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Aminet Recent

Neue Aminet Uploads, Teil 1
Personal_GIF.txt     biz/cloan    3K+Personal GIF I/O Library
2b_XBase-62.lha      biz/dbase  185K+Very easy to use flexible and fast datab
2b_XBaseSP.lha       biz/dbase    9K+Spanish catalog for XBase 6.2 v1.0
FLeagues_BB2.lha     biz/dbase  120K+Football Database For 50 Leagues (v1.2f)
StarBase_CLI.lha     biz/dbase  117K+Star Trek Episodes Database (v3.5)
StarBase_SCR.lha     biz/dbase  121K+Star Trek Database (v1.9) CVPPC/64 FIX
TBol2DEMO.lha        biz/demo    69K+V2.1.0 Material receipt program,(BOLLE M
TCom2DEMO.lha        biz/demo    70K+V2.5.0 Amiga order program,(COMMESSE ITA
TMagDEMO.lha         biz/demo    97K+V0.9.5 Amiga storage program,(MAGAZZINO 
LameOpus5.lha        biz/dopus    1K+Opus5 buttons for Lame V3.70 mp3 encoder
OpusMIupd.lha        biz/dopus  273K+GlowIcon DOpus Images Update 1
A-Fix_07052000.lha   comm/ambos  18K+AmBoS-Fix Rel. 07052000 (Sunday 07-May-0
PMBSControl.lha      comm/bbs    42K+Multicontrol Commodity for Prometheus (G
RLG-DMov.lha         comm/bbs    15K+Religion`s RLG-DirMover v.1.o
TUB_BaudShow.lha     comm/bbs     2K+Dynamic BaudShow for PMBS
UltimateIRCd-b.lha   comm/irc   376K+Advanced IRCd Hybrid based on DreamForge
UnrealIRCd-bin.lha   comm/irc   385K+Advanced IRC Daemon Based On Elite-IRCd
Quote.lha            comm/mail    5K+Useful Tool helping quoting mails.
CManager.lha         comm/misc  622K+Contact Manager, a centralised system-wi
MtHb.lha             comm/misc   26K+Homebanking module (GERMAN)
TATty.lha            comm/misc  120K+Internet Dial Cost By Mak41 V2.0 Italian
bpalogin.lha         comm/net    42K+Bigpond Advance Cable login client.
Charon_Ger.lha       comm/net    19K+German localization for Charon v1.2
nc_update.lha        comm/news  194K+Newsreader Version 1.30 (MUI)
newscoaster.lha      comm/news  325K+Newsreader Version 1.30 (MUI)
AmiTradeCenter.lha   comm/tcp   564K+V1.1 - Powerful FTP-Client with ADT supp
Amster.lha           comm/tcp   347K+Napster client for Amiga with nice GUI
ATC_Install.lha      comm/tcp     8K+Fixed installscript for AmiTradeCenter
MiamiPhone.lha       comm/tcp   143K+V2.0 Miami phone.log time & cost (MUI)
SimpleFTP.lha        comm/tcp   148K+SimpleFTP v2.36 - Easy to use FTP client
Tango.lha            comm/tcp    94K+Samba/smb-handler gui. beta-000512
GuiSGML.lha          comm/www    53K+SGML/HTML Templating Tool, Graphical Mar
IBrowseSP.lha        comm/www    18K+IBrowse 2.x spanish catalogs v1.6
Mailcheck.lha        comm/www     1K+AWebRexx-script to control YAM from Aweb
simplehtml.lha       comm/www    28K+V0.6 of the simple HTML Offline Browser
webworld.lha         comm/www   465K+Code-oriented HTML editor (requires Gold
BigFake_fix.lha      demo/aga   513K+BigFake Demo fixed Version for 68040+60,
cafe2000.lha         demo/aga    14K+Computer Art Festival 2000 demoparty. Of
cafe2k.lha           demo/aga    13K+Computer Art Festival 2000 demoparty. Of
FreshUKX4_PPC.lha    demo/aga   1.5M+Booring Trip PPC. For the UkonxParty 4 i
GooGoo.lha           demo/aga   169K+Zenon presents GooGoo Chippack
newsobfix.lha        demo/aga   902K+Scraps Of Beings fixed Version for 68040
NewWorldChild.lha    demo/aga   1.5M+New World Child fixed Version for 68040+
Screamthy_fix.lha    demo/aga   650K+Scream Thy Last Scream fixed Version for
wpz-aimless.lha      demo/aga    48K+64kb intro by Whelpz released at Mekka&S
wpz-frozen31.lha     demo/aga   560K+Frozen#31 - Apocalypse Party Edition
ICG-Ikp.lha          demo/intro  11K+International Karate Plus ICG Cracktro 
nah-speed52.lha      demo/mag   728K+Speed #52 by Nah-Kolor (Apc2k+others)
SceneArchives.lha    demo/mag   1.3M+SASU v1.08: Ultimate Demo CDs-10 CD's (8
BAA-MangaSlide.lha   demo/slide 2.0M+Anime Manga Slide Show (AGA/CGX ?)
Extension.lha        demo/track 358K+Extension / Pygmy Projects orig. disk
ExtensionHD.lha      demo/track  29K+HD-install for Pygmy Projects Extension
VoyageHD.lha         demo/track  27K+HD-install for Razor 1911's Voyage
BUtility.lha         dev/amos    51K+BUtility V1.1, Extension for Amos 1.3 us
fileidex.lha         dev/amos     9K+AMOS1.3 FileID.Lib +source (German) 
medext71.lha         dev/amos    42K+AMOS1.3 MED Extension (German) 
AmigaGS-Dev.lha      dev/asm    272K+Amiga Game Studio BETA0.1c
Enforce_3Dmapp.lha   dev/asm     15K+Fast 3D mapper in 68k asm, used in Enfor
fastsincos.lha       dev/asm      8K+Very fast trigonom. funcs for 040/060.
BlitzASMInclud.lha   dev/basic   24K+Use your favorite assembler to write Bli
clockita.lha         dev/basic   60K+Italian clock with alarm + source code
CPRFiX.lha           dev/c       16K+SAS/C CPR debugger fix v1.1 (13.05.00)
crc32fj.lha          dev/c        7K+Crc32fj - Cycle Redundancy Check 32-bit
Dorkalize.lha        dev/c       23K+Partial replacement for Localize (CBM)
amiga11.lha          dev/cross   71K+LUnix SDK (binary distribution)
Avr.lha              dev/cross  122K+Atmel AVR Programmer/Assembler 1.03
bgui.lha             dev/gui    352K+BGUI version 41.11 users archive
bgui_dev.lha         dev/gui    286K+BGUI version 41.11 developers archive
bgui_guide_doc.lha   dev/gui     80K+BGUI version 41.11 AmigaGuide documentat
bgui_html_docs.lha   dev/gui     84K+BGUI version 41.11 HTML documentation
advlite20BETA5.lha   dev/misc    84K+Powerfull AutodocViewer v2.0 BETA 5!!! (
diskreader.lha       dev/misc    13K+Code to write disk image creators
evaluate.lha         dev/misc    15K+Code to evaluate algebraic strings
relocs.lha           dev/misc     5K+Shows the layout of executable files
MCCIcon4os35.lha     dev/mui      1K+Os3.5 rewrite of Icon.mcc (1.2)
MiniStat.lha         dev/src     21K+Very simple stat program with C source
xad_bzip2.lha        dev/src     38K+Sources of bzip2 xadmaster client
fda-upd.lha          disk/cache  39K+Uses whole free memory to speedup 1.8-2.
fda.lha              disk/cache 325K+Faster than PFS also installed V2.4
DC60_config.lha      disk/misc   25K+DosControl6.0 better fileID+menu V1.0
PFS3ud.lha           disk/misc  122K+PFS3 undelete 
Accelerators.lha     docs/help   13K+The Amiga Accelerator Guide
GraphicsCard.lha     docs/help    9K+The Amiga Graphics Card Guide
HardDrive.lha        docs/help   13K+The Amiga Hard Disk Guide
MountList.lha        docs/help    6K+The Complete Guide to Mountlists
PC-Task_Guide.lha    docs/help   16K+A guide for PC Task 4.4 owners
PrinterG.lha         docs/help   11K+The Printer Guide
wb13guid.lha         docs/help   15K+A guide for Workbench 1.3 users v3
wb3guide.lha         docs/help   18K+A guide on Workbench 3.x
Amiga_A-Z.lha        docs/hyper  27K+Amiga A-Z Dictionary
BuffyGuide.lha       docs/hyper 234K+Buffy The Vampire Slayer Guide, v1.5
ExpandingTheAm.lha   docs/hyper   8K+Guide on Expanding your Amiga Hardware
Aakt0500GFX.lha      docs/mags  194K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0500GUIDE.lha    docs/mags   89K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0500HTML.lha     docs/mags  240K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
AaktInt0500.lha      docs/mags  270K+International infotainment magazine
AaktInt0500GFX.lha   docs/mags  194K+International infotainment magazine (gra
ACNews_21.lha        docs/mags   33K+E-zine focused on Amiga News: #21-May 20
DSA-doks.lha         docs/misc   33K+Various DSA documents in WW7 format
WarpUp-Apr00.lha     docs/misc   28K+Postings to the WarpUp mailing list in A
ALEM_0011.lha        docs/rview   4K+ALEM's Dataflyer SCSI+ Doc (FR)
ALEM_0012.lha        docs/rview   8K+ALEM's AlfaColor HandyScanner Doc (FR)
yaggArenaEdito.lha   game/2play 191K+Easy, visual Y.A.G.G Arena Editor
yaggSource.lha       game/2play 614K+Yagg - The best gravity game - source co
F1GP_2000.lha        game/data    9K+2000 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (7 May)
MaP_Music4.lha       game/data  1.6M+New cardset for MarryAmPic
Pac96Levels_mr.lha   game/data    8K+Levels for the game Pacman '96
RevAll_MrDog3.lha    game/data   32K+Extra Victims for Revenge AGA
XTR_Dog1.lha         game/data   96K+Four new tracks for X-Treme Racing
Enfirce_demo02.lha   game/demo  882K+V0.2 demo of the canceled game Enforce
Enforce_demo01.lha   game/demo  705K+V0.1 demo of the canceled game Enforce
JumpingAround.lha    game/demo  158K+Demo game, working in progress
BMInsulter.lha       game/gag    27K+Generates random insults in Workbench!
CNGP.lha             game/gag    22K+Stupid number guessing game.
Magic_8-Ball.lha     game/gag    26K+The Magic 8-Ball answers your questions!
Dott-Sol.lha         game/hint    4K+Day Of The Tentacle Solution
PD_Cheater_V24.lha   game/hint  636K+PD_Cheater_V_24 (german)
Speris.lha           game/hint   11K+The Speris Legacy walkthrough / hints
Arkanos.lha          game/misc  166K+Break out game with new features
CiemnaStrona.lha     game/misc  3.4M+Graphics adventure in polish language
WormWars.lha         game/misc  687K+WormWars 5.61: Advanced snake game
ActionCat_Hd.lha     game/patch   8K+ActionCat AGA Hd installer
CapnPlanetHD.lha     game/patch  24K+HD Installer for Captain Planet
ae2000.lha           game/shoot 371K+Funny alien slaughter
Orbit_dat.lha        game/shoot 3.0M+Space Combat Simulator [Data]
Orbit_exe.lha        game/shoot 143K+Space Combat Simulator [WOS/W3D]
Orbit_src.lha        game/shoot 135K+Space Combat Simulator [Source]
DKG-MyHouse.lha      game/think 495K+Phalanax-XVIII Chess program
cdworm.lha           game/wb     22K+A funky snake game "clone" from OnyxSoft
JPEG-Box.lha         gfx/conv   235K+JPEG generator for WWW graphics V4.31 (6
PNG-Box.lha          gfx/conv   272K+PNG generator for WWW graphics V4.31 (68
BeautySchool.lha     gfx/misc   1.1M+Try new hairstyles and change the scener
VHIStudio.lha        gfx/misc   866K+DigiCam & Videoboard-soft: Rec, Grab, We
GhostscriptGUI.lha   gfx/show    28K+Short: GUI for Ghostscript (German)
BetaScan.lha         hard/drivr 173K+Scan program for virtually any scanner
BetaScanApple.lha    hard/drivr  25K+Driver for Apple scanners
BetaScanMustek.lha   hard/drivr  44K+Driver for Mustek scanners
BetaSnapScan.lha     hard/drivr  42K+Driver for Agfa SnapScan scanners 
mccontrol.lha        hard/hack  357K+V1.44 PSX MemoryCard Reader
TestGear2.lha        hard/hack  330K+Simple test equipment projects, Disk 2.
AmiGenerator.lha     misc/emu   203K+Sega Genesis/MegaDrive emulator for Warp
anescgfx.lha         misc/emu    89K+A/NES CGFX v1.18 - Nintendo emulator
Handy.lha            misc/emu   156K+Atari Lynx emulator for WarpUP, v1.05 (0
Mac_Troub4_HTM.lha   misc/emu   3.5M+Macintosh Troubleshooter v4.0 HTML
Nostalgia.lha        misc/emu   200K+THE Multi-Emulation system (1.75)
SNES9xGUI2_2.lha     misc/emu   106K+Probably the best GUI for SNES9x/WarpSNE
SOPE.lha             misc/emu   312K+Sony Playstation emulator for WarpUP, v0
unBINSCII.lha        misc/emu     6K+Decodes an Apple 8 bit BINSCII file
imdbDiff000421.lha   misc/imdb  1.8M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff000428.lha   misc/imdb  1.5M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
alem_0005.lha        misc/misc  785K+ALEM's ScalaScript 'Poubelle' (FR)
ALEM_0006.lha        misc/misc  1.2M+ALEM's ScalaScript 'Blaspheme' (FR)
SpaTra07.lha         misc/misc   35K+Spanish Translations Pack 07 v0.10
TIM_0015.lha         misc/misc  2.8M+TIM's ScalaScript 'Textures' (FR)
TIM_0016.lha         misc/misc  1.2M+TIM's ScalaScript 'Tricot' (FR)
TIM_0018.lha         misc/misc  420K+TIM's Origami: Stellar Cruiser (FR)
TIM_0019.lha         misc/misc  370K+TIM's Origami: Tie-fighter (FR)
TIM_0020.lha         misc/misc  406K+TIM's Origami: X-wing (FR)
AmiSPICEed.lha       misc/sci   589K+Simulation environment for SPICE (V2.1)
DAlmanac_Exe.lha     misc/sci   1.4M+Next Generation Planetarium (1.8.16)
Atheist.lha          mods/chip    1K+Mim's ahx module
game.lha             mods/chip    1K+Mim's ahx module
Potatos.lha          mods/chip    1K+Mim's ahx module
trax.lha             mods/chip    1K+Mim's ahx module
Musikantenstad.lha   mods/funk  884K+Unusual Jazz/Fusion by R.Kapp
apt-m002.lha         mods/med   151K+Apathy Germany presents: mOODs - mUsIC f
ThunderMix2.lha      mods/med   863K MED Thunder Megamix II
twig_rock.lha        mods/med   346K+RockYourSoul, a tune by DJTwiglet
apt-m001.lha         mods/misc   51K+Apathy Germany presents: mOODs - mUsIC f
BlueAngel69.lha      mods/misc   45K+Custom module from "Blue Angel 69"
Carm.lha             mods/misc   43K+Mim's 8Chn MusicLine module
DoubleDragon2.lha    mods/misc    4K+Custom module from "Double Dragon II"
Escape.lha           mods/misc  101K+Music from Escape and Escape 2 games
guest.lha            mods/misc   81K+Mim's 4Chn DigiBoosterPro module
Kill.lha             mods/misc   29K+Mim's ProTracker module
MyBrainInYourH.lha   mods/misc   67K+Mim's ProTracker module
rNO-L034.lha         mods/misc  2.7M+RNO-LABEL release nO.34
TetraQuest.lha       mods/misc    6K+Custom module from "Tetra Quest"
under_the_road.lha   mods/misc   19K+Mim's protracker module
zdzislawa.lha        mods/misc   19K+Mim's protracker module

[Meldung: 16. Mai. 2000, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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