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Craig's Amiga Journal: What light through yonder window shines?
Craig's Amiga Journal: What light through yonder window shines? (ps)

[Meldung: 11. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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COSA Progess Update
In dem neuen "Open Letter" wird von der "Campain to Open Source AmigaOS" - kurz COSA - natürlich der Verkauf von Amiga thematisiert. Insbesondere beschäftigt die Initiatoren die Frage, welchen Einfluss dieser Verkauf auf das Projekt COSA hat. (ps)

[Meldung: 11. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Jorge Pino per eMail

AfA-Projekt: AOL für Amiga
Wer mit Jorge Pino, dem Initiator des AfA-Projektes der Meinung ist, AOL sollte eine Möglichkeit schaffen, auch Amiga-Usern den Zugang zu ermöglichen, sollte sich die Website unter dem Titellink ansehen. In einem extra eingerichteten Gästebuch können Sie Ihre Meinung zu diesem Projekt kundtun und Ihre Unterstützung dokumentieren. (ps)

[Meldung: 11. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

TAO-Group und QNX jetzt Mitglieder bei HaVi
Neben verschiedenen anderen Firmen gehören nun auch die TAO Group und QNX Software Systems zu den Mitgliedern der HaVi Organisation. HaVi wurde von acht Unternehmen aus der Unterhaltungsindustrie im November 1999 gegründet, um dafür zu sorgen, dass Standards u.a. für Hausnetzwerke festgelegt und eingehalten werden, damit gewährleistet werden kann, dass auch Geräte verschiedener Hersteller untereinander "kommunizieren" können. Weiterlesen ... (ps)

[Meldung: 11. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Software News
Stevem Flowers per eMail

Neue Ausgabe 10 "The Pulse"
Die neue Ausgabe des kostenlosen Magazins von Alive Mediasoft "The Pulse" beinhaltet neben ausführlichen Reviews über Spherical Worlds, Whales Voyage Part One. Adventurers Lair, Damage, Extra Life und A7+ auch die Geschichte rund um den erneuten Amiga-Verkauf. Weiter können Sie Previews über die Spiele Decent 2 und Home Land, sowie die Anwenderprogramme fxPaint und Pagestream lesen. (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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John Chandler

And So It Begins...
John Chandler fasst bei Suite101 in seinem Artikel die Ereignisse rund um den erneuten Verkauf von Amiga informativ zusammen. (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Kreditkartenklau im Internet
Ganz so sicher, wie es von Banken immer wieder gerne konstatiert wird, scheint der Gebrauch von Kreditkarten im Internet doch noch nicht zu sein, wie der obige Artikel dokumentiert. Ein Sicherheitsmangel im Programm zur Authentifizierung von Kreditkarten der Firma Cybercash (im ICVerify) führte dazu, dass ein 19jähriger Cracker aus Russland namens Maxus nach eigenen Angaben seit 1998 Geld nach Belieben umbuchte und sogar Geld aus Bankautomaten zog. Weiterlesen ... (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Software News

Amiga Incorporated und Tao Group geben Partnerschaft bekannt
Unter dem Titellink können Sie die Presseerklärung zur Zusammenarbeit mit Amiga Inc. nun auch auf der TAO-Group Website nachlesen. Weiterlesen ... (ps)

[Meldung: 10. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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R. Saake per eMail

2IDs wieder online
Die Webseite von 2IDs (Symphonie Pro Support- sowie SoundFX Presetsupport-Seite) ist nun wieder online erreichbar. Die Symphonie Pro Supportseiten wurden komplett neu designed und damit auch neue Features eingebaut. Ab sofort ist ein Forum verfügbar. Das Gästebuch wurde komplett überarbeitet. Weiterlesen ... (ps)

[Meldung: 09. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Brad Webb per eMail

Amiga Update Newsletter
   _    __      _       _   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_||   (An Occasional e-mail
           WELCOME TO TOMORROW           ||        News Source)
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.

   T A O ,   B A B Y !   T H E   P A R T N E R   A N N O U N C E D

       A M I G A   I N C .   T O   B E   A T   A M I G A   2 K

           N E W S R O G   D E V E L O P M E N T   E N D S

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 Below we have the second big announcement in recent days by the
reborn Amiga Inc. This one concerns the "content platform foundation
partner" for future development. Not sure yet what all is covered by
that mouth numbing phrase but I am sure it will be interesting and, I
hope, encouraging to watch this relationship.
 There seems to be much more a feeling of relief in the shrunken Amiga
Community at this ownership change than there was when Gateway took
over, and that's as it should be. If we don't make it this time, at
least we finally have some Amigans with vision giving it a try. If
only that had happened back in 1994 ...

 We don't have an actual story on it, but if you read the items below
carefully you'll see that Amino is now Amiga. The change took place on
January 6. They'll be at the Amiga 2000 computer show this spring in
St. Louis, USA, and I can hardly wait. I believe this will be the
first chance for the newest Amiga Inc. to address a large body of the
community. If you can get there, it should be well worth your time.
 If I have my Amiga history right, this is the third Amiga Inc. to be
set up. The original development company (or were they not an Inc.?),
Gateway's, and now the former Amino. Correct?
 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

5 Jan 2000


 just a quick note to say "keep up the good work" ! i enjoy receiving
this e-publication. also, let me add that i prefer this "e-mail style
" as opposed to the old "download style "!!!! makes it easier for me
to read.

 Thanks very much for the note and the vote of confidence. Not sure
who's old download style you mean as we've always been e-mail based,
but I think I know what you're getting at. It's always been one of our
goals to get the news out to people, rather than wait for someone to
come to a website. We think the Amiga community needs both, and our
method can help get the message to people who would never see the

1 Jan 2000

On 31-Dec-99, Brad Webb wrote:

> The transaction, effective immediately, includes the transfer of
> all Internet domain names related to Amiga which Gateway had held.
> Gateway retains ownership of all patents acquired when it bought
> Amiga in 1997.

 In other words, they have the right to develop something and call it
an Amiga, but not to make or sell any of the old hardware, possibly
the OS either. Then again, that might not to be a bad thing. We all
know how far behind the current hardware and OS are.

 When Tom Schmidt announced that Amiga wasn't going to be a computer
platform anymore, I started looking at the alternatives. I figured
there were three; Linux, Mac and (GULP!) Windows.
 - Linux is a Unix variant at heart. Switching to it meant night
school courses just to learn to use it. (I still haven't entirely
ruled that out.)
 - My GF uses a Mac and she's happy with it. I looked at the new iMacs
and they're nice machines, reminiscent in some ways of my good ol'
A1200, and the price wasn't too bad, considering what it was. Then I
took a gander at the software and nearly had a coronary! $800 for a
paint program???
 - Then there's Windows. I tried to look it up on the 'net. At first
all I found were jokes pages. I surfed over a few of them. It was
educational; nobody likes Windows! At last I found MS's homepage. The
first thing I saw there was ol' Visa Bill Gate's editorial about
"freedom to innovate," (whinging over the Anti-Trust Court obviously.)
By this time I was wondering what had possessed me to even consider
doing this to myself!

 I hope to heck Amino makes a go of Amiga. There are no good
alternatives out there.

 I certainly agree with the sentiment in your last paragraph. It's
very early to have a feel for how Amino - now officially Amiga Inc. -
will do, but they've got the community in mind and that's a real plus.
 You do have one misconception in your note. Amiga Inc. has a license
from Gateway to the old patents, so there's really nothing stopping
them from doing just about anything they want to, including building
"classic" type machines if they wish.
 With the new Amiga in place, I think there's at least a good
possibility we won't need an alternative.

   T A O ,   B A B Y !   T H E   P A R T N E R   A N N O U N C E D

 Las Vegas, January 8, 2000 - Amiga Incorporated, a privately held
company based in Maple Valley, WA, has entered into a strategic
relationship with the Tao Group as the new content platform foundation
partner for the new Amiga. Terms of the transaction were not
disclosed. Bill McEwen, Amiga President/CEO, said that the company
selected Tao as the foundation partner for the new Amiga after
reviewing numerous other potential partners. "After extensive research
trawling the markets we found that Tao had the greatest similarities
and strengths with our vision, and the capabilities to get the job
done". McEwen said. "Amiga with Tao together will bring a new level of
capabilities, portability and scalability never available before."
"Tao has its roots in the Amiga so this is particularly satisfying for
us" said Francis Charig, Chairman and CEO of Tao Group. "What makes
this relationship so exciting to Tao is the relationship we can enjoy
with Amiga and the Amiga Community. The world has changed radically in
the last few years and there is a vacuum in terms of content and
software environments that meets the needs of the mass market. The
skill sets of the Amiga community combined with the power and
flexibility of Tao's software infrastructure means that the New Amiga
can create the most compelling content for the emerging digital
services and content markets."


 Amiga Incorporated is dedicated to the development, design, and
implementation of components, services, and models that support the
digital experience of tomorrow. Amiga lead the world into the
multi-media experience in the early 80's, and will lead it into the
Digital content universe of the future.


 Tao Group is an intellectual property generator and software company
specializing in technologies for home and mobile networks.
Incorporated in 1992, the Company provides leading edge products for
the emerging markets of intelligent consumer devices. The company's
philosophy is based on providing powerful frameworks for use right
across the range of networked appliances from smart phones to digital
television into which Tao's clients can build in their own branding
and incorporate their own added value. Tao's clients include blue chip
technology corporations in the United States, Japan and Europe.
Motorola and Sony are investors in Tao Group. Tao is headquartered in
Reading, United Kingdom, with representation in Japan and the US, and
its staff includes more than fifty world-class software engineers. Tao
is a Deloitte & Touche Fast 50 Winner and has won a series of

       A M I G A   I N C .   T O   B E   A T   A M I G A   2 K

January 6, 2000

 Amino Development Corporation, renamed Amiga Inc. on Jan. 6, will
exhibit at the Amiga 2K show.

 In a conversation today with Bill McEwen, President and CEO of Amino,
now Amiga Inc.,stated that they will definitely exhibit at the Gateway
Computer Show - Amiga 2K, April 1 & 2, 2000.

 Things are happening with Amiga 2K, just as we promised. Stay tuned
for more information on the largest and best Amiga show in the
Americas... Amiga 2K.

 Amiga 2K will be held on Saturday April 1st - Sunday April 2, 2000,
in St. Louis Missouri, U.S.A. at the Henry VIII Hotel.

Bob Scharp
Amigan-St. Louis

          N E W S R O G   D E V E L O P M E N T   E N D S



 ShadowWorks Software regrets to announce the end of the NewsRog
project for the Amiga. NewsRog is an NNTP News client running on Amiga
personal computers.

 Unfortunately, due to a combination of factors which include the lack
of a market for Amiga software, obsolescent hardware, and a recent
increase in piracy and fraudulent credit card orders, it is no longer
financially possible to continue developing NewsRog. The last version
stands at 1.8b, and the update is available to all registered users
via the web page below:

 ShadowWorks Software is proud to have pioneered a large number of
news client features that have yet to be duplicated in any other
software that we are aware of. We regret that it was not possible to
continue development of the software, since there was a great deal
more planned for the future.

 ShadowWorks Software wishes to thank all of our loyal customers who
have supported our attempt to bring the Amiga a world class NNTP news
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:

Stop by and check out our archive!
Copyright 2000 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
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  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_

[Meldung: 09. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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