ToolType STACK Fail 11 c:IconX ToolType USERSHELL Fail 12 c:IconX ToolType WAIT Fail 13 c:IconX ToolType DELAY Fail 14 c:IconX Open CON:0/50//80/IconX/AUTO Read OK 15 [4] TCP/IP Superserver Open NIL: Write OK 16 [4] TCP/IP Superserver Open NIL: Write OK 17 reaper.task ChangeDir Env: 18 reaper.task Open REAPER.NoLookupSymbols Read Fail 19 reaper.task ChangeDir Workbench: 20 reaper.task ChangeDir Env: 21 reaper.task Open REAPER.DissLines Read Fail 22 reaper.task ChangeDir Workbench: 23 reaper.task Open Workbench:Libs/powerpc.library Read OK 24 reaper.task ChangeDir Env: 25 reaper.task Open REAPER.68kStackTrace Read Fail 26 reaper.task ChangeDir Workbench: 27 reaper.task Open NIL: Read OK und der dazugehörige Grimp: code:Crash log for task "Wipeout" Generated by GrimReaper 51.10 Crash occured in module at address 0x00000000 Type of crash: ISI exception Register dump: GPR: 0: 70004820 0225F730 00000000 00000000 124B0B9A 00000000 00000000 00000000 8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 021B3FD8 00000000 124B0B88 70004820 112D1A58 16: 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 24: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 FPR: 0: NaN 0 640 4.5036e+15 4: 4.5036e+15 480 480 4.5036e+15 8: 4.5036e+15 640 640 4.5036e+15 12: 0 0 0 0 16: 0 0 0 0 20: 0 0 0 0 24: 0 0 0 0 28: 0 0 0 0 SPRs: Machine State (msr) : 0x0800F030 Condition (cr) : 0x28042022 Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x00000000 Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x20000000 Count (ctr) : 0x00000000 Link (lr) : 0x112BD81C DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x08000000 Data Address (dar) : 0x00000004 680x0: DATA: 00000001 00000000 00000001 FFD30001 FFD40001 FFD50001 FFD60001 FFD70001 ADDR: 021CE510 0225F5E8 021B5C20 105EF484 FFA40001 0225FD60 02168D18 0225F290 FPU0: 0 0 0 0 FPU4: 0 0 0 0 Symbol info: Instruction pointer 0x00000000 belongs to module "" (HUNK) Stack trace: module Wipeout at 0x1129C360 (section 1 @ 0x8C358) module Wipeout at 0x112C8998 (section 1 @ 0xB8990) module Wipeout at 0x1129B610 (section 1 @ 0x8B608) native kernel module kernel+0x26834 native kernel module kernel+0x269f0 module LIBS:powerpc.library at 0x706731C4 (section 3 @ 0x31BC) native kernel module kernel+0x50db8 native kernel module kernel+0x462bb6 System information: CPU Model: Motorola MPC 7441/7451 Vger V2.1 CPU speed: 800 MHz FSB speed: 133 MHz Extensions: performancemonitor altivec Machine Machine name: AmigaOne Memory: 524288 KB Extensions: bus.pci bus.agp Expansion buses PCI/AGP 00:00.0 Vendor 0x10CC Device 0x0660 Range 0: 00000000 - 00400000 (PREF.MEM) 00:01.0 Vendor 0x10CC Device 0x0661 00:06.0 Vendor 0x10B7 Device 0x9200 Range 0: 00802000 - 00802080 (IO) Range 1: 88100000 - 88100080 (MEM) 00:07.0 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x0686 00:07.1 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x0571 Range 0: 000001F0 - 000001F8 (IO) Range 1: 000003F0 - 000003F8 (IO) Range 2: 00000170 - 00000178 (IO) Range 3: 00000370 - 00000378 (IO) Range 4: 0000CC00 - 0000CC10 (IO) 00:07.2 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3038 Range 4: 00802080 - 008020A0 (IO) 00:07.3 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3038 Range 4: 008020A0 - 008020C0 (IO) 00:07.4 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3057 00:07.5 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3058 Range 0: 00802100 - 00802200 (IO) Range 1: 00802200 - 00802208 (IO) Range 2: 00802200 - 00802208 (IO) 00:07.6 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3068 Range 0: 00802300 - 00802400 (IO) 00:08.0 Vendor 0x1095 Device 0x0680 Range 0: 00802400 - 00802408 (IO) Range 1: 00802408 - 00802410 (IO) Range 2: 00802410 - 00802418 (IO) Range 3: 00802418 - 00802420 (IO) Range 4: 00802420 - 00802430 (IO) 00:0A.0 Vendor 0x1274 Device 0x5880 Range 0: 00802440 - 00802480 (IO) 01:00.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x5157 Range 0: 80000000 - 88000000 (PREF.MEM) Range 1: 00002000 - 00002100 (IO) Range 2: 88000000 - 88010000 (MEM) Libraries 0x01cea340: ISO-8859-15.charset V51.3 0x01ce98e0: german_ISO-8859-15.language V51.3 0x01862bb6: exec.library V51.28 0x018d0624: vilintuisup.library V0.9 0x018d0410: cgxvideo.library V42.1 0x018ce188: cybergraphics.library V42.7 0x021b8068: newlib.library V3.10 0x021afc98: AI_Generic_Keyboard.library V50.0 0x021bb370: AI_Generic_Mouse.library V50.0 0x0216d8a0: AmigaInput.library V50.0 0x0216bd6c: lowlevel.library V50.3 0x021697b8: Warp3DPPC.library V4.2 0x0216c2d8: Warp3D.library V51.4 0x021db398: W3D_Avenger.library V51.5 0x021d8e70: W3D_Napalm.library V51.5 0x021e1880: W3D_Radeon.library V51.1 0x021e82f8: W3D_Picasso96.library V51.3 0x02168d18: powerpc.library V16.25 0x021024d8: speedbar.gadget V51.1 0x0210caa8: texteditor.gadget V51.1 0x01d117e0: bitmap.image V51.1 0x01cd9da0: slider.gadget V51.2 0x01cd8cf8: getfont.gadget V50.9 0x01cd8500: getfile.gadget V51.1 0x01cd7868: space.gadget V50.7 0x01cd6fd0: popupmenu.library V50.12 0x01cd5b60: popupmenu.class V50.3 0x01cd52b0: listbrowser.gadget V51.5 0x01c87d68: string.gadget V51.3 0x01c6fa20: integer.gadget V50.39 0x0199f598: label.image V51.4 0x01c6fea8: clicktab.gadget V51.3 0x020a2be0: scroller.gadget V50.56 0x0206d910: penmap.image V51.1 0x0206c6b8: window.class V51.6 0x0206c800: chooser.gadget V51.2 0x02066fa0: layout.gadget V51.7 0x02066ce8: bevel.image V51.3 0x02065738: checkbox.gadget V51.22 0x02062ad8: drawlist.image V50.3 0x02064f2e: mathieeedoubtrans.library V45.5 (Legacy) 0x020606d8: application.library V50.20 0x02060fc0: glyph.image V50.25 0x02060920: sb128.audio V5.21 0x0205dc28: mathieeesingbas.library V50.1 (Legacy) 0x0205de04: asl.library V51.15 0x020671d8: button.gadget V51.1 0x020720fc: commodities.library V50.3 0x01e757b8: requester.class V51.12 0x0199f3b8: mathffp.library V50.1 (Legacy) 0x018ccc38: jpeg.datatype V51.4 0x01d0dd08: mathieeedoubbas.library V45.3 (Legacy) 0x01e3a6e0: ilbm.datatype V50.2 0x01e36e3c: emulation.library V41.427 0x01e40ccc: picture.datatype V51.3 0x01e4c130: png.datatype V51.1 0x01cf44fc: ft2.library V7.26 0x01cec4c0: Picasso96API.library V2.337 0x01cedabc: workbench.library V51.11 0x01cf4738: gadtools.library V51.1 0x01cecd80: datatypes.library V51.2 0x01db5444: usergroup.library V4.27 0x01d44428: bsdsocket.library V4.263 0x01c751b2: textclip.library V50.3 (Legacy) 0x01c75458: icon.library V51.7 0x01c731f8: iffparse.library V50.4 0x01c70108: locale.library V51.11 0x01c72d30: diskfont.library V51.9 0x01c6cba8: version.library V51.1 0x01962c08: dos.library V51.57 0x01917924: elf.library V51.8 0x018cdb00: rtg.library V41.4264 0x018d8798: ATIRadeon.chip V51.12 0x018d07d4: PCIGraphics.card V51.9 0x018b9698: intuition.library V51.27 0x018b8cb8: keymap.library V51.4 0x018b3528: layers.library V51.2 0x018b1870: graphics.library V51.22 0x018b11b4: nonvolatile.library V51.3 0x018ac814: utility.library V51.3 0x018a1da8: expansion.library V51.7 0x01d0e0de: rexxsyslib.library V45.3 (Legacy) Devices 0x021cd61c: clipboard.device V50.3 0x0205d4d4: spool.device V40.5 0x02021244: ahi.device V5.50 0x01e8763c: printer.device V39.7 (Legacy) 0x01cf723c: eth3com.device V51.12 0x01917acc: sii0680ide.device V51.43 0x018d868c: a1ide.device V51.43 0x018d71a0: console.device V50.1 (Legacy) 0x018b8fb0: ramdrive.device V50.7 0x018b3d34: input.device V50.19 0x018b3a9c: keyboard.device V50.11 0x018b376c: gameport.device V50.8 0x018b3240: timer.device V51.16 Tasks ahi.device Unit Process (Waiting) Stack: 0x0230a3a8 - 0x02322a3c, pointer @ 0x023229a0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xf000c000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) DepthToFront (Waiting) Stack: 0x01f10d58 - 0x01f1cc54, pointer @ 0x01f1cbb0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc000d000, SigWait 0x08000000 State: Process (Waiting) ClickToFront (Waiting) Stack: 0x01f28b88 - 0x01f34a84, pointer @ 0x01f349e0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc000d000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) input.device (Waiting) Stack: 0x018b4140 - 0x018b8140, pointer @ 0x018b80b0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) a1ide.device (Waiting) Stack: 0x0190e2d8 - 0x019162d8, pointer @ 0x01916200 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) sii0680ide.device (Waiting) Stack: 0x01958cd8 - 0x01960cd8, pointer @ 0x01960c00 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) eth3com.device (Waiting) Stack: 0x01ed1108 - 0x01ee1108, pointer @ 0x01ee1050 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0009000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) CD0 (Waiting) Stack: 0x01a23338 - 0x01a2f234, pointer @ 0x01a2f180 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) RAM (Waiting) Stack: 0x01c0db18 - 0x01c19a14, pointer @ 0x01c196e0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) DH2 (Waiting) Stack: 0x01a9ffd8 - 0x01aabed4, pointer @ 0x01aabe10 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xa8000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) DH3 (Waiting) Stack: 0x01b040d0 - 0x01b0ffcc, pointer @ 0x01b0ff00 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xa8000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) DH4 (Waiting) Stack: 0x01b681b0 - 0x01b740ac, pointer @ 0x01b73fe0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xa8000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) DH0 (Waiting) Stack: 0x019beb70 - 0x019caa6c, pointer @ 0x019ca9a0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xa8000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) DH1 (Waiting) Stack: 0x01a3bee0 - 0x01a47ddc, pointer @ 0x01a47d10 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xa8000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) dos_nbmd_process (Waiting) Stack: 0x0197d280 - 0x0198917c, pointer @ 0x01989100 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) dos_flc_handler (Waiting) Stack: 0x019891b8 - 0x019950b4, pointer @ 0x01995000 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) RAW (Waiting) Stack: 0x01bd8428 - 0x01be4324, pointer @ 0x01be4150 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x01bf2fa0 - 0x01bfee9c, pointer @ 0x01bfecc0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x01f587d8 - 0x01f646d4, pointer @ 0x01f64500 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x01fa0250 - 0x01fac14c, pointer @ 0x01fabf70 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x01feb460 - 0x01ff735c, pointer @ 0x01ff7180 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x020aec38 - 0x020bab34, pointer @ 0x020ba960 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x0213c9e0 - 0x021488dc, pointer @ 0x02148700 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x0217a3c8 - 0x021862c4, pointer @ 0x021860f0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x0220bb68 - 0x02217a64, pointer @ 0x02217890 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) CON (Waiting) Stack: 0x0223b7b8 - 0x022476b4, pointer @ 0x022474e0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) SnoopDos Support Process (Waiting) Stack: 0x020c6a60 - 0x020d295c, pointer @ 0x020d28b0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) ENV (Waiting) Stack: 0x01c95fd8 - 0x01ca1ed4, pointer @ 0x01ca1d00 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) console.device (Waiting) Stack: 0x018db198 - 0x018dd198, pointer @ 0x018dd140 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xf0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) RexxMaster [] (Waiting) Stack: 0x01ead3cc - 0x01eb92c4, pointer @ 0x01eb9230 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) TEXTCLIP (Waiting) Stack: 0x01cae304 - 0x01cba1fc, pointer @ 0x01cba160 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) Workbench Clipboard Server (Waiting) Stack: 0x01c4dbc0 - 0x01c59abc, pointer @ 0x01c59a20 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) string.gadget server (Waiting) Stack: 0x01cc81e8 - 0x01cd40e4, pointer @ 0x01cd3f20 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x40000000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) Workbench [Workbench] (Waiting) Stack: 0x01eb92e0 - 0x01ec51dc, pointer @ 0x01ec5100 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) TCP/IP Log (Waiting) Stack: 0x01d44978 - 0x01d50874, pointer @ 0x01d507e0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80003000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) Picasso96 (Waiting) Stack: 0x01d1f8a8 - 0x01d2b7a4, pointer @ 0x01d2b690 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xfffe0000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) datatypes.library (Waiting) Stack: 0x01e23aa0 - 0x01e2f99c, pointer @ 0x01e2f8f0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) ConClip (Waiting) Stack: 0x01e955a0 - 0x01ea149c, pointer @ 0x01ea1390 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) ASYNCWB (Waiting) Stack: 0x02014578 - 0x02020474, pointer @ 0x02020320 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) RAWBInfo (Waiting) Stack: 0x01f7c510 - 0x01f8840c, pointer @ 0x01f88330 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000110 State: Process (Waiting) DefIcons (Waiting) Stack: 0x01f88428 - 0x01f94324, pointer @ 0x01f94140 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80009000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) spool.device (Waiting) Stack: 0x0207e2f0 - 0x0208a1ec, pointer @ 0x0208a100 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x0000e000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) PrintManager.os4 (Waiting) Stack: 0x0203dd80 - 0x02049c7c, pointer @ 0x02049b80 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xf000d000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) application.library messageserver (Waiting) Stack: 0x02063628 - 0x020645c8, pointer @ 0x02064520 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) Background CLI [Turboprint:turbo/tp8] (Waiting) Stack: 0x0204a4ac - 0x020563a4, pointer @ 0x02056310 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) TCP/IP Configuration (Waiting) Stack: 0x01d5c7a0 - 0x01d6869c, pointer @ 0x01d68520 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xf8003000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) « IPrefs » (Waiting) Stack: 0x01deafd8 - 0x01df6ed4, pointer @ 0x01df69c0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x0000f000, SigWait 0xc0000100 State: Process (Waiting) Mixer (Waiting) Stack: 0x01f409b0 - 0x01f4c8ac, pointer @ 0x01f4c600 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x60001000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) AExplorer (Waiting) Stack: 0x01ee1194 - 0x01eecfd4, pointer @ 0x01eecb60 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x40001080, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) AmiDock (Waiting) Stack: 0x01fd3638 - 0x01fdf534, pointer @ 0x01fdefe0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x7e00d000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) c:IconX [] (Waiting) Stack: 0x02124bb8 - 0x02130ab4, pointer @ 0x021305f0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) AmigaInput Dispatcher (Waiting) Stack: 0x0219e998 - 0x021a2998, pointer @ 0x021a28f0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Waiting) ramlib (Waiting) Stack: 0x01c41180 - 0x01c4d07c, pointer @ 0x01c4cfe0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) texteditor.gadget Clipboard Server (Waiting) Stack: 0x0210cd90 - 0x02118c8c, pointer @ 0x02118be0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) NotePad (Waiting) Stack: 0x020dfa20 - 0x020eb91c, pointer @ 0x020eaed0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xc0003000, SigWait 0x00000100 State: Process (Waiting) c:IconX [] (Waiting) Stack: 0x021bb488 - 0x021c7384, pointer @ 0x021c6ec0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) TCP/IP Superserver [TCP/IP Superserver] (Waiting) Stack: 0x01d745c8 - 0x01d804c4, pointer @ 0x01d7fd30 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xd0000080, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) SnoopDos (Waiting) Stack: 0x0208aa90 - 0x0209698c, pointer @ 0x02096720 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x7c00f000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) reaper.task (Waiting) Stack: 0x01c35138 - 0x01c41034, pointer @ 0x01c40e00 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00003000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) TCP/IP Control (Waiting) Stack: 0x01d8c3f0 - 0x01d982ec, pointer @ 0x01d98140 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0xf8009080, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) Background CLI [Internet:SAMBA/bin/nmbd] (Waiting) Stack: 0x022efa10 - 0x022fe490, pointer @ 0x022fdaa0 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00001080, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Process (Waiting) Background CLI [Wipeout] (Crashed) Stack: 0x022476d4 - 0x0225fd6c, pointer @ 0x0225f730 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x20000000, SigWait 0x80000000 State: Process (Crashed) idle.task (Ready) Stack: 0x018af150 - 0x018b0150, pointer @ 0x018b0120 (Cookie OK) Signals: SigRec 0x00000000, SigWait 0x00000000 State: Task (Ready) Vielleicht ein Problem mit Warp3D? -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
03.07.2005, 13:50 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
Ein Problem mit Warp3D kanns nicht sein, weil das Beispielprogramm Face3d von OS4depot funktioniert... -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
03.07.2005, 16:27 Uhr Blackbird Posts: 634 Nutzer |
@Micha1701: >Also ich hab diese MUI sachen mal überprüft. Im Paket von Pre3 sind >erstmal überhaupt nicht alle libs drin, die Du hier nennst. du bekommst die neuesten Nlist auch im OS4depot. >Und wenn, dann genau in der Version, wie ich sie auf dem Rechner hab. und die xpkmaster.library sollte V5.2 sein, den die kommt aus dem 3ten update. >Mal abgesehen davon, hat MUI doch gar nichts mit dem eigentlichen >Spiel WipeOut zu tun. Sondern wenn, dann nur die GUI für die >Einstellungen, oder? klar haben die nix mit deinem Wipeout-problem zu tun, aber es schadet doch nix wenn du auf PPC-Nativ-versionen umsteigst oder möchtest du lieber die 68k-versionen behalten ;-) Ansonsten sehe ich nix was nicht Versionsmäßig passen würde außer das ich eine neuere AHI-Version benutze (solltest du evtl mal probieren ?!?!) Vieleicht doch nur ein Einstellungsproblem im GUI ? -- regards Blackbird [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
03.07.2005, 16:39 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
Werd mal ahi updaten. Vielleicht liegts ja daran... -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
03.07.2005, 22:16 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
Hab AHI upgedated und daran liegts auch nicht... Schreibst Du eigentlich auch ins aw forum und hast mir dazu geraten nen KernelOutput zu machen? -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
04.07.2005, 17:06 Uhr Blackbird Posts: 634 Nutzer |
@Micha1701: auf AW schreibe ich auch, aber ich habe dir nicht dazu geraten, das war ein anderer, ich habe nur angemerkt das du mit dem Befehl "kdbug nummer" die Auskunftsfreudigkeit des Kernels erhöhen kannst (serielle Ausgabe) du kannst die Ausgabe auch in eine Datei umleiten das geht dann mit dumpdebugbuffer also in der user-startup kdebug "debuglevel10" (oder 20) und falls du das als datei haben möchtest dumpdebugbuffer ram:dump.log -- regards Blackbird [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
04.07.2005, 17:09 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
Ich nehme mal an, daß der Kernel natürlich auch im Debug und nicht Default Modus gestartet werden muß...? -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
04.07.2005, 17:15 Uhr Blackbird Posts: 634 Nutzer |
@Micha1701: Nö, das ist nicht nötig -- regards Blackbird [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
05.07.2005, 01:00 Uhr _PAB_ Posts: 3016 Nutzer |
Zitat: Nein, aber im Kickstart/Kicklayout muß man den "kernel.debug" eintragen statt "kernel", wenn man Debug-Ausgaben bekommen möchte, die mehr als nur die Hexadezimalcodes der abstürzenden Funktionen beinhalten sollen. Allerdings könnte es auch gut sein, daß der Debug-Kernel nur Betatestern zur Verfügung steht, weiß ich leider nicht. Aber Wipeout läuft bei einigen Leuten definitiv. Ich habe es leider nicht probieren können. Allerdings würde ich mal versuchen, die Datei "lowlevel.prefs" zu löschen und mit AmigaInput die Einstellungen neu anzulegen und zu speichern, da der erste Absturz direkt nach dem Zugriff auf diese Datei erfolgt, was gelegentlich schonmal beim Update einer recht alten AmigaInput-Version vorgekommen ist. (Steht jedefalls in der Doku, daß man die Datei mal löschen soll, wenn man Schwierigkeiten hat.) [ Dieser Beitrag wurde von _PAB_ am 05.07.2005 um 01:01 Uhr editiert. ] [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
05.07.2005, 07:21 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
OK, werd das mit der lowlevel.prefs mal probieren und dann ggf. noch das mit dem Debug... -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
05.07.2005, 17:03 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
Also das mit der Lowlevel.prefs und amigainput hat leider gar nichts gebracht. Werd mich noch um diesen Debug Output kümmern. Hab nur grad keine Zeit dafür. Aberr ihr werdet von mir hören... -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
09.07.2005, 09:41 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
Hi! Also das mit dem debug-output funktioniert irgendwie nicht. Hab den Kernel im Debug Modus gestartet. Wenn ich dann in der Shell "kdebug 10" eingebe erhalte ich als Antwort "Ok". Ich hah dann WipeOut gestartet und nach dem Grimp "dumpdebugbuffer ram:debug.log" in der Shell eingegeben. Als Rückantwort bekomm ich dann aber "I/O Error" und die Datei ist 0 Bytes groß... Was soll das denn? -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
09.07.2005, 10:11 Uhr Blackbird Posts: 634 Nutzer |
@Micha1701: das muß schon vor dem starten an den Kernel übergeben werden, solltes du in der user-startup vornehmen.... edit: ---- schau doch mal hier(gerade gefunden) http://amigaworld.net/modules/features/index.php?op=r&cat_id=4&rev_id=125 edit 2: wie dem Thread zu entnehmen ist existiert auch mittlerweile eine PPC-Version von Shashimi, damit dürfte es dann auch keine Probleme mehr geben (allerdings gibt es das noch nicht für uns Otto-Normalos) :-) -- regards Blackbird [ Dieser Beitrag wurde von Blackbird am 09.07.2005 um 10:23 Uhr editiert. ] [ Dieser Beitrag wurde von Blackbird am 09.07.2005 um 14:53 Uhr editiert. ] [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
11.07.2005, 19:35 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
So, hier ist der debugoutput beim erstemaligen aufruf von wipeout (wo er dann vor dem Menu schon abstürzt):code:[_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open intuition.library, version 50 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C95F8 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library intuition.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018CAA78, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018CAA78 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open locale.library, version 50 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01C80070 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library locale.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01C80630, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01C80630 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open W3D_Picasso96.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Library not found [_impl_FindResident] Scanning resident array for W3D_Picasso96.library [_impl_CacheClearU] Doing full cache flush [_impl_CacheClearU] Done [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface mmu of library exec.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BCA20, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BCA20 [PagedLock] Locking memory from 0x70620000 to 0x7062301F [PagedUnlock] Unlocking memory from 0x70620000 to 0x7062301F [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x02166C80,RAMLIB: opening W3D_Picasso96.library [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x02167CE0 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x02166C80, ETask = 0x02167748, Context = 0x02167CE0 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x02191180, Stack top = 0x0219D07C, Stack pointer = 0x0219D040 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_InitResident] Initializing native autoinit W3D_Picasso96.library V51 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Interface description at 0x02167138 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Data size = 80 [_impl_CreateLibrary] No vector table, assuming default [_impl_CreateLibrary] Negative size: 24, positive size: 80 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Creating interfaces [_impl_CreateLibrary] Done creating library [_impl_InitResident] Calling init function (0x70620888) [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open Picasso96API.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01CFC428 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open intuition.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C95F8 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open graphics.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C17D0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open expansion.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018B1DA8 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library intuition.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018CAA78, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018CAA78 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library graphics.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018C1AA0, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018C1AA0 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library Picasso96API.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01CFD840, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01CFD840 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface pci of library expansion.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC2F0, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC2F0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library dos.library [_impl_AllocSysObject] Creating system object 10 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Not tracked [_impl_AllocSysObject] Calling constructor 0x014550C8 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Result 0x10F28410 [_impl_InitResident] Init function for W3D_Picasso96.library return 0x02168280 [_impl_SumLibrary] Summing library 0x02168280 [_impl_SumLibrary] Library sum is 60651 [_impl_InitResident] W3D_Picasso96.library V51 initialized [_impl_RemTask] Removing 0x02166C80 (self) = RAMLIB: opening W3D_Picasso96.libra ry m[_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open W3D_Picasso96.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x02168280 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library W3D_Picasso96.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x02168368, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x02168368 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open W3D_Radeon.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Library not found [_impl_FindResident] Scanning resident array for W3D_Radeon.library [_impl_CacheClearU] Doing full cache flush [_impl_CacheClearU] Done [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface mmu of library exec.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BCA20, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BCA20 [PagedLock] Locking memory from 0x70630000 to 0x7067401F [PagedUnlock] Unlocking memory from 0x70630000 to 0x7067401F [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x02167498,RAMLIB: opening W3D_Radeon.library [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x02169AE0 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x02167498, ETask = 0x02167BE8, Context = 0x02169AE0 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x02194AB8, Stack top = 0x021A09B4, Stack pointer = 0x021A0980 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_InitResident] Initializing native autoinit W3D_Radeon.library V51 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Interface description at 0x02168448 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Data size = 44 [_impl_CreateLibrary] No vector table, assuming default [_impl_CreateLibrary] Negative size: 24, positive size: 44 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Creating interfaces [_impl_CreateLibrary] Done creating library [_impl_InitResident] Calling init function (0x70630104) [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library timer.device [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018C32F8, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018C32F8 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 50 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open expansion.library, version 50 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018B1DA8 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface pci of library expansion.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC2F0, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC2F0 Detected: Radeon 7500 (chipid RV200) [_impl_InitResident] Init function for W3D_Radeon.library return 0x02168210 [_impl_SumLibrary] Summing library 0x02168210 [_impl_SumLibrary] Library sum is 60651 [_impl_InitResident] W3D_Radeon.library V51 initialized [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open W3D_Radeon.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x02168210 [_impl_RemTask] Removing 0x02167498 (self) = RAMLIB: opening W3D_Radeon.library [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library W3D_Radeon.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x0216A038, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x0216A038 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library W3D_Picasso96.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x02168368, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x02168368 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library dos.library [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library utility.library [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open W3D_Napalm.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Library not found [_impl_FindResident] Scanning resident array for W3D_Napalm.library [_impl_CacheClearU] Doing full cache flush [_impl_CacheClearU] Done [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface mmu of library exec.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BCA20, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BCA20 [PagedLock] Locking memory from 0x70680000 to 0x7069F01F [PagedUnlock] Unlocking memory from 0x70680000 to 0x7069F01F [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x02167970,RAMLIB: opening W3D_Napalm.library [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x02169AE0 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x02167970, ETask = 0x02168058, Context = 0x02169AE0 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x02196030, Stack top = 0x021A1F2C, Stack pointer = 0x021A1EF0 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_InitResident] Initializing native autoinit W3D_Napalm.library V51 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Interface description at 0x0216A220 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Data size = 40 [_impl_CreateLibrary] No vector table, assuming default [_impl_CreateLibrary] Negative size: 24, positive size: 40 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Creating interfaces [_impl_CreateLibrary] Done creating library [_impl_InitResident] Calling init function (0x70680158) [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library timer.device [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018C32F8, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018C32F8 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_InitResident] Init function for W3D_Napalm.library return 0x02168180 [_impl_SumLibrary] Summing library 0x02168180 [_impl_SumLibrary] Library sum is 60651 [_impl_InitResident] W3D_Napalm.library V51 initialized [_impl_OpenLibr[_impl_RemTask] Removing 0x02167970 (self) = RAMLIB: opening W3D_ Napalm.library ary] Trying to open W3D_Napalm.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x02168180 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library W3D_Napalm.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x0216C1F8, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x0216C1F8 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library W3D_Picasso96.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x02168368, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x02168368 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library dos.library [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library utility.library [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open W3D_Avenger.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Library not found [_impl_FindResident] Scanning resident array for W3D_Avenger.library [_impl_CacheClearU] Doing full cache flush [_impl_CacheClearU] Done [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface mmu of library exec.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BCA20, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BCA20 [PagedLock] Locking memory from 0x706A0000 to 0x706BB01F [PagedUnlock] Unlocking memory from 0x706A0000 to 0x706BB01F [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x02167E68,RAMLIB: opening W3D_Avenger.library [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x0216C380 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x02167E68, ETask = 0x02169E98, Context = 0x0216C380 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x02197E08, Stack top = 0x021A3D04, Stack pointer = 0x021A3CD0 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_InitResident] Initializing native autoinit W3D_Avenger.library V51 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Interface description at 0x02196090 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Data size = 40 [_impl_CreateLibrary] No vector table, assuming default [_impl_CreateLibrary] Negative size: 24, positive size: 40 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Creating interfaces [_impl_CreateLibrary] Done creating library [_impl_InitResident] Calling init function (0x706A0158) [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library timer.device [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018C32F8, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018C32F8 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_InitResident] Init function for W3D_Avenger.library return 0x0216C888 [_impl_SumLibrary] Summing library 0x0216C888 [_impl_SumLibrary] Library sum is 60651 [_impl_InitResident] W3D_Avenger.library V51 initialized [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open W3D_Avenger.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x0216C888 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library W3D_Avenger.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x0216C948, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x0216C948 [_impl_RemTask] Removing 0x02167E68 (self) = RAMLIB: opening W3D_Avenger.library [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library W3D_Picasso96.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x02168368, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x02168368 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library dos.library [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library utility.library [_impl_InitResident] Init function for Warp3D.library return 0x02164258 [_impl_SumLibrary] Summing library 0x02164258 [_impl_SumLibrary] Library sum is 51735 [_impl_InitResident] Warp3D.library V51 initialized [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open Warp3D.library, version 51 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x02164258 [_impl_RemTask] Removing 0x02161988 (self) = RAMLIB: opening Warp3D.library [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library Warp3D.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x02164318, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x02164318 [_impl_InitResident] Init function for Warp3DPPC.library return 0x02161748 [_impl_SumLibrary] Summing library 0x02161748 [_impl_SumLibrary] Library sum is 22327 [_impl_InitResident] Warp3DPPC.library V4 initialized [_impl_RemTask] Removing 0x02154308 (self) = RAMLIB: opening Warp3DPPC.library [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open Warp3DPPC.library, version 2 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x02161748 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open lowlevel.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Library not found [_impl_FindResident] Scanning resident array for lowlevel.library [_impl_CacheClearU] Doing full cache flush [_impl_CacheClearU] Done [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface mmu of library exec.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BCA20, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BCA20 [PagedLock] Locking memory from 0x706C0000 to 0x706C501F [PagedUnlock] Unlocking memory from 0x706C0000 to 0x706C501F [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x02154940,RAMLIB: opening lowlevel.library [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x021637D0 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x02154940, ETask = 0x02161AA8, Context = 0x021637D0 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x02155590, Stack top = 0x0216148C, Stack pointer = 0x02161450 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_InitResident] Initializing native autoinit lowlevel.library V50 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Interface description at 0x02155068 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Data size = 592 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Absolute vector table [_impl_CreateLibrary] Negative size: 132, positive size: 592 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Initializing 68k function table [_impl_CreateLibrary] Creating interfaces [_impl_CreateLibrary] Done creating library [_impl_InitResident] Calling init function (0x706C0808) [_impl_InitResident] Init function for lowlevel.library return 0x02163DC4 [_impl_SumLibrary] Summing library 0x02163DC4 [_impl_SumLibrary] Library sum is 44673 [_impl_InitResident] lowlevel.library V50 initialized [_impl_RemTask] Removing 0x02154940 (self) = RAMLIB: opening lowlevel.library [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open lowlevel.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x02163DC4 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open AmigaInput.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Library not found [_impl_FindResident] Scanning resident array for AmigaInput.library [_impl_CacheClearU] Doing full cache flush [_impl_CacheClearU] Done [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface mmu of library exec.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BCA20, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BCA20 [PagedLock] Locking memory from 0x706D0000 to 0x706D401F [PagedUnlock] Unlocking memory from 0x706D0000 to 0x706D401F [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x02155510,RAMLIB: opening AmigaInput.library [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x021566F0 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x02155510, ETask = 0x02156158, Context = 0x021566F0 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x0216D440, Stack top = 0x0217933C, Stack pointer = 0x02179300 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_InitResident] Initializing native autoinit AmigaInput.library V50 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Interface description at 0x02155DE4 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Data size = 518 [_impl_CreateLibrary] No vector table, assuming default [_impl_CreateLibrary] Negative size: 24, positive size: 520 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Creating interfaces [_impl_CreateLibrary] Done creating library [_impl_InitResident] Calling init function (0x706D3DC4) [_impl_InitResident] Init function for AmigaInput.library return 0x02156C70 [_impl_SumLibrary] Summing library 0x02156C70 [_impl_SumLibrary] Library sum is 60651 [_impl_InitResident] AmigaInput.library V50 initialized [_impl_RemTask] Removing 0x02155510 (self) = RAMLIB: opening AmigaInput.library [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open AmigaInput.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x02156C70 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open intuition.library, version 37 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C95F8 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 50 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 36 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library intuition.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018CAA78, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018CAA78 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface driver of library AmigaInput.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x02156F98, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x02156F98 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Creating system object 6 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Not tracked [_impl_AllocSysObject] Calling constructor 0x01453E2C [ASOT_PORT_constructor] Created a message port at 0x0206FD90 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Result 0x0206FD90 [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x0213AC78,AmigaInput Dispatcher [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x021563E0 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x0213AC78, ETask = 0x02155510, Context = 0x021563E0 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x02157050, Stack top = 0x0215B050, Stack pointer = 0x0215B020 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_CreateTask] Task added to system [_impl_AllocSysObject] Creating system object 6 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Not tracked [_impl_AllocSysObject] Calling constructor 0x01453E2C [ASOT_PORT_constructor] Created a message port at 0x02153A30 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Result 0x02153A30 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open AI_Generic_Mouse.library, version 50 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Library not found [_impl_FindResident] Scanning resident array for AI_Generic_Mouse.library [_impl_CacheClearU] Doing full cache flush [_impl_CacheClearU] Done [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface mmu of library exec.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BCA20, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BCA20 [PagedLock] Locking memory from 0x706E0000 to 0x706E101F [PagedUnlock] Unlocking memory from 0x706E0000 to 0x706E101F [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x021569F0,RAMLIB: opening AI_Generic_Mouse.library [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x0215BDC0 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x021569F0, ETask = 0x0215B830, Context = 0x0215BDC0 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x0216D440, Stack top = 0x0217933C, Stack pointer = 0x02179300 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_InitResident] Initializing native autoinit AI_Generic_Mouse.library V50 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Interface description at 0x0215B4A8 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Data size = 124 [_impl_CreateLibrary] No vector table, assuming default [_impl_CreateLibrary] Negative size: 24, positive size: 124 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Creating interfaces [_impl_CreateLibrary] Done creating library [_impl_InitResident] Calling init function (0x706E0C4C) [_impl_InitResident] Init function for AI_Generic_Mouse.library return 0x0215C34 8 [_impl_SumLibrary] Summing library 0x0215C348 [_impl_SumLibrary] Library sum is 60651 [_impl_InitResident] AI_Generic_Mouse.library V50 initialized [_impl_RemTask] Removing 0x021569F0 (self) = RAMLIB: opening AI_Generic_Mouse.li brary [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open AI_Generic_Mouse.library, version 50 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x0215C348 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library AI_Generic_Mouse.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x0215C458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x0215C458 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open AI_Generic_Keyboard.library, version 50 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Library not found [_impl_FindResident] Scanning resident array for AI_Generic_Keyboard.library [_impl_CacheClearU] Doing full cache flush [_impl_CacheClearU] Done [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface mmu of library exec.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BCA20, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BCA20 [PagedLock] Locking memory from 0x706F0000 to 0x706F201F [PagedUnlock] Unlocking memory from 0x706F0000 to 0x706F201F [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x0215B600,RAMLIB: opening AI_Generic_Keyboard.libra ry [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x0215C9D0 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x0215B600, ETask = 0x0215C030, Context = 0x0215C9D0 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x0216D440, Stack top = 0x0217933C, Stack pointer = 0x02179300 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_InitResident] Initializing native autoinit AI_Generic_Keyboard.library V5 0 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Interface description at 0x0215BC3C [_impl_CreateLibrary] Data size = 124 [_impl_CreateLibrary] No vector table, assuming default [_impl_CreateLibrary] Negative size: 24, positive size: 124 [_impl_CreateLibrary] Creating interfaces [_impl_CreateLibrary] Done creating library [_impl_InitResident] Calling init function (0x706F142C) [_impl_InitResident] Init function for AI_Generic_Keyboard.library return 0x0215 C288 [_impl_SumLibrary] Summing library 0x0215C288 [_impl_SumLibrary] Library sum is 60651 [_impl_InitResident] AI_Generic_Keyboard.library V50 initialized [_impl_RemTask] Removing 0x0215B600 (self) = RAMLIB: opening AI_Generic_Keyboard .library [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open AI_Generic_Keyboard.library, version 50 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x0215C288 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library AI_Generic_Keyboard.libra ry [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x0215CE10, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x0215CE10 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 50 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 50 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open intuition.library, version 36 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C95F8 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open graphics.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C17D0 [_impl_OpenDevice] name is timer.device, unit 0, ior is 0x02155438 [_impl_OpenDevice] ThisTask = 0x0204A358 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library intuition.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018CAA78, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018CAA78 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library AmigaInput.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x02156F10, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x02156F10 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library timer.device [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018C32F8, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018C32F8 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Creating system object 6 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Not tracked [_impl_AllocSysObject] Calling constructor 0x01453E2C [ASOT_PORT_constructor] Created a message port at 0x0206FD90 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Result 0x0206FD90 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Creating system object 0 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Not tracked [_impl_AllocSysObject] Calling constructor 0x01452B70 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Result 0x02154A50 [_impl_OpenDevice] name is input.device, unit 0, ior is 0x02154A50 [_impl_OpenDevice] ThisTask = 0x0204A358 [_impl_OpenDevice] name is keyboard.device, unit 0, ior is 0x02154A50 [_impl_OpenDevice] ThisTask = 0x0204A358 [PagedDataFault] Page fault in area "Primary virtual memory zone" at address 0x3 A9FFFCC powerpc.library: DSI DAR=0x3A9FFFCC code=0x800EFFCC Dump of context at 0x018666D0 Trap type: DSI exception Machine State (raw): 0x0000F030 Machine State (verbose): [ExtInt on] [User] [FPU on] [IAT on] [DAT on] Instruction pointer: 0x1079B454 Crashed process: Wipeout (0x0204A358) 0: 1079B44C 021533C0 70004820 02163DC4 02153250 00000000 00000000 00000000 8: 00000000 00000000 705E2CB8 02110068 00000000 0211D6C9 3AA00000 10F1B8B0 16: 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 24: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 CR: 48042028 XER: 20000000 CTR: 00000000 LR: 1079B44C DSISR: 40000000 DAR: 3A9FFFCC DSI verbose error description: Access not found in hash or BAT (page fault) Access was a load operation [HAL_Alert] ALERT! 0x80000003 [SuspendTaskWithUpdate] Suspending Background CLI with state 2 [SuspendTaskWithUpdate] Adding to suspend list [SuspendTaskWithUpdate] Context @ 0x021104F0 [SuspendTaskWithUpdate] Trap type was 300 [SuspendTaskWithUpdate] Next ready task: 0x018BF048 Und hier beim zweiten Start (wenn er nach den ersten beiden Introbildern abstürzt): code:[PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2EF0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10600 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [AddMemListInternal] base = 0x10FB0000 [AddMemListInternal] size = 65536, adjusted size = 65504 [DropPuddle] Dropping page 0x0211F350 (0x10FB0000) [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [AddMemListInternal] base = 0x10FB0000 [AddMemListInternal] size = 65536, adjusted size = 65504 [AddMemListInternal] base = 0x10FC0000 [AddMemListInternal] size = 65536, adjusted size = 65504 [DropPuddle] Dropping page 0x0211F370 (0x10FC0000) [DropPuddle] Dropping page 0x0211F350 (0x10FB0000) [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x02160120,WBL [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x021609D0 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x02160120, ETask = 0x02160438, Context = 0x021609D0 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x0221A7E0, Stack top = 0x022266DC, Stack pointer = 0x022266A0 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open workbench.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01CFDA24 [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B37D0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10230 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B36D0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10260 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 1) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3810 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10210 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 2) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B28F0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10550 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 3) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2570 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10670 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 4) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B25D0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10640 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 5) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2DF0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x105B0 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 6) [_impl_CacheClearU] Doing full cache flush [_impl_CacheClearU] Done [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface mmu of library exec.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BCA20, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BCA20 [PagedLock] Locking memory from 0x707A0000 to 0x707A201F [PagedUnlock] Unlocking memory from 0x707A0000 to 0x707A201F [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2EF0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10600 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [AddMemListInternal] base = 0x10FB0000 [AddMemListInternal] size = 65536, adjusted size = 65504 [DropPuddle] Dropping page 0x0211F370 (0x10FB0000) [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library workbench.library [_impl_RemTask] Removing 0x02160120 (self) = WBL [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x02160120,c:IconX [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x021632D0 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x02160120, ETask = 0x021605E0, Context = 0x021632D0 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x0221A7E0, Stack top = 0x022266DC, Stack pointer = 0x022266A0 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 37 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open icon.library, version 37 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01C853C0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open workbench.library, version 44 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01CFDA24 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open locale.library, version 38 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01C80070 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library icon.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01C85A48, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01C85A48 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library workbench.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01CFA128, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01CFA128 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library locale.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01C80630, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01C80630 [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2290 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10950 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3B50 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x101B0 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 1) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2E50 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x105D0 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 2) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2EF0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10600 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [AddMemListInternal] base = 0x10FB0000 [AddMemListInternal] size = 65536, adjusted size = 65504 [DropPuddle] Dropping page 0x0211F370 (0x10FB0000) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x0211F830 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10F10 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x02163928,CON [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x02165320 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x02163928, ETask = 0x02163BB0, Context = 0x02165320 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x02232608, Stack top = 0x0223E504, Stack pointer = 0x0223E4D0 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open intuition.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C95F8 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library intuition.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018CAA78, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018CAA78 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open graphics.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C17D0 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library graphics.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018C1AA0, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018C1AA0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Creating system object 6 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Not tracked [_impl_AllocSysObject] Calling constructor 0x01453E2C [ASOT_PORT_constructor] Created a message port at 0x02163CE0 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Result 0x02163CE0 [_impl_OpenDevice] name is timer.device, unit 1, ior is 0x0224A460 [_impl_OpenDevice] ThisTask = 0x02163928 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Creating system object 9 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Not tracked [_impl_AllocSysObject] Calling constructor 0x01454DB0 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Result 0x10C8FD48 [_util_CloneTagItems] Allocated 4 tag items at 0x10C8FD48 [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x02165F00,Background CLI [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x0216C380 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x02165F00, ETask = 0x021667A0, Context = 0x0216C380 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x0224BC30, Stack top = 0x02257B2C, Stack pointer = 0x02257AF0 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_OpenDevice] name is timer.device, unit 1, ior is 0x02263AB8 [_impl_OpenDevice] ThisTask = 0x02165F00 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library timer.device [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018C32F8, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018C32F8 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Creating system object 10 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Not tracked [_impl_AllocSysObject] Calling constructor 0x014550C8 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Result 0x02166918 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library utility.library [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library dos.library [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [PagedLock] Locking memory from 0x10180000 to 0x10180C13 [PagedLock] Locking memory from 0x10180000 to 0x10180C6B [PagedUnlock] Unlocking memory from 0x10180000 to 0x10180C13 [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library utility.library [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library dos.library [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library utility.library [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library dos.library [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3170 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x104E0 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3150 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x104F0 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [AddMemListInternal] base = 0x11070000 [AddMemListInternal] size = 65536, adjusted size = 65504 [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2BD0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10580 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3310 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10410 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 1) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3D10 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x101A0 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 2) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x0211F810 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10F20 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 3) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2550 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10680 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2EF0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10600 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 1) [AddMemListInternal] base = 0x11080000 [AddMemListInternal] size = 65536, adjusted size = 65504 [AddMemListInternal] base = 0x113B0000 [AddMemListInternal] size = 65536, adjusted size = 65504 [_impl_AddTask] Adding Task 0x0216CD00,CON [HAL_InitTaskContext] Context at 0x022715D0 [_impl_AddTask] Task = 0x0216CD00, ETask = 0x02271040, Context = 0x022715D0 [_impl_AddTask] Stack bottom = 0x02265130, Stack top = 0x0227102C, Stack pointer = 0x02270FF0 [_impl_AddTask] Calling HAL_TaskPreStart [_impl_AddTask] Task added to ready list [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open intuition.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C95F8 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library intuition.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018CAA78, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018CAA78 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open graphics.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C17D0 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library graphics.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018C1AA0, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018C1AA0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Creating system object 6 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Not tracked [_impl_AllocSysObject] Calling constructor 0x01453E2C [ASOT_PORT_constructor] Created a message port at 0x0227F148 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Result 0x0227F148 [_impl_OpenDevice] name is timer.device, unit 1, ior is 0x0227D978 [_impl_OpenDevice] ThisTask = 0x0216CD00 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Creating system object 6 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Not tracked [_impl_AllocSysObject] Calling constructor 0x01453E2C [ASOT_PORT_constructor] Created a message port at 0x021637B8 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Result 0x021637B8 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open workbench.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01CFDA24 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library workbench.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01CFA128, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01CFA128 [_impl_OpenDevice] name is console.device, unit 3, ior is 0x0227F098 [_impl_OpenDevice] ThisTask = 0x0216CD00 [_impl_OpenDevice] Calling Open vector, ioRequest = 0x0227F098, ioRequest->io_De vice = 0x018E7100 (console.device) [AddMemListInternal] base = 0x11640000 [AddMemListInternal] size = 65536, adjusted size = 65504 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open powerpc.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x0216D1C0 [_impl_CacheClearU] Doing full cache flush [_impl_CacheClearU] Done [HAL_SetTaskTrap] Setting trap Alignment violation [HAL_SetTaskTrap] Trap at 0x02166848: Code = 0x705E2034, Data = 0x04000000 [HAL_SetTaskTrap] Setting trap Data segment violation [HAL_SetTaskTrap] Trap at 0x02166838: Code = 0x705E2034, Data = 0x02000000 [_impl_CacheClearU] Doing full cache flush [_impl_CacheClearU] Done [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 37 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open intuition.library, version 37 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C95F8 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open graphics.library, version 37 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C17D0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open gadtools.library, version 37 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01D046A0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 36 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open intuition.library, version 36 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C95F8 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open graphics.library, version 36 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018C17D0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open cybergraphics.library, version 39 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018DE0E8 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open Warp3DPPC.library, version 2 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x02161748 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open lowlevel.library, version 40 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x02163DC4 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Creating system object 6 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Not tracked [_impl_AllocSysObject] Calling constructor 0x01453E2C [ASOT_PORT_constructor] Created a message port at 0x02299B30 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Result 0x02299B30 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x1004E4F8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x0211E630 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x11640 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2EF0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10600 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 1) [AddMemListInternal] base = 0x11670000 [AddMemListInternal] size = 65536, adjusted size = 65504 [DropPuddle] Dropping page 0x0211E5B0 (0x11670000) [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Creating system object 6 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Not tracked [_impl_AllocSysObject] Calling constructor 0x01453E2C [ASOT_PORT_constructor] Created a message port at 0x0227FA90 [_impl_AllocSysObject] Result 0x0227FA90 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x100415E8 [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x0211EB50 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x113B0 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [_impl_ItemPoolGC] Ending garbage collection for pool 0x1004E4F8 [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B32D0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10430 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3790 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10250 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 1) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3130 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10500 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 2) [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open dos.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x01972B68 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Trying to open utility.library, version 0 [_impl_OpenLibrary] Found library at 0x018BC814 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library dos.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x01973458, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x01973458 [_impl_GetInterface] Getting interface main of library utility.library [_impl_GetInterface] Found interface at 0x018BC870, checking version [_impl_GetInterface] Returning interface 0x018BC870 [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library dos.library [_impl_CloseLibrary] Closing library utility.library [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x0211FD50 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10C80 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2590 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10660 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 1) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B26B0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10560 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3650 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10270 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3870 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x101E0 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3270 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10460 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3DF0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10180 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 1) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B24F0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x106B0 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3250 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10470 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 0) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2690 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10570 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 1) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2650 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x105F0 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 2) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B31D0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x104B0 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 3) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3890 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x101D0 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 4) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3830 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10200 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 5) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3AB0 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x101C0 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 6) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B3230 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10480 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try 7) [PagedAllocate] Pushing node 0x018B2610 back due to heavy fragmentation (0x10620 000) [PagedAllocate] Node allocation failed, retrying (try So, was sagt uns das jetzt? -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
11.07.2005, 21:11 Uhr Blackbird Posts: 634 Nutzer |
@Micha1701: das sagt schon jede Menge ![]() als erstes das deine powerpc.library crasht -------------- [_impl_OpenDevice] ThisTask = 0x0204A358 [PagedDataFault] Page fault in area "Primary virtual memory zone" at address 0x3 A9FFFCC powerpc.library: DSI DAR=0x3A9FFFCC code=0x800EFFCC Dump of context at 0x018666D0 Trap type: DSI exception -------------- und als zweites dann dein AHI (sb128) -- regards Blackbird [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
12.07.2005, 07:29 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
Hm, vielleicht stimmt was an den AHI Einstellungen nicht? Sound kam da ja schonmal raus. Weiß aber nicht mehr, wann ich das letzte mal die Boxen an hatte... Vielleicht brauch ich ne aktuellere Version? Wo bekomm ich die denn her? Auf OS4Depot gibts ja nur das Device. Wo gibts den Rest? Und was mach ich jetzt mit der powerpc.library? -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
12.07.2005, 12:57 Uhr Blackbird Posts: 634 Nutzer |
@Micha1701: aus dem Readme: ------ Please use the latest AHI prefs program that is included in this archive. The volume scaling has moved to the 'Advanced' section. After installing ahi.device into devs: , please reboot, go into AHI prefs, set Volume Scaling to Full Volume in the Advanced section, press Save and reboot again. This version (6.x) is built with -msoft-float and therefore can be run with kernels older than 51.23. It also is built with the latest 68k interface, built with the latest fdtrans tool. This might solve some problems when using 68k programs with AHI. Note that you can use v5 drivers with AHI v6, but you can't use v6 drivers with ahi v5. If you have a sound card with emu10kx, you are still kindly requested to upgrade to the emu10kx v6 driver. Davy Wentzler info@audio-evolution.com ------- und aus dem Readme zu V6: ----- AHI version 6 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This is AHI version 6. Yeah, really. It's been a long road but it's finally here. No more excuses. :-) If you have installed earlier beta versions of the AHI preference program, MUST install the new one, go to the "advanced" page, reset the default anti-click time and save your preferences; a data structure has changed. ------------- >Vielleicht brauch ich ne aktuellere Version? >Wo bekomm ich die denn her? falls du das device und die Prefs aus dem OS4depot hast, kannst du den Rest (ahimodes und AHI) von der V5.50 nehmen >Auf OS4Depot gibts ja nur das Device. Wo gibts den Rest? ich nehme an du meinst das ? http://www.lysator.liu.se/~lcs/files/ahi/beta/m68k-amigaos-ahiusr-6.0rc3.lha -- regards Blackbird [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
13.07.2005, 15:04 Uhr Blackbird Posts: 634 Nutzer |
@Micha1701 also ich habe mir nun auch mal das Demo geladen und installiert. Läuft problemlos auf Anhieb. Das einzige was ich in der GUI verändert habe ist: w3d-driver Hardware (ist aber bei der Demo geghostet) Mipmapping kein Haken Modeid habe ich mal 800x600 genommen Speed Limit habe ich Unlimited angehakt Texture Memory auf volle kalotte (3328kb) Half Volume kein Haken Swap Audio Channels kein Haken Audio AHI CD Audio sowie Play Intro Häckchen setzen sowie dann speichern und los gehts mit play zuerst hatte ich auch mipmapping an, da kam dann nach dem Introbildern Digital tralala und Psygnosis auch der Reaper und die Warp3Ddriver und auch die powerpc.library sind gecrasht. hattest du vieleicht auch die ganze Zeit aus versehen das Häckchen gesetzt ? -- regards Blackbird [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
13.07.2005, 21:46 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
@Blackbird: Also wenn ich diese Einstellungen genau nachmache, dann schmiert er ab, sobald der Screen geöffnet wird... Wo gibts denn die Demo zum download? Vielleicht luppt die ja... (Mit meinem Rechner scheine ich sowieso irgendein Problem zu haben. PartitionWizard will ja auch nicht meine Platte reparieren... guckst Du hier) -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
14.07.2005, 11:22 Uhr _PAB_ Posts: 3016 Nutzer |
@Micha1701: Mal eine ganz andere Frage: Bist Du sicher, daß Du eine einwandfreie Installation von AmigaOS4 hast und nicht noch irgendwelchen alten Kram auf der Partition hast, den Du vielleicht beim rüberkopieren von alten Sachen aus Versehen mitgenommen hast ? zB. wäre es ganz schlecht, eine alte WarpOS- oder Warp3D-Version drauf zu haben, denn damit kann das Ganze nicht laufen. Vielleicht versuchst Du mal eine absolut frische Installation auf einer Partition Deiner Wahl und versuchst es dort auch mal mit dem Demo, wie Blackbird das gemacht hat. Wenn es dann läuft, liegt es jedenfalls nicht an AmigaOS4 oder an Deiner Hardware. [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
14.07.2005, 12:11 Uhr Micha1701 Posts: 938 Nutzer |
Wo gibts denn diese WipeOut Demo? Konnte die bisher nirgends finden... Werd auf jeden Fall OS4 nochmal neu installieren und alles nochmal ausprobieren. Könnt ja tatsächlich daran liegen. WarpUP und Warp3D Demos funktionieren allerdings. Der Teil ist also nicht grundsätzlich fehlerhaft... -- ![]() ![]() Look at my HPs: http://www.lanser-online.de.vu http://www.RealmsofPower.de.vu [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
14.07.2005, 14:32 Uhr Blackbird Posts: 634 Nutzer |
@Micha1701: ich kann da Pab nur Zustimmen. Irgendwie kommt es mir auch so vor als wenn mit deiner kompletten Installation von OS4 nicht stimmt. Das wipeoutdemo und andere Gamedemos findest du hier: http://www.aps.fr/files/Wipeout2097_Demo.lha -- regards Blackbird [ - Antworten - Zitieren - Direktlink - ] |
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