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27.-29.09.24 • Classic Computing • Pfedelbach
25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)

Markus Watterott (Tales of Tamar-Team)

Multiplayer-Spiel: Neues Land braucht Tamar
PressemitteilungTamar im Frühling des Jahres 551 - Frohe Kunde für alle Reichsgründer! An den fernen Gestaden von Elerion, nördlich der Tuandria-Wüste und des Ostwasserwaldes, wurde neues Land entdeckt, welches ab sofort besiedelt werden kann.

Nutzen Sie diese recht seltene Chance und starten Sie mit neuen Spielern unter gleichen Bedingungen in einem abgetrennten Gebiet. Errichten Sie Ihr eigenes Reich und eigene neue Bündnisse.

Lernen Sie Regionen von Tamar kennen, die noch kein Mensch vorher betreten hat. Treffen Sie auf einzigartige Herausforderungen wie Drachen, Untote und andere Wesen und beweisen Sie, dass Sie dem Wettstreit mit anderen realen Menschen gewachsen sind.

Tipp 1:
Unser Preisgeld von 500,- Euro für den ersten Kaiser von Tamar, der sein Reich nach dem 01. Januar 2005 gegründet hat, steht immer noch aus und wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie der Gewinner sind (die Regeln zum Gewinnspiel sind in der jeweiligen Aktion im ToT-Forum nachzulesen).

Tipp 2:
Geben Sie bei der Anmeldung zu ToT das Keyword 'Shareware' ins Serial-Feld ein und Sie können eine geraume Zeit umsonst spielen. Einen Rundenobulus werden wir erst verlangen, wenn Sie tiefer ins Spiel eingestiegen sind.

Wir wünschen Ihnen weiterhin viel Spaß und verbleiben mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Ihr ToT-Team (snx)

[Meldung: 02. Aug. 2006, 20:16] [Kommentare: 0]
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PerfectPaint 2.93-6
Das Grafikprogramm PerfectPaint liegt nun in der Version 2.93-6 vor. Unter anderem ermöglicht das Update die Verwendung von GIF-Animationen.

Die Neuerungen im Überblick:
  • Erstellung von 24 Bit-Toolbars
  • Austauschbare Ordner-Shapes
  • Laden, Abspielen und Umwandeln von Anim-GIF-Dateien ins Anim 5/7-Format des Amiga
  • Einzelbildzerlegung von GIF-Animationen mit wählbarem Speicherpfad
  • TTFont-Effekte
  • Fehlerbereinigte Alchemy-Vorschau
  • Übernahme aller MagicSpray-Projekte ins Hauptarchiv (hierdurch jetzt 7,5 MB groß)

[Meldung: 02. Aug. 2006, 19:01] [Kommentare: 0]
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02.Aug.2006 (Webseite)

Emulation: E-UAE 0.8.29-WIP-3 für AmigaOS und MorphOS
Nach Linux/x86 hat Richard Drummond die Version 0.8.29-WIP-3 des Amiga-Emulators auch für AmigaOS, AmigaOS 4, Linux/PPC und Mac OS X/PPC veröffentlicht.

Detaillierte Angaben zu den Neuerungen in der aktuellen Version können Sie dem Changelog entnehmen.

AmiogaOS: e-uae_0.8.29-WIP3_amigaos-m68k.lha (922 KB)
AmigaOS 4: e-uae_0.8.29-WIP3_amigaos4-ppc_sdl.lha (1,6 MB)
MorphOS: e-uae-0.8.29-WIP3.lha (2,8 MB) (snx)

[Meldung: 02. Aug. 2006, 18:32] [Kommentare: 0]
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Genesi (Webseite)

Genesi: ATI System Certification für Open Desktop Workstation
Die Pegasos II-basierte Open Desktop Workstation wird seit dem 1. August als "ATI Certified System" auf der Webseite des kanadischen Grafikchip-Spezialisten gelistet.

Zertifizierte Systeme müssen den Angaben zufolge "den höchsten Grad an Stabilität, Benutzbarkeit und Funktionalität beweisen". ATI wird derzeit vom weltweit zweitgrößten Mikroprozessor-Hersteller, AMD, übernommen. (snx)

[Meldung: 02. Aug. 2006, 18:20] [Kommentare: 0]
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02.Aug.2006 (Webseite)

Retro-Gaming: Retrofusion, 30 September (England)
Am 30. September findet in Kenilworth (Grafschaft Warwick, England) wieder das Retro-Gaming-Event "Retro-Fusion" statt. Neben 25 klassischen Videospiel-Automaten stehen den Besuchern auch zahlreiche Flipper sowie Heimcomputer und Spiele-Konsolen zur Verfügung.

Es werden zahleiche Wettbewerbe veranstaltet, außerdem werden wieder zahlreiche Legenden aus der Spiele-Szene erwartet. Prominentester Teilnehmer des Sensible Soccer-Turniers der letzten Veranstaltung war beispielsweise Ex-Sensible-Guru John Hare. (cg)

[Meldung: 02. Aug. 2006, 15:35] [Kommentare: 0]
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David Bentham (E-Mail)

Pegasos II: Apple-Emulator PegXMac 1.4.4 über das Torrent-Netzwerk verfügbar
Nach Erscheinen der Version 2.0 ( berichtete) hat David Bentham nun unter dem Titellink PegXMac 1.4.4 für den Pegasos II über das Torrent-Netzwerk kostenlos verfügbar gemacht.

Die Live-CD PegXMac erlaubt die Nutzung von Mac OS (X) ohne bereits bestehende Linux-Installation. (snx)

[Meldung: 01. Aug. 2006, 19:08] [Kommentare: 0]
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WHDLoad: Neue Pakete bis 01.08.2006
Mit WHDLoad lassen sich Spiele und Szene-Demos, die nur für den Diskettenbetrieb gedacht waren, auf einer Festplatte installieren. Außerdem werden zahlreiche Inkompatibilitäten mit neueren Amiga-Modellen beseitigt.

Folgende Installer sind seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommen bzw. verbessert oder aktualisiert worden:
  • 31.07.06 improved: Violator (Code Masters) access fault fixed, supports two versions, high scores saved, 68000 quit key, other new features (Info)
  • 27.07.06 new: Might & Magic III - Isles of Terra (New World Computing) done by Wepl (Info)
  • 26.07.06 updated: Arte (Sanity) fixed to work on 68000 (Info,Image)
  • 26.07.06 improved: World Soccer (Zeppelin Games) more blitter waits added (Info,Image)
  • 26.07.06 improved: Victory Road (SNK/Imagine) bplcon0 access fixed (Info)
  • 26.07.06 updated: Dylan Dog (Simulmondo) uses fastram, audio fixed, blitter waits added, intro fixed, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 26.07.06 updated: Colgate (Silver Rock) uses fastram, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 24.07.06 updated: Operation Combat II: By Land, Sea & Air (Merit Software) readme corrected (Info)
  • 24.07.06 improved: Cyberpunks (Core Design) keyboard fixed, decruncher in fast memory, quit key for 68000, manual and icons added (Info)
  • 24.07.06 updated: Wiz'n'Liz (Psygnosis) rewritten, copylock removed, better compatibility, new icon and install script (Info)
  • 23.07.06 updated: The Munsters (Tiger Developments/Teque) disk image lenght optimised, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 23.07.06 updated: Soldier of Light (Taito/ACE Developments) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 23.07.06 updated: Sharkeys Moll (Zeppelin Games) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info,Image)
  • 23.07.06 new: Operation Combat II: By Land, Sea & Air (Merit Software) done by JOTD (Info)
  • 23.07.06 updated: Kalas Puffs Expressen (Silver Rock) decruncher relocated, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 23.07.06 updated: John Madden Football (Electronic Arts) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 23.07.06 updated: Hammerfist (Vivid Image) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 23.07.06 updated: Guld Korn Expressen (Silver Rock) decruncher relocated, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 23.07.06 updated: Burning Rubber (Ocean) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 23.07.06 updated: Army Moves (Imagine/Dinamic) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 23.07.06 updated: Aquablast (Elite) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 19.07.06 updated: Super Scramble Simulator (Gremlin/Magnetic Fields) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6, blitter waits added (Info)
  • 19.07.06 updated: Murder (U.S.Gold) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 19.07.06 updated: McDonald Land (Virgin) blitter waits inserted, snoop bug removed, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 19.07.06 updated: International Truck Racing (Zeppelin Games) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6, quitkey support (Info,Image)
  • 19.07.06 updated: Entity (Loriciel) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 19.07.06 updated: Edd the Duck 2 (Zeppelin Games) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6, blitter waits inserted (Info,Image)
  • 19.07.06 updated: Devious Designs (Imageworks) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 17.07.06 improved: Shaq-Fu (Ocean/Dome Development) FastRam support added, DisableMousePort feature added (Info)
  • 17.07.06 improved: Necronom (LineL) another version supported, decruncher relocated (Info)
  • 17.07.06 improved: Mr.Heli (Firebird) slave uses KickEmu now, blitter waits added (Info)
  • 17.07.06 updated: Judge Dredd (Virgin/Random Access) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6, bplcon0 access fixed (Info)
  • 17.07.06 updated: European Champions (Ocean) savegames fixed, added blitter waits, bplcon0 access fixed, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 17.07.06 updated: Chase H.Q. 2 (Ocean/ICE) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 16.07.06 updated: Indy Heat (Sales Curve) quitkey and fix for 68000, new install script, manual + icons added (Info)
  • 16.07.06 updated: Abandoned Places 2 (ICE) rewritten, supports another version, keyboard fixed, new install script and icon (Info,Image)
  • 14.07.06 updated: Electrons at work (The Electronic Knights) fixed keyboard handling, new install script (Info,Image)
  • 14.07.06 updated: Fantasy World Dizzy (Code Masters) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 14.07.06 updated: Dragonstone (Core Design) now uses fast memory, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 14.07.06 updated: Double Dragon 3 (Sales Curve) game debugged, bplcon0 access patched, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 14.07.06 updated: Dalek Attack (Alternative) expansion memory usage, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 12.07.06 new: Nugget (The Black Lotus) done by Musashi5150 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: World Class Soccer (U.S.Gold) beam delays added, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Prophecy: The Viking Child (Imagitec Design) beam delays added, decruncher relocated, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: UN Squadron (U.S.Gold) disk access removed, bplcon0 access fixed, more blitter waits added, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Titanic Blinky (Zeppelin Games) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info,Image)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Super Seymour saves the Planet (Code Masters/Optimus Software) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Suburban Commando (Alternative) bplcon0 access fixed, blitter waits added, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Steg the Slug (Code Masters) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Star Trash (Rainbow Arts) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Seymour goes to Hollywood (Code Masters/Optimus Software) bplcon0 access fixed, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Ruff and Reddy (Hi-Tec/PAL Developments) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Pro Boxing Simulator (Code Masters/Optimus Software) snoop mode fix, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Passing Shot (Imageworks) disk access removed, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Operation Harrier (U.S.Gold) uses fast memory, decruncher relocated, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Narco Police (Dinamic) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Mr.Nutz (Ocean) new imager, quit key for 68000, new save games, new icons (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Match of the Day (Zeppelin Games) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info,Image)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Marblelous (APC & TCP) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Mad Professor Mariarti (Krisalis) disk access removed, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 fixed: Krusty's Super Fun House (Virgin) new slave included (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Kid Chaos (Ocean/Magnetic Fields) new install script, icons added (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Galaxy Force 2 (Activision/Dementia) blitter waits inserted, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Cybernoid 2 (Hewson) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Crime Wave (U.S.Gold) access fault fixed, disk access removed, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Chubby Gristle (Grandslam/Teque) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Astro Marine Corps (Dinamic) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 10.07.06 updated: Arnie (Zeppelin Games/Realms of Fantasy) bplcon0 access fixed, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info,Image)
  • 05.07.06 new: Tower Of Souls / Der Seelenturm (Black Legend) done by JOTD (Info)
  • 05.07.06 updated: Krusty's Super Fun House (Virgin) fixed for WHDLoad v16.6, exit key for 68000 added (Info)
  • 05.07.06 updated: Curse of Enchantia (Core Design) fixed for WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 04.07.06 new: Electrons at work (The Electronic Knights) done by Musashi5150, Welcome fellow! (Info,Image)
  • 03.07.06 updated: Revelation (Krisalis) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 03.07.06 improved: Brian the Lion (Psygnosis) uses fast memory now, disk accesses removed (Info)
  • 03.07.06 improved: Aquaventura (Psygnosis) disk accesses removed, fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6 (Info)
  • 03.07.06 updated: Darkmere (Core Design) fixed to work with WHDLoad v16.6, icons/docs added, new install script (Info)

[Meldung: 01. Aug. 2006, 15:59] [Kommentare: 0]
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Brad Webb (E-Mail)

Newsletter: Amiga Update #060731
In seinem englischsprachigen Newsletter fasst Brad Webb einmal monatlich alle wichtigen Neuigkeiten zum Amiga zusammen, jetzt wurde die Juli-Ausgabe veröffentlicht:

         _________ ____      _|__ __ __|_______      _________
       __\ _____ \\\\  \_  _/  //___//  _____//______\ _____ \\
      // \\\\  /. \\\\__ \/ __//    \\  \\____.  /// \\\\  /. \\
      \\___\  /___///___\  /___\     \\_________//\\___\  /___//
            \/           \/.  |        |z!o             \/    
               A M I G A      | 060731 |      U P D A T E
  "SO THE WORLD MAY KNOW"                                   (Eject -3)
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

    A M I G A   S U M M E R   P A R T Y   ( G O O D   I D E A ! )

          A M I R E V I V A L   N E E D S   R E V I V I N G

           R E F U R B   A M I G A   O N E S   C O M I N G

            J O I N   N A F   N O W   -   F O R   F R E E

       E X P A N S I O N   F O R   A 6 0 0   A V A I L A B L E

    A M I G A   F U T U R E   M A G   I S S U E S   O N   S A L E

       Q U A K E   3   F O R   O S 4   A T   T H E   D E P O T

         L P D   A V A I L A B L E   A T   O S 4   D E P O T

          B A T T L E   F O R   W E S N O T H   ( B E T A )

         L A T E S T   W I N U A E   U P D A T E   -   1 . 3  

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 I am typing this on one of the hottest days this year, in the midst 
of a heat warning that covers more than two full days. Now while 
that's no problem for our readers in the southern hemisphere, it's a
pretty good reason for those in this part of the world to just stay 
inside and play with your Amiga. We do have information on a couple of 
games this issue that could help you pass the time enjoyably.
 It has been a pretty quiet month overall and not all the news that 
did happen is cheerful. We were disappointed to hear of the canceling 
of AmiRevival. This is another sign that the Amiga community really 
needs "a shot in the arm" to use an old American expression. It might 
have received a bit of a boost this month with the announcement of a 
small number of refurbished A1s becoming available. Details below. 
And, surprise of surprises perhaps, there's even a cool new expansion 
module available for the A600. Glad to see the smallest Amiga still 
gets remembered from time to time. But we're still waiting for ready 
availability of new hardware. That would really make the summer more 
enjoyable. In the meantime, there are some fun things available in the 
community. We hope you enjoy reading about a few of them in this 
 Brad Webb,

     A M I G A   S U M M E R   P A R T Y   ( G O O D   I D E A ! ) 

12 JulY, 2006 

AmiGBG, the crew known from the Swedish Amiga fair with the same name, 
and Compusphere, a group of true scene veterans, joins forces and 
brings you Amiga Summer Party 2006. The event will be a true scene 
party with all the proper ingredients. We begin with some demo coding 
and beer, then we throw in some nice tunes mixed with some awesome 
graphics. And for the grand finale we spice it up another notch with a 
big kick ass barbeque.
Time: 25-27/8 2006 18:00
Place: Jorlandagarden, Gothenburg, Sweden

The name of the game is party, demos, music and gfx for Amiga, C64, 
Atari & PC. So join us at Jorlandagarden on the 25-27 of August, for a 
feast ye shall never forget. Meet the people, watch the demos, listen 
to the mods and party like there was new Amiga hardware.

Entrance fee to the party is 150 SEK with computer and 100 SEK 

Amiga Summer Party 2006 - FAQ -

? Will there be compos
! Of course there will be compos, check out the compo page of

  Here are some hints:
  Demo/intro: Amiga
  Demo/intro: PC

  Graphics: HighRes
  Graphics: LowRes
  Graphics: Raytrace

  Music: Multichannel
  Music: 4-Channel
  Music: Chip
  Music: Streamed

  Other: Wild

? Will there be prizes
! Yes, details later on

? Will there be exhibitors
! No, but there will be semi-official ppl on site to show you the 
  latest and greatest of AmigaOS4

? Will there be lectures or seminars
! Maybe, more on this later on

? Is this party thing replacing an AmiGBG fair in 2006
! For now (But you never know what might happen in Q4)

? Why, is this because the Amiga has no future
! This was decided back in 2005 and has nothing to do with the Amiga 
  Hardware limbo. We simply wanted to do something diffrent this time

? I don't know what "the scene" means, can I still come
! Yes, but you will probably know what the scene is when you leave :)

? What if I have more questions
! Ask them in this thread or via email to any one in the crew (info on 
  the contacts page of our homepage)

        A M I R E V I V A L   N E E D S   R E V I V I N G

3 July, 2006

After much deliberation it saddens me (Ryu) to announce AmiRevival 
2006 has been cancelled.

I and a few other team members have tried hard to secure exhibitors 
over recent weeks with not much success. We had been given assurances 
by a few organisations that they would attend, or at least their 
products would be there but due to a lack of communications with them 
I have made the decision the show would not be viable.

Anyone who has purchased tickets will be getting a full refund in the 
next few days and if anyone has made any bookings that will leave them 
out of pocket please do contact me. I will do my best to try and 

Many thanks to those who did pre-book tickets, both visitors and 
exhibitors, and thanks to those who contacted me over the past couple 
of weeks.

Further more I will be taking a step back from the scene for the 
foreseeable future, I will keep online and will 
update it from time to time but I won't be sinking much effort into 
it. The Scunthorpe Amiga Group will remain but no meetings are 
planned, and I won't make any more plans until things pick up again.

Thanks to all those who have supported me over the years, I hope to 
keep in touch with you all!

Adios and thanks for all the fish 

          R E F U R B   A M I G A   O N E S   C O M I N G 

16 July, 2006

Amont-Infomatique recently received delivery of a small consignment of 
AmigaOne motherboards for testing prior to redistribution among all 
AmigaOne dealers worldwide.

They did need some time to test them and prepare the new 
configurations, but you will very shortly be able to order a 
reconditioned AmigaOne from your favourite dealer!

Warning: quantities will be limited.

Update 16 July 2006 Some µA1-Cs are already ready to go out to 
dealers. News of the G4 modules is expected some time next week. Those 
wishing to trade in their existing G3 800MHz modules should contact t
heir local dealer for a possible trade-in (not all dealers may offer 

           J O I N   N A F   N O W   -   F O R   F R E E

2 July, 2006

Norwegian Amiga Association now offers a free membership option in the 
user union groups new program for members.

This offer includes free downloadable digital issues of the user union 
group members magazine Amigaguiden in PDF format.

Understanding and reading Norwegian can be necessary to get the best 
out of this, but anyone can sign up at this registration form or/and 
read more about this news item at news .

NAF is a Norwegian national user group union and is recognized as an 
official user group at, and has been existing in some form 
since 1992. NAF HQ is localized in the city of Mo i Rana, Norway. Mo i 
Rana is known as "the city beneath the arctic circle". NAF had as of
31-Dec-2005 exactly 70 members nationwide.

       E X P A N S I O N   F O R   A 6 0 0   A V A I L A B L E 
19 July, 2006

product code: MEMAMI602

In Stock

Double your Amiga A600's Chip RAM to 2MB with this new memory 

  1MB extra memory to expand the Amiga 600 to 2MB chipmem total
  battery-backed up real time clock
  leak proof lithium battery made in Germany
  clockport for A1200 expansions such as Silversurfer, Delfina or 
  Subway USB
  extremely small design
  2 year warranty

    A M I G A   F U T U R E   M A G   I S S U E S   O N   S A L E

6 JulY, 2006 

Today issue 61 (July/August) of the Amiga Future has been released

At you can 
find a detailed description of contents of the issue 61 and four pages 
of try-outs.

Of course you can find there also a list of the software contained on 
the Amiga Future cover CD.

As a very special bonus besides over 20 full versions we have included 
also the full version of The Big Red Adventure on the cover CD.

The magazine can be obtained directly from the editorial office in the 
APC&TCP online shop and some Amiga dealers.

Further many issues of the Amiga Future have been heavily reduced in 
price (starting at 1 Euro) for a short time.

The Amiga Future is not only available as a subscription but also as a 
single issue. For all who want to try the Amiga Future out we offer a 
trial subscription and some bundles at the moment in the online shop.

      Q U A K E   3   F O R   O S 4   A T   T H E   D E P O T 

Description:    Quake 3
Download:   quake3.lha       
Version:    1.31
Date:           07 Jul 06
Author:     ID software, ported by Thomas Frieden
Submitter:  Thomas Frieden
Email:          thomasf/hyperion-entertainment biz
Category:   game/fps
Replaces:   game/fps/quake3.lha
License:    Other
Distribute:     no
FileID:     1919

This is a quick and dirty port of Quake 3 for OS4. To play, you need 
the latest version of the Quake 3 data files (retail version plus all  
patches). You also need the latest MiniGL.library (included in this 
archive, copy to libs:).

Unpack Quake 3 data files to a directoy (say, dh1:games/Quake3), and 
extract the archive there. (As a reference, the quake3 binary should 
be in the same directory as the "baseq3" directory).

To launch, alter the q3 batch file (adjust the path according to your 
system) and run "q3" from shell.

The port uses the QVM jit, so it can also run all the mods (tested 
with Urban Terror).

Source code is available on too. The port is unpotimized, 
so don't expect it to be blazing fast.

If you want to contact me, write a mail to 

DISCLAIMER: This software is provided as-is, with no guarantee for 

Also note: This port has NOTHING to do with Hyperion Entertainment, 
it's a spare time project of me. DO NOT write to Hyperion 
Entertainment regarding support.

Note: Added gpl.txt. Many thanks to Christian Rosentreter for kindly 
making me aware of that.

        L P D   A V A I L A B L E   A T   O S 4   D E P O T 

Description:    Simple line printer daemon
Download:   lpd.lha      
Version:    1.0
Date:           16 Jul 06
Author:     Steven Solie
Submitter:  Steven Solie
Email:          ssolie/telus net
Category:   network/server/misc
License:    GPL
Distribute:     yes
FileID:     1935

I. Warning

 This version doesn't implement any security features.

II. Prerequisites

 You will need at least AmigaOS 4.0 installed on your computer.

III. Installation

 Copy the lpd binary to your SYS:Utilities or some other directory.

 Launch the Internet preferences program.
 Select the "Servers" section.
 Press the "New..." button to add a new inetd server.
 Pick the "printer" service from the list.
 Click "Program" and select where you installed the lpd binary.
 Make sure "Active" and "Use socket I/O streams" are both checked.

 After you save your Internet preferences the lpd server will be
 immediately available for use. No reboot required.

IV. Using lpd

 The lpd daemon is currently hard-coded to print whatever it receives
 directly to PAR: and nothing else.

 More options could be added. Please email with your requests.

 lpd.debug is also included which can be used to trouble-shoot 
problems. It will output all sorts of useful debug to the default 
serial port.

V. Reaching the authors

 Steven Solie      <ssolie()>

 Juergen Schubert  <schubert()>
                   FIDO 2:246/2320.42

VI. Recompiling

 Install the standard AmigaOS 4.0 SDK and use the Makefile provided.

VII. Future

 This is a very basic implementation of lpd and more features could be 
added. Feel free to send in your request.

VIII. Acknowledgements

 Steven Solie:
  Thanks to Juergen for creating the original version. I used it as a
  basis for this new version which should have fixed most of the bugs
  in the original.

  Also a big thanks goes out to the OS4 development team for bringing
  AmigaOS back from the binary dustbin.

 Juergen Schubert:
  I want to say "Thank you!" to the AmiTCP-team for providing this 
  great protocol stack. If you want to include an enhanced LPD to your 
  distribution, feel free to contact me.

IX. History

2006-07-15  Modified for AmigaOS 4.0
            Updated to use C99
            Several protocol bugs removed
            Restricted to print to PAR: only
            Added GNU Makefile
            Updated doc file

1994-09-11  Original release by Juergen Schubert

          B A T T L E   F O R   W E S N O T H   ( B E T A )

27 July, 2006

The Battle for Wesnoth is a free, turn-based strategy game with a 
fantasy theme. Fight a desperate battle to reclaim the throne of 
Wesnoth, or take hand in any number of other adventures? 

Wesnoth 1.1.8 has been released. Wesnoth 1.1.8 is the first 1.2 
"official" beta release. Please, test it and continue reporting bugs 
to get a shiny 1.2 release. You can read the announcement and the 

         L A T E S T   W I N U A E   U P D A T E   -   1 . 3 

16 July, 2006

New and improved features...............

- Input event recording and playback (WIP)
- PC floppy drive drive sound emulation :)
- Mousehack-"driver" build-in.
- PC DD and HD floppy image support.
- Added improved audio filter and interpolation code from uade
  and other sound setting updates.
- Added build-in HRTMon debugger/monitor. (WIP)
- Action Replay for Amiga 1200 ROM image support.
- Arcadia emulation updates.
- Directory filesystem compatibility updates. (illegal characters in
  directory names work better now, some protection flag tweaks,
  more compatible disk capacity check if disk is very big,
  compatibility issues with \\server\share-directories fixed)
- Debugger updates. (improved trainer search command, fa-command,
  like in Action Replay, AGA color register dump etc..)

Bug fixes:

- Fix for random state restore freeze.
- AVIOutput crash, incorrect window size.
- Random Picasso96 screen mode switch crash.
- "Create hard disk imagefile"-option in harddisk settings fixed,
  previously it usually created corrupt hardfiles.
- Fixed garbage lines when program mixed interlace and
  non-interlace modes.
- D3D filter fullscreen freeze fixed.
- Priority-panel "pause emulation/disable sound output"-checkboxes
  were not initialized correctly.

And more smaller (and maybe bigger) changes ...
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! Now in our 13th publication year. 
Copyright 2006 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  

[Meldung: 01. Aug. 2006, 15:54] [Kommentare: 0]
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MorphOS: GemZ 0.97.0 und Tile World 1.3.0

GemZ 0.97.0

Von einem 8x8 Felder großen Spielfeld müssen alle "Juwelen" entfernt werden. Dazu müssen nebeneinanderliegende Steine so vertauscht werden dass drei Steine gleicher Farbe eine horizontale oder vertikale Linie bilden, die sich dann in Luft auflöst.

Link: Downloadseite

Tile World 1.3.0

Tile World ist ein Klon des Arcade-Veteranen Chip's Challenge.

Link: Downloadseite (cg)

[Meldung: 01. Aug. 2006, 15:51] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Linux: E-UAE 0.8.29-WIP-3
Richard Drummond hat unter dem Titellink für Linux/x86 ein kleineres Update des Amiga-Emulators E-UAE veröffentlicht. Detaillierte Angaben zu den Neuerungen in der Version 0.8.29-WIP-3 können Sie dem Changelog entnehmen. (snx)

[Meldung: 31. Jul. 2006, 18:39] [Kommentare: 0]
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31.Jul.2006 (Forum)

Tutorial: Basic Amiga-API coding
Stefan 'Kronos' Kleinheinrich hat unter dem Titellink ein englisches Tutorial zu den Grundlagen der Amiga-API-Programmierung begonnen. Erste Erfahrungen mit C werden vorausgesetzt. (snx)

[Meldung: 31. Jul. 2006, 18:09] [Kommentare: 0]
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ANN (Webseite)

Filesharing: Amigift 2.0 (Prerelease)
Amigift ist ein P2P-Filesharingsystem das auf dem aus der Unix-Welt portierten giFT-Dämon (Gnutella, FastTrack, OpenFT) basiert und über eine MUI-basierte graphische Benutzeroberfläche namens "GiftMUI" verfügt. Änderungen seit der letzten Version:
  • Fixed a bug on the Online Updater which fail to update some files due a CRC Checksum error reported by analizing not the correct chunk of data...
  • To reload the daemon from giFTMui a timeout-Timer for daemon shutdown chekout is created, if such timer cannot be created for any reason a 'failed assertion' causes the interface to exit completely, This has been changed to avoid the assert()'ion check and instead trying to bind the daemon port should let us know as well when daemon isn't running to be reloaded. Also, such timeout-Timer calls a dispatcher on intervals of 300000 micro seconds, that value has been changed to 700K as well
  • On a failed assertion situation, the chat tryes to re-connect itself to the server, due a common method from the chat custom class is invoked, this will no longer happen if such method is invoked disposing the class.
  • Recent Ares versions don't report real stats, it's not a bug, at least not on our part. alas, giftd doesn't allow plugins *not* to provide stats, so we just return what the supernode tells us if it's an old supernode then it'll work, if it's not, it won't ...
  • Stats window will no longer be activated while it is opened/updated
  • Added new options to the giFTMui's MUI Settings, you can now load the settings from disk, save them to disk, restore current settings to the last saved, and restore and/or reset the settings to the defaults.
  • Fixed a parser error which has made the Gnutella HTTP requests to be incomplete/truncated causing the supernodes to ignore us and hence there was the problem with this plugin not being able to connect on the latest build.
  • Unfortunatelly there is somewhere some other issue which makes the plugin to take long time to reconnect on shutdown connections.. we should assume the problem comes from the "complicated" input and event notifications mechanism, which seems or probably isnt properly ported on the new shared libraries fashion, any help ?...
  • optimized/improved a bit gift.library's logging facility, while using GLOB_STDERR and GLOB_STDOUT we'll check if pr_COS and pr_CES (which fail back to pr_COS when isnt available) aren't the same and hence avoid logging to both filehandlers. Also giftd.log filesize was checked on each write, making a too unnecessary/possible overload... now only every 1000 writes will be checked, which should be ok as the filesize limit is 10MB ...
  • How FastTrack loads his banlist file and Gnutella loads his hostiles.txt file has been improved. Previously it was just Open()'ing the file and reading line-by-line, to read each line gift.library/file_read_line() was used, which function does "free-old-buffer > read-line-from-file > dup-line-to-memory", NOW we just "slurp" the whole file into memory and process it later internally in one step.
    PROS: should be working faster
    CONS: it needs the filesize's memory at once (about ~500KB)
  • The maximun number of connections which OpenFT guess at startup has been down to 30 (it was 255) ... you can always override that value by using the appropiate option (max_active)
  • How to request network statistics and how to launch the inspector has been changed... there may be now a bit more overload from the GUI but it will no longer require two standalone-signals on connection for the timers we used...
  • Searches by realm should be now working fine for all networks.
  • VerifyIncoming tool must be performed while the daemon isnt running, and giFTMui do not checked for that, Fixed.
  • Optimized how data is received from the daemon... For information, previously we was receiving line-by-line and then processed each line/packet, that data was received reading byte-by-byte until a CRLF is found, furthermore we checked if that was a multi-line string (comming from a "malformed" META data though), which slowed even more the process... NOW we just receive all data available at once, and the data received are procesed internally without congesting the socket...
  • There may be some situations where a Inspector could not work properly or fail without notice, those are RARE cases though!, What we have noticed is a little problem on the inspector process while a method is pushed to select the next entry on the downloads list, if in the process the user de-select the active entry or select an entry from the uploads list (which action automatically disables any active entry on the downloads list) once the pushed method take action on the next app loop the inspector will fail to continue as it was unable to get the information needed (from the active entry on the list) to launch a locator, at this step the inspector stopped working internally, but to the user eyes it is running (but doing nothing), and thats the only thing we have found buggy on the inspector procedure (at least for now), now if that happens the inspector will be properly fully aborted and in addition the user will be warned of the issue.
  • Ghosting of the Stop button when it is clicked didn't worked properly to be re-enabled while using multi-lists, Fixed.
  • Searches directed to the Ares network (by using giFTMui's protocol checkmark) and Locators launched for this same network wasn't working properly due a very stupid bug... the protocol name to be used on a search request and the check for online plugin state is fetched/detected given the network's HASH type, Ares uses "SHA1" and Gnutella "SHA", and on both functions we checked for the three first bytes of the Gnutella hash before than the Ares hash, making request directed to the Ares network interpreted like if what we wanted is about the Gnutella netowrk, FIXED!
  • Sometimes a Locator cannot stablish the connection to the daemon due the connect event isn't notifyed... fixed...(hopefully!, and hopefully without side effects..)
  • Fixed some string mismatch issues at, where updated strings at the build-in laungage wasn't at his time adapted as well on the catalog descriptor. Most important are string numbers #447, #417, #407, #380, #323, #321 where a formatting was changed (%s to %ld or viceversa), also strings #595, #593, #585, #593, #553, #166, #145, #142, #54 and #5 was minimal corrected for typos.
  • Some users reported a issue about the OpenFT nodes file ends with 0 bytes of size and making on the next run unable to connect to the network, with the need of the user manually replacing the file, well, first is needed to mention that this happens due OpenFT do not stores nodes where we was unable to connect, but theres some factors to consider which that plugin leave out...(ie, dynamic IPs, not a 24/7 node, etc), also I should mention that Im in doubt if theres a bug somewhere since that behaviour do not happens from the first porting of the plugin, or it wasn't reported on the very firsts builds IIRC, so there will be two workarround for now to that issue, 1) the nodes file size will be checked and deleted if his size is 0, forcing the plugin to copy the nodes from the data dir (amigift:daemon/data/openft/). 2) the plugin will check for the enviroment variable DONT_PURGE_OPENFT_NODES before updating the nodes to disk, if such variable is found it will NOT try to leave out nodes where we was unable to connect. NOTE this way of "fixing" that issue is TOO lame and hence subject to change...
  • Added a new giftd command-line option: TASKPRI/N Obviously is behaviour is to change the daemon task priority, giFTMui has a new slider object to change it as well.
  • giFTMui has been translated to Italian language, Thanks a lot to Samir Hawamdeh for his work.
  • German and Swedish catalogs contains some issues and has been renamed on the packages until they are fixed...
  • bzlib.library can be now loaded from amigift:libs/ as well
  • Starting a new search we will check now if any/some of the networks are online, warning the user if there is no online network and not proceding with the search then.
  • Default Ares port for giFTMui settings was missing, Fixed.
  • Requesters Timeout handling and downcheck was enabled by default where the appropiate is to have both disabled at a first run.
  • some very little internal fixes...

[Meldung: 31. Jul. 2006, 14:53] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads bis 30.07.2006
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Aminet-Uploads:
PvD_AWeb.lha               comm/www    805K  GEN  HQ 24bit AWeb navigation panel and more
PvD_IBrowse_32x32.lha      comm/www    1.5M  GEN  HQ 24bit IBrowse navigation panel 32x32
Nature-Absinth.lha         demo/intro    5K  OS3  Absinth, 4k intro by Nature at Sol'06
iconv-morphos.lha          dev/c       5.9M  MOS  Character set conversion library
PAR_C.lha                  dev/c        16K  OS3  PAR: access using the SIMPLEST of C.
bison-2.3-bin-m68k.lha     dev/gg      899K  OS3  bison 2.3 for 68020+
flex-bin-lib-m68k-f.lha    dev/gg      570K  OS3  flex 2.5.33 final/fixed version for 6802
grep-2.5-bin-m68k.lha      dev/gg      405K  OS3  grep 2.5 for 68020+
indent-2.2.9-bin-m68k.lha  dev/gg      938K  OS3  indent 2.2.9 for 68020+
make-1.81-bin-m68k.lha     dev/gg      568K  OS3  make 1.81 for 68020+
termcap.lha                dev/gg      490K  OS4  GNU termcap library
texinfo-bin-ppc.lha        dev/gg      496K  OS4  GNU documentation system
texinfo-src-ppc.lha        dev/gg      2.4M  GEN  GNU documentation system (sources)
dupfinder.lha              disk/misc     8K  OS4  Finds even more duplicate files on your 
ext2fs_0.5.lha             disk/misc    58K  VAR  Second Extended FileSystem (EXT2) driver
ntfs_0.2.lha               disk/misc    48K  VAR  New Technology Filesystem (NTFS) driver
tsgui.lha                  disk/misc    82K  OS3  Create or write back image files (ADF/HD
Zaphod-1.0.lha             disk/moni   171K  OS3  Zaphod Binary File Editor 1.0
Zaphod-1.1.lha             disk/moni   159K  OS3  Zaphod Binary File Editor 1.1
Africa.lha                 game/board  196K  OS3  Conversion of 3W boardgame
PCE.lha                    game/misc   143K  OS3  Phantasie 1 & 3 Character Editor
ri-li.lha                  game/race    18M  OS4  Toy wood engine arcade
zxscredit.lha              gfx/edit    213K  OS4  ZX Spectrum image (SCREEN$) editor
SView5.lha                 gfx/misc    2.4M  VAR  SView5 Image Viewing/Processing Package
zxscrview.lha              gfx/show    160K  OS4  ZX Screen Viewer
AmiArcadia.lha             misc/emu    129K  OS3  Emerson Arcadia 2001 emulator
simcoupe.lha               misc/emu    1.1M  OS4  SAM Coupé Emulator
00-Digiboosters_CDa.jpg    mods/boray   64K  GEN  Boray DigiBoosters CD cover
00-Digiboosters_CDb.png    mods/boray   13K  GEN  Boray DigiBoosters CD cover
01-IAmCreated.mp3          mods/boray  4.1M  GEN  Mp3 version of Boray DigiBooster Mod
02-Mission.mp3             mods/boray  4.6M  GEN  Mp3 version of Boray DigiBooster Mod
03-TheKing.mp3             mods/boray  4.4M  GEN  Mp3 version of Boray DigiBooster Mod
04-WhereToGo2.mp3          mods/boray  8.6M  GEN  Mp3 version of Boray DigiBooster Mod
05-Flakmopeden.mp3         mods/boray  3.0M  GEN  Mp3 version of Boray DigiBooster Mod
06-YourTurn.mp3            mods/boray   16M  GEN  Mp3 version of Boray DigiBooster Mod
07-Stranger.mp3            mods/boray  9.4M  GEN  Mp3 version of Boray DigiBooster Mod
08-OldFriends.mp3          mods/boray  7.5M  GEN  Mp3 version of Boray DigiBooster Mod
09-IAmGenerated.mp3        mods/boray  8.8M  GEN  Mp3 version of Boray DigiBooster Mod
10-PsalmAP2.mp3            mods/boray  3.0M  GEN  Mp3 version of Boray DigiBooster Mod
11-Helgon.mp3              mods/boray  6.6M  GEN  Mp3 version of Boray DigiBooster Mod
12-DayUnknown.mp3          mods/boray   18M  GEN  Mp3 version of Boray DigiBooster Mod
Phm_Dscm.lha               mods/pro    115K  GEN  015: "Discomania" [Dance]
playOGG.lha                mus/play    1.0M  OS3  Play OGG, MP3, FLAC, VOB, AC3, RA, mods.
vspcplay-mos.lha           mus/play    224K  MOS  A Super Nintendo Music Player/Tool
vspcplay.lha               mus/play    339K  OS4  A Super Nintendo Music Player/Tool
PvD_PNGs_No1.lha           pix/icon    1.3M  GEN  +200 nice PNG Icons, Vol.1
PvD_PNGs_No2.lha           pix/icon    1.8M  GEN  300 nice PNG Icons, Vol.2
PvD_PNGs_No3.lha           pix/icon    2.0M  GEN  +300 nice PNG Icons, Vol.3
PvD_PNGs_No3_64x64.lha     pix/icon    2.9M  GEN  +300 nice PNG Icons, Vol.3, size 64
ced_l10n.lha               text/edit     1K  GEN  Localization patch for CygnusEd
IconBeFast.lha             util/boot    30K  OS3  patch for faster icons & color mapping
z802tzx-aos4.lha           util/conv   119K  OS4  Spectrum Z80 Snapshot to TZX Tape Conver
StartBar-ITA.lha           util/misc   100K  OS3  Italian version of StartBar
TopCPU_v1_10.lha           util/moni    48K  MOS  CPU monitor (MUI) with freeze/setPri/bre
UnCPS-AGA.lha              util/pack     8K  OS3  Tools to UNPACK/PACK/VIEW CPS/CMP files
ftx.lha                    util/rexx     2K  GEN  copy one file to x-others
rirc.lha                   util/rexx    22K  GEN  IRC client purely in ARexx with many fea

[Meldung: 31. Jul. 2006, 00:47] [Kommentare: 0]
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31.Jul.2006 Uploads bis 30.07.2006
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Uploads bei
dupfinder.lha      uti/fil    8kb  Finds even more duplicate files on your 
autodocviewer.lha  dev/uti  300kb  Autodoc viewer for OS4
vspcplay.lha       aud/pla  338kb  VSPCPlay a Super Nintendo Music Player/T
z802tzx.lha        emu/uti  118kb  Spectrum Z80 Snapshot to TZX Tape Conver
zxscredit.lha      emu/uti  213kb  ZXscredit - a ZX Spectrum image (SCREEN$
zxscrview.lha      emu/uti  159kb  ZX Screen Viewer
texinfo-bin.lha    dev/mis  496kb  GNU documentation system
texinfo-src.lha    dev/mis    2Mb  GNU documentation system (sources)
simcoupe.lha       emu/com    1Mb  SAM Coupé Emulator
termcap.lha        dev/lib  489kb  GNU termcap library
bochs-src.lha      emu/com    4Mb  x86 PC amulator, Quick'n'dirty WIP port 
bochs.lha          emu/com    3Mb  x86 PC amulator, Quick'n'dirty WIP port

[Meldung: 31. Jul. 2006, 00:43] [Kommentare: 0]
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1 885 1765 ... <- 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 -> ... 1785 2235 2691 [Archiv]
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