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27.-29.09.24 • Classic Computing • Pfedelbach
25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)

ANN (Webseite)

Magazin: The Crypt, Ausgabe 44
Die 44. Ausgabe des englischsprachigen Magazins The Crypt beinhaltet neben Witzen, Rezepten und DVD-Reviews auch eine Geschichte des Amiga-Magazins "Amiga Information Online", einen Bericht über den Werdegang des Amiga-Anwenders Barry Walker sowie Tips und Tricks für Windows und Linux.

Auch die Webseite des Magazins wurde vor kurzem generalüberholt und bietet jetzt neben einem Forum auch einige Online-Spiele. (cg)

[Meldung: 01. Jul. 2006, 15:46] [Kommentare: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

individual Computers: Neue Produkte, RoHS-Konformität sichergestellt, Urlaub
Der Aachener Hardware-Spezialist individual Computers hat mit der Catweasel MK2 "anniversary edition" und einer Amiga 600 Turbokarte zwei neue Produkte für den Classic Amiga angekündigt und die Sicherstellung der RoHS-Konformität bekannt gegeben.

Catweasel MK2 "anniversary edition"

Dieses Jahr wird der Catweasel, der universelle Floppycontroller, zehn Jahre alt. Derzeit sind nur die Version für den PCI-Slot von modernen Computern, sowie die ISA-Version des Controllers im Handel verfügbar. individual Computers hat jedoch in den letzten Monaten immer wieder Anfragen für Catweasel-Modelle bekommen, die in classic-Amiga Computern eingesetzt werden können. Diesen Bedarf deckt nun der Catweasel MK2 "anniversary edition": individual hat das Erfolgsmodell aus dem Jahr 1997 überarbeitet und neu aufgelegt: Der Catweasel MK2 funktioniert am Uhrenport des Amiga 1200, am IDE-Port des Amiga 4000, und am Uhrenport unserer Zorro-Karten. Damit ist die gesamte Palette der klassischen Amiga-Modelle abgedeckt, denn der Controller funktioniert auch am Uhrenport der neuen A600-Speichererweiterung, die ab der nächsten Woche ausgeliefert wird.

Produktion der Amiga 600-Turbokarte abgeschlossen

Nach zwei Jahren Entwicklungszeit ist die Turbokarte für den Amiga 600 nun fertig. Sie bietet einen mit 40 MHz getakteten 68030-33 Prozessor, eine 128MByte RAM Option (Geschwindigkeit einstellbar), einen 512K Flash-Speicher und PCMCIA-Kompatibilität und ist auf geringe Wärmeentwicklung ausgelegt.

Zur Reduzierung der Wärmeentwicklung und des Stromverbrauches wurden auf eine FPU verzichtet und große Teile der Logik in 3.3V-Technik ausgelegt. Der 68030 Prozessor ist nicht nur auf dem Foto auf der Website unter dem Titellink, sondern auf allen Karten gesockelt, sodass interessierte Benutzer die Leistung der Karte mit einem schnelleren Prozessor und einem schnelleren Quarz steigern können. Dabei ist natürlich darauf zu achten, daß für ausreichende Kühlung gesorgt ist! Anders als andere Turbokarten für den A600 hat individual Computers für sicheren Halt der Karte im Computer gesorgt: Zwei Schrauben halten die Karte fest auf dem 68000-Prozessor. Eine Abstandshülse sorgt dafür, dass die Karte nicht überdehnt wird.

Auch wenn die Produktion bereits abgeschlossen ist, kann die Auslieferung erst im August dieses Jahres beginnen. Dies wird einerseits durch den anstehenden Urlaub bis zum 26. Juli und andererseits durch die noch ausstehende Anpassung der Kickflash-Software an den Flash-Speicher der Turbokarte und die Überprüfung der Kompatibilität der Karte mit allen A600-Board Revisionen begründet. Danach beginnt die Qualitätskontrolle der Serienproduktion. Zunächst werden die Kunden beliefert, die sich per eMail für die Karte vorgemerkt haben. individual Computers möchte dadurch verhindern, dass bei der geringen Stückzahl von nur 110 Karten durch Aufkauf der gesamten Serie ein künstliches Monopol entsteht. Nur so könne garantiert werden, dass jeder Kunde nur 129,- EUR incl. MWST bezahlt und nicht durch künstliche Verknappung des Angebotes gezwungen wird, einen höheren Preis zu bezahlen - der Hersteller habe dies in letzter Zeit oft bei Amiga-Hardware beobachtet, die in Internet-Auktionen angeboten wird. Die Versandkosten erfragen Sie bitte bei Ihrer Bestellung.

RoHS-Konformität sichergestellt

Seit heute ist die RoHS-Richtlinie der europäischen Union in Kraft. Die Abkürzung steht für "Restriction of Hazardous Substances". Diese Richtlinie schränkt den Gebrauch von gefährlichen Stoffen in der Elektronikproduktion ein. Oft wurde in der Übergangsphase nur von "bleifreier Elektronikproduktion" geredet, jedoch ist Blei nur einer von sechs Stoffen, deren Verwendung seit heute weitgehend verboten ist. Darunter sind auch zwei Stoffe, die in vielen Plastikteilen als Flammschutz eingesetzt wurden. Dies macht die Entwicklung neuer Produktionsverfahren und die Suche nach neuen Plastiksorten besonders schwierig, da bei der Verwendung von Reinzinn anstelle einer Zinn-Blei Legierung bei höheren Temperaturen gelötet werden muss.

Individual Computers hat zusammen mit E3B und einem Dienstleister in der Elektronikbestückung bereits im Jahr 2004 angefangen, Erfahrung mit den neuen Verfahren zu sammeln. Anhand dieser Erfahrungen kann individual Computers bereits jetzt sagen, dass durch die neue Richtlinie die Preise nicht beeinflusst werden, obwohl der Energieaufwand und die Investitionskosten höher sind. Die neuen Lötverfahren (Dampfphasen-Löttechnik für SMD, Wellenlöten unter Stickstoff-Atmosphäre) erhöhen die Produktionsqualität so sehr, dass die manuelle Nacharbeit stark reduziert wird. Der Schätzung nach werde dies die Mehrkosten der neuen Produktionsverfahren ausgleichen.

Da im Zielmarkt des Unternehmens, dem Retro-Computing und Amiga-Markt, jedoch auch spezielle elektromechanische Komponenten benötigt werden, mussten weitere Investitionen getätigt werden. Es handelt sich dabei zum Beispiel um Spritzgußwerkzeuge, mit denen man die Plastikteile von Computer-Steckern herstellen kann (sogenannte Isolierkörper). Diese waren notwendig, weil die neuen Plastiksorten nur bei höherem Druck und höheren Temperaturen verarbeitet werden können. individual Computers freut sich, bereits jetzt RoHS-konforme Stecker für den C64/C128/plus4-Userport liefern zu können. Das Spritzgußwerkzeug ist flexibel ausgelegt, sodass auch andere Polzahlen von Edgecard-Verbindern im Rastermaß 3,96mm hergestellt werden können.

Im Amiga-Markt wurde schon vor einigen Monaten das Augenmerk auf den Slot-Stecker für den Amiga 1200 gerichtet, weil der Hersteller der PowerPC-Karte "PowerVixxen" in einer öffentlichen Nachricht um Hilfe gebeten hat. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt habe individual Computers bereits mit der Entwicklung eines RoHS-konformen Slot-Verbinders begonnen, der gleichzeitig die Probleme der bisher verfügbaren Steckverbinder löst. Der Stecker hat einen wesentlich massiveren Isolierkörper, der eine vergleichsweise hohe Federkraft zulässt. Dadurch werden Kontaktprobleme zwischen dem A1200-Mainboard und einer Erweiterungskarte (z.B. Turbokarte oder PCI-Bus Board) eliminiert, was die Stabilität des Gesamtsystems verbessert. Das auf der Website veröffentlichte Bild zeigt die ersten Muster, die mit dem neuen Werkzeug hergestellt wurden. Bei einer Zwischenprüfung nach dem Röntgenfluoreszenzverfahren hat sich jedoch herausgestellt, dass die schwarze Farbe im verwendeten Plastik nicht RoHS-konform ist. In der Serienproduktion wird der Isolierkörper daher aus ungefärbtem, weißem Plastik hergestellt.

Mit der Verfügbarkeit der neuen Stecker im September dieses Jahres sichert individual Computers die legale Verfügbarkeit von Amiga 1200-Hardware. "Besonderer Dank geht an ACK software controls Inc. aus Kanada, die für den ersten Produktionslauf der PowerVixxen eine große Stückzahl dieser Slotstecker bei uns bestellt haben. Wir liefern aber auch in kleineren Stückzahlen zu sehr günstigen Preisen, denn durch das eigene Werkzeug müssen wir keinen Zwischenhändler bezahlen.", so Jens Schönfeld, Inhaber von individual Computers.

Urlaub bis zum 26. Juli 2006

Bitte beachten Sie die Urlaubszeiten des Unternehmens. Nach der Codex Alpe Adria 2006 in Italien ist das Büro nur noch am 4. Juli besetzt, danach wird Jens Schönfeld und sein Team bis einschließlich Mittwoch den 26. Juli 2006 nur sporadisch auf eMails antworten können. individual Computers wünscht allen Kunden, Lieferanten und Geschäftspartnern eine schöne Zeit! (nba)

[Meldung: 01. Jul. 2006, 11:20] [Kommentare: 22 - 04. Jul. 2006, 13:28]
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Jens Schoenfeld (ANF)

Codex Alpe Adria: Tore geöffnet, Webcams online
Die "Codex Alpe Adria", eine Veranstaltung rund um alternatives Computing im italienischen Udine, hat gerade ihre Tore geöffnet. In wenigen Minuten gehen auch die Webcams online, die unter dem Link ohne die Navigationsleiste der OxAA-Webseite zu sehen sind. Alle Präsentationen werden auf Video aufgezeichnet und spätestens heute abend zum Download verfügbar sein. Die Veranstaltung dauert noch bis einschließlich morgen, Sonntag, 2. Juni 2006. (nba)

[Meldung: 01. Jul. 2006, 11:00] [Kommentare: 4 - 03. Jul. 2006, 12:15]
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Brad Webb (E-Mail)

Newsletter: Amiga Update #060630
In seinem englischsprachigen Newsletter fasst Brad Webb einmal monatlich alle wichtigen Neuigkeiten zum Amiga zusammen, jetzt wurde die Juni-Ausgabe veröffentlicht:

         _________ ____      _|__ __ __|_______      _________
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            \/           \/.  |        |z!o             \/    
               A M I G A      | 060630 |      U P D A T E
  "SO THE WORLD MAY KNOW"                                   (Eject -4)
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

                A M I R E V I V A L   I N   J U L Y

             C O D E X   A L P E   A D R I A   2 0 0 6

          I M A G I N E   U P D A T E   A V A I L A B L E

                  A K C   D E M O   D O E S N ' T

             C Y G N U S E D   I S   R E H A T C H E D 

            H O L L Y W O O D   M I N O R   U P D A T E

            W B   S U P E R   G A M E S   I S   D O N E 

         M A I L T E X T   M U I   C U S T O M   C L A S S

            W O O K I E C H A T   R E A C H E S   2 . 2 

             A M I G A   F O R E V E R   P R E M I U M 

        A B C S H E L L   I S   A   B O U R N E   S H E L L 

         T I M I D I T Y   0 . 6   A T   O S 4   D E P O T

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 You can certainly see from this month's stories that the Amiga 
community is moving into "Summer mode". We have stories of shows and 
get-togethers and games collections all arriving to help make the 
summer more enjoyable.
 Unfortunately, one interesting item arrived this month which would 
have been better covered in last month's issue. That is the extension 
of Amiga Voices by a month. The probable ending date for the extension 
is today. The e-mail indicates the project may continue beyond today, 
but no promises. Here's the note we received:

"Dear Brad,

On behalf of the Amiga Forever team I wanted to let you know that we
extended the Amiga Voices (
initiative by an extra month. As you are a long-time Amiga supporter, 
we believe that this could be of interest both to you and to your 

Cloanto's Amiga Voices project aims to preserve and make accessible 
bits and bytes of Amiga oral history in the form of personal messages, 
with a maximum duration of three minutes per fragment. Amiga Voices 
gives Amiga friends worldwide a unique opportunity to record their 
stories and other Amiga-related messages. To make the initiative as 
accessible as possible, dedicated local telephone numbers have been 
set up in different countries.

In consideration of demand, Amiga Voices will remain active at least
until June 30, 2006.


 This is really great idea. We hope it will remain in operation for at 
least a few days after this issue gets to folks so readers who'd been 
unaware of this can participate if interested. I might give this a try 
 We hope you enjoy this issue.

 Brad Webb,


                A M I R E V I V A L   I N   J U L Y

28 June, 2006 

AmiRevival, the Amiga event to watch this July, will soon be upon us 
so now is the time to book tickets and exhibitor tables. The event 
promises to be a success with the likes of Mindspace (UML diagram 
software for OS4 and soon OS3.x) and other exhibitors attending, 
providing a large amount of interest.

In order to make this event the success it deserves to be we need your 
feedback and support. We are looking to provide something for everyone 
from the new user to the old, classic to next generation. To help us 
in this goal we would gladly welcome exhibitors from the Pegasos / 
MorphOS side as well as those from AROS and the Amiga communities. 
The Amiga community has always been one of friendly support and a 
cheerful and we want to rekindle that spirit.

We are also looking for more exhibitors to attend the event, helping 
in its success. If you feel you could exhibit, be that as a trader, 
usergroup or an individual we would like to hear from you. See the 
official Amirevival website for more exhibitor information. We will 
welcome all exhibitors so long as what your exhibit is related to the 
Amiga or Amiga-like systems (including Amiga emulation, AROS and 

If you have a new product that you want to release in style, 
AmiRevival would be a good place to do this. With eyes on this event 
and all the after event reports this could be a great marketing 
opportunity. Yoodoo2, one of the authors of Mindspace, plans to attend 
and will be launching version 1 of his very useful product on the day 
of the show – why not join him?

Various user groups from around the UK will also be exhibiting the 
likes of SEAL, the authors of Total Amiga, will be attending the show 
with other usergroups including AmiSEK; the only user group in the 
South East of England.

PegXMac, the software allowing you to run MacOS on your AmigaOne, will 
also be available on the AmiSEK stand to try and we are hoping to have 
the latest version available to demonstrate at the event – its first 
public demonstration.

To book tickets, exhibitor space or just to find out more information 
visit the official AmiRevival website,

            C O D E X   A L P E   A D R I A   2 0 0 6

You Are Invited to a Celebration of
People, Diversity, Creativity and Excellence

Where:  Udine, Italy [Google Earth]
When:   June 30th to July 2nd, 2006
Topics:     Code for fun, code for work, computing trends, melting 
                pot of people, excellence...
Technology:     Code, diversity, classic computing, emulation...
Humans:     Developers, sceners, enthusiasts, resources for 
                developers, new friends, old friends...
Easy to reach:  By car, train, air, sea (from under ¤10.00 per leg)
Extras:     Friday evening, dinner on Saturday, competitions on 
                Sunday, trips on Monday...
Related:    Music & culture, Alps & beaches, food & wine... 
Scheduled Sessions

Codex Alpe Adria sessions have a focus on public seminars on Saturday, 
and on demoscene productions and creativity on Sunday. Demoscene 
productions and retrocomputing artifacts will be on display all day 
during both Saturday and Sunday.

The following sessions are planned for Saturday:

    * 10:30 - M. C. Battilana:
          o Welcome
    * 11:00 - Dennis van Weeren:
          o Presentation of Minimig (an Amiga in an FPGA)
    * 12:00 - Bernd Schmidt:
          o History of UAE (the original Amiga emulation software)
    * 12:30 - Jens Schönfeld (Individual Computers):
          o Presentation of Keyrah (turns classic computers into USB 
            keyboards) and other new products
    * 13:30 - Break
    * 14:00 - Dario Soccoli:
          o Presentation of the latest version of AmigaOS 4.0
    * 14:30 - Matteo Rodaro (Reload) and Marco Pini (Apple User Group 
            Friuli Venezia Giulia):
          o Retrocomputing culture
    * 15:00 - Cesare Castiglia and Max Raber:
          o Demoscene culture
    * 16:00 - Break
    * 16:30 - Open Microphone
    * 17:00 - Update on Competitions
    * 17:30 - Announcements for Sunday

Last-minute changes may be posted at the event venue.

Please refer to the overall event schedule.
Personal Presentations

All the speakers of the scheduled sessions will be available t
hroughout the day for personal presentations. This especially applies 
to the case where the language of the session was not what you hoped 
for, in which case we are at your disposal to repeat, translate and 
assist as desired.

Additional presentations will be held at the various computing desks 
located at the venue.

International Audience

As in previous years, visitors and attendees have pre-registered from 
several neighboring and more distant countries, including Austria, 
Slovenia, Germany, Denmark, Finland and the UK. We encourage everybody 
to take this opportunity to build bridges and make new friends.

         I M A G I N E   U P D A T E   A V A I L A B L E

 17 June, 2006

- New ACUP release: Imagine V5.19 -

A new update to Imagine is now available. ACUP subscribers should 
login to the ACUP download server to obtain the update. 

Imagine was first introduced on the Amiga computer platform in 1987 
(originally named Turbo Silver). Now Imagine is at Version 5.0, with 
the Constant Upgrade Program in active development to help us work 
towards Version 6.0.

The Constant Upgrade Program, and the Version 6 release, demonstrates 
our continued commitment to the Amiga platform; offering high quality 
3D software for a price within the reach of all computer users.
Make sure you visit our Gallery page, where you will find a host of 
images created by users just like you.

When you think about 3D programs you immediately start to add up the 
features... Imagine is very robust and the feature list is almost 
endless.  If we missed something that you feel you need, or you don't 
see it here in the feature list, drop us a note at and we will be more than happy to 
respond to your request. If you want to know what we are adding to 
Imagine, please check out our A.C.U.P. page to see just what's going 

                   A K C   D E M O   D O E S N ' T

10 June, 2006

{For those who had hoped to see a report on the ACK CPU demo it looks 
as though you'll have to wait longer. The following note was posted 
during the month. Brad}

Due to time and resource constrainsts the CPU demo has been cancelled 
and will not be rescheduled at this time. There have been technical 
difficulties getting the CPU module to work with both the existing 
AmigaOne boards and the new TSi109 based design and I need time to 
analyze the issue. I will be available for questions in #Amigaworld on at 1500 hrs EDT. Apologies for those anxiously 
awaiting the demonstration.

Adam Kowalczyk

ACK Software Controls, Inc.

            C Y G N U S E D   I S   R E H A T C H E D 

6 June, 2006

Starting today, CygnusEd can be ordered from APC&TCP.

About CygnusEd Professional Release 5

The perhaps most famous Amiga text editor for programmers was 
developed 20 years ago (1986/1987) Bruce Dawson, Colin Fox & Steve 
LaRocque (CygnusSoft Software) and was originally self-published. Even 
back then CygnusEd distinguished itself through its high performance 
and robustness. Development on CygnusEd would proceed at a steady pace 
in the years to follow. CygnusEd was one of the first programs to 
feature an ARexx interface and the first Amiga text editor with an 
Undo/Redo feature. Many Amiga programmers "grew up" with CygnusEd and 
a considerable part of the Amiga software library was created with 

The last version published was CygnusEd Professional 4. It became a
vailable in 1997 and was a completely revised version of the editor 
and its auxiliary tools, adapted for AmigaOS 3.1.

The current CygnusEd version 5 was enhanced with new features, and 
robustness and performance were improved again. The "Ed" auxiliary 
tool was rewritten from scratch and its complete source code is 
included with the editor. Many limitations and deficiencies of 
CygnusEd were removed. Version 5 is also the first CygnusEd release 
ported entirely, including all auxiliary tools, to the PowerPC and one 
of the first commercial software packages specially adapted for 
AmigaOS 4.

Upgrades from older versions are available at a reduced price. In 
order to obtain an upgrade you will need to mail your old CygnusEd 
floppy disk or CD-ROM to APC&TCP.

The support home page for CygnusEd 5 also went online today:

The associated support form for CygnusEd can be reached under .

Dealers who want to sell CygnusEd should contact APC&TCP directly by 

           H O L L Y W O O D   M I N O R   U P D A T E

10 June, 2006 

Hollywood 2.0 Update available

A small update for Hollywood 2.0 is available now. This update fixes 
two bugs in the AmigaOS4 version of Hollywood. As all Hollywood 
versions are able to save native AmigaOS4 executables, users of 
Hollywood versions for other platforms (e.g. MorphOS or AmigaOS3) 
should install this update, too. The update can be downloaded from the 
Hollywood product information page. 

            W B   S U P E R   G A M E S   I S   D O N E 

Wehrheim, Germany, June 19th, 2006.

We are glad to inform you, that we are finished the WB Super Games and 
the Payback Fan CD. The two products are available in our OnlineShop.

WB Super Games - The Workbench games collection for your AmigaOS 4

WB Super Games is a Workbench game collection for AmigaOS 4 which 
includes 7 different games. LogiLog, Alinearis and Cerebrum guarantee 
fun for all fans of brain gym. But also action fans will find them 
enjoyable. They can train themselves with the network games AXO, 
Memoria, Serpentis and Stoertebeker for one or two players.

There is always the option to run other programs while playing, 
because WB Super Games are executed on the Workbench. So you can 
control a chat-program for example. Moreover, all games are developed 
to use minimal resources, so that there is still enough system 
performance for other applications running at the same time. The 
collection was developed especially for AmigaOS 4 PPC-native. It does 
not need any additional libraries or SDL.

The WB Super Games is delivered on CD and costs just 9,95 Euro.

Payback Fan CD - The AddOn CD for Payback

Payback is one of the most popular amiga games of the last years and 
can still fascinate a loyal fan community. Because of that we have 
created a CD for Payback fans.
The Payback Fan CD is an AddOn CD for the Amiga game Payback. On the 
CD you can find 12 background pictures and 16 Patterns for the 
Workbench as well as skins for AmigaAmp. The highlight of the CD are 
the 22 still unpublished Maps, which guarantee you many hours of fun. 
If you like to create your own levels, you can find many textures of 
all types on the CD. Additionally you can find a exclusive interview 
of James Daniel, all "Amiga Speed" tests, the Amig@lien Payback 
Website and many reports about Payback. As a Payback Fan you 
absolutely need this CD.

The Payback Fan CD is delivered on CD and costs just 5,95 Euro.

A big thanks goes to the author of Payback James Daniels for his 

For more information visit our website:

        M A I L T E X T   M U I   C U S T O M   C L A S S

9 June, 2006

The Mailtext MUI custom class package (for Amigas) is especially 
designed to display electronic messages. Its main features cover: 
Handling of font attributes, highlighting of quoted textpasses and 
highlighting and handling of URLs.

An OS4/PPC version of the MCC_Mailtext MUI library is now available 

The MCC_Mailtext sourcecode has been updated to compile with GCC and 
ported to OS4. The version 3.2 user archive contains OS4 binaries and 
GCC compiled 68020 binaries. The purpose of this update is to provide 
a native OS4/PPC version of MCC_Mailtext and there are no changes in 
the operation of MCC_Mailtext. Amiga 68k users can continue to use 
version 3.1 of MCC_Mailtext and do not need to update to version 3.2.

Currently, there are no plans for further developement of 
MCC_Mailtext, but any bugs or problems that may occur with future 
versions of OS4, MUI or MUI libraries will be addressed by the 
MCC_Mailtext development team. MCC_Mailtext is used by Jabberwocky and 
several other Amiga MUI programs.

            W O O K I E C H A T   R E A C H E S   2 . 2 

8 June, 2006 

WookieChat 2.2 ready

What does this program do?
It allows you to connect to Internet Relay Chat networks (IRC!) and 
chat with other users in a text medium in real-time. Some of the 
server groups are preconfigured to join an Amiga chat channel upon 
sucessful connection. There is some documentation now to help explain 
WookieChat commands, and hopefully make the program easier to 
understand for people new to IRC.

Added a few requested features and addressed a few bugs!

- Support added for clickable URL's
- CTCP SOUND support added. See the "Main Settings > Sounds" for the 
  samples directory. "/sound" to play!
- No more crashes if loading Wookie before a TCP/IP stack is running
- PING replys are now compatible with mIRC (removed an extra control 
  character from the end of a PING reply message that wasnt supposed 
  to be there)
- Added a banlist window with unban button
- Added ban option to the nicklist popup menu
- The columns in the XChat/AmIRC-style display can have a fixed width 
  now. See the "power_users.txt" file for more information. Default is 
  "auto resizing"

Download it from the WookieChat homepage or!

Update- late breaking bug fixes, get 2.2.1 at: 

             A M I G A   F O R E V E R   P R E M I U M 

21 June, 2006 

Good summer time !

Amiga Forever, 2006 Premium Edition !

The Amiga computer, launched by Commodore in 1985, combined superior 
multimedia technology with ease of use, inspiring millions of the most 
creative and enthusiastic computer users ever. Thats to read as 
introduction concerning the very nice creation Amiga Forever by 

The Premium Edition of Amiga Forever contains the most and best of 
Amiga ever released in one single package.

The edition blends high-quality software and original content with the 
ultimate set of videos to chronicle and let you experience firsthand 
the history, culture, challenges and passion behind the Amiga.

Amiga Forever 2006 Premium Edition contains 200 MB of new games and 
demoscene productions, again adding special value to the physical 
product. This is accompanied by hundreds of minor updates and 
improvements, including new emulation software, new ROMs, a new 
updating mechanism, and more. In total Amiga Forever 2006 Premium 
Edition contains almost 20GB of software.

We offer five different products to choose from including a complete
new product - Amiga Forever 2006, Video Edition.

# Amiga Forever, 2006 Premium Edition SEK 479,- equal EUR 51,-

- Complete package, 1 CD + 2 DVD

# Amiga Forever, 2006 Premium Edition + AmigaOS 3.9 SEK 819,- equal 
  EUR 88,-

- Complete package + also AmigaOS 3.9 CD-edition giving everything 
  100% complete. 2 CD + 2 DVD

# Amiga Forever, 2006 Premium Edition, upgrade SEK 359,- equal 
  EUR 39,-

- Complete package, upgrade from Amiga Forever 2005 & Amiga Forever 
2005 Premium Edition. 1 CD + 2 DVD

# Amiga Forever, 2006 Premium Edition, upgrade + AmigaOS 3.9 SEK 699,- 
equal EUR 75,-

- Complete package + also AmigaOS 3.9 CD-edition giving everything 
100% complete. Upgrade from Amiga Forever 2005 & Amiga Forever 2005 
Premium Edition. 2 CD + 2 DVD

# Amiga Forever, 2006 Video Edition SEK 319,- equal EUR 34,-

- Video Edition of Amiga Forever 2006 Premium Edition. Contains 2 DVD.


Keyrah - makes keyboards of classic computers available to new 

Keyrah is available in two models.

- The 8-bit edition is adapted for C64, VIC-20, C-16, C128/D and turns 
  the classic computer into a USB keyboard.

- The Amiga edition is adapted for Amiga 1200 & 600 and turns the 
  classic computer into a USB keyboard.

Keyrah has been successfully tested with common operating systems like 
Linux, Amiga OS, Mac OS and Windows. It works on desktop and laptop c
omputers, and also on the X-Box, and is excellent for emulators like 
Vice and Amiga Forever.

# Keyrah 8-bit SEK 279,- equal EUR 30,-

# Keyrah Amiga SEK 279,- equal EUR 30,-

Classic game collections.

Runesoft and Magnussoft have created several nice game collections 
through the Amiga Classix and C64 Classix series.

The CD creations have been put together in very nice way and gives You 
easy access to the 'old classic game of favourite'.

- Temporary Summer offer -

# Amiga Classix 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 in one package SEK 355,- equal EUR 38,-

# C64 Classix CD (C64 Classix Gold included with purchase) SEK 198,- 
equal EUR 21,-

The discount is valid to the end of June and will be applied when Your
order is processed.

The CD Retro Classix contains no less then 1200 classic original games 
from Amiga, Atari XL/XE, C64, Spectrum.

This big collection for:

# Retro Classix CD SEK 109,- equal EUR 11.50

        A B C S H E L L   I S   A   B O U R N E   S H E L L 

5 June, 2006 

abc-shell is a Bourne/POSIX compatible shell, that can be very usefull 
when porting from POSIX systems (you are for example able to run 
configure scripts).

please update to abc-shell-0.1.08

I have made an upload to and

If You have any questions, ideas or bugfixes, then contact us - - or me private - (try the new "contact" command) - thanks for Your 

         T I M I D I T Y   0 . 6   A T   O S 4   D E P O T

3 June,2006

After some time of work away, I've uploaded to OS4Depot the new 
version 0.6 of OS4 TiMidity.

You can download it at

OS4 TiMidity ver.0.6

What's different to the previous version:
from the History:
- playmodus from shell-start added (-oahiplay, breakable with Ctrl-C)
- verbosity in shell options (-i?) reactivated
- Files-tab removed - filechoosing added to the front (now "Main") -
- About now inside the tab, no extra window is opened
- taskpriorities altered - this increases the stability
- to reduce the influence of other tasks during playing/converting the
main window is iconified during playing conversion
- Verbosity added in Other-tab (to control the amount of information 
  output, also to suppress any output)
- progress-bar and play-time removed from mainwindow, and added in the
small control-window
- increased stability by adding separate tasks for time and progress
- bug removed: After a call from shell without arguments, not all 
  Signals were freed.
- Information-side in the main-window removed again, because of
stability - reason. The output is done (if the Verbosity settings are
higher) in a workbench-window again.

In a special dir "AWeb" a HOWTO_play_MIDI in AWeb is included.
Hubert Maier shows a way to use TiMidity as a pseudoplugin for MIDIs 
in AWeb. No control is possible, but it works.

The overall stability is now better since in the earlier versions.
In the shell-mode without any information-output (-iqqq option),
it is near chrash-safe ... but not 100% ... nothing is perfect .

Hopeful you enjoy the new version.
And nevertheless, like in the previous versions, please send me a 
mail, if you find a bug.

Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! Now in our 12th publication year. 
Copyright 2006 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  

[Meldung: 01. Jul. 2006, 10:57] [Kommentare: 0]
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01.Jul.2006 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: TuneNet 0.79.3 (Beta)
In der neuesten Beta-Version des Musik- und Internetradio-Players TuneNet wurden einige Fehler beseitigt, außerdem können visuelle Plugins jetzt mit 25 oder 50 FPS (FPS, Bilder pro Sekunde) abgespielt werden. (cg)

[Meldung: 01. Jul. 2006, 01:30] [Kommentare: 8 - 03. Jul. 2006, 10:21]
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RhoSigma, Roland Heyder (ANF)

Software-Updates: MemOptimizer 2.180, MakeHTMLMap 4.600

MemOptimizer 2.180

MemOptimizer defragmentiert den Arbeitsspeicher. Änderungen in 2.180:
  • neue Funktionen in der memoptimizer.library
  • Verbesserung des gesamten FreeStack Systems der Library

MakeHTMLMap 4.600

Roland Heyders MakeHTMLMap unterstützt Web-Designer beim Erstellen von Gallerien und Webshops (Online-Dokumentation).
  • verbesserte Bildformat-Erkennung für verschiedene JPEG Derivate bei gleichzeitiger Beschleunigung des gesamten Algorithmus, der nun ca. 28,7% schneller läuft
  • einige kleinere Unschönheiten :-) bei der Iconerstellung sowie den Thumnail-Generator Arexx-Scripts verbessert

[Meldung: 30. Jun. 2006, 14:44] [Kommentare: 5 - 02. Jul. 2006, 23:27]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: Interview mit Paolo Costabel
Passend zur Vollversion von "The big red Adventure" auf der AF Leser-CD 61 hat die Amiga Future heute ein Interview mit dem Programmierer des Spieles im Artikel-Bereich online gestellt. Das deutschsprachige Interview lesen Sie unter, das englischsprachige Interview unter (nba)

[Meldung: 30. Jun. 2006, 12:15] [Kommentare: 6 - 01. Jul. 2006, 21:42]
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Emulation: Status-Update für WinUAE 1.3
Das WinUAE-Team gibt unter dem Titellink einen kurzen Ausblick auf die Neuerungen in Version 1.3 des bekannten Amiga-Emulators. Die Veröffentlichung ist für nächsten Monat geplant. (cg)

[Meldung: 29. Jun. 2006, 15:31] [Kommentare: 10 - 02. Jul. 2006, 23:13]
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1 890 1775 ... <- 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 -> ... 1795 2240 2691 [Archiv]
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