Email newsticker
If you don't have the time or the possibility to visit regularly but do not want to miss any
news, our e-mail newsticker might be interesting for you. You'll get your Amiga news via mail, usually once
per week.
To subscribe to our email newsticker, please send email to using
subscribe as the subject.
To unsubscribe from our newsticker, please send email to
using unsubscribe as the subject.
RSS feed
Our RSS 2.0 feed is located at /en/backends/news/rss20.xml. It always contains the latest
headlines, a simple mouse button click opens the full news item in your web browser.
RSS is an open standard, there are RSS readers for all platforms. For Amiga users, we recommend using
AmRSS (AmigaOS 3/4, MorphOS) or
Xnet-RSS (AmigaOS 4).
PHP backend
During a PHP programming tutorial, print magazine Amiga Magazin exploited the possibility to fetch our headlines using
PHP and display them on your own web site. The script has been thoroughly tested by now, so we can share it with our
readers aswell. Our tutorial Fresh news with PHP explains how to display
headlines on your own web site.