Kalamazzoo Gazette berichtet über Amiga
Dieser Artikel erschien auf der Hauptseite in der "Business Section" von Kalamazoo Gazette.
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Heise Newsticker
Ortsgespräche vermutlich bald gratis
Telefonkunden werden für Ortsgespräche bald nichts mehr bezahlen müssen.
Davon geht die Mehrheit der lokalen Telefongesellschaften in Deutschland aus.
Ein Jahr nach Marktöffnung hat die Münchner Unternehmensberatung
Mc Loughlin Associates die deutschen City-Carrier nach ihrer Einschätzung des
Marktes befragt. Demnach rechnen mehr als 60 Prozent der lokalen Telefongesellschaften
mit der Einführung kostenloser Ortsgespräche in Deutschland. 35 Prozent
unter ihnen gehen sogar davon aus, daß es Gratistelefonate schon binnen eines
Jahres geben wird. Damit deutet sich endlich die lang erwartete Wende im Ortsbereich an,
nachdem die Telekom lange vor der Liberalisierung eine bis zu 150prozentige
Preiserhöhung im Ortsbereich verfügt hatte. Kompletter Artikel Link oben.
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Neue Links auf der CGXMode Seite
Neue Links auf der CGXMode Seite.
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Berichte vom 14. AUGS-Meeting Zofingen 1999
Berichte vom 14. AUGS-Meeting Zofingen 1999 von
AUGS-Meeting '99 Bericht von Claude Müller
und Mike Rogger
Weiterlesen ...
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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WarpHexen 1.4 verfügbar
Diese Version läuft stabiler und unterstützt Sound.
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AmigaAMP 2.5 Service Paket 2 verfügbar
Die Original 2.5 Veröffentlichung enthielt leider einen Fehler (AHI lockups).
Download: AmigaAMP25sp2.lha.
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Stefan Sommerfeld per eMail
Neue Scalos Version 1.2a
Neue Scalos Version 1.2a mit einigen Bugfixes, Download:
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AN-Forum [Oxygenic]
Scala MM - Forum
Unter www.nightshift.de, Klick auf den Button "Produkte" und dann im
rechten Frame nach unten scrollen, findet sich ein spezielles Forum
Scala MM - interessant für alle, die Tips und Tricks für diese Software
haben oder benötigen!
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Trogladite News
Trogladite Software hat
nun einen eigenen IRC-Kanal bei Afternet und ist unter #trogsoft erreichbar.
World Of Amiga Diskmag ist nun auch online lesbar. Radder 1.0, UnInstaller V1.5
und das lange erwartete UCM V1.0 sind nun unter http://www.trogsoft.freeserve.co.uk/product/
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Miami Deluxe BETA Version 0.9h veröffentlicht. Download:
MiamiDx09h-1.lha (reg. Version, 020/MUI).
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]
Aminet Uploads vom 26.04.1999
soundamirx.lha comm/irc 2K+Sound AmIRX Script For AmIRC/WildIRC
iris.lha comm/mail 283K+Email client (SMTP/POP3) V1.9
IrisUpdate.lha comm/mail 46K+Update Iris V1.8 to V1.9
YAM2P7_PL.lha comm/mail 45K+YAM2P7 - PL version by Spider
YAMsp.lha comm/mail 95K+YAM Spanish Documentation v2.0 7.2
AGM33c_full.lha comm/misc 492K+FULL VERSION of full-blown German Teleko
FTS10_full.lha comm/misc 124K+Remote control program for the AMIGA
SafeEdit.lha comm/thor 3K+Prevents posting unedited messages with
BoingTransf.lha comm/www 129K+24bit/256 colors BoingBall Ibrowse-trans
SP9.lha demo/mag 1.7M+Seenpoint #9 by Scoopex [March/99]
StatsFuncs.lha dev/basic 41K+Big update, much easier to find stuff.
GAPLib.lha dev/c 232K+Comprehensive Genetic Algorithm Programm
AIOV23.lha docs/mags 225K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 23 (Apri
Mags_txt_index.lha docs/mags 25K+TEXT indices of magazine articles
amigotchyfull.lha game/misc 453K+Free full version of the first *REAL* vi
Demolicious.lha game/misc 53K+Quake demo editor
fu_psv_main-1.lha game/misc 12M+Football management game (full version)
xtru.lha game/patch 88K+Track installer and manager for XTreme R
Mpeg2anim13.lha gfx/conv 606K+Converts MPEG animations into ANIM files
Mpeg2Anim13.lha gfx/conv 606K+Converts MPEG animations into ANIM files
VE-Extras.lha gfx/edit 125K+Visual Eng. - External files v1.66
Show.lha gfx/show 696K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (040+PPC) V
c1581.lha misc/emu 49K+A c1581 filesystem for Amiga (3.5") driv
C64Gfx.lha misc/emu 327K+C64 graphics format conversion package
uae-app_015.lha misc/emu 39K+UAE-ADF Mount+Unmount Workbench-Interfac
Sadley.lha mods/melod 270K+Spoochy's 19th OctaMed mod.
Fantasy_Lacy.lha mods/misc 244K+Spoochy's 18th OctaMed mod.
mvp_0038.lha mods/mvp 2.4M+MoPlayaz - intelligent logicaleness EP
WF7_MVS-Block1.mpg pix/anim 506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Block
WF7_MVS-Block2.mpg pix/anim 506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Shadow Block
DMS2HD1_5.lha util/arc 47K+Unpacks DMS archives to HD v1.5
AHelp1_2.lha util/cdity 80K+The ultimate HELP: manager v1.2
FileExtract.lha util/cli 8K+Extract part of a file into a new file
Ordering_v1.17.lha util/dir 320K+Powerful directory utility for OS 2.04
AtLast.lha util/misc 7K+At last! Reboot from WB's Quit menu!
LC2.lha util/misc 151K+Aussie Lotto checker/database.
ResetRun.lha util/misc 3K+Resets your computer and runs a given pr
FWCalendar.lha util/rexx 58K+THE calendar creator for FW & Pagestream
RememberTime.lha util/time 2K+Util for Amigas without battery clock
Starter.lha util/wb 25K+Run programs from a file requester!
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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C.S. Bridge Deady per eMail
KOSH summary Nr. 17
KOSH [Kommunity Orientated Software Hardware]
Weekly Summary
Week Commencing: 17th April 1999
Number: 017
Mailing List: kosh-general
In the mailing list this week, the following items were discussed. Please do
not email the scribe regarding any of these topics, it is not his job to answer
these questions but merely to report the topics of conversation. If you have
any queries about this summary, please email ben@kosh.net, stating the Summary
Number, and Mailing List Name, and he will try to answer your queries.
Subject: Eye tracking cameras
Summary of debate: It would be forward thinking of KOSH to support eye tracking
cameras natively, rather than as an added kludge to certain
existing systems.
See: http://www.visioncs.com/ re: a commercial gaze tracker.
It was suggested that on screen a mouse pointer could still
be required so that you would know where you are looking at.
However, such a system may not work as if the cursor isn't
always exactly where you're looking, you'd start to follow
it with your eyes and create a runaway feedback loop.
Bite-on switches or ear muscle tension systems were offered
as an alternative to blinking to select icons on a screen,
as the eyes must blink naturally and this could cause
It was stated that brainwave reading is progressing fast, a
"click" can already be read. This yet again shows that there
are many alternative ways to controlling input to a
Could the Artificial Muscle Research Institute help with the
realization of haptic display gloves? The idea suggested was
for a shoulder length glove that allowed the user to feel
virtual holographic objects, push them around, sculpt
computer graphics like clay and have a virtual keyboard.
See the AMRIs URL at: http://www.unm.edu/~amri/index.html
(Scribe's note: I've decided to take the liberty of
mentioning directly here for people who may only read the
summaries and not the whole General ML that all of the above
does not mean the end of the computer mouse - if you want to
use one with KOSH it will of course be perfectly possible to
do so).
Subject: KOSH design standards
Summary of debate: It was stated and restated that design standards for KOSH
are to be open - viewable and usable by all.
It was asked what common standards are people going to have
to adhere to in designing items for KOSH?
Joel Newkirk resuggested a "Standards Working Group".
Suggested standards to determine initially were
communications, media and hardware. For these APIs will be
A generic image class could be developed and then formats
like GIF, PNG, BMP, IFF/ILBM etc fall out as subclasses -
perhaps with restrictions which may need thinking about.
Suggested five basic types of standards (Sound, Image,
Movie, Text, Settings) could possibly make up most normal
formats needed. Further, could we make a quick
design/requirement of these five?
It was commented that would these types hold up in current
usage? For example, the whole of a magazine could be one
file - including bitmaps, structured images, fonts, masks,
text layout etc. The large structure is on top of the
individual elements, but all the parts are functionally
linked and not just separate items.
The method of transmitting the instructions for creating
data needs to be considered. The example given was that of a
MIDI file which requires an interpreter with local knowledge
as opposed to a a WAV which contains the data itself.
Suitable low level objects might be n-dimensional arrays of
integers. At the next level up, these might be labelled as
representing sound samples, stock market trends, bitmaps or
GUI windows etc.
Subject KOSH Hybrids
Summary of debate: Perhaps it could be possible to combine object types to
make hybrids, eg: image + sound = movie.
An image can be flat 2D, a 3D array or X by Y by RGB; a
multilayered Photoshop/ArtEffect projects or many other
occurrences. A database is equally complex - with this is
mind the "hybrid" is the norm.
Would the IFF list of forms be of any help for the hybrids?
It was then stated by the original proposer of hybrids that
perhaps it would be better to make (for example) a Movie
basic class and then let it use the Sound and Image basic
Subject: Small tools for KOSH and cross application compatibility
Summary of debate: Suggested that Unix like commands like WC should be
implemented in KOSH. Further by nature of the fact that KOSH
uses objects and not files, the wordprocessed object would
listen to wordprocessor methods when the wordprocessor loads
it. If it was made a subclass of "ASCII file" (or Unicode or
UTF-8 etc) you could process the ASCII representation
(or Unicode or UTF-8) in a KOSH version of "WC" or "Emacs".
Subject: KOSH compatibility with the wider world
Summary of debate: There will definitely be some sort of "customs agent" for
this. This may well be complicated or perhaps there would be
several of them.
This would build an appropriate file object for any items
downloaded or loaded from hard media (floppy, CD etc). An
API as part of this would be a standardized place for things
like virus checkers to be added.
A browser could even be very simple. It needs a simple
display engine and the ability to interpret the web and
translate it into objects. These objects (those five
mentioned above and the specialised subclasses) then display
themselves. This would make "plug-ins" redundant as once a
class for that type of media was on a system it could
display or use it.
The Emulator Object could be a part of the chain of
subclasses from the base classes. This could save a lot of
special cases which would promote simplicity.
Suggested that the emulation could be split into common
parts and into the instruction sets of the processors in
question. To do this the emulation of, for example movie
formats, could be put into the movies chain of subclassing.
The emulation should be last in the chain and should scan
the different plug-ins (or equivalent) available and use
Subject: Designing KOSH APIs
Summary of debate: It was mentioned that APIs will be needed for a number of
things described above. KOSHans could work on these now as
it is not necessary to know the final binary form of an
object in order to work out the methods and data structures
that can optimally manage such a thing.
The design of a serial port was mentioned. See:
http://www.sei.cmu.edu, search for "product line
architecture" which goes into the question of what you can
have in common between designs (eg: sending and receiving
data) and what you need to vary for each special occasion
(eg: you can't do the same thing to the serial port as you
can to your USB port).
Suggested we establish some clearinghouse for API
recommendations - perhaps a working group could oversee
Subject: KOSH Object Manager
Summary of debate: Dave Haynie has said that he hope to get a paper on this
done by June or July. After this a prototypical
demonstration Object Manager can be hacked together.
Then we want the floodgates loosed and all of the pieces of
the OS to be developed.
Subject: KOSH Driver factory
Summary of debate: It was proposed that a "driver factory" that could enable
its users to choose the appropriate "standard" class to work
from, and make various associations and connections quickly
and simply, and then write any necessary code to support
additions or modifications.
This would make developing for KOSH easier and thus hardware
developers would be more likely to develop for the system.
The "driver factory" could be part of a developer support
package or program.
Subject: Furthering KOSH
Summary of debate: Fleecy Moss has suggested that we need to move to a more
concentrated stage in KOSH where we can proceed without
distraction. To this end he has suggested two things:
1) A formal documentation and version control system so we
can all work together in a remote environment,
2) KOSH will start as a formal specification of its
individual parts and its environment. Once the
specifications are out, anyone with a mind can produce the
individual pieces themselves. What is required is a formal
specification language to define the interfaces.
Fleecy further detailed other things that are required:
a) One of the things to be identified is the Basic Sea
Services Set, the minimal services provided by the cybersea
that are required for the sea to exist.
b) The services pages also contains a lot of other services.
A write up for each of them listing what we would like them
to do would be a first stage to moving forwards.
c) BOSS - Basic OS Services - this entity is the gateway
between the logical sea and the physical matrix beneath.
someone to have a go at defining the Basic OS Services
required by the sea.
d) A development strategy - perhaps this should be phased,
with the early phases seeing us implement KOSH as an
The BOSS can be a thin server, mapping KOSH to an underlying
kernal, which is suggested as being POSIX compliant, running
on an x86 - this enables us to use Linux and all of its
tools and x86s, which are the dominant computer, and the one
most ppl have access to at this time.
Whilst KOSH is supposed to be hardware independent, the
implementation of a neutral distribution format will have to
wait until a later phase.
Suggested that were possible KOSH should be defined and
implemented using XML. We need more information and a
coherent plan, positives and negatives.
e) We can do KOSH correctly, in which it is logically
correct with full integrity, or we can tie it to hardware
considerations, for speed. Fleecy states that speed will
always increase, and he would rather get it right at the
beginning for the sake of speed rather than to hack and path
later on because we went for speed. Elegance through
simplicity, but elegance requires coherence and not
Subject: Questions on the future of KOSH
Summary of debate: The following important questions were raised:
How is the KOSH website coming along?
How is KOSH as a whole coming along?
To this end, which papers are written, how far have they
come, can they be reviewed?
Where can those who are doing nothing but writing to the
mailing lists help?
Subject: Documentation and version control system
Summary of debate: Gabriel J. Hauber has volunteered to look at what has been
done so far in building the above and try to get it
completed in a reasonable time.
Subject: Anyone know where Rudi is?
Summary of debate: If anyone has current contact details for Rudi please could
they post them to the General Mailing List.
Subject: F-CPU
Summary of debate: An interesting project called F-CPU can be seen at:
Subject: Query on the survey content
Summary of debate: The Surveying Working Group is unsure whether to ask people
whether alien file format support is desired or not. The
problem with asking is that (from a survey of the Surveying
WG it would seem!) half the people think it would worry
people that we looked like we weren't sure about it, while
the other half think it would reassure people that we were
thinking of it.
The Surveying WG does not want to just declare "we are
supporting alien file formats" as this should be left to a
survey. Therein lies the problem.
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert
Neue akDatatypes vom V44.35 vom 24.04.1999
akPNG-dt.lha und
akTIFF-dt.lha sowie
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Uni
Screens IRC-Konferenz am 02.05.99
Auf ArcNET Kanal #amigaUni werden Lennart Friden und Christian Nylen Rede und Antwort stehen.
Die Konferenz wird am 02.05.99 um 21.00 h (20.00 h britische Zeit) stattfinden. Eine Liste
der Server von ArcNET können Sie unter http://arcnet.vapor.com
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Free Jack per eMail
Bastelt Transmeta am Software-Chip?
Die Firma von Linus Torvalds ist geheimnisumwittert / Revolutionärer Chip
soll in Amigas eingesetzt werden. Ganzer Artikel Link oben.
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Denis Bucher per eMail
AmigaRA - Petition - Website wird ein Jahr alt
Die AmigaRA Website, die die
Petition zur Portierung des RealPlayers auf den Amiga startete, ist ein Jahr alt geworden.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Weitere Einzelheiten siehe offizielle Mitteilung:
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[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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RAPlay Update Version 1.3
Neben einigen Bugfixes gibt es eine neue Version des StreamA.rx, Download:
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Rainer Benda per eMail
Artikel in Computerwoche 16/99: "Amiga taucht wieder auf"
Rainer Benda von Computer & Zubehör
hat mir den folgenden Artikel geschickt:
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[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas Wendorf per eMail
wARPgATe Website ist umgezogen
Und hier auch gleich noch eine News von der wARPgATe Seite: Shogo wird auf den Amiga portiert.
Hyperion hat heute bekannt gegeben, daß Shogo durch Digital Images auf Amiga portiert
wird. Shogo wird unter PPC mit WarpOS laufen. Einzelheiten unter
wARPgATE News.
Weiterlesen ...
[Meldung: 26. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Radio News
Neue Amiga Radio News
Neue Amiga Radio News.
[Meldung: 25. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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The Candy Factory Central
Candy Factory goes WarpUp?
Auf der Website von 'The Candy Factory Central' ist unter News zu lesen, daß Milan
über die Möglichkeit nachdenkt, eine WarpUp-Version von Candy Factory zu machen.
Außerdem wird bekannt gegeben, daß er dabei ist, eine neue GUI zu machen,
die die Bedienung noch logischer machen soll.
[Meldung: 25. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Latest Amiga News
Welche Laufwerke werden wird der AmigaNG unterstützen? Wird OS5 eine RamDisk haben?
Diese und ähnliche Fragen werden in diesem Report von Wayne Martin beantwortet.
Das original Logfile
beinhaltet noch weitere Einzelheiten.
[Meldung: 25. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Oliver Blumert per eMail
GlobalTrash V1.4 - beta 2
GlobalTrash, der laufwerksübergreifende Mülleimer für AmigaOS®.
Neu in Version 1.4 - beta 2 vom 22.04.99 ist: Das auszuführende Kommando bei
Anwahl des 'Anzeigen'-Gadgets ist definierbar und einzelne Datenträger sind
abschaltbar. Außerdem wurde ein Fehler im ListView behoben sowie einige
Optimierungen durchgeführt.
[Meldung: 25. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Was tut sich bei HyperCOM und VMC-ISDN?
Nach einem bösen Plattencrash und mehreren Wochen mühseliger Kleinarbeit,
konnten zumindest die aktuellen HyperCOM, und ein großer Teil der VMC-ISDN
Treiber gerettet werden. Für die HyperCOM Karten wird es in den nächsten
Tagen ein neues Update geben. Bei der VMC-ISDN Software werden derzeit einige der
fehlenden Teile komplett neu geschrieben und noch sehr ausgiebigen Tests unterzogen.
Dies bedeutet, daß es noch gut ein paar Wochen dauern kann, bis eine neue
Version ausgeliefert wird, und auch solange keine Registration der bisher angebotenen
VMC-ISDN Software durchgeführt werden kann.
Alle Kunden die VMC-ISDN schon bestellt haben, sind also nicht vergessen, oder
ignoriert, oder abgelehnt worden, sondern müssen sich nur noch ein wenig
länger Gedulden, bis wir wieder ausliefern können. Weitere Infos, auch
zum neuen Support-Forum, welches in den nächsten Tagen online gehen wird, finden
Sie unter obigen Link.
[Meldung: 25. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Thomas Graf per eMail
Ausführlicher AUGS Meeting Bericht von AmigaNation
Nach dem Vorabbericht vom 18.04.99 gibt es nun bei AmigaNation einen ausführlichen
Bericht mit Photos und einigen Kommentaren zum AUGS Meeting '99.
[Meldung: 25. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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PalmLink Version 1.2
System-Library, verbindet den Amiga mit dem 3Com Palm Pilot Personal, Professional,
Palm III, Palm IIIx, Palm V, und kompatible. Mit allen Entwicklerunterlagen, sowie
einem Tool zum Anfertigen von Backups und Installieren von Programmen.
Identify v11.0,
ist eine system shared library, mit deren Hilfe kryptische Zahlencodes in eine von
Menschen lesbare Form umgesetzt wird. Die ursprüngliche Anwendung (durch die
bekannte expname.library) war die Decodierung der Hersteller- und Produkt-Codes von
Amiga-Erweiterungskarten. Mit der identify.library geht die expname.library jetzt
in die zweite Generation. Der Programmcode wurde völlig überarbeitet, optimiert,
verbessert und erweitert.
[Meldung: 25. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Chris Seward per eMail
AIO mit neuer Website und Issue 23 ist fertig
AIO ist ab sofort unter http://www.aio.co.uk
zu erreichen. Unter 'Misc' können Sie Interviews und und Leserbriefe nun auch online
lesen. Weitere Einzelheiten in der offiziellen Mitteilung:
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[Meldung: 24. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Flame
'The Prophet' ist veröffentlicht
Alive Mediasoft hat
'The Prophet', ein Dungeon Master Style Adventure Spiel, auf den Markt gebracht. Einzelheiten
Link oben.
[Meldung: 24. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AmigaNCP 2.0 mit Serie 5 Support
Eine Beta-Version von AmigaNCP 2.0,
das Amiga/Psion Paket mit Support für die Serie 5 Modelle.
[Meldung: 24. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Torsten Kleinz per eMail
Die Features von aMozillaX
Torsten schreibt: Frisch aus der IRC-Konferenz: die Feature-Liste:
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[Meldung: 24. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]
Aminet Uploads vom 24.04.1999
AminetParse.lha comm/thor 20K+V1.09 FAST Aminet INDEX/RECENT parser fo
HTTPResume.lha comm/www 108K+Resume interrupted HTTP downloads
HTTPResume_Ser.lha comm/www 22K+Serbian localization for HTTPResume v1.6
Eurochart10.lha demo/mag 535K+Eurochart 10 by Crusaders
Eurochart12.lha demo/mag 613K+Eurochart 12 by Crusaders
Eurochart13.lha demo/mag 668K+Eurochart 13 by Crusaders
Eurochart35a.lha demo/mag 762K+The Official Eurochart #35 by DEPTH Arch
Eurochart35b.lha demo/mag 861K+The Official Eurochart #35 by DEPTH Arch
Eurochart35c.lha demo/mag 619K+The Official Eurochart #35 by DEPTH Arch
wpz-info05.lha demo/mag 106K+WhelpzInfo issue#o5. Minimagazine about
GBDK-2.1-src.lha dev/cross 623K+GameBoy Developer's Kit 2.1 sources
GBDK-2.1.lha dev/cross 707K+GameBoy Developer's Kit 2.1
AmigaBounce.txt docs/anno 0K+New Amiga Bounce www.freez.com/amiga
HeroQuest2_Bst.lha game/data 7K+More kicks with HeroQuestII
fu_psv_sfx-10.lha game/misc 23M+Samples for 'PSV Manager' [10/10]
fu_psv_sfx-4.lha game/misc 21M+Samples for 'PSV Manager' [4/10]
fu_psv_sfx-5.lha game/misc 21M+Samples for 'PSV Manager' [5/10]
fu_psv_sfx-6.lha game/misc 22M+Samples for 'PSV Manager' [6/10]
fu_psv_sfx-7.lha game/misc 21M+Samples for 'PSV Manager' [7/10]
fu_psv_sfx-8.lha game/misc 22M+Samples for 'PSV Manager' [8/10]
fu_psv_sfx-9.lha game/misc 22M+Samples for 'PSV Manager' [9/10]
WarpHexen.lha game/shoot 265K+Hexen for PowerPC (WarpUP)
imdbDiff990416.lha misc/imdb 1.5M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
Idontknow.lha mods/misc 47K+8ch XM mod by sBf (Slarti) - Slarti Synt
lnsR18_uto.lha mods/tranc 440K+Utopia - Astral Projection Remix
AMPlifier.lha mus/play 283K+Powerfull MPEG audio player (V1.54)
bug.jpg pix/jason 59K+Amiga Format Gallery winner
FWCalendar.lha util/rexx 58K+THE calendar creator for FW & Pagestream
[Meldung: 24. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AWD [New Links]
The Status Register
Lesen Sie CUCOGs monatlichen Newsletter.
[Meldung: 24. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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UCM Business Card Creator
Trogliate Software wird heute das komplette Paket UCM Business Card Creator mit freier
Registrierung veröffentlichen. Kostenlose Registrierung und Download unter obigen Link.
[Meldung: 24. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Albrecht Computer Technik
USB Umfrage Status
Albrecht Computer Technik hat 500 Interessenten für den USB-Controller und
bedankt sich für das große Interesse :-). Nähere Einzelheiten unter
dem Link oben.
[Meldung: 24. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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MP3 Encoder Freeware?
Thomas Wenzel schreibt: Ein für alle mal, MPEG Layer-3 Encoder sind nicht frei.
Ich bin äußerst unglücklich mit dieser Situation, kann aber nichts daran
ändern. Einzelheiten siehe Link oben.
[Meldung: 24. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News
RAPlay Version 1.3 für 040, 060 und PPC
Außerdem gibt es unter
noch einen RealAmigaPlayer Version 0.52.
[Meldung: 24. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News
PPC ixemul
Es sind neue Versionen der ixemul.elf V0.58 und ixemul.library V47.4 (PowerUp) verfügbar.
[Meldung: 24. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik per eMail
Amiga Arena News
ADM kommt ab Mai! Adressmaster, das seit über 4 Jahren regelmäßig
weiter entwickelt wurde, wird es vom 01.05.99 bis zum 01.08.99 für 20,- DM in
der Amiga Arena zum Sonderpreis geben!
GeoWorld kommt! Das wohl noch einzige aktiv weiterentwickelte Erdkunde-Programm
GeoWorld wird in der neuen Version 1.1 die vorrausichtlich im Mai fertiggestellt
werden soll, in der Amiga Arena zum Sonderpreis erhältlich sein!
Gewinn Spiel läuft aus! Das Gewinnspiel für einen Keyfile zu Imperium
Terranum wird im Monat Mai beendet!
[Meldung: 24. Apr. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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