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1125 Messages found

Installer: WHDLoad - New install packs until 11.07.2003 (14. Jul. 2003)
WHDLoad lets you easily install floppy based games onto your hard disk. The following changes and updates have been incorporated into the installer library since our last report. 11.07.03 improved: Super Space Invaders (Taito/Domark) various change...

Installer: WHDLoad - New packages until 30.06.2003 (01. Jul. 2003)
With WHDLoad yu can install floppy disk based games onto your HD. The following packages are added/updated since the last time: 30.06.03 fixed: The Settlers / Die Siedler (Blue Byte) misc changes 29.06.03 new: Maria's XMas Box (Anco) done by Psygore 29....

Installer: WHDLoad - New Packages until 25.06.2003 (Update) (24. Jun. 2003)
With WHDLoad you can install games based on floppy to HD. Following packages are new/updated since last time: 25.06.03 improved: Knights of the Sky (Microprose) supports another version 25.06.03 new: Colonel's Bequest (Sierra) done by JOTD ...

Installer: WHDLoad - New packages until 16.06.2003 (16. Jun. 2003)
With WHDLoad you are able to install games which were meant for the floppy usage only, on your non removable disk. The following packages were added and/or updated since our last message: 15.06.03 new: Death Bringer (Spotlight) (Spotlight Software) done...

Installer: WHDLoad - Additions since 08.06.2003 (09. Jun. 2003)
WHDLoad lets you install floppy based games onto your hard disk. The following additions were made since our last report: 08.06.03 fixed: The Settlers / Die Siedler (Blue Byte) fixed French version crashing 08.06.03 new: Lost Dutchman Mine (Magnetic...

Amiga Arena: HD full version of Fatal Heritage (07. Jun. 2003)
With the permisson by EGO Software makes the Amiga Arena in cooperation with Bernd Gmeineder from AMI Sector One and Bert Jahn from WHDLoad the release of the full version of "Fatal Heritage" available. "Fatal Heritage" is a German "Point and Click" adv...

Software Updates in Brief (5th June, 2003) (05. Jun. 2003)
New pictograms by The game icon collection of has been suplemented for the 2003 archive. Download: GameIcons-2003.lha - 1,2 MB WHDLoad Installer: New Packet 5th June, 2003 improvement: Sensible Golf (Sensible Softwar...

Software Updates until 03.06.2003 (03. Jun. 2003)
  Amigan Software Game: Worm Wars Version 7.42b - Download: WormWars.lha Also a Windows version is available for download. Installer: WHDLoad - new packets until 03.06.2003 03.06.03 improved: Xenon2 (Bitmap Brothers) minor changes 03.06.03 ...

Installer: WHDLoad - New packets until 31.05.2003 (Update) (30. May. 2003)
With WHDLoad you can install games which have been formerly meant only for use with disks on your hard drive. The following packets have been added or updated: 31.05.03 new: Psycho Santa (Bullfrog) done by Agressor 31.05.03 fixed: Zool (Gremlin) ra...

Software news (till 24.05.2003) (24. May. 2003)
Here's a short sumary of software updates of the last few days: Game: Worm Wars version 7.42a by Amigan Software Download: WormWars.lha - 585 KB Game: Saga version 1.26a by Amigan Software Download: Saga.lha - 306 KB Installer: WHDLoad - new ...

Several Software Updates until 13.05.2003 (13. May. 2003)
Diverse ports (incl. Descent2 test version) by Nagy Lajos New software: libpng-1.2.5 (png developer lib) SDL_mixer and SDL_gfx (SDL extensions) sed-4.0.7 (gg tool) unace-1.2 (ace file decruncher) htdump (web page downloader) flite (text to spe...

Installer: WHDLoad - New Packets through 7th May, 2003 (08. May. 2003)
With WHDLoad you are able to play games off your hard-drive, games which were previously thought to be floppy-only. The following packets have been introduced or updated since our last announcement: 07.05.03 fixed: Simon The Sorcerer (Adventure Soft...

Installer: WHDLoad - new packages till 02.05.2003 (03. May. 2003)
With WHDLoad you can now install games thought to be disk only on your hard drive. The following packages have been added/updated since our last message: 02.05.03 new: Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge (Zeppelin) done by Bored Seal 02.05.03 improved: Ano...

Installer: WHDLoad - New packages until 04-29-2003 (30. Apr. 2003)
With WHDLoad you can install games to the hard disk which were aimed for floppy disk use only. The following packages were added or improved since the last release: 29.04.03 improved: Defender of the Crown (Cinemaware) memory config changed 29.04.03...

Aminet Uploads until 28.04.2003 (28. Apr. 2003)
Following the Aminet uploads which were added since our last message: dvbcontrol.lha comm/misc 187K+V1.33 D-Box/Mediamaster Settings Editor facts.lha comm/tcp 201K+NTP clock time synchroniser AutoDST/GUI YAM24.lha comm/yam...

Installer: WHDLoad Version 15.2 (22. Apr. 2003)
Since yesterday you can download the new version 15.2 on the WHDLoad site. With WHDLoad you can install games, which were only produced for floppy using, on your hard disk. Since the last update there were made just more little bugfixes and changes. ...

WHDLoad: New Packets until 20.04.2003 (22. Apr. 2003)
Since yesterday you can download the new version 15.2 on the WHDLoad site. With WHDLoad you can install games, which were only produced for floppy using, on your hard disk. Since the last update there were made just more little bugfixes and changes. ...

WHDLoad: New Packets through August 4th, 2003 (10. Apr. 2003)
With WHDLoad, it's possible to install to your hard-drive games which were previously considered floppy-only. The following packets have been added or updated since our last announcement: 08.04.03 improved: Space Ace 2 (Ready Soft) supports another v...

WHDLoad: New Packets up to 4th April, 2003 (03. Apr. 2003)
With WHDLoad, you are able to install to your hard-drive games which were formerly considered floppy-only. The following packets have been created or updated since our last announcement: 02.04.03 new: Space Ace 2 (Ready Soft) done by CFOU! & Co...

Installer: WHDLoad - New packages until 28.03.2003 (29. Mar. 2003)
With WHDLoad you can now install games, that were thought to be floppy disk only, on your hard disk. The following packages have been added respectively updated since our last mention: 28.03.03 new: Mega Demo 2 - Scoopex (Scoopex) done by Psygore 28...

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