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27.-29.09.24 • Classic Computing • Pfedelbach
25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)


Deli14Bit Update V4.00beta
Download: Deli14BitGenie400beta.lha. Im Readme können Sie die vielen neuen Features wie z.B. AHI-Unterstützung nachlesen. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]

Aminet Uploads vom 19.05.1999
Football.lha         biz/dbase  194K+*NEW* Version 2.31 - Control your own le
FootballUpdate.lha   biz/dbase   78K+Update for Football 2.3 to 2.31
hingis.lha           biz/dbase  124K+Martina Hingis tennis singles matches in
VowaData.lha         biz/dbase   98K+Datafile Update for VorwahlenGui
dopus_undms.lha      biz/dopus    2K+Unpacks a DMS file to disk with progress
dopus_virusz.lha     biz/dopus    2K+Checks selected files and directories in
HTTPlister.lha       biz/dopus   20K+View AMINET RECENT in lister +download f
RecoverDelDir.lha    biz/dopus   93K+AFS/PFS2/SFS undeletetool (english,germa
TBar.lha             biz/dopus   32K+A Simple Taskbar for Dopus
stricq_1371.lha      comm/misc  227K+An Amiga ICQ close based on MUI
AmiVNC.lha           comm/tcp    69K+Experimental VNC server for Amiga w/C so
icr.lha              comm/www    45K+Restores IBrowse cached WWW pages for lo
fbackng.lha          disk/bakup  30K+FBackNG - Daily backup/mirror program.
TP085.lha            disk/cdrom 488K+TrinityPlayer v0.85 (SCSI/ATAPI player!)
xtru.lha             game/patch  89K+Track installer and manager for XTreme R
TaskForce.lha        game/think 305K+Tactical combat game & editor (V0.35; lo
PIV-MooVId.lha       gfx/board   83K+The Ultimate AVI/MOV player for PicassoI
VE-Masks.lha         gfx/edit   148K+Visual Eng. - Masks
Show040.lha          gfx/show   380K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (040) V2.1
ShowPPC.lha          gfx/show   374K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (PPC) V2.1
IOBlixParUpd.lha     hard/drivr  14K+IOBlixZ2 and IOBlix1200 parallel driver 
cbspeccy_v024b.lha   misc/emu   173K+ZX-Spectrum128k emulator + TR-DOS v0.24b
AmiTarot.lha         misc/misc   29K+Tarot card reader program v1.50
Kao.lha              misc/misc    0K+Japanese art of "mojie"
WeatherStation.lha   misc/sci   155K+Interface to Heath ID-5001 Weather Compu
hccb11by.lha         mods/hardc 282K+Brace Yourself - The DJ Enticer 11
hccb12sf.lha         mods/hardc 214K+Societies Failures - The DJ Enticer 12
hccb13bb.lha         mods/hardc 386K+Bass Bang Scatter - The DJ Enticer 13
hccb14ct.lha         mods/hardc 265K+Check This Out - The DJ Enticer 14
hccb15hd.lha         mods/hardc 211K+Here the Drummer Get-Tronix&Enticer 15
hccb16fm.lha         mods/hardc 192K+Fuckin' MC's - The DJ Enticer 16
hccb17bi.lha         mods/hardc 194K+Bring it on - The DJ Enticer 17
hccb18t1.lha         mods/hardc  55K+Trauma - Brutal Tendencies 18
hccb19rc.lha         mods/hardc 255K+Remote Control - The DJ Enticer 19
waveeditor171.lha    mus/edit    34K+A simple wave editor -small, but cool.
BG-A_Invasion.jpg    pix/back   186K+BG: <Amigaball-Invasion WB-Backdrop>
BG-Blizzard.jpg      pix/back   119K+BG: <SpecialFX Blizzard WB-Backdrop>
BWG.jpg              pix/illu   141K+Graphics preview of the set of WB Games
ds-deepsea.jpg       pix/trace   53K+DS: <Submarine Exploring Ground>
ds-deepsea2.jpg      pix/trace   64K+DS: <Submarine Grave, Cool Volumetric-Li
SW-Iceplanet.jpg     pix/trace  126K+StarWars: <Rebellion Fighters Exploring>
SW-Iceplanet2.jpg    pix/trace  145K+StarWars: <X-Wing Iceplanet-Patrol>
SW-Nova.jpg          pix/trace  173K+StarWars: <Supernova Xplosion>
JAKs_WB.jpg          pix/wb     263K+This is a grab of my 1024x768x24 Bit Wor
VeloxWb.lha          pix/wb     176K+My nice Wb with Blizzard Vision in 16bit
SystemFont.lha       text/font   11K+Workbench fonts and patch!
2b_TKSearch.lha      util/cli    25K+Find pattern in text files (PPC & 68k) V
SplitJoin.lha        util/cli    53K+Splitter / Joiner
fixaiff_jf.lha       util/conv    8K+Fixaiff V1.1 fixes aiffs for DelFX
rxcmanager.lha       util/rexx   23K+Rxcmanager - CManager ARexx functions

[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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HyperCOM goes UNIX
In wenigen Wochen ist es soweit, endlich wurde ein Kunde gefunden, der auf seinem Amiga ein stabiles Linux (APUS) System laufen hat und sich zutraut, die für die HyperCOM-Karte benötigten Treiber zu schreiben.

Was wir nun brauchen, sind fleißige Betatester, die entweder unter APUS oder unter LinuxM68k mit Ihrer HyperCOM neue Treiber testen wollen. Wenn Sie daran Interresse haben sollten schreiben Sie uns bitte direkt eine eMail.

Was den meisten bisher nicht aufgefallen ist, fast alle HyperCOM's werden schon von NetBSD für Amiga unterstützt. Selbst in einem Draco funktionieren alle Karten und Treiber ohne Probleme. Wenn Sie sich für dieses äusserst stabile und amigafreundliche Unix interessieren sollten, schauen Sie doch einfach mal hier nach.. NetBSD Amiga.

Mit diesen Treibern werden die HyperCOM-Karten in allen wichtigen Amiga Umgebungen wie keine andere Karte nahtlos unterstützt. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andre Lorbach

AmigaGroupEifel-Website mit neuem Layout
AmigaGroupEifel-Website mit neuem Layout. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Zeichnungen des Konzepts zum AmigaNG
Zeichnungen des Konzepts zum AmigaNG. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Thomas Raukamp per eMail

Chatten bei AmigaOS
Das Webangebot der amigaOS wird weiter ausgebaut: Ab sofort haben wir einen Chatroom eingerichtet, der im Forum angewählt werden kann. Außerdem gibt es ab sofort eine öffentliche Mailingliste, die für alle Themen rund um den Amiga bereitsteht. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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alando Online Auktionen

alando Online Auktionen
alando ist eine große kostenlose Auktionsplattform für alles und jeden. Privatpersonen, Händler und Firmen können auf alando in spannenden Online-Auktionen Gebrauchtwaren, Neuwaren und Sammlerartikel meistbietend kaufen und verkaufen. Jeder kann also Bieter und Anbieter sein!

Auch Amiga-User wurden nicht vergessen, in den Kategorien Computer und Computerspiele gibt es spezielle Amiga-Rubriken. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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RC5-Team vom Amiga-Club im BTX & Internet
Schon seit Dezember 1997 rechnet das Amiga-Club RC5-Team fleißig mit, um den 64-Bit-Schlüssel zu knacken. Es werden immer noch Mitstreiter gesucht. Wer sich bisher noch nicht dazu entschließen konnte, mitzurechnen, weil alles zu kompliziert in englisch erklärt wird, sollte sich die Hilfe zur Installation von Myzar in Deutsch ansehen. Dort wird genau erklärt, worum es geht, wo Sie die nötige Software bekommen und wie sie konfiguriert werden muß. Wer beim AC-RC5-Team mitrechnen möchte, kann sich bei Wolfgang Czepan anmelden. Fragen zum RC5-Team-Effort werden im Amiga-Club Forum gerne beantwortet. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Neue 68060.lib Version 46.6 von Phase5
Download: 68060-170599.lha. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Jim Collas: offener Brief/Update der wichtigsten Aktivitäten (Executive Update)
offener Brief an die Community
Update der wichtigsten Aktivitäten

Die Briefe sind in englisch, meist folgt aber ein paar Tage später eine deutsche Übersetzung:


19 May, 1999
Dear Amigans,

April was a very busy month for Amiga with much activity and good progress. I received over 1200 emails from people around the world, I met with key representatives of the Amiga community in Germany and the U.K, we added to our executive staff, we established relationships with key technology partners, and we finalized our 1999 product plans.

The amount of emails I received from the Amiga community has been overwhelming. Most of them were emails of support and encouragement while many others gave me suggestions and input on technology and products. These emails have been wonderful. They are uplifting, insightful, interesting, and fun to read. People in this community have a great personality. Many were short emails of encouragement but just as many went on for several pages listing insights, suggestions, and opinions. Thank you very much for your emails of support. They have been tremendously encouraging to the Amiga executive team and me. There were, of course, also some emails sent by Amigans who are frustrated by the situation. These emails were also valuable in giving me insight into the mistakes of the past so that I could avoid them as we press toward the future. Please keep the emails coming.

I apologize for not responding to all of the email sent to me. I have personally responded to over 600 emails but was unable to keep up with the volumes. I want to assure you that I read every email sent to me and that they play an important role in defining our future plans. I will continue to respond to as many emails as possible on a personal basis. This brings me to the main subject of this month's letter: communication. It is important that we set up an effective process for communicating with the Amiga community. Emails and requests for meetings are overwhelming Amiga executives at this time. This volume of communication is very encouraging but I am concerned that we can't personally respond to every one of them and it will become frustrating to the community.

We are working on plans to improve communications between Amiga and the community. These plans will consist of multiple programs including: the current executive update, an email response team, a new Amiga Advisory Council, polls on future product features, better monthly user group communication, and improved communication to the Amiga press. Detailed information on all of these programs will be posted on our web site in the next several weeks. In addition to keeping the community up to date on Amiga activities, the main goal of these programs is to involve the community in setting future Amiga plans. All of us need to work on this together to make sure we are setting plans that will help the community and allow Amiga to drive the next computing revolution.

One of the planned communications programs is a new "Amiga Advisory Council" or AAC. The idea for this program came from my discussions with people in the Amiga community. It is difficult to get thousands of people involved in our planning process so we need to establish a more manageable forum. The plan is to set up an advisory council consisting of people that are viewed as leaders in the Amiga community. Members of this council will be "elected" by the Amiga community. We are currently working on the details of the "election" process. This council must represent all major constituencies of the Amiga community so that we can get a full set of concerns and inputs regarding future Amiga plans. We will set-up special message boards, email lists, and meetings allowing the AAC to communicate effectively. Information on AAC meetings and decisions will be communicated to the Amiga community. Keep watching our web site for updates on this program. We will also make sure information gets published to Amiga magazines and user groups.

In late April I traveled to Germany and the U.K. to meet with representatives and leaders of the Amiga community to discuss Amiga's future plans and get the community's help in setting these plans. I apologize to the people that did not have the opportunity to participate in these meetings but I had to keep the meetings to a manageable size. There were about 30 to 40 people in each country representing developers, dealers, distributors, user groups, and press. I think that these meetings were very informative and productive. They will allow me to optimize our future plans while taking the requirements of the Amiga community into account. To give you an example, we spent a considerable amount of time talking about how to bridge the community from the current Amiga platform to the next generation. The current Amiga platform has several years of useful life remaining but people are not investing in it because it is dated and the next generation is around the corner. One suggestion is to port the next generation AmigaSoftTM Operating Environment (OE) so that it runs on a current Amiga configured with a Power PC expansion card. This would not be an optimum configuration but it would extend the life of current PowerPC Amigas. We are looking into this possibility and will keep you updated.

On a personal note, I had a wonderful time in Germany and the U.K. The trip was both productive and very enjoyable. The trip was packed with excellent food and good people. I really enjoyed meeting with people from the Amiga community. After six years of working with executives in the PC industry, it is a breath of fresh air to work with people that have so much passion and enthusiasm about what they believe in. I especially enjoyed the extended conversations in the bars and pubs. These tended to get even more passionate and creative. To those of you who participated in the events, I thank you for making my trip both productive and enjoyable. In case you are curious, the most challenging part of my trip was sitting still while Petro drove me on the autobahn at 240 km/hour. I thank god for solid and stable German automobiles and good German beer.

Before I end this letter I would like to cover a few more topics that came up frequently in emails sent to me. First, I would like to clarify our hardware product plans. Amiga is planning to come out with a next generation multimedia computer in late Q4 of the year. This computer will have a unique architecture, a great operating system, awesome 3D gaming performance, and advanced multimedia features. I am confident that this computer will meet your expectations for a great next generation Amiga. Unfortunately, we can't disclose details of the new computer yet since we are under non-disclosure agreements with our technology partners. We also need to be careful about alerting our competition to our plans. One thing I can say is that the technology partners we are working with are extremely excited about our direction and technology. There are Amigans in all major technology companies and they are eager to support us in driving a new computer revolution. These partners include some major technology and component companies in the computer industry. We should be ready to disclose more at the World of Amiga and AmiWest shows in July.

The new Amiga multimedia computer will also support a home networked "information appliance" environment that will allow networked devices throughout the house access to the power and features of this computer. I need to clarify the term "information appliances" which is becoming a popular term in the computer industry. "Information appliances" are not digital toasters, refrigerators, and ovens with LCD displays. They are devices such as wireless LCD tablets, Internet terminals, game machines, and digital set-top boxes. These devices will all be connected together through a single network and will be integrated into a single comprehensive operating environment. This is the reason why we use the term "operating environment", or OE, to describe our new software rather than operating system. Our software is much more than the underlying operating system.

In addition to the full multimedia computer described above, Amiga will also develop reference desigs for a variety of "information appliance" companion devices such as wireless LCD tablets. Our goal is to enable a full home computing environment rather than just a computer. We will encourage others to develop and ship Amiga-compatible computers and information appliances. To help clarify our plans to the Amiga community, we are releasing our initial product concept to the Amiga press to publish in the next issues. I hope this helps clarify our product plans. We will continue to disclose details as they become available and as is appropriate.

The second topic that I would like to cover is Amiga support for developers. The Amiga development community is important to us and we will be taking an active role in support Amiga developers. We are evaluating plans for financial support as well as in-depth technical support. We will communicate more about this plan within 60 to 90 days when we also start releasing more technical information for developers.

I have also updated the "major activities" sub-section under the "executive update" section on our web site. This will give you some more detail on the status of Amiga programs so I encourage you to read it. We have also added a top 10 questions web page to the "executive update" section. This page will answer the top questions asked in emails sent to me.

In closing I would like to say that I am more excited then ever about the opportunities for Amiga and the Amiga community. It has been a long wait but the Amiga community is still the greatest community in the computer industry and the time is ideal for a new revolutionary architecture and platform. I will keep you posted on our progress and promise to disclose as more details as soon as possible and appropriate.

Jim Collas
President, Amiga

Amiga Hires Computer Industry Veteran as CTO

Amiga has hired computer industry veteran Dr. Rick LeFaivre as its chief technology officer and senior vice president of advanced technology. Prior to joining Amiga, Dr. LeFaivre served as senior vice president of R&D and chief technology officer at Inprise Corporation, formed from the merger of Borland International and Visigenic Software. He has held key executive management positions in the computer industry including vice president of the Advanced Technology Group at Apple Computer, vice president of engineering for the Network Systems Division at Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, and director of Windows and Graphics Systems at Sun Microsystems. Jim Collas, president of Amiga stated that "Rick is an incredibly valuable addition to the Amiga team. He brings with him a wealth of technology experience and industry contacts." Jim went on to state that "hiring top level talent like Rick should be a clear indication to the Amiga community that we are dedicated to the development of exciting technology for the new Amiga platform."

Amiga Hires Experienced Senior Executive As COO

Amiga has hired senior executive Tom Schmidt as its Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining Amiga, Mr. Schmidt served as Vice President and General Manager of a strategic business enterprise within AlliedSignal, an advanced technology and manufacturing company based in Morristown, NJ. Previous to AlliedSignal, Mr. Schmidt worked at Baxter Healthcare Corporation in several key operating and sales and marketing roles. He also served as a Senior Project Manager and Strategic Management Consultant at Arthur Andersen. Jim Collas, president of Amiga, stated that " at Amiga, we are serious about building a substantial company for the future and Tom has the experience and general management capabilities required to build and manage a world-class corporate structure." Jim went on to state that "Amiga is being positioned for a major come back and we must be prepared to manage the growth associated with these plans. Tom is the ideal person for this job."


  • We are looking in San Diego to move out of the Gateway building into a separate Amiga building in order to accommodate the expansion in Amiga's San Diego staff.
New Staff:
  • We hired Dr. Rick LeFaivre as our Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Sr. VP of advanced technology. Dr. LeFaivre is a senior technology executive who has worked for Apple, Silicon Graphics, Sun, and Inprise. See the associated Amiga website news release for more information.
  • We hired Tom Schmidt as our Chief Operating Officer (COO). Tom Schmidt is an experienced senior executive from Allied Signal, which is a $30 billion corporation. See the associated Amiga website news release for more information.
  • Several weeks ago, we placed Amiga employment ads in major newspapers and have a significant amount of highly qualified leads that we are reviewing.
  • We have hired a full time recruiter to coordinate our expanded recruiting efforts.
Major Development Programs:
  • O/S 3.5 - This product is being developed by Haage & Partner under contract from Amiga. The target release date is late July or early August. We are talking to Amiga hardware development companies to qualify hardware products targeted at the O/S 3.5 release. We plan to come out with a recommended hardware configuration and list of qualified Amiga hardware products for the O/S 3.5 release.
  • AmigaSoftTM Operating Environment (OE) - We are developing our next generation operating environment including operating system, user interface, and some revolutionary software structures to be disclosed at a later date. Target beta version is 3Q99 with final in late 4Q99. We are also looking at the possibility of porting this new AmigaSoftTM OE to the O/S 3.5 recommended hardware configurations. If we can accomplish this it will allow people to run the new OE on specific Amiga configurations with PowerPC boards.
  • Next generation hardware architecture - Being developed as a foundation for all next generation Amiga products. We are within several weeks of final component selection.
  • AmigaSoftTM development system - This is planned in 3Q99 along with the beta release of the new AmigaSoftTM Operating Environment.
  • Initial next generation computer - We are developing the next generation computer that will be used to launch the next generation systems architecture and operating environment. Target release date is late 4Q99. Please see this week's letter to the community for more information.
  • We have released concept drawings of the next generation Amiga products to the Amiga press.
Shows and Community Activities:
  • I visited Germany and the U.K. and met with representatives of the Amiga community. We held meetings with leaders of the Amiga community and discussed future Amiga plans.
  • We will sponsor and participate in the 1999 London World of Amiga show in late July.
  • We are also planning to support the AmiWest show in late July.
  • We are planning for the Cologne and Las Vegas shows in November.
  • Petro and Jim Von Holle are developing reseller, distributor, and magazine support programs to help the Amiga community.
  • We are also working on some user group support programs and improved communication programs.

[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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SEAL berichtet vom Meeting mit Jim Collas vom 30.04.99
Auch in England hat Jim Collas ein Meeting mit verschiedenen Leuten aus der Amiga-Szene abgehalten. Die Usergruppe SEAL berichtet ebenfalls über sehr positive Eindrücke und schließt ihren Report mit den Worten: "Jim believes in Amiga, and we believe in him". (Jim glaubt an Amiga, und wir glauben ihm). (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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WinUAE 0.8.8, Release 5
Download: WinUAE088R5.exe (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Mystique Corporation mit neuer Website
Mystique Corporation beschäftigt sich insbesondere mit Kindersoftware für den Amiga. Lange Zeit hatte sich nichts mehr auf dieser Website getan, aber nun ist sie mit neuem Layout präsent, aber nach Aussage des Webmasters noch als Preview zu betrachten. Unter 'Description' findet sich trotzdem schon der Hinweis, daß KiDSuite für AmigaOS 5.0 entwickelt wird :). Auf der Kinder Software Seite können Sie jede Menge Software für Kinder downloaden. (ps)

[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Davy Wentzler per eMail

Mit Version 2.0517 bekommt PlayHD neuen Namen (Audio Evolution) + neue Features
Audio hd-recording program PlayHD gets new name 'Audio Evolution' and new features!

It's my pleasure to announce that an update of the audio harddisk recording program PlayHD is available now on my homepage. The name has changed now from PlayHD to 'Audio Evolution' and besides this change, a whole lot of new features have been added since my last demo from January.

For the people who have never heard of PlayHD or Audio Evolution:
Audio Evolution is an audio harddisk recording system primarily aimed at musicians who want an easy-to-use multitrack recorder for home-studio applications. It's based on the AHI system by Martin Blom, which makes it possible to run Audio Evolution on every modern soundcard designed for Amiga computers. Because of the efficient mixing routines of AHI, it's possible to play up to 30 tracks at the same time on expanded systems, even without PowerPC technology. But that's not what makes it a good harddisk recording system: Audio Evolution also offers a versatile mixing desk including individual channel and master level display, mute, solo, panning, subgroups and realtime effects. Besides that, full mixer automation gives you mixing possibilities only limited by your imagination. Also take a look at the timeline display with its marker system for fast positioning in the song, locators and punch in/out features which saves you precious time in your recording session.

New features since January:
  • Completely new GUI for the mixer window
  • Volume display per channel with PPM meters
  • Resizable timeline
  • Subgroups
  • Realtime FX (no PPC yet :-( )
  • Bars&Pipes start synchronisation
  • CAMD start synchronisation
  • New Record window with record level display

[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Alex Kazik per eMail

TAR-Handler V1.1
Alex schreibt:
Nun ist es soweit, mein TAR-Handler ist fertig. Ab sofort ist die V1.1 erhältlich: Er erlaubt es TAR-Archive (auch g'zippte) zu mounten, und es wie eine (Hard)Disk zu benutzen. (z.Z. Read Only). Download: TAR-Handler.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Honorable Mention Volume 6 Issue 10 mit Jim Collas Interview Volume 6 Issue 10 mit Jim Collas Interview. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Emulation Resource

CBSpeccy V0.24b
Download: cbspeccy.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AmigaOS 3.5

In Kürze beginnt die erste Betatest-Phase für das neue AmigaOS 3.5
AMIGA schreibt:
Anmerkungen zur Bewerbung zum OS 3.5 Betatest (17 Mai 1999): Wir haben bisher über 2.500 Bewerbungen für den Betatest erhalten. Die Bewerbungsphase ist jetzt abgeschlossen, bitte schicken Sie uns daher keine Bewerbungen mehr. Wir möchten jedem Bewerber für seine Hilfe danken. Jeder Bewerber sollte mittlerweile auch ein Bestätigung per E-Mail erhalten haben. Die Personen, die am Betatest teilnehmen, werden in den nächsten per E-Mail benachrichtigt. Eine zweite Betatest-Runde ist für Juni/Juli geplant. Der Betatest wird ausschließlich über die Firma HAAGE&PARTNER abgewickelt. Bitte stellen Sie keine Fragen zum Test an Amiga Inc., Amiga Intl. oder HAAGE&PARNTER. Es können unmöglich alle diese Anfragen beantwortet werden und es würde nur die Arbeit am OS 3.5 verzögern. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik per eMail

Amiga Arena News
Digital Almanac II die neue Version zum Sonderpreis!
Digital Almanac II erschien diesen Monat neu und ist das Amateur- und semiprofessionale Hobby Planetarium Programm für den Amiga! Für alle, die den Überblick am Himmel haben wollen hier einige Features!
  • Sternendatei mit weit über 500000 Daten
  • 50000 Planeten und Asteroiden
  • Strucktur der Milchstarsse
  • u.v.m

Für weitere Infos besuche die Homepage unter Hinweis: Wer sich registrieren lassen möchte, erwähnt bitte, daß er das Sonderangebot der Amiga Arena nutzen möchte! Preis für Amiga Arena Besucher NUR 20 DM! Was wollt Ihr mehr?

GeoWorld Vorankündigung!
Da sich die neue Version von GeoWorld verschiebt (sollte diesen Monat erscheinen), wird es wahrscheinlich eine Sonderaktion für GeoWorld 1.09 in der Amiga Arena geben! (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Thomas Wenzel per eMail

Kommentar zum OS3.5
Thomas Wenzel, bekannt durch Play16, Samplitude, Prelude, AmigaAMP hat mir folgenden Kommentar zum AmigaOS 3.5 geschickt. Wäre schön, wenn darüber im Forum eine interessante Diskussion in Gang käme.

Hier sein Kommentar:
Nachfolgend eine Liste mit dem, was ich persönlich von einem neuen OS für die Classic Amigas erwarte -- im Grunde genommen gleichbedeutend mit dem, was jeder von einem modernen OS heutzutage erwartet:
  • Unterstützung für die verschiedendsten Eingabegeräte (Maus, Tastatur, Joystick, SketchPad) über die verschiedendsten Schnittstellen (Bus, seriell, USB) auf Treiberebene, die nahtlos in's System integriert ist
  • Ein neues, zuverlässiges Dateisystem, welches auch Partitionsgrößen von über 4GB zuläßt, sowie ein passendes Toolkit mit Reparatur- und Defrag-Programmen dazu
  • Unterstützung für Streaming Audio/Video auf Treiber- und CODEC Basis, sodaß problemlos Quicktime, MPEG, AVI, etc. eingebunden werden können
  • Vollständige Netzwerkunterstützung inklusive TCP/IP für WAN und LAN sowie der Möglichkeit, des gemeinsamen Zugriffes auf Festplatten und Drucker OHNE sich mit Mountlisten und Netmount Kommandos 'rumschlagen zu müssen. Da muß es schon ein automatisch erstelltes Listview mit allen im Netz verfügbaren Resourcen geben, von denen ich mir dann eine Auswahl per Drag&Drop auf die Workbench ziehen kann. Natürlich muß das System fehlertolerant sein. Eine Blockade, nur weil der angeforderte Rechner gerade nicht antwortet, ist undenkbar.
Kurz gesagt, ich möchte ein modernes System haben, ohne haufenweise unzuverlässige Hacks, Patches und Aufsätze laufen lassen zu müssen. Das muß alles sauber integriert sein.
Über solche Gimmicks wie neue Icons, buntere Prefs-Programme etc. kann man nachdenken, NACHDEM die vier obigen Punkte erfüllt sind. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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18.Mai.1999 Databank manipuliert
Hacker haben sich in die News-Datenbank von eingehackt und die Datenbank manipuliert. Es wurden nicht nur einfach falsche Beiträge eingeschleust, sondern News über das Programm "Miami" von Holger Kruse verbreitet, die behaupten, Miami und andere NordicGlobal Programme hätten sog. "Hintertüren" (back doors). distanziert sich ausdrücklich davon und betont, daß sie niemals die wunderbaren Programme von Holger in den Dreck ziehen würden. Vermutlich fühlen sich diese Typen jetzt als Helden und merken überhaupt nicht, wie erbärmlich ihr Tun ist.

Holger Kruse hat dazu folgendes Statement abgegeben.

Nachtrag 22:45 h: News sind unter neuer URL wieder online. Bitte bookmarken Sie (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Genetic Species goes PIP
PIP = Picture in Picture, bedeutet, Sie können Genetic Species jetzt auf Ihrem Workbench-Screen spielen, zumindestens wenn Sie eine PicassoIV, CyberVision oder CyberVision3D Grafikkarte haben. Downloadseite. (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Colin-Stewart Bridge Deady per eMail

KOSH-summary #20 vom 17.05.1999
KOSH [Kommunity Orientated Software Hardware]

Weekly Summary

Week Commencing: 8th May 1999

Number: 020

Mailing List: kosh-general

In the mailing list this week, the following items were discussed. Please do
not email the scribe regarding any of these topics, it is not his job to answer
these questions but merely to report  the topics of conversation. If you have
any queries about this summary, please email, stating the Summary
Number, and Mailing List Name, and he will try to answer your queries.


Subject: The KOSH Application

Summary of debate: It will be helpful that KOSH can run as an application on
                   other operating systems (as well as native versions). This
                   will allow people to use it and see its benefits without
                   having to leave their used-to environments.


Subject: x86, 68k and PPC Slim Binary generation

Summary of debate: Suggested KOSH could have a tool to uncompile binaries in
                   the above formats (and more) and spit out the slimbinaries.
                   Would this be feasible?


Subject: API recording

Summary of debate: Suggested KOSH could have a tool that records each and every
                   API call under a current OS in order to provide a list of
                   what can at all be called. This would provide a basis to
                   offer the same API while being different underneath and thus
                   not breaking copyright.


Subject: Information Landscapes

Summary of debate: has some new idea of presenting
                   "Information Landscapes" instead of hierarchical trees as we
                   know them. Could this be used for KOSH?


Subject: VMware

Summary of debate: A PC trick that allows you to hot-context-switch between PC
                   OSs may be VMware. See

                   It was asked if we should make hot-context switching a
                   standard feature of KOSH?


Subject: Mass market retail channels and KOSH availability

Summary of debate: It was suggested that there is no need for KOSH to show up
                   in any retail channels until there is a good chance at
                   impulse buying - this is only just starting to happen with


Subject: KOSH Clones

Summary of debate: Making it easy to clone KOSH machines (whether licenced or
                   reverse engineered) would help to greatly increase the
                   installed user base of KOSH.


Subject: Plugin HALs

Summary of debate: Suggested we could have software processors and multiple
                   HALs as plugin objects relatively easily.

[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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MotionStudios per eMail

Pressemitteilung von MotionStudios
Ingo Kleefeld schreibt:

1. Die Produkte ArtStudioPro, ElasticDreams und FantasticDreams können jetzt auch unter WarpOS (V15), in Verbindung mit ppcEmu (V0.6d) von Frank Wille, problemlos gestartet werden.

2. Darüber hinaus bietet die Firma MotionStudios für kurze Zeit eine Sonderaktion an. Sämtliche Produkte können zu sehr günstigen Preisen bequem per EMail bestellt werden.

ArtStudioPro         49DM
CandyFactoryPro      69DM
ElasticDreams        49DM
FantasticDreams      99DM

Und zwar unter
Die Preise gelten nur bei EMail-Bestellung! (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Mario Cattaneo per eMail

STRICQ: neue Version 0.1371
Download: STRICQ_1371.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]

Aminet Uploads vom 17.05.1999
AE30-italiano.lha    biz/haage   17K+ArtEffect 3.0 - Italiano locale
AmBoS-Update.lha     comm/ambos 1.1M+AmBoS BBS Update 2.98a (05-05-99)
uuepro.lha           comm/fido   16K+Fastest & smartest 68k uuencode on Earth
dring.lha            comm/misc   31K+Distinctive ring for TrapDoor
AMarquee49.lha       comm/net   271K+V49.8 TCP Data Broadcast System (library
BackTest.lha         comm/www     3K+Test multiple WWW Backgrounds in a singl
HTTPResume.lha       comm/www   108K+Resume interrupted HTTP downloads
Cns2.lha             demo/mag   154K+CowsAndSnakefights diskmag #2
Cns_2.lha            demo/mag   154K+CowsAndSnakefights diskmag #2
PMManager.lha        dev/c      1.4M+Project-Make-Manager (PMM) for vbcc
OBEdit_src.lha       dev/e        4K+Source code for OBEdit - UFO/X-COM weapo
MCC_Pkb14_4.lha      dev/mui    157K+Piano keyboard, MUI-Class
MCC_TransferAn.lha   dev/mui    147K+MUI Custom Class for displaying transfer
fbackng.lha          disk/bakup  26K+FBackNG - Daily backup/mirror program.
rusdevdocs.lha       docs/misc   60K+AmigaOS and MUI programming, in Russian
so2.lha              game/2play 304K+Shoot Out 2. 2 player cat-and-mouse mayh
waveditor171.lha     game/2play  33K+A simple wave editor -small, but cool.
FreeCell1.7.lha      game/board  96K+Logical patience-type card game
F1GP_1999.lha        game/data    8K+1999 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (16-May-
speedup.lha          game/gag     1K+Small gag for MS windows. Use it on your
ufosg.lha            game/hint   40K+UFO Strategy Guide. Hints and tips for U
apt2.lha             game/misc  296K+Alien Pong Trilogy v2. Pong clone (duh!)
OBEdit.lha           game/misc   13K+UFO/X-COM weapons editor 
PacEasy.lha          game/patch   1K+Set of "Easy" Levels for "PacoMix 2"
SwosEditor15.lha     game/patch 188K+Allows Editing of SWOS Save Games.
DC240_Tool.lha       gfx/misc    32K+Tool for control of Kodak DC240 digicam
rescale111.lha       mus/edit    13K+Anti-alias resampling for RAW 8SVX sound
fixaiff_jf.lha       mus/misc     8K+Fixaiff V1.0 fixes aiffs for DelFX
Amoralplay1.2.lha    mus/play   107K+-*AMOREL*- No fuss multiformat(OSS etc.!
modplayer.lha        mus/play    40K+MOD Player v2.0 (A simple MOD Player)
ACG_Ranma.lha        pix/anim   3.4M+A ranma anim.
amigifanims.lha      pix/anim   148K+Amiga Online anims for webpage. 
atextbball.lha       pix/anim   2.4M+Nice raytrace anim (ham8)
rot_goldami.lha      pix/anim   1.3M+Nice raytrace anim
WF7_MVS-Blur1.mpg    pix/anim   506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Blur 1 Anim 
WF7_MVS-Blur2.mpg    pix/anim   506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Blur 2 Anim 
WF7_MVS-Film1.mpg    pix/anim   506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Film 1 Anim 
WF7_MVS-Film2.mpg    pix/anim   507K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Film 2 Anim 
WF7_MVS-Film3.mpg    pix/anim   506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Film 3 Anim 
WF7_MVS-Twist5.mpg   pix/anim   506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Twist 5 Anim 
WF7_MVS-Twist6.mpg   pix/anim   505K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Example - Twist 6 Anim 
GlenBOOTpics.lha     pix/boot   2.5M+11 assorted boot pictures.
GlenBOOTpicsP.jpg    pix/boot    60K+11 assorted boot pictures (PREVIEW)
JaysWB.jpg           pix/wb     670K+Pic of my CGX 1600*1200*16 workbench, ju
GatewayTools.lha     util/cli   840K+Various tools for use in CLI
SetInput.lha         util/cli     2K+Select the pointer's input.   Flexible  
VersCheck.lha        util/cli   277K+Check your libs,MUI,devs,dtypes,classes,
WoW.lha              util/conv   42K+Text converter (Html, Ww6, Rtf, Ascii, A
graphics3d.lha       util/libs  268K+3D graphics shared library V15.10
YAMM.lha             util/moni   23K+YAMM - Monitors mem levels, can give war
FWCalendar.lha       util/rexx   59K+THE calendar creator for FW & Pagestream
hdpp20.lha           util/wb     94K+HDPP v2.0 (A Hard Drive Password Protect
MultiSplit.lha       util/wb     39K+MultiSplit ger. GUI-FileSplitter
netdock.lha          util/wb     87K+NetDOCK (the original)

[Meldung: 17. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Marc Albrecht per eMail

Marc schreibt: gibt den aktuellen Stand der Umfrage wieder. Es sind nur noch drei Tage, bis wir die Umfrage beenden und endgültig über weitere Entwicklungen für den Amiga entscheiden. Mr. Collas hat uns - trotz mehrfacher Zusage - nicht auf unsere EMail geantwortet (die von Ende März datiert war), was ebenfalls für ein nicht ausreichendes Interesse an A.C.T. spricht.

Eventuell werden wir den USB Controller (für Z2, Ariadne2 und Prelude Z2) trotz mangelnden Interesses seitens der User bauen - obwohl es weder den benötigten Support in aktuellen oder zukünftigen OS Versionen gibt und obwohl Zusagen über Unterstützung zukunftsträchtiger Entwicklungen auf dem Amiga nie eingehalten wurden. Die verbindliche Vorbestellung von ein paar tausend Controllern seitens der mächtigen Amiga-Händler (grin) wäre hilfreich. Wir werden keinesfalls mehr Stückzahlen von 10 oder 20 Einheiten bauen oder verkaufen.

Sollte das Ergebnis der Umfrage wie befürchtet ausfallen, werden wir für die letzten Chargen Prelude und Prelude-Zubehör die Preise entsprechend anpassen. Da viele Amiga-Händler zwar unsere Produkte verkaufen wollen, den notwendigen Support jedoch nicht zu leisten bereit (oder imstande) sind, werden wir die anfallenden Supportkosten eben auf die Kunden und den Händler-EK umlegen. Eine deutliche, schmerzhafte Korrektur der Preise nach oben dürfte die Folge sein.

Nochmal deutlich zum Mitmeißeln: entgegen den Behauptungen einiger uns übel wollender Mitbewerber werden wir unsere bestehende Kundschaft nicht im Stich lassen sondern auch nach Verlassen des Amiga-Marktes Samplitude, Prelude und verwandte Produkte supporten und - in privatem Rahmen - weiterentwickeln.

Nachtrag 18.05.1999:
Diskussionen über diesen Beitrag finden gerade im Forum von statt. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Motorola verkauft Komponentengeschäft
Der Elektronik- und Kommunikationskonzern Motorola will mit der Komponenten-Gruppe des Unternehmensbereichs Halbleiter nichts mehr zu tun haben. Die Zukunft des Unternehmens gehöre ganz dem Geschäft mit Mobiltelefonen und Embedded-Chips.

Motorola nannte auch gleich einen Käufer: Die private Investmentfirma Texas Pacific werde 1,6 Milliarden Dollar zahlen und mit der Gruppe ein neues Unternehmen gründen, an dem Motorola zehn Prozent halten wird. Die rund 10.000 Mitarbeiter sollen weiterbeschäftigt werden. (Ganzer Artikel Link oben). (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Thomas Wenzel per eMail

Digitale Audioschnittstelle für die Prelude
Von der digitalen Audioschnittstelle für die Prelude gibt es jetzt einen ersten Prototypen, erste Details und erste Fotos. Das Modul hat optische und koaxiale Ein- und Ausgänge und kann digitale Audiodatenströme in den Abtastraten 31, 44.1 und 48 kHz sowohl abspielen als auch aufnehmen. Für das abspielen wird keine extern angeschlossene Referenzquelle benötigt; alle Abtastraten werden von Quarzoszillatoren auf dem Modul selbst erzeugt. same in english. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AWD [New Links]

SoftLogik Website wieder online
SoftLogik bekannt durch PageStream ist wieder online. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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BlizKick BPPCFix Module
Mit diesem Modul können Sie WarpOS direkt booten (disable ppc.library). Download: BK_RemPPCLib.lha. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AmiBench Website

AmiBench mit aktualisiertem Dealer-Verzeichnis
Im The AmiBench Dealer Directory befinden sich jetzt schon über 170 verschiedene Händler in 23 Ländern. Wer sich eintragen möchte, kann das hier tun. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

HTTPResume V1.6a ist ein FAKE!
Das im Aminet erschienene HTTPResume V1.6a (110621 kB) ist nicht vom Autor selbst und keine offizielle Version. Die letzte offizielle Version ist die 1.6 vom 24.04.99 und kann auf der Homepage des Autors geladen werden. (ps)

[Meldung: 17. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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1 1305 2605 ... <- 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 -> ... 2625 2655 2691 [Archiv]
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Amiga-Emulator für macOS: vAmiga V3.0b1 (15. Sep.)
Bildeditor: PyDPainter 2.0.0 für Windows, Linux und macOS (03. Sep.)
AROS: Vollversion der Textverarbeitung Final Writer 7.1 (26. Aug.)
AROS: Demoversion der Textverarbeitung Final Writer 7.1 (25. Aug.)
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Betriebssystem für den Amiga: Zweite Alphaversion von "Serena OS" (13. Aug.)
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Printmagazin: Passione Amiga, Ausgabe 18 (09. Aug.)
Amiga Kit: A600GS erhältlich / Paolo-Cattani-Spiele vorinstalliert (04. Aug.)
Debbie-Harry-Portrait von Andy Warhol und Bilddateien wiederaufgetaucht (01. Aug.)
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